Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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I suppose I should clarify? Do we wanna go or send Marinette as the leader for some reason? Like bits cost wise the Canterlot expedition is 70 per head and that's in our metaphorical backyard. The Frangclaive expedition is gonna be farther afield, longer, harder. I find it difficult to believe we can send a three man team in the first place but that doesn't really matter.

Lets plot this out, if we send a two man team of Velvet and DoA that'll eat Velvet's AP (probably 2) leaving DoA's and Marinette open. If we chose not to go and send Marinette then that still leaves her AP open if we have DoA be the expedition leader and only if for some god forsaken reason we chose to have Marinette be the expedition leader do we lose her action. So regardless of what we do Marinette's next turn AP is almost certainly gonna be open.
I suppose I should clarify? Do we wanna go or send Marinette as the leader for some reason? Like bits cost wise the Canterlot expedition is 70 per head and that's in our metaphorical backyard. The Frangclaive expedition is gonna be farther afield, longer, harder. I find it difficult to believe we can send a three man team in the first place but that doesn't really matter.
It's still gonna depend on the obstacles. If there's Grail or Heart obstacles, the almost certainly. Combat, maybe. But if not, there's no reason to send her along, since DoA's +50 to expedition actions is higher than her regular +40.

Looks good 'nuff for me, even if some conditionals need to be tweaked if/when Bird chimes in. Key, ritual circle, both wedding choices 👍

Though I think this part:
-[X] [FORGE] Create a Knock 1 Edge 1 Reagent if we have the bits, Knock 2 Edge 1 otherwise. (20/45 bits, Free Action)
You probably intended to be the other way around? Knock 2/Edge 1 if we have the bits, Knock 1/Edge 1 otherwise?

[X] Plan Pittauro, Having our cake and eating it too
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The only thing that makes me worry about Pitt's plan is the fact that we don't get any guarding except for Fluttershy's uncertain outcome action (and ourselves, of course: Copper's probably isn't going to attack our home while we aren't there, since her hate is personal). I am afraid of fighting windigos without support, since, even with burning resources on Baldomare, our opponent has a winter name which is suitable for summoning them.

[x] Plan Pittuaro All in Wedding but with guards
-[X] [AotL] Grail, (probably with Pride)
-[X] [FORGE] Create a Knock 2 Edge 1 Reagent. (45 bits, Free Action)
-[X] [KNOCK] The Only Way Up
--[X] [KNOCK] Keep going up. You are so very close now. So. Very. Close.
-[X] [DETECTIVES] There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them. (One of the chief expectations of the Bureau. Avert a future Catastrophe)
-[X] [CONSTABLES] The Commissioner is just too important to leave unattended. Run security. (Adds two 3/3 health, "+15 Personal Combat" ponies as bodyguards, if the target is attacked during this turn)
-[X] [COMMISSIONER] The Bureau is more than an institution, it is a gathering of dedicated ponies working towards a unified goal. Ingrain yourself with them. (Establish, increase, or salvage the loyalty of the Bureau towards you personally.)
-[X] [SOCIAL] [TEACH] Teach Rarity, and make her a Disciple. (Free Action)
-[X] A fleeting opportunity
--[X] Royal. Wedding! Royal. Wedding! Help. Plan. The Royal. Wedding! (Expand, and pick one more item from, the list of Royal Wedding opportunities)
--[X] "The Royal Wedding is a matter of national security, so of course the Commissioner must be involved. Yes, even on that time she went on a shopping spree with the Princess." (Free action. NEGLECT work at the Lunar Bureau. Expand, and pick one more item from, the list of Royal Wedding opportunities)
--[X] Velvet Pride, your upstart younger brother, seems to be heartbroken. Or so the gossip goes. If you take the initiative to talk to him, you might be able to get closer to him.
-[X] [JADE] "You do you." Let her do whatever she wants for once. It might do her some good, both mentally and personally.
-[X] [FLUTTERSHY] Ask for a favor, from your... mutual friend.
--[X] [GUARD] Our family.
-[X] [RARITY] Focus on your work.
-[X] [STEPPES] There is no guarantee he will be able to help you, but you will write him about… (WRITE IN)
--[X] [STEPPES] Ask for advice about how to bond with your brother
-[X] Jade's house is now adequately clean. Or at least sufficiently presentable for ponies to work on it. You should…
--[X] [SERVANTS] You need a place where you can safely, and discreetly, store items. Use the upper level of her house for it.
-[X] [MAREINETTE] Incision of the Heart on Velvet: remove the Frightened Debuff (20 bits. failure only on nat1s. Use the Edge Artifact WITHOUT sacrificing it)
-[X] [BALDOMARE] Find us a place where we can hold 3-circle rituals next turn (for Axe's summon). (rolls +80)
-[X] [SELENE] Go play, one last time. (Costs two actions. Goodbye, Selene.)
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Like bits cost wise the Canterlot expedition is 70 per head
I want to point out that that's the EXPECTED cost, but historically we've always been faster than the expected.

