Try to survive the Winter: A planquest in Fantasy Colonial America

[X] Plan Powder Purchasing sans Trophies plus Beavers
-[X][Trade] Trade With David
--[X] Goods Bought: Cats (1 point), 3x Gunpowder (3 points), 1x Fabric (1 point)
--[X] Goods Sold: 1x Coins and Jewelry (1 point), 2x Beaver Furs (4 points),
Edit, to make counting the votes easier
[X] Plan Trophyless Powder Purchasing
[X][Leper] Accept, Alexandre will remain in Union until the Brothers call him back
[X] Plan Trophyless Powder Purchasing

[X][Leper] Accept, Alexandre will remain in Union until the Brothers call him back. Ask that the letter he sends back to ask the lepers to not tell the king about how bad supernatual is within the union area of the new world for fear of drawing attention.

Same. Just how bad stuff it will be coming out sooner or later. Best that the folks most likely to be sympathetic are the ones who know the truth first.
they will still know the truth the write in is asking them to limit info the king about it who is not likely to be sympathetic and we have a wof that info about the supernatural stuff in the new world spreading is bad news and I doubt once it reaches the king court it will stay within the kings court
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Hey @OldShadow, any chance we can ask Bladworth about when we can expect to see the first Expedition and what they will likely require? That way we can be better prepared for when they arrive. I can't imagine he'd object to telling us how we can better serve the Crown.
they will still know the truth the write in is asking them to limit info the king about it who is not likely to be sympathetic and we have a wof that info about the supernatural stuff in the new world spreading is bad news and I doubt once it reaches the king court it will stay within the kings court
What you're describing is treason. I don't think the Merciful Brothers would like it if we asked them to do that. I think we can trust them to spread the info in such a way as to minimize the damage caused. Framing is very much our friend in this situation.

More importantly, you're misremembering the WoG. We don't need to hide anything supernatural in the New World. If we had to do that, then we'd be up a creek since we already mentioned monsters. All we needed to do was hide anything supernatural directly related to Union. While I don't think the Brothers will outright lie about that stuff, I don't think they need to. Just saying that surviving the Winter has marked, but not tainted, the souls of the people of Union should do the job without leading to too much trouble.

We want people to be scared of the dark forces in North America, remember? It discourages people from setting up new colonies.
[X][Leper] Accept, Alexandre will remain in Union until the Brothers call him back.

[X]Plan: Large trade
-[X][Trader] Trade with David
-[X] Goods bought
--[X]A few cats from the ships : 1
--[X] 3 Unit of Gunpowder (max 4) : 1
--[X] 1 Unit of Fabric (max 3) : 1
--[X] Carrying messenger back to the Dual Monarchy : 1 (Free is the messengers are "exotics")
---[X] Total : 6
-[X] Goods sold
--[X] Remaining coins and precious jewelry from Johnstown : 1
--[X] 1 Unit of furs and leather (1 in stocks) : 1
--[X] 2 Unit of beavers furs (2 in stocks) : 2
---[X] tell the trader these come from the lands of hostile tribes to reduce the odds of a lot of hunters showing up
---[X] Total : 6
What you're describing is treason. I don't think the Merciful Brothers would like it if we asked them to do that. I think we can trust them to spread the info in such a way as to minimize the damage caused. Framing is very much our friend in this situation.

More importantly, you're misremembering the WoG. We don't need to hide anything supernatural in the New World. If we had to do that, then we'd be up a creek since we already mentioned monsters. All we needed to do was hide anything supernatural directly related to Union. While I don't think the Brothers will outright lie about that stuff, I don't think they need to. Just saying that surviving the Winter has marked, but not tainted, the souls of the people of Union should do the job without leading to too much trouble.

