[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Archons
– In the last few months, NERV has been collecting information and records of strange unusual life forms that have begun to appear near the shores of many Southern Hemisphere countries. They seem to be tied to the red seas, having to retreat back to them after a short period of time, or else they die and decay at insane rates
- [x] The Shadows
– Apparently similar in nature to the Angels, but with unknown and different motivations, the Giants of Shadow have come to earth for reasons unknown
- [x] The Saurians
– It seems that the Tomino Impact has opened up a pathway to somewhere deep, deep underground where it seems some life forms related to ancient dinosaurs have been waiting. Now they rise up and have started to explore the world above.

Personally I like these 3. Dinosaurs, anti-angels and kaiju, oh my!

Also, "one of the third children"? Shinji is the third child, and the Eva pilots designation was just "the children", so I wonder how that works out here…
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Also, "one of the third children"? Shinji is the third child, and the Eva pilots designation was just "the children", so I wonder how that works out here…
It's technically supposed to be the Third Children, but localization made it Child because they thought it sounded weird iirc. That line was probably just a typo mistake.
[X] Wait… This means-
- The machine that you are standing in front of is massive, huge to the point that you can't see anything other than its head. It might be the same size as the Angel. If you can get close, then you might be able to try and communicate with the Angel. Find out why it is here, and why it wants to attack. Holy shit, you're going to be given the chance to communicate with an alien.

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist
- [x]Piloting: SYNC RATE Bonus 3
- [x] Core: AT CORE
- [x] Skills
--[x] Twitch Muscles 1
--[x] AT Edge
--[x] AT BOOST

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Archons
– In the last few months, NERV has been collecting information and records of strange unusual life forms that have begun to appear near the shores of many Southern Hemisphere countries. They seem to be tied to the red seas, having to retreat back to them after a short period of time, or else they die and decay at insane rates
- [x] The Shadows
– Apparently similar in nature to the Angels, but with unknown and different motivations, the Giants of Shadow have come to earth for reasons unknown
- [x] The Saurians
– It seems that the Tomino Impact has opened up a pathway to somewhere deep, deep underground where it seems some life forms related to ancient dinosaurs have been waiting. Now they rise up and have started to explore the world above.
- [x] The Parasites
– NERV believes that due to the nature of the Angels, infections and infestations from their place of origin may come alongside the angels, but a creature that is a parasite to a towering angel may be larger than a man all the same.

Let's Maximize the Conversations to Come.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsBArUlQAuE
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Plan A: get stamina, outlast everyone

[X][EVA] Plan Magic Stamina
- [X] Piloting: SYNC RATE Bonus 2
- [X] Energy Consumption 1
- [X] Energy Consumption 2

Plan B: max sync rate for max skill:

[X][EVA] Plan Magic Sync
- [X] Piloting: SYNC RATE Bonus 5

Plan C: have Yui do the work:

[X][EVA] Plan "I'm telling Mom!"
- [X] Piloting: SYNC RATE Bonus 2
- [X] Mark of the Beast
- [X] Energy Consumption 1

As for the other stuff:

[X] Get in the Robot
[X] For the sake of the world
[X] Wait… This means-

Any free option except "no"

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [X] The Saurians
Make Pen-Pen relevant! :p
[X] Wait… This means-

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist
- [x]Piloting: SYNC RATE Bonus 3
- [x] Core: AT CORE
- [x] Skills
--[x] Twitch Muscles 1
--[x] AT Edge
--[x] AT BOOST

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [X] The Archons
"It has been a while, hasn't it… Shinji. It seems that the son I once had has grown into a charming young woman."
"I am well aware of the difficulties at play, Captain." Your father says, not quite growling, but you can tell he is frustrated all the same. "I would prefer to have more time, but for the time being so long as my daughter is capable of synchronizing with Unit 01 even a little, then the Dummy Plug system should be able to fend off this attack. If the angel retreats, we will have time to train, and time for Rei to recover."
This seems far more reasonable than his words in canon. Presumably he has been keeping at least somewhat up-to-date on Shinji and knows she is not a spineless wimp to be cowed into submission.

[X] Wait… This means-
Optimism and thematics.

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist
Honestly the only thing I really care about is the AT BOOST. Having power outside of the EVA will be important.

