What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I am pretty sure most Servitors are still criminals mainly. Now which crimes can depend. There are also those who are cloned which were never alive as human in the first place. Which was a lot more common in the Crusade Era.
Most often, Servitors are just clones grown from a vat. But there are a lot of actual people turned into servitors for whatever reason.
Oh damn, dogmatic and iconoclast are both pretty good.
Actually, I'm willing to say that the dogmatic option for this has to be the worst one so far. It's literally trying to emulate the Imperium's political structure, and that structure is a clusterfuck where we have a bunch of entitled assholes who think they're better than everyone else just for being born. Screw that, I'd take the gov structure with Tzeentch numerology.

[X] Chosen Leaders And Dedicated Caretakers
Granted this came from Rogue Trader (1987) so take the idea of their being a galactic corporation that sells fast food that isn't at least treated on a star system by start system basis, and definitely not a sector or Segmentum level, with a truck load of salt. But, yes their are corporations in the 41st Millenium, just not as powerful as they are in that setting as they are in the real world.
I mean, they can be even more powerful in the setting than they are IRL. It's just that they mainly operate on a planet or system wide scale most of the time and don't operate on a galaxy-wide scale like we see in other sci-settings like Star Wars or Mass Effect.
[X] Proven Skill And Secured Futures

"my department is larger than your department hence it stands to reason that we get the bigger budget" - some bureaucratic flunkie
Granted this came from Rogue Trader (1987) so take the idea of their being a galactic corporation that sells fast food that isn't at least treated on a star system by start system basis, and definitely not a sector or Segmentum level, with a truck load of salt.
I am hereby handing down an executive decision regarding the galaxy-wide Grox Burger food consortium; by the powers that be writing this quest, and my amusement, it is now declared canon and legal in operation and reach.

All hail the Grox Burger Consortium!
Shouldn't there be a seat for the Orgryns?
No, they are literally too dumb and loyal for that.
Shouldn't there be a seat for the Orgryns?
I'm not sure you have been paying attention, but even those who receive BONE implants, making them geniuses among Ogryns, are only as smart as a 4-yr old child. The rest are dumber than that.

As egalitarian as we would like to be, do you REALLY want to put someone like that in a position of power where they make executive decisions affecting the entire nation?
[X] Proven Skill And Secured Futures

A council of different people with different viewpoints, chosen through different means (with at least some of them still being, in fact, democratically elected if I read it correctly) seems like a decently solid way of trying to forge a path forward that takes as many possible people into consideration. It's also a bit more corruption-resistant since you have the other Councilors as checks and balances.

My personal hope would be that down the road we can update it into something with several segments being democratically elected, but that may be below the level of abstraction of the Quest.

Whichever way I slice it this option is the most interesting.

I am hereby handing down an executive decision regarding the galaxy-wide Grox Burger food consortium; by the powers that be writing this quest, and my amusement, it is now declared canon and legal in operation and reach.

All hail the Grox Burger Consortium!

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=95QbmCC_1Nc&pp=ygUPdGhleSBqdW1waW5nIG1l

Actual live footage of me and the boys in 40K when we find the CEO of Grox Burger consortium (Hiding in the Under hive for seven days has made us a couple of VERY hungry boys :) )
Vote closed
999.M41 - They Went A' Thievin'
There was a party going on everywhere on the station. People celebrated the end of the Dark Priests and their liberation, the beginning of a new age and the deaths of all they hated; they celebrated the heroes and made fun of the villains, with bonds forged in an atmosphere of merriment and burning faith racing higher by the hour as prayers and hymns join the celebrations of food shared freely and laughter echoes healthy and hale within halls that once held the screams of pain and the lash of whips and scent of terror.

And though they celebrated, they knew that tomorrow would begin another day of work, different work, but work all the same for a cause greater than themselves, and so they celebrated even harder.

The future seemed oh so grand now, freed of their chains, led by those who had allowed them to rise, and able to chart a path all their own as they were led by a council of faith, hymns, might, and the guidance of an Angel of the Emperor itself!

And yet, while most celebrated in the masses of humanity chocking the center of the station, others sought refuge to hold their vigils and further plans of their designs away from most, some merely seeking to hunt down still at-large psykana-experiments of the Dark Priests, some hoping to grieve alone or in small groups, with others trying to gain material wealth while all others were occupied.

One such group managed to even not get themselves killed by furious once-owners of lost items once it was discovered that they went a' thievin'! Or just regularly murdered by the still-present dangers within the still-corrupted sections of the station now hungering for souls and flesh no longer provided on a regular basis.

Because while that one group did break into the laboratory of a Biologis Magos, they had been very fortunate that it had finished its experiments with War-Beasts over a month ago, turning its sight onto another field: extending the life of the biological machinery known as the human body.

And through strange providence and genius insight deciphered among the whispers of the immaterium and the hidden binary of the materium, that Magos managed to create a little drug called Juvenat.

And the machines to produce dozens of doses every year.

Now, what should be done with that little boon?
[] Trade

[Dogmatic] - The Juvenat we have gained access to, one of the highest quality that we believe can be created, is a good that can open far more doors for us than any other trade goods, amount of money, or deeds could ever hope to achieve. Giving centuries in trade to attain goods will have nearly all throw aside their suspicions or paranoia, for few can resist the lure and temptation of perceived immortality.
(Gain Boon: Time Trade. You will find that many doors otherwise closed for a long time will be thrown wide open, and those who would have hidden behind them with a weapon in hand will stride out with open arms in friendship and goodwill.)