We want people to be scared of the dark forces in North America, remember? It discourages people from setting up new colonies.
there differnce between monsters supernatural and saying the entire area is translvinia large scale and yes we want people to be scared but if a entire area that supernaturall on the same level as translvinia greedy adventure and others will start coming to town espically to the union which we do not. We don't need them to lie we just need them to downplay it and I think they are perfeclty willing to help us out here due to our similar cirustmances. I'd rather making it explcity clear rather than trusting them to spread it in a way that will help us cause again the road to hell is paved with good intentions they prob think we love if they told king all about and everyone else. But the king would not do good things to us.
it's what will happen when news of Union spreads to the people, the Kings, greedy merchants and those in Europe that deal with the supernatural.
old shadows when u say news of union are u just reffering to the supernatural pratices of the union or also the wider supernatural of the union?
I'm starting to think that ultimately, the reasons for coming to the Americas are going to be so numerous and the people of Europe so diverse that trying too hard to restrict major, serious expeditions is a fool's errand.

No matter what warnings we make, no matter how much we obfuscate what can be gained, no matter how scary we make things sound, someone is going to be stupid, greedy, adventurous, or desperate enough to try for another endeavor anyway, and what might ward off a lot of people will just attract others who have different motivations.

More efficient I think, is going to be working to rapidly strengthen Union's position and destroy or weaken its existing enemies, as well as sending out scouts further to look for more allies. All of that will improve our ability to project power and wrangle any new colonies that end up being set up.

At the very least, the knowledge of the New World having a bunch of Monsters and the fate of Johnstown should mean we have some time before serious colonial expeditions get sent out. Assembling the people and resources needed for a successful colony is going to take some time and a great deal of money after all. People can just examine how much was set up for Johnstown, and look at what happened to them.
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At the very least, any future colonial endeavors will have to be a lot more heavily armed. Which might increase the cost to the point where it can't be done willy nilly.
Finally caught up once again!

[X] Plan Trophyless Powder Purchasing
[X][Leper] Accept, Alexandre will remain in Union until the Brothers call him back.
[X] Plan Trophyless Powder Purchasing

[X][Leper] Accept, Alexandre will remain in Union until the Brothers call him back. Ask that the letter he sends back to ask the lepers to not tell the king about how bad supernatual is within the union area of the new world for fear of drawing attention.
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4 to 6 years, he think.
Good, so we will have at least some time to recover from the big raid then. I suppose it's too early to know what the expedition will need.
there differnce between monsters supernatural and saying the entire area is translvinia large scale and yes we want people to be scared but if a entire area that supernaturall on the same level as translvinia greedy adventure and others will start coming to town espically to the union which we do not. We don't need them to lie we just need them to downplay it and I think they are perfeclty willing to help us out here due to our similar cirustmances. I'd rather making it explcity clear rather than trusting them to spread it in a way that will help us cause again the road to hell is paved with good intentions they prob think we love if they told king all about and everyone else. But the king would not do good things to us.
This setting is horror, not fantasy. When folks hear of the supernatural, all but the most insane are repelled, not attracted, and this is no ordinary haunted forest. This is the next Transylvania, a threat so dangerous that the HRE and Ottoman Empire united against it, and those two powers hate each other.

As for the King, the Brothers only serve him under duress. They are under no illusions about his benevolence, so I can't see them telling him more than they are required to.
I'm starting to think that ultimately, the reasons for coming to the Americas are going to be so numerous and the people of Europe so diverse that trying too hard to restrict major, serious expeditions is a fool's errand.

No matter what warnings we make, no matter how much we obfuscate what can be gained, no matter how scary we make things sound, someone is going to be stupid, greedy, adventurous, or desperate enough to try for another endeavor anyway, and what might ward off a lot of people will just attract others who have different motivations.

More efficient I think, is going to be working to rapidly strengthen Union's position and destroy or weaken its existing enemies, as well as sending out scouts further to look for more allies. All of that will improve our ability to project power and wrangle any new colonies that end up being set up.