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [X] The Archons
- [X] The Shadows
- [X] The Saurians
- [X] The Parasites
All sound interesting and I trust Lunaryon to make something of the chaos.
Ritsuko turns her attention back to you again, carefully looking you over before she gives a slight nod. "So you are one of the Third Children?"
One of the? Okay, that's weird.

Like, even if this is one of the ever-popular time-loop or multiverse-hopping takes on Evangelion, it's weird to have someone like Ritsuko just come out and say "yeah, there are multiple Shinjis" or whatever this is implying.

"Misato, is this the map that you've been using?" She asks, flipping away from the page of level B-20, and quickly glancing through the other maps.

"...Yes?" Misato answers, her words more a question than anything else.

"Where did you even get this?" Ritsuko asks, clearly utterly beside herself. "The whole map has been flipped, but then someone went back through and fixed all the text."
I know Ritsuko's probably not a character with a reputation for a strong conscience, but I can't help but imagine her feeling bad for making fun of Misato for getting lost all the time.

Though it really does invite the question of who the hell provided such a map. More implication of multiversal weirdness going on, possibly. It seems bizarre, but I can't help but wonder if this might literally be a map from a parallel universe where the layout of the Geofront is flipped left-to-right or something.

If there are any words to best describe what is happening in the here and now, it is almost like you are just waking up, for the first time in forever. Like you've seen this massive face before somewhere. Perhaps in a dream.
And there's another one of those hints.

Gendo Ikari.

"It has been a while, hasn't it… Shinji. It seems that the son I once had has grown into a charming young woman."

Your father stands above you, the light framing his head almost like a halo, and he speaks the words that you've been afraid that you'd never hear. In a way this is almost perfect. In fact, if there was any single word to describe it, it would be in fact… Too perfect.
Hmmm. Okay. Assuming this Gendo is, basically, a Gendo, then this is a Gendo who (contrary to my predictions) still has some residual ability to manipulate people. Less inflexible than I'd expected, because he can actually make a good impression.

[ ][Piloting] SYNC RATE Bonus #
- Your Base Sync Rate is 50%, and you have a current Morale of 50. HOWEVER, for the cost of 1 EVA point, you can increase your BSR by 5%. You have a total of 7 EVA Points that you can spend - for this vote, replace the # with the number of EVA points that you want to spend.
This, I gather, is a permanent bonus? That question may already have been answered.

[ ] Like meeting an old friend
- Eva Unit 01. You swear that you've seen this face before, in a dream. In a way, despite everything it feels almost like you are meeting with an old friend again. And you know that you'll be safe, so long as you keep a level head. Which you aren't great at, but that's not the point.
[ ] It's so BIIIIGGGGG
- Even standing here, you barely measure up to the absolute unit that is Unit-01. It has to be dozens of meters tall, bigger than anything that you've ever seen other than the angels, and being in control of that means being the biggest thing around. That's… exciting in a way that might not be that healthy, all things considered.
[ ] Wait… This means-
- The machine that you are standing in front of is massive, huge to the point that you can't see anything other than its head. It might be the same size as the Angel. If you can get close, then you might be able to try and communicate with the Angel. Find out why it is here, and why it wants to attack. Holy shit, you're going to be given the chance to communicate with an alien.
Hmm. I wonder if "Tiny Shinji" would have had the second option for free, and if the Shinji option who was supposed to lean a little more into the multiversal stuff would have gotten the first for free.

[ ] Energy Consumption 1
- Cost: 1 EVA
- Reduces Energy cost per round for Unit-01 by 2, down to 8 per round
[ ] Energy Consumption 2
- PREREQ: Energy Consumption 1
- Cost: 2 EVA
- Reduces Energy cost per round for Unit-01 by 2, down to 6 per round
If the plot of this thing goes anything like canon EVA, the inability of the EVAs to operate for long without a massive cable running to a generator will be a huge plot point. So I, for one, would favor this if I get a chance to vote.

- Cost: 1 EVA
- After leaving the Eva for the first time, you swear that your hand sparked when it touched the doorknob? What is this?
This one's interesting.