We did 3 "short" expeditions, rated for 5 days. We finished ALL THREE OF THEM in 3 days each, saving us 2 days and 2/5 of the cost.

I'd be very surprised if Mareinette on Canterlot took longer than 7 days, and I wouldn't be surprised if she took 5 or 6.
I want to point out that that's the EXPECTED cost, but historically we've always been faster than the expected.

We did 3 "short" expeditions, rated for 5 days. We finished ALL THREE OF THEM in 3 days each, saving us 2 days and 2/5 of the cost.

I'd be very surprised if Mareinette on Canterlot took longer than 7 days, and I wouldn't be surprised if she took 5 or 6.
Isn't that an after the fact thing? Like sure Marinette might complete the expedition in a lesser amount of turns but we need the 70 to even start it.
I was under the impression that in any expedition only the leader loses their AP.

-Expeditions can come in various sizes:
--Short expeditions are expected to last up to five days. Velvet must spend ONE action to participate in them, and summons/confidantes who are not the team leader can participate for free.
--Medium expeditions are expected to last ten days. Velvet must spend TWO actions to participate, and summons/confidantes must use one action to participate.
--Long expeditions are expected to last fifteen days. Velvet must spend THREE actions to participate, and summons/confidantes must use all their actions to participate.

Isn't that an after the fact thing? Like sure Marinette might complete the expedition in a lesser amount of turns but we need the 70 to even start it.
It's not required. Just recommended. But should probably still be met anyway, especially if Frangiclave is locked behind a "very hard" expedition, which I suspect it is.
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Isn't that an after the fact thing? Like sure Marinette might complete the expedition in a lesser amount of turns but we need the 70 to even start it.
we can start with less. we're just forced to interrupt earlier if we run out of bits.

For Canterlot, for example, I'd actually be fine trying it with Axe or Mareinette solo, with at least 7 days of supplies (49 bits) personally. If we have more it's of course better, just in case.

I also really REALLY want to go in person for Frangiclave, because I suspect narrative benefits from, you know, helping her with the Key in person instead of basically having MAREINETTE, the one she hates the most, to help her.
Right so let's do some back of the envelope math here. We have 83 bits and regardless of which plans we're gonna use 50, 20 for the IotH and 30 for the RotT leaving us with 33 bits. Now next turn we're gonna get 160 bits from our job and an assumed 50 from Rarity leaving us with a total of 243. The DoA summon is going to cost us 50 bits leaving a total expedition budget of 193.

Now assuming a long expedition of 15 days ( if you mean to say Frangclaive is behind a short or even a medium expedition I will laugh) meaning 3 personal APs (from a budget of 4) if we choose to go and all summon AP regardless of if we choose to go or not. But that doesn't matter beyond the fact that with our budget of 193 we'll be lucky to send two people never mind 3. Because I will legitimately be surprised if it comes below 100 per head and even that is pushing it.

Now usually expedition checks are finding/making a path I.e Lantern, Forge and in a few rare cases Moth. Dealing with defenders I.e Edge (in every case) and depending on the defenders Grail, Winter, Knock and Moth. Surviving the journey which is either Winter or Heart depending on where you're going, though I think (don't quote me on this) it's Winter more often then not. Then there are traps, most can be overcome with Heart but some require something else like Lantern (fucking Worms). Regardless none go into effect immediately and you get a chance to treat them.

