What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Guys you aren't being Crazy enought, what if we use the SPACE MURINE genes and make ALIENS SPACE MURINES them we can go all fine and dandy to PURGE THE HERETIC, MURDER THE TRAITOR AND KILL THE CHAOS i'm sure this will go alright with the Imperium i have read that their God-Emperor is a nice guy what could go wrong with this ?
It's not that it would be heretical, it's just that it would be impossible to do. Unless someone like Bile comes along and accept his service's, which we are never going to do, then it is literally impossible to make someone like a Ork, or Eldar, or Tau, or anyone else into Space Marines Xeno edition. They were made with the purpose of making Humans genetically bred super soldiers bent on fighting wars, not any other species have ever managed anything like that save the tyranids, it's just something that really is that impossible.
It's not that it would be heretical, it's just that it would be impossible to do. Unless someone like Bile comes along and accept his service's, which we are never going to do, then it is literally impossible to make someone like a Ork, or Eldar, or Tau, or anyone else into Space Marines Xeno edition. They were made with the purpose of making Humans genetically bred super soldiers bent on fighting wars, not any other species have ever managed anything like that save the tyranids, it's just something that really is that impossible.

And it's honestly not as if the Eldar really need Space Marines? Their problem has never been that the Imperium out-qualities them in terms of troops or so on, after all.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 2, 2024 at 12:10 PM, finished with 79 posts and 40 votes.
040.M42 - Saviour of Legacies
The Kil'drabi were...surprised to be offered aid and protection as a protectorate of the Star Child. Yet, after a few days of internal deliberation, they agreed to the terms stated and given. However, they wished to retain the right to reconsider once the first shipment of machinery had been delivered and once they managed to build a new ship for their people here. The first was to ensure that we meant to uphold our offer in good faith, while the latter would allow them to look back at our combined history and make a definite conclusion from there.

The Council agreed, with nobody having any objections, and soon metal began to flow in one direction while low-tech machines and rudimentary tools flowed in the other. However, a piece of information given to Herkata-55/C, captain of the SM-001-D, during the second exchange of goods garnered a large amount of sympathy for the Kil'drabi from our population while also giving us a lot of buy-in from them some months later and ever since. As a nomadic space-faring species, the Kil'drabi are well aware that genetic bottlenecks can occur if they are not careful in their population controls and reproduction, and have, therefore, an extensive reservoir of genetic materials and growth vats on their ships to decant new generations to correct their lineages once they inevitably slip from the desired health-levels.

Most of those have, naturally, been lost thanks to the battle, but they hope that enough could have survived to correct any mistakes made once they lift themselves to the stars once more and can salvage them. Herkata-55/C, herself one of the many decanted humans born themselves within growth vats, found the idea of leaving these machines and gene lineages to decay and die within the void more than unsettling and has since then spent what time could be spent between exploration of the system retrieving those systems before they are given over.

The Kil'drabi have given her the title of "Mak'hati" or "Saviour of Legacies" after she gave them the first batch of many. We estimate that most of the intact growth vats and gene lineages have been retrieved. Still, orders will be given once salvaging efforts commence to hand over the same systems, damaged, intact, or destroyed, after they are found at the earliest opportunity.

The given tribute from the Kil'drabi Protectorate has since grown by 7.439% thanks to the likely improvements in morale our acts have generated.

Though that improvement to morale is likely nothing compared to the general upswing in moods and fervor that gripped the people after the Cradle-Shrines were opened to the public, and sermons have begun to be held within them nearly every day and shift for the millions seeking the words and guidance of the Star Child as given unto us by Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child. Acting not merely as straightforward gathering places for worship, the Cradle-Shrines also allow newly decanted and born children to be inducted into the faith by drawing the symbol of the Star Child onto their forehead with cleaned and purified water before their names are spoken aloud and a prayer of protection for them is spoken by the congregation. Alongside that, community events such as laying the dead to rest begin here, where processions have started to march from their doors to the corpse-starch and Soylens Viridian-producing vats and processing chambers, a final farewell to the deceased spirits and a final duty to the community by the departed. Celebrations of important events, like a promotion for Work-Units or the annual celebration of the Waking Rising, happen within side chambers or the main chambers too, and any sermon held by Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child, is basically a festival of its own by now. Counseling by priests to those who struggle with faith, body, or mind is also held and often used; nightmares and sudden unnatural urges (such as the desire to skin one's own lineage-units on the more extreme end) are among the most common Chaos-related ones. However, they are either swiftly resolved by prayer and purification by the Celestial Choir if minor enough or a Free Death if too advanced. Their bodies usually become the center of a sermon, tens of thousands praying for their soul while their bones are laid to rest in sanctified resting places dedicated to the embrace of the Star Child to deny Chaos even one speck of their being.