[ ] Mark of the Beast
- PREREQ: BSR of 60% (That's 2 points on the Piloting Vote)
- Cost: 2 EVA
- Release partial control of the EVA, allowing Unit-01's instincts to rise to the surface, intentionally allowing Unit-01 to go berserk. At this point you are no longer Piloting Unit-01, but Riding the Eva, and this requires an attribute check to bring 01 back under control.
Hm. One wonders if Unit 01 will 'do' berserk mode without this. That, too, is a recurring theme in canon: it does.
Pretty sure it will still go berserk. This would just allow us to do it on command, and remain conscious, instead of Yui going mama mecha.
Kinda overwhelmed by the options available. Kinda wanted a ranged specialist EVA but AT Newtype EVA sounds great as well. might amend my vote later regarding threats as well.

[X] Wait… This means-

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist
[X] Wait… This means-

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [X] The Archons
- [X] The Shadows
- [X] The Saurians
- [X] The Parasites

I feel like the reaction vote and the Eva vote should have been under one plan given the point reqs for some of the reactions.
AT Field specialist is fine enough I guess, just felt like throwing together a more generic plan focusing on improving our Eva since we've got a relatively atrocious martial skill to use with it otherwise.

[X][EVA] Plan: Well Rounded Guns
-[X] Piloting: SYNC RATE Bonus 1
-[X] Ranged CORE
-[X] Energy Consumption 1
-[X] Armor 1
-[X] Twitch Muscles 1
-[X] Angel Eye 1
-[X] Angel Eye 2

[X] Wait… This means-

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
-[X] The Archons

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
-[X] The Saurians

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
-[X] The Shadows

Preferably a Kaiju option that doesn't throw all of them at us too please.
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Hm, I'm tempted to go for a higher sync rate.

Something to keep in mind guys, ranged weapons are nigh completely useless against Angels in EVA, they never do any damage, barring rare moments of sniping (e.g. against cube-chan). If we want to win, melee, AT, or bust.

Furthermore, @OP, is this the only place to spend EVA points? Will we acquire more down the line as we gain experience and defeat Angels, or is it pure character creation?

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist

It reminds me of the relatively excellent Lovecraftian Evangelion fanfic "Children of an Elder God" which had the Children pick up supernatural attributes from the Angels they defeated as part of a broader fusion with the Lovecraft mythos. This fanfic went in some disturbing directions later on but I greatly enjoyed the early parts centered on the Children exploring how their conflict with the Angels was turning them into something superhuman
I agree with this. I very much enjoyed that aspect of them becoming something very much inhuman over time, as in that 40k/Eva fic. Transhuman or bust. Moreover it lets us downscale combat, fighting in mechs against angels and some whatevers, while fighting some whatevers on foot. Variety! We do desperately need real combat training though, given our occupation, Martial is critical, though there may be a way to go the mage route and use Learning for combat using AT fields.

You know, I figure a Space Case that's even a fan of aliens, especially of Shinji's demeanor would completely embrace that transhuman alien aspect. Especially since it means a potential long-term path to fix the whole trans aspect with a less direct method than boosting SYNC to 400% and being crippled for a month, something she'd be very keen on as well.
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One of the? Okay, that's weird.

Like, even if this is one of the ever-popular time-loop or multiverse-hopping takes on Evangelion, it's weird to have someone like Ritsuko just come out and say "yeah, there are multiple Shinjis" or whatever this is implying.

I know Ritsuko's probably not a character with a reputation for a strong conscience, but I can't help but imagine her feeling bad for making fun of Misato for getting lost all the time.

Though it really does invite the question of who the hell provided such a map. More implication of multiversal weirdness going on, possibly. It seems bizarre, but I can't help but wonder if this might literally be a map from a parallel universe where the layout of the Geofront is flipped left-to-right or something.

And there's another one of those hints.

Hmmm. Okay. Assuming this Gendo is, basically, a Gendo, then this is a Gendo who (contrary to my predictions) still has some residual ability to manipulate people. Less inflexible than I'd expected, because he can actually make a good impression.

This, I gather, is a permanent bonus? That question may already have been answered.

Hmm. I wonder if "Tiny Shinji" would have had the second option for free, and if the Shinji option who was supposed to lean a little more into the multiversal stuff would have gotten the first for free.

If the plot of this thing goes anything like canon EVA, the inability of the EVAs to operate for long without a massive cable running to a generator will be a huge plot point. So I, for one, would favor this if I get a chance to vote.

This one's interesting.