So that leaves us no choice but to send Velvet and DoA leaving Marinette's AP free next turn.
I also really REALLY want to go in person for Frangiclave, because I suspect narrative benefits from, you know, helping her with the Key in person instead of basically having MAREINETTE, the one she hates the most, to help her.
And if you really want that then that assures Marinette having a free AP next turn anyways.
Right so let's do some back of the envelope math here. We have 83 bits and regardless of which plans we're gonna use 50, 20 for the IotH and 30 for the RotT leaving us with 33 bits. Now next turn we're gonna get 160 bits from our job and an assumed 50 from Rarity leaving us with a total of 243. The DoA summon is going to cost us 50 bits leaving a total expedition budget of 193.
Neither of the two currently leading plans scry Frangiclave this turn. Meaning if one of those win, the absolute earliest we could do the expedition would be T20, because we'd have to locate it first via RotT on T19.
Neither of the two currently leading plans scry Frangiclave this turn. Meaning if one of those win, the absolute earliest we could do the expedition would be T20, because we'd have to locate it first via RotT on T19.
Pit is working under the assumption that we can go on the expedition next turn.

Have Baldomare preturn RotT like we preturn summon.
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Right so let's do some back of the envelope math here. We have 83 bits and regardless of which plans we're gonna use 50, 20 for the IotH and 30 for the RotT leaving us with 33 bits. Now next turn we're gonna get 160 bits from our job and an assumed 50 from Rarity leaving us with a total of 243. The DoA summon is going to cost us 50 bits leaving a total expedition budget of 193.
You know, I just realized another possible wedding pick, though it's a "boring" one.

Cadance adds us as an official "consultant" for the wedding preparations, so we get paid for them.

Now assuming a long expedition of 15 days ( if you mean to say Frangclaive is behind a short or even a medium expedition I will laugh) meaning 3 personal APs (from a budget of 4) if we choose to go and all summon AP regardless of if we choose to go or not. But that doesn't matter beyond the fact that with our budget of 193 we'll be lucky to send two people never mind 3. Because I will legitimately be surprised if it comes below 100 per head and even that is pushing it.

Now usually expedition checks are finding/making a path I.e Lantern, Forge and in a few rare cases Moth. Dealing with defenders I.e Edge (in every case) and depending on the defenders Grail, Winter, Knock and Moth. Surviving the journey which is either Winter or Heart depending on where you're going, though I think (don't quote me on this) it's Winter more often then not. Then there are traps, most can be overcome with Heart but some require something else like Lantern (fucking Worms). Regardless none go into effect immediately and you get a chance to treat them.

So that leaves us no choice but to send Velvet and DoA leaving Marinette's AP free next turn.
Velvet and DoA sound like the perfect couple for any expedition, really. The only way to make it better would be to also send Mareinette (or send her in place of Velvet, but Axe hates her so I'd rather not leave them alone together), because then SHE gets to add her 60+30 to social challenges (with Velvet it would become... 13+20 with reroll).

We can probably mitigate the problem by throwing an AotL on Grail for the expedition.

you're right that it's probably going to be a long expedition unless something weird is going on, though we can hopefully complete it faster. It's not out of the question for us to take half the time (and half the bits) really, depending on rolls. Axe's +50 BASE bonus before lores for any non-social challenge is amazing, and a Velvet with grail AotL can cover the social challenges too. If we can avoid combat, it's a very good chance we can just finish it quickly.
Pit is working under the assumption that we can go on the expedition next turn.

Have Baldomare preturn RotT like we pretend summon. I'm not? I'm working on the assumption we'll pre-turn summon Axe, scry for Tapestry next turn (turn 19), and then do the expedition on turn 20 (or 21 if a horrible emergency happens), which seems reasonable enough to me.

