Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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In which a Moth is divided
Alright, this quest convinced me to make an account. Nice writing, BirdBodhisattva! Your writing is out of this world, reminds me of the painful nature of choices and its consequences, as well as the Buddhism teaching that existence is pain and we should all seek to escape it. Having said all that, existence may be painful, but suffering is optional. I should really have written this earlier, but before that I still believed that the Wolf option wouldn't win. Here's a short snippet of how that choice might turn out.

Your name is Velvet Covers, and you are in pain.

You wish this pain was physical, because if it was, the wound could be mended. But it is not.

Shining Armor... no, the Master, is standing there patiently, waiting for your choice. A choice that you cannot make. A choice that you wish you could not make. A choice that you wish you weren't the one to make. You thought you had finally escaped from the consequences of your actions. You had saved Twilight Sparkle. You had left the cult. You had saved Comet Feet. You had made Princess Cadance happy. And Selene went to play, one last time.

Wasn't this enough? Have you not tried your best to be a caring mother and a faithful friend? Have you not tried your best to make up for your own mistakes? You cannot, you will not let Shining Armor watch from within his own skin as a stranger meets with his wife. The very thought makes you want to retch. And to have your friend, Mi Amor Cadenza, not only do the deed with an enemy unknowingly, but to have her child twisted without her knowledge or consent? But to banish the Master would be to kill Shining Armor - you can't do that either. She would be heartbroken. Both of them. And you know just how well He loves that sweet stench. And you might not be able to pull off that same trick again, or even be there for them when, if that time comes. But more than that, to make an enemy of Her means that your family is at risk. And already They have caused suffering, even when He wasn't considering Themself an enemy.

And you know you are selfish. You know very well that you are very, very selfish. That deep down, you are a very selfish mare. You know, deep down, that you could allow yourself to be possessed, and thus save everyone else... despite the chance of losing yourself, or worse - hurting your children...

Something sharp pricks at your eyes, and your vision is blurry. You still wish you didn't have to make a choice at all, or that you could have more time to think... more time, damn it all!

The skin of Shining Armor opens his mouth. "Well?"

In the end, it wasn't a choice at all. "I can take Shining's place. As Head of the Lunar Bureau, I will have more freedom to move. And I already know the Lores. Surely," you bow your head in an act of subserviance, "I would be able to serve much better than he."

She chuckles. "Oh, Velvet Covers. You truly are... my most loyal servant."

Like a moth emerging from a coccoon, She sheds his skin. You hold your tongue, because you are only going to have one shot at this. As She reaches forward, to cup your face, to carress you... until you can feel Her slipping inside of you.

Then, you open your mouth and speak: "NO."

It is a betrayal of everything you have stood for. When you had wounded the Tribal Door, and when Baldomare had told you of the consequences of your actions, some small part of you had resolved never to use the Wolf again, no matter how tempting it seemed. Because you knew... because you knew you would always regret it.

It is a betrayal of some part of you. No, it is a betrayal of you. This is what you are willing to live with. This is a choice you are willing to live with, to damn how many Glory-forsaken innocent ponies to the suffering of the Wolf, just so you can run away just a little bit further and try to outrun your own karma.

And this is also a Betrayal of Moth. You had managed to hoodwink the Master, the manifestation of one of the fundamental principles, Moth itself.

He howls in delight and hatred as He manifests, a Wound into the world and a Stain on your soul, ripping and tearing and ripping and tearing. The Master howls too, as She begins to succumb to His ministrations. "No! No! Velvet Covers! Help ME!"

You can't. It is all you can do to stand there in silent horror and delight, as all your problems resolves itself in one fell swoop. The Wolf divides Itself and the Master and the Master tries to escape, to change Her form, but the Wolf divides that too, and the Master turns into a giant and the Wolf divides Her into an ant, and the Master tries to fight back, but even this is futile as the Wolf further divides and evolves into love and hatred and Wings.

They fight. They struggle. They devour each other.

Until the only thing left is the Wolf.

You stare as He licks Its chops. As He turns Its gaze into your eyes, full of love and hatred and suffering and revolution and Betrayal. Then, Its back bursts into macabre Wings, made of pony flesh and tendons and Moth wings, and it crashes through the window and out of sight. There is one last Howl, and then all is silent, save for the whispering wind.


"Oh, Velvet. What have you done?"

"Hmm... what?" You turn your head back to see Shining Covers, slowly stirring awake from