Hm. One wonders if Unit 01 will 'do' berserk mode without this. That, too, is a recurring theme in canon: it does.
Sounds like you might be interested in one of these:
[ ][EVA] Plan Magic Stamina
[ ][EVA] Plan "I'm telling Mom!"
Hm, I'm tempted to go for a higher sync rate.
Whereas you might prefer:
[ ][EVA] Plan Magic Sync
Something to keep in mind guys, ranged weapons are nigh completely useless against Angels in EVA, they never do any damage, barring rare moments of sniping (e.g. against cube-chan). If we want to win, melee or bust.
While most of the angels were destroyed in climactic melee strikes or by 01 going berserk and tearing it apart, I think ranged weapons got a better showing in the later movies.

Regardless of how they perform against the angels specifically though, from the Kaiju votes it certainly looks like we aren't going to be dealing with just angels. I wouldn't be that surprised if a few of the non-angels have forms or powers that make getting into melee range of them either extremely difficult or something we want to outright avoid. And that's if some of the angels themselves haven't been changed alongside whatever else in a way that makes ranged a more viable approach.
Also like

A lot of the enemy have stuff that makes them easier to deal with than the angels IMO.

Archons: Dependency on the red seas to live

Shadow: Seem to be more intelligent and thus might be able to be reasoned with

Dinosaurs: Lillith based lifeforms (presumably) so unable to use AT fields.

Parasites: Implied to be comparatively smaller than the Eva's.
[X][Piloting] SYNC RATE Bonus 3


[X][EVA] Magical Girl EVA
- [X] AT Edge

[X] Shadows

Any of the AT options appeal to me, and the nature of the Shadows is something that I think will make for a more interesting and complex circumstance than the other options.
I'll be honest, I really want to get more than one of the potential enemies. I know people don't want to overload us, but I almost feel like one is just... It's like a taster you know? It's nice to have, but almost leaves you hungry for more.
I'll be honest, I really want to get more than one of the potential enemies. I know people don't want to overload us, but I almost feel like one is just... It's like a taster you know? It's nice to have, but almost leaves you hungry for more.
We did accidentally cheat and get what I can only assume is the bonus for getting at least 3 of them, so maybe we can compromise by getting the 2 that got the most votes?
While most of the angels were destroyed in climactic melee strikes or by 01 going berserk and tearing it apart, I think ranged weapons got a better showing in the later movies.

Regardless of how they perform against the angels specifically though, from the Kaiju votes it certainly looks like we aren't going to be dealing with just angels. I wouldn't be that surprised if a few of the non-angels have forms or powers that make getting into melee range of them either extremely difficult or something we want to outright avoid. And that's if some of the angels themselves haven't been changed alongside whatever else in a way that makes ranged a more viable approach.
Only two Angels, Shamshel (whips) and Sahaquiel (orbital drop), were destroyed by anything resembling "normal" melee action.

Angels and how they were defeated in the original:
  1. Research expedition
  2. Recruited
  3. Melee (berserk)
  4. Melee
  5. Ranged (positron)
  6. Chestbursting
  7. Melee (synchronized dance)
  8. Melee (failed capture)
  9. Ranged (pallet rifle)
  10. Melee
  11. Cybersecurity
  12. Chestbursting
  13. Melee (dummy plug)
  14. Melee (berserk)
  15. Ranged (lance)
  16. Sacrifice
  17. Suicide by EVA
  18. Anti-AT-field

You could maybe count Israfel, but that required both EVAs to fight exactly the same way.
Screw it, changing vote - I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to get Shadows and Dinosaurs. They're another intelligent faciton, but more straightforwardly opposed to humanity and also with way more style (MECHA. SCALE. DINOSAURS). I think that with Shadows trying to likely play everyone, you'd get way more interactions there. Especially since the Angels just... aren't a faction, their monsters of the week.

I get that a lot of people don't want to be overloaded with enemies, but I think this gives us a moderate number of enemies that we can deal with without being too overpowered due to the Eva point Debacle that could also play off each other well both in terms of their natures and their aesthetics.

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Shadows
– Apparently similar in nature to the Angels, but with unknown and different motivations, the Giants of Shadow have come to earth for reasons unknown
- [x] The Saurians
– It seems that the Tomino Impact has opened up a pathway to somewhere deep, deep underground where it seems some life forms related to ancient dinosaurs have been waiting. Now they rise up and have started to explore the world above.