Key is important, but Axe is more important, and I'm taking advantage of the POSSIBLE attack on us to basically go with the incision as a both short term and long term advantage, and something many of us have wanted for a long time.

if you saw me talking of expeditions next turn, I was probably talking of the Canterlot one, which I think we could have Axe do on her own next turn, and she might very well be able to complete it in half the time and cost (35 bits instead of 70) seeing how she rolls a minimum of +50 against anything in there.
Pit is working under the assumption that we can go on the expedition next turn.

Have Baldomare preturn RotT like we preturn summon.
1) Pit, as far as I can tell, has been discussing doing the Canterlot expedition next turn. Not Frangiclave.

2) That's not how it works. We can't find an expedition site and also go on said expedition in the same turn. We asked this before during the T16(?) plan vote and Bird said no.
A while back I pointed out that if we don't get a T5 out of the Frangclaive expedition in turn 20 we would be shit out of luck on keeping Baldomare around. You said that it'll be fine because we'll do it on turn 19 and even if that doesn't yield a T5 book another on turn 20 will. You were talking about the Frangclaive expedition then. Regardless the Canterlot one next turn might get us a T5 book. It also might not. In which case bye bye to Baldomare regardless.

All that aside if the plan is to have the Frangclaive expedition on turn 20 then in the Sacrament plan we can put off the IotH to the next turn anyways letting Baldomare scry it earlier and have Marinette search for the ritual site.
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ok, so right now it's a tie between

Plan Pittauro, All in wedding without key but with expedition. (the original, mine)


Plan Pittauro, but with our SH Sacrament. (the copycat)

and the only difference is replacing the Mansus exploration (so 2 more points, one on further climb and one on the temple of the wheel expedition) with starting the Secret History Sacrament, right?

While I personally believe SH can wait, I'm actually fine with the alternative plan winning. I already said I like our personal sacrament more, and if we do the first action the other two are likely to follow soon, maybe even both next turn, depending on available action slots and estimated danger.

and the moment we finish that we can go and dedicate one full action to the Tower that Reaches the Moon...

I'm slightly leaning in favor of more climb now, because if we reach the next door and are stuck there again then we can just spend the time working on SH anyway... but it doesn't matter that much to me.

A while back I pointed out that if we don't get a T5 out of the Frangclaive expedition in turn 20 we would be shit out of luck on keeping Baldomare around. You said that it'll be fine because we'll do it on turn 19 and even if that doesn't yield a T5 book another on turn 20 will. You were talking about the Frangclaive expedition then. Regardless the Canterlot one next turn might get us a T5 book. It also might not. In which case bye bye to Baldomare regardless.

All that aside if the plan is to have the Frangclaive expedition on turn 20 then in the Sacrament plan we can put off the IotH to the next turn regardless letting Baldomare scry it earlier and have Marinette search for the ritual site.

We're doing AT LEAST two expeditions (Canterlot and Frangiclave). we can also use the servants or the bureau to find out about more expedition sites, and send Axe or Mareinette alone to do those. so we DO have options.

Admittedly we'll be a bit short on bits. I suspect we'll have to delay Biedde a bit.
a Once in forever royal wedding is NOT a random excuse!!!

I mean considering the importance of the Bureau, and this is Velvet slacking off to go shopping, it very much is. Look I understand how good the options could be and that in the moment we may regret not having 3 choices. At the end of the day, the wedding is important to Equestria, but it'll be fine without Velvet.
If we're going to slack off on the Bureau, I want it to be for a real reason that matters. I'd slack to save family, hell I'd do it to free Axe, but while mechanically this sounds good, narratively it's eh. We're always going to have choices like this, it's what Bird does. I'd rather it actually mean something other then helping Cadence shop.
Fair opinion. Just not my own. I'm willing to take this minor risk because I think it's worth it.

and it's not a RANDOM excuse. It's a very special excuse, as long as we don't do it again.

Sure, I won't deny it's strictly speaking an abuse of power. I just don't care, and I think most people will cut us some slack after

1)Velvet has been shown to work herself to the bone in the last few months
2)A close friend is getting married
3)That close friend is A PRINCESS
4)We shouldn't need to repeat this anytime soon.
5)Celestia is unlikely to even notice
6)loyalty building action should at least mitigate the bad rep cost.