Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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The Master isn't an Outsider, so no way that's the case?
If the Master was an Outsider, they could have just went straight to Glory kek
Wait, did we ever get confirmation that Discord was an Outsider?

For all we know, the Master decided to fill the world with chaos when it was clear that nobody could get through the Tricuspid Gate, and then Celestia and Luna drove it out of the Wake and took over ponykind. It would also explain how "detestable" it thinks those Outsiders are.
Man, when the Wolf options were first introduced, I was sure nobody would ever take them. I never considered the sheer temptation of having a "no, actually I win" button available for cases when we've been utterly bamboozled. There's no need to take L's when we can sell our soul inch by inch to the ontological concept of evil!

But the Wolf always makes it a massive L. So far his first son bit us and left us half-dead in a ditch, and making the second left us writhing in pain, vomiting knives, crying and wanting it stop but continuing to heave. The Wolf does not let us do things and look cool while doing it. He lost my support with how the door scene went because of that. And Bird says that the RA does not count as a W, so I have word of QM on my side.

Ah but you see the Wolf is a tempting thing, though i loath to buy more i cannot stop!

Truly he is the goodest of boys and how can i not vote for his boopy snoot?

By recognizing that he will never let you boop either of his snoots. Or give him pets.
Bird already confirmed that timesharing with the Master will be written as horror
Wait, which quote is that? All we know is that we don't know the costs of this is all.

Candace's back, waiting for the Master to realize all that stands between them and Glory is the blood of an Outsider
Um. Cadance may not be an Outsider, given she was ascended somehow to be an Alicorn (but was originally a denizen of this world)?

That requires both a cult advance enough to cast the ritual. The cult to manage to cast the very difficult ritual to summon them. And third the cult to not bind the Master when summoning them, or he losses 3 turns.
Master: "Copper, I want to kill Velvet. Mind summoning me so I can make it happen?"
Copper: "Yes, of course, I'll take every last penny of my Cult resources to make it happen ASAP"

Even beyond that, we know that Name summons get plenty of free time to do whatever they want, which includes plotting against us for Bird-knows-how-long before striking?
Okay. I propose a new moral basis for evaluating which is the best option. Utilitarianism? Sucks. Ethics of care? Terrible.

Instead we should follow the tenet:

Do that which maximizes the geopolitical advantage of Equestria and its rulers.

Evaluated as such, the obvious solution is to go [] Kill the Master for the Master has no oaths or national pride, while we are sworn into service directly to Royalty. The wolf disproportionately affects the barbarians outside our gates (for it does not affect those near us).

Ask not what Celestia can do for you, but rather what you can do for Celestia.
Does that include my own mad mutterings about material benefits to Cadence's trust?
Also, please ping me if you want to ask a question.

I just noticed your previous question, after you quoted me. But hear me out.

When I see
"Could this possibly mean XYZ?"

There is no way to know if you are asking me or the thread at large. So I always assume you are asking the thread at large, for the sake of discussion.

So, kindly ping me so I know you are talking to me specifically!

And answering your question... Actually, do you mind rewording it, just so I can be sure I understood it?
To everyone voting for the Wolf, I understand the appeal. We've been put into a terrible situation and we want to exert control over it in pretty much the only way we can. But while I feel like it's very understandable to feel that way, it's also very selfish. For a long time, we've been using the threat of the Worms as a moral high ground, "we're doing it to save the world, that justifies everything!". Right now it doesn't look like we're sacrificing for the sake of the world. It looks like we're sacrificing for our own sake, because we don't want to have the non-magical stain on our soul of being party to something bad happening to our friend. Shining will never know about it or be traumatized by it, Cadence will never know about it or be traumatized by it, we are the only one clearly and definitively harmed by accepting the Master's offer. Our confidence in our own morality is the only casualty. And if we can prevent a terrible fate from happening, it seems like such a miniscule price to pay to simply accept that you've done bad things, and will continue to do so.

And to emphasize, I am not disparaging anyone for voting for the Wolf. At the end of the day, we're all just reading a story. What I am saying is that I feel Velvet as a character is being (admittedly, quite understandably) selfish in putting her own feelings of being a good person above mitigating real, actual harm. Maybe she wouldn't be Velvet without caring about her friends and family above all else, but if we want to be able to honestly say we're acting for the benefit of the world, I think we need to act like it. You don't become a good person by doing the right thing whenever it's personally convenient for you.

I hope everyone is doing well.
We also give leverage over us to yet another Eldritch Abomination that is not our friend. For all that Bird writes an absolutely amusing horrible cannibal monster, that only lasts while she's still trying to corrupt us rather than stick us in a cask to tap us for our tasty blood while starting cults to remake ponykind in her image. There is a reason half the time we will still talk about how we can kill her.

Saying we're doing things for the world is a very pretty moral lie. I've always understood that Velvet cares about her family and friends first and foremost and fuck the world if it gets in the way of that. Velvet was told about a threat to the world, but it was that the threat also threatened her family that moved her to act. For the first quarter of the quest we had to tiptoe around because doing something that would lose her her family, be it through death or divorce, is an instant lose condition.

Even now, any action that will cause Velvet's death but would benefit Ponykind as a whole is instantly vetoed because she is not that selfless.

"Tragedy is when I stub my toe. Comedy is when you fall into an open manhole and die."