In other news, the Neophytes have managed to hunt down and kill three Psykana Experiments, allowing some more space on the station to be reclaimed, repaired, purged, cleaned, and readied for future expansion.

You Have 3 [Three] Actions.
[] [General] Instruct SM-001-A To Investigate (Location)

Each has its ups and downs, and each is a challenge. The High-Energy Desert is unlikely to offer more than a look into the system we now reside in, but it will open doors that will not allow others to peek back at us. In contrast to the two, the Inhabited Water World will likely be a danger of exposure and can easily be filled with those unlikely to keep shut about us, but it will have a wealth of information that the other two locations likely won't be able to offer us.
(Locations: High-Energy Desert, Inhabited Water World.
Gain: Knowledge? Warning? Opportunity?)

[] [General] Construct Something
-[] Food Production
-[] Civilian Infrastructure
-[] Heavy Industry II
-[] Void Industry
-[] Medical Services

With much of the station freed up, we can begin filling the empty parts again with industry and things we need, from clinics to starch vats feeding us in the void.
(Gain: A district focusing on the chosen option.)

[] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Light/Medium] Infantry Unit - [Choose: Sabotage/Assault/Engineering/Demolition/Ogryn]
With a chosen direction, your Military can now focus on giving the Units you will raise the proper training for the right job. Sabotage Units will focus on raiding and disrupting the enemy with lighting raids and plundering logistics; Assault Units will punch through the enemy in weak points and sow confusion with overwhelming firepower; Engineering Units will focus on creating fortifications and using turrets, mines, and barricades; Demolition Units will be comprised out of heavy weaponry squads with plenty of explosives, from mines to rockets; and Ogryn Units will be Ogryns armored in heavy metals and armed with shields and Beatin' Sticks led by men and women with spiffy hats that will not be disobeyed. Light Units are better for Low-Logistic scenarios, while Medium Units rely more on regular shipments yet strike a good balance between supply consumption and effectiveness.
(Gain: A chosen Specialised Light/Medium Infantry Unit.)

[] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
The Dark Prieshad mainly used their non-production related time for psykana experiments, alongside a dash of biological and demon summoning experiments, the latter of which was sometimes aided by Chaos Space marines that demanded a heavy toll from the people aboard in flesh and souls. Some of the psykana experiments have escaped containment in the chaos of the Waking Rising, and they now hunt the dark and forgotten parts of the station, where they take the souls of the unlucky and those caught off-guard. They need to be hunted down and destroyed, ere they do something worse than merely killing randomly. The Military strongly opposes any attempt to dislodge or hunt the Psykana Experiments before at least two units or heavy support from the Lamenters or Celestial Choir can be brought to bear.
(Gain: Clear the station of Dark Mechanicu Psykana Experiments.)

[] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.)
The Celestial Choir has been given the means, and now, with time, they shall conduct their songs. They will listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. In halting prayer and stumbling humming, truth will be stripped until nothing but it remains in the hands of those who shall make it anew into power to be wielded by the Choirs to come.
(Available: Hope, Compassion, Humanity, Song, Mercy, Creativity, Health, Unity, Innovation, Machinery, Logic, Progress, Protection, Justice, Wisdom, The Sun, The Home, Death, Ruthlessness, Brutality, and Fire.
Gain: A Melody newly Conducted.)

[] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers
The nascent Cult of the Star Child has been established, yet it must answer a lot of questions for itself, chief among them the doctrine and truth they shall follow to unite the Omnissiah and the God-Emperor with the Motive Force, or if that will not be needed should Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child, be graced with another vision that would lay this debate to rest.
(Gain: Nail down the technical aspects of the Cult of the Star Child, improving your technological means by proxy.)