[] Excellence
[Iconoclastic - Zealot] - Juvenat allows us to bestow the one thing that not even those of the strongest faith or ironclad conviction can attain with violence or dedication: time. Time is always spent; there is no escaping the march toward the end when we are called to the Cradle to defend the yet slumbering Star Child. However, we can extend the time allotted to many people by giving them a dose of Juvenat for service and merit, enabling them to further elevate others from the depths of misery and the eternal abyss of desperation that the Imperium has fallen into. Skilled artisans, talented mechanics, keen-minded strategists, and, naturally, all our Hymnals shall become the centennial giants upon whose backs we shall reach higher yet.
(Gain Boon: Time. By giving these treatments to those who show merit, talent, courage, or are otherwise a boon to all of us, we can better serve humanity by using their abilities for the longest time possible. It would also enable our Hymnals to take their Psykana journey slowly, each of theirs a song sung over generations instead of a decade.
Upgrades Trait: A Hand to Hold the Candle, A Mouth to Sing the Hymns, Eyes to Behold the Star Child's Light - All your people are passively immune to Minor Chaos Corruption (Low-Powered Chaos Sigils, Safe Warp Travel, Nightmare Visions). This can be upgraded.
Warning: Trait only applies to believers of the Star Child and will not extend to non-converted populations.)

[] Pennance
[Heretical] - The juvenat these laborers have found, alongside the machines that produce it in small batches, is a minor miracle from the Star Child and should not be squandered without thought. While we can trade with it or use it to extend the lives of some select people for a century or three, we could also tweak the formulae a bit according to found notes, which would allow us to harvest organs and modified limbs from criminals choosing to repent by serving as repertoires of desperately needed medical goods. They pay for their crimes; others will walk healthy and hale once more.
(Gain Boon: Juvenat-Penance, significantly increasing the health of your population alongside their effectiveness while giving sinners and criminals another means to pay back what they took from others.)

AN: With your most chosen option being Icono, you have gained one of the three unique boons you could have gotten, that being Juvenat, and a high-quality one at that. For those interested, Dogma would have given you the means to create sanctified Purity Seals, while Heretical would have allowed you to start enchanting items such as flak armor and chainswords.

Oh, and Turns start after this vote! Woot!
The Iconoclast option is tempting. However, one does have to worry about it reinforcing differencces and inequalities over time, albeit of course that's, like, a minor concern compared to others, and it's not as if the Heretical option doesn't have concerning implications too.

So, not because it's Dogmatic but because I think it really might be useful...

[X] Trade
Hrmmm, dogmatic and iconoclastic are both pretty good, and the former could help with soothing over relations with Imperial settlements leery of interacting with a heretical sect.
[X] Trade
That first dogmatic bonus and smooth diplo is way too good for me to pass over; really hard choice QM, great job!
The trade option is really damn tempting, but on the other hand being able to upgrade a trait that can make you immune in some parts to chaos is also really intriguing. Let's let the thread decide which to pick.
Edit: And it seems like that's already been decided then.
[X] Excellence
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It is trivially easy to see how giving immortality to "the best" and "those who deserve it most" can easily and rather straightforwardly translate into a long-lived noble elite that can use its long life to secure its power and position, at which point "the best" will stop having even a modest relationship to skill and "excellence."

Similarly, it's trivially easy to see how using it on criminals will create the conditions by which we will always have to have a ton of criminals and will run a high risk of not being discriminating with their lives and crimes.

Trade on the other hand is just a straightforward boon without any direct negative societal implications, treating it as a resource that we can choose to do as a society as we wish... which in this case would be trade it.
[X] Excellence

Trade and Excellence are pretty good but Ill take Excellence for now.

Thinking about it more, picking this option would actually incentivize to evolve our current government structure as it is a meritocracy in my view.
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It is trivially easy to see how giving immortality to "the best" and "those who deserve it most" can easily and rather straightforwardly translate into a long-lived noble elite that can use its long life to secure its power and position, at which point "the best" will stop having even a modest relationship to skill and "excellence."

Similarly, it's trivially easy to see how using it on criminals will create the conditions by which we will always have to have a ton of criminals and will run a high risk of not being discriminating with their lives and crimes.

Trade on the other hand is just a straightforward boon without any direct negative societal implications, treating it as a resource that we can choose to do as a society as we wish... which in this case would be trade it.

I agree on the first two points, but I believe that trading it to to others can trivially translate into selling it to the wealthy internally, as well, which would be even worse than the degeneration of the "excellence" option imo.
I agree on the first two points, but I believe that trading it to to others can trivially translate into selling it to the wealthy internally, as well, which would be even worse than the degeneration of the "excellence" option imo.

It would be, but it seems less inevitable than the way that Excellence will almost certainly create an elite noble caste unless considerable societal resources are expended to stop it.

Privatization of nationalized resources is of course always possible, sure. But in that case it's a skill issue, rather than a systemic result of well-meaning but flawed plans.
It would be, but it seems less inevitable than the way that Excellence will almost certainly create an elite noble caste unless considerable societal resources are expended to stop it.

Privatization of nationalized resources is of course always possible, sure. But in that case it's a skill issue, rather than a systemic result of well-meaning but flawed plans.
what do you mean by "skill issue"? wealth distribution has not, historically, been skill-based, so I'm not sure what you mean.