What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] Plan: Ships and Prayers
-[X][Military] Design A New Voidship Class - [Available: Destroyer]
-[X] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
[X] Faith-Maxing
[X] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
[X] [Faith] Preach to Droma III - Electric Boogaloo: Supreme Edition

The other plan is great, but ya'll are forgetting that the trading increases our influence on Dorma III, which combined with Electric Boogaloo: Supreme Edition, should push our faith a lot more I guess.

[X] Plan: Ships and Prayers
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"DA HUMIES SAY YOU'ZE A COWARD, 'N DEY WANNA SCRAP WIV 'YA!" The same Ork continued to yell, with the tiny exception that the entire bridge got dead silent when said Ork spoke the word "Coward" with any connotations toward the Capt'n.

"Wot? WOT?! WOT!!!" Said Ork Capt'n yelled, face contorting into a rictus of Orkish rage and utter fury, his hand already unholstering his favorite dakka-blasta, firing it with mind-rending fury at the Ork that had just reported this vile insult against his person. "FULL SPEED, YA GITZ! READY DE GUNZ AND DA KUSTOM BELCHERZ! AND YOU IZ GONNA TELL DE WURFLESS LOOKITZ TO FIND DA HUMIES, NOW!"
Well. That's certainly one way to get Orkz to mono-focus on you.
Alrita glanced at the time taken to load and fire this shot, and a halfway praising grunt passed through his Laud Hailer. "LOAD THE CANNON," he shouted and added with some measure of pride: "Fifteen Seconds, keep it up, and you may just get that extra half-ration!" There was a great cheer, and the gangs renewed their efforts to attain that much-desired-after reward.
I gotta say, for something as stupid as loading building-sized cannon rounds manually, you manage to portray it in a way that could plausibly make sense.
And then there was a piercing sound that she could never accurately describe, the Lance sucking in every drop of energy it could, holding onto it for two seconds like someone trying to hold back an orgasm until the dam broke anyway, and the load was released.

Not the simile I'd use but hey, it works.
Thankfully, no Orks had managed to land on the station, and their mining ships were busy throwing the Ork ship remains into the sun to prevent infection from that vector. Apparently, these Xenos could survive a hard vacuum. Troubling.
With that, I think this was a win overall for us. Casualties were minimal and the Orkz didn't land so we don't have to deal with them.

[X] Plan: Ships and Prayers
[X] Plan: SHIPSS
-[X][Military] Design A New Voidship Class - [Available: Destroyer]
-[X] Void Industry IV

think there good synergy from upgrading our void indrusty which we should do anyway to get ready for the orks and from desiging a new voidship at the same time as well. I like the winning plan too though since it finnaly does the preach action

[X] Faith-Maxing

this plan is good too cause it get some awesome synergy on preaching stuff might get us another action also we def should get droma 3 fully under droma 3 so our alien friends can help us
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[X] Faith-Maxing
-[X] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
-[X] [Faith] Preach to Droma III - Electric Boogaloo: Supreme Edition

Fuck it I feel like between the trade deal and us helping against the Orks it would be best to strike while the iron's hot in regards to Droma III since it just seems like too good an opportunity not to. Preach to our xeno friends to cause they deserve some love and it might maybe mean figuring out a way to have Droma III not go crazy murderous when they find out they still have Xeno in the system.

Issue is its not building more ships which is an issue cause if the orks attack again even with the same type of forces we're going to be in a worse position than last time but I feel like we can have a small breather and it's just too good an opportunity to preach otherwise.
EARS! EARS! EARS!" Loading Master Alrita roared, covering his own as every person within the chamber did the same, the hammer rearing back...and striking.
I think we should spend an action safety review. Maybe set up a Department of Safety to set up regulations so everyone has safety gear and and guardrails along cat walks and what not.
I think we should spend an action safety review. Maybe set up a Department of Safety to set up regulations so everyone has safety gear and and guardrails along cat walks and what not.

What's this?! Are you suggesting OSHA compliant facilities and workplaces, in MY 40K?!?!



I aught to call the Mechanicus this instant and have you made in to a lowly Servitor......Omnissiah damned HereTeks.

(Though we do have this option:

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
(Gain: Turn to address the issue.)

So maybe we could suggest setting up a safety department of some kind.)
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Okay....a few mins of google searching later, and this is what I got for a name for our safety department/OSHA




Sometime my genius scares even me.
Okay....a few mins of google searching later, and this is what I got for a name for our safety department/OSHA




Sometime my genius scares even me.

I actually have some interesting ideas... I'm putting a variation of WUSS into next turn, provided there's not another major crisis.

I think "United" makes more sense. But then have it serve as a body that's meant to protest/call attention to violations of safety standards, which could pretty trivially segue into, "Hey, these twelve hour days don't seem very safe." :V