[] [Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
Having been brought under the gentle embrace of the Star Child and giving tribute to those who fight in its name for a better galaxy, the Kil'drabi represent the first among many Xeno species we shall show an existence beyond fighting for only themselves. Already culturally compatible with the ideals and tenets of the Star Child, focusing on community and cohesion against the dangers of the void and long travels, bringing them fully into the fold would be a boon for all. Though that will most likely happen naturally over a century or two, just not as thorough as some may like, thanks to their small numbers and frequent contact with us.
(Gain: The Kil'drabi are slowly converted to the Cult of the Star Child and given more resistance to the predations of Chaos.)

[] [Faith] Begin The Great Education
People cannot read, write, or do numbers beyond the bare minimum, and any hope of establishing a nation that will last beyond the next crisis must address this lack of education now that the unwashed masses have eliminated the educated class. As knowledge and technology are the purview of the faith, this shall be a burden and duty of the Cult to bear, gladly worn with the knowledge of the greater tomorrow their works will bring.
(Gain: Start educating your population in basic numbers and literacy.)

[] [Chapter] Fail Not The Ancient That Sleeps
They have been given a task, and they were given missions. With trust extended from one end, they shall return with triumph and Glory. For those we Cherish, we Die in Glory! Thanks to your aid and the refined materials shipped from the Kil'drabi, the Neophytes have been equipped with rudimentary power armor and suitable weapons like bolters and power swords.
(Gain: Aid the Four Neophytes in their trials.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
(Gain: Turn to address the issue.)
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[X] Plan: Engineering Food and Force
-[X] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Medium] Infantry Unit - [Choose:Engineering]
-[X][General] Construct Something
--[X] Food Production

-[X] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers
[X] Plan: Continuing foundation setting
-[X] [Military] Raise A Specialised Medium Infantry Unit - Engineering
-[X][Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
-[X] [Faith] Begin The Great Education
[X] Plan: The Sword, the Pen and the Spyglass
-[X] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Medium] Infantry Unit - [Choose:Engineering]
-[X] [Faith] Begin The Great Education
-[X] [General] Instruct SM-001-A To Investigate (Location)
--[X] The High-Energy Desert
[X] Plan Food, Protection, and Education
-[X] [General] Construct Something - Food Production
-[X] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Medium] Infantry Unit - [Engineering]
-[X] [Faith] Begin The Great Education
Is it possible with Genetic research and technology of those Kil'drabi we can enhance our genetic research and deal with mutation?
[X] Plan Material World
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Void Industry
-[X] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Medium] Infantry Unit - [Choose:Assault] (The 1st Station Security Regiment.)
-[X] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers

Much as before I want to crack open those hulks and drink from the sweet loot inside, Motive Force also improves our technology quickly to take better advantage while an assault unit seems best for both hunting down Psykana Experiments and storming any hulk that turns out to be full of unwelcome guests.
[X] Plan: Space and Fury
-[X] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Light] Infantry Unit - [Assualt]
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Void Industry
-[X] [Faith] Begin The Great Education

[X] Plan: Faith and Foody
-[X] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Light] Infantry Unit - [Assualt]
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Food Industry
-[X] [Faith] Begin The Great Education

Two plans, both give us education and a low cost military unit. But one gives food while the other gives us the ability to plunder the void for goodies.

[X] Plan: Building A New Tomorrow
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[X] Plan: Continuing foundation setting
-[X] [Military] Raise A Specialised Medium Infantry Unit - Engineering
-[X][Faith] Preach To We Who Yet Wander
-[X] [Faith] Begin The Great Education
Didn't this one already win? It's still here?

[X] Plan: The Sword, the Pen and the Spyglass
It did, it seems to have had an effect, it has changed Text.

New text:
Thanks to your aid and the refined materials shipped from the Kil'drabi, the Neophytes have been equipped with rudimentary power armor and suitable weapons like bolters and power swords.
Presumed effect:
In other news, the Neophytes have managed to hunt down and kill three Psykana Experiments, allowing some more space on the station to be reclaimed, repaired, purged, cleaned, and readied for future expansion.
Okay, as far as it goes, it seems to me that Begin the Great Education is more vital than Motive Forces, because if a population doesn't have basic education it can be hard for them to participate in any technological rites as anything more than props/memorizing steps.
Voting will open in 2 hours, 14 minutes