Mel Brooks
I've always understood that Velvet cares about her family and friends first and foremost and fuck the world if it gets in the way of that.
If that's the characterization so far, then that's the characterization so far. But right now is a chance to change the characterization. This choice will be very impactful towards what kind of person Velvet is, and my votes reflect what I would like to see her be. I believe that if there is no force for good in the world, then we should become it. Kindness is possible, we just have to work for it.

I can feel the fanfic idea developing already. What fandom do I tag US Politicians under on Ao3? :V
In which the Master is treacherously bitten
A Treacherous Bite
Velvet was entirely still for a moment her mind stuttering to a stop, between heartbeats.
And then her mind raced, creating plans and discarding them a mile a second, before she arrived at the only choice she could bear in the moment.
She gave a resigned smile, and steeled her heart, to bear the regrets and bowed her head to The Master demurely "I apologize Master, but I can not go along with this action, but if I may offer a trade instead? I would offer my own body as your host instead"

The Master gave her a fond look, it made her skin want to crawl "I understand, the old ways hold little appeal to you without a proper push, but I can accept your bargain" Velvet kept her head bowed her eyes softly closed listening only to her heartbeat, her course of action firm and waited to feel the Master's presence, she could not let him gleam a iota of her plan from her expression, not a hint of the depths of her malice.

Then she felt a shift in the air, the sound of Shining Armour crumpling to the ground unconscious and Raised her head with a vicious smile, as her heart called out on the only being who would be ready and waiting, to hear the call of The Wolf Mother.

In the end it was a quick and quiet affair, at least in the wake, the master going with a whimper and a crunch, not a mark upon the room of the events that transpired beyond the form of her friend's groom sleeping, whom she helped to his bed, and slowly made her way back to her husband, her face a stony mask that let not one thing out, of course she knew when her Dearest saw her he would know Something was Wrong, that she was Filled with regret, but that was alright.

She could cry her heart out during the wedding after all, she is sure everyone would only see the tears that were joyful, few that they would be amongst her regrets.
[X] Offer yourself instead.

As Bird said, action speaks louder than words. Also I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see the Master's reaction to the entire Luna situation.
The only honest bad thing about this fairly important vote is there is no choice of chance, just a bunch of set in stone choices. Come on Bird give us the rolls we oh so desire. Make us regret even think about it.
There's always a chance of Luna's awakening involving a roll. Not the ritual itself but her reaction to Velvet's....everything.
Are we sure we are even reading the same quest? Where did all the stuff about Master come from? She's amoral, as if, she doesn't work in the frameworks of conventional morality - but fundamentally she pursues the same goal as we do in general rather than, well... Whatever you described. Her kindness is cruel and alien, but's it IS kindness.

Besides that, we aren't working with static characterisation, we are MAKING it. All you doing while taking static approach to it is making it a disservice.
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So. Under a very particular and peculiar interpretation, this is actually spot-on.

However, everything in your "Author's Note" spoiler is completely wrong.

I have decided to mark it for what it is, in my opinion. But I'll refuse to comment on anything else :V
Ahahahaha how absolutely wonderful. Genuinely, perfect: I get the satisfaction of a "What Of," AND the enjoyment of being left with even more mad theorizing to do. Absolutely Glorious.

Wow everything in the AN is wrong, but the content is right? Damn, I feel that's almost trickier than getting it right in the first place!

Well, I feel there's an obvious implication. Though it would have bizarre implications of its own. So I'll interrogate that theory a little more before I post it.

Thanks as always for the kind words :)

IMO more likely we actually knew/met her somehow
Oh. It's our Mother, obviously. It's in the tags: You can't spell Mother without Moth.
Wait, did we ever get confirmation that Discord was an Outsider?
Master calls him so. Multiple times, I'm pretty sure.
Also, please ping me if you want to ask a question.

I just noticed your previous question, after you quoted me. But hear me out.

When I see
"Could this possibly mean XYZ?"

There is no way to know if you are asking me or the thread at large. So I always assume you are asking the thread at large, for the sake of discussion.

So, kindly ping me so I know you are talking to me specifically!

And answering your question... Actually, do you mind rewording it, just so I can be sure I understood it?

Ah, my mistake, consider me informed, oh Writer mine.

@BirdBodhisattva, I propose that the afterbirth, or birthing-blood of an outsider might have an ontological weight equal to that of blood-by-sacrifice, and so posses the qualities and potency needed to open the final barrier to Glory.

Or in crasser terms, stealing the placenta after Cadance bears her child to term would work as well as killing summat so far as utterly singular influences go.

In grander terms, I propose a reenactment of the downfall of the Gods-From-Stone, proving that the Wheel of time has turned and by that inevitability the things of the old age must end as the new age begins.
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The only honest bad thing about this fairly important vote is there is no choice of chance, just a bunch of set in stone choices. Come on Bird give us the rolls we oh so desire. Make us regret even think about it.

There's always a chance of Luna's awakening involving a roll. Not the ritual itself but her reaction to Velvet's....everything.

If you want a roll vote Banish. Cadence can roll her mental break chance just like Luna and Celestia did.
Are we sure we are even reading the same quest? Where did all the stuff about Master come from? She's amoral, as if, she doesn't work in the frameworks of conventional morality - but fundamentally she pursues the same goal as we do in general rather than, well... Whatever you described. Her kindness is cruel and alien, but's it IS kindness.

What are you talking about? I didn't mention the Master once in that post. I thought the mention of an amusing cannibal would make it clear I was talking about Mareinette.

Besides that, we aren't working with static characterisation, we are MAKING it. All you doing while taking static approach to it is making it a disservice.

And I don't want our character to be someone who would completely betray her friend like that. Simple as.