The after-effects of the Star-Born being healed by a Miracle and then being defended by another had not settled after a mere few years, with talks about what this meant bouncing between those working within the void far from the station to those whose gene-lineages had never seen the outside for generations, each and every person debating and arguing what the Star-Born represented and what they meant.
Were they saints as the Imperials understood them? Were they chosen like Teel, Prophet of the Star Child, to spread its glory and message? Perhaps they were meant to be wise administrators to lead the faithful and their labors in full for the betterment of the galaxy. Or, possibly, the Star-Born had been given a new life and defended from a horror beyond the Materium by the Star-Child and its most faithful because it was the right thing to do?
Regardless of what it meant, and the discussions raging around the topic, the five Star-Born had slowly been acclimatized to living with hands and human heads, no longer scarfing down their meals by pushing their faces into their food by instinct, and no longer walking around without any kind of clothing, be it respirators or thermal protections, within those sections they had been allowed to roam without direct supervision. The latter was a sticking point, as the Lamenter Trainees and Neophytes had been assigned to watch over the Star-Born after a very tense "debate" with Chapter Master Chyron had seen him back down from killing them at once to remove a possible Warp Plot from unfolding.
[] [Faith] Of Saints and Sinners, Miracles and Purposes
The rescue and mending of the Souls of the Star-Born from the predations of the Immaterium and their Maker's malicious hands cannot be called anything other than a Miracle. Yet, what does it make of them? Saints? Or sinners rescued? Have they been endowed with a purpose? Or are they merely saved by the grace of the Star Child being able to save them? What does it mean, and, more importantly, what does the Droma Creed say it means?
(Gain: Nail down the Saint and Miracle aspects of the Cult of the Star Child.)
I do think in the next couple turns before the orks arrive we should try to fit in this action somewhere so we can give answers to the people who by the text it appears everyone is arguing and debating what does it meannn