At the very least, the knowledge of the New World having a bunch of Monsters and the fate of Johnstown should mean we have some time before serious colonial expeditions get sent out. Assembling the people and resources needed for a successful colony is going to take some time and a great deal of money after all. People can just examine how much was set up for Johnstown, and look at what happened to them.
sure if we are talking about decades-100 year time frame they will come but the quest may not even get to 16 years of time in game time since that 128 updoot not including turn or any special events or mandate votes 128=8times(1 for each results post and then one for the turn) In real life it took 16 yearsish from jamestown being a thing for the pilgrims for a second colony to form in the new world after jamestown. We can certainly through obsufcating and other means delay major european intefrence in union affiars and other major colonies in the new world by as much or more than otl
Edit: [X][Leper] Accept, Alexandre will remain in Union until the Brothers call him back. Ask that the letter he sends back to ask the lepers to not tell the king about how bad supernatual is within the union area of the new world for fear of drawing attention.
u need to have ur [O] be on a seperate line the vote counter can't count it with edit: in front of

This setting is horror, not fantasy. When folks hear of the supernatural, all but the most insane are repelled, not attracted, and this is no ordinary haunted forest. This is the next Transylvania, a threat so dangerous that the HRE and Ottoman Empire united against it, and those two powers hate each other.

As for the King, the Brothers only serve him under duress. They are under no illusions about his benevolence, so I can't see them telling him more than they are required to.
And their are more than just greedy people in Europe.
one of the most classic horror trope is all time is mad, powerful and egotical trying to use x thing for there own ends. Also if it wasn't a worry we wouldn't have wog from old shadows saying this is something we should worry about.

Yah but they prob think the best thing for us would be the king marshalling a bunch of forces to help path to hell is paved with good intentions
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sure if we are talking about decades-100 year time frame they will come but the quest may not even get to 16 years of time in game time since that 128 updoot not including turn or any special events or mandate votes 128=8times(1 for each results post and then one for the turn) In real life it took 16 yearsish from jamestown being a thing for the pilgrims for a second colony to form in the new world after jamestown. We can certainly through obsufcating and other means delay major european intefrence in union affiars and other major colonies in the new world by as much or more than otl
I think that with what they already know, founding another colony just became a lot more expensive. Without even considering the supernatural, the fact that there are hostile tribes and monsters mean that any future colony will have to bring a lot of guns and cannons and powder if you don't want it to get eaten.

So I think any further colonies have been put beyond the price point of most people. So they'll have to be on royal command or by people powerfull enough that the king will probably notice what they are doing. In a 'threat to his power' sense.

So I think we'll be fine in that aspect.
[x] Plan Trophyless Powder Purchasing
[x][Leper] Accept, Alexandre will remain in Union until the Brothers call him back.
I was thinking of stuff we could trade with Europe and I had an idea. What about plant specimens?

The 1600s was when botany really took off (Tulip mania started in 1634) and many botanical gardens were set up across Europe. And specimes from the Americas, especially rare ones, were very desired.

It would not cost us much to ship samples of the prettier plants that we have found, they wouldn't even need to be the supernatural kind. It could work as a gift if we ever need to butter up the king.
I think that with what they already know, founding another colony just became a lot more expensive. Without even considering the supernatural, the fact that there are hostile tribes and monsters mean that any future colony will have to bring a lot of guns and cannons and powder if you don't want it to get eaten.

So I think any further colonies have been put beyond the price point of most people. So they'll have to be on royal command or by people powerfull enough that the king will probably notice what they are doing. In a 'threat to his power' sense.

So I think we'll be fine in that aspect.
yes but that is outweighed by all the intrest in the supernatural europe which telling them will cause. Also with the union already being in a settelment in the supernatural central we very well will likely see a ton of extra influence come trhough the settelment
yes but that is outweighed by all the intrest in the supernatural europe which telling them will cause. Also with the union already being in a settelment in the supernatural central we very well will likely see a ton of extra influence come trhough the settelment
How is sending them a local plant with pretty flowers going to cause a rush of inmigration to the Americas? I said we should send them normal plants not the supernatural ones.

Not every single thing we do is going to cause a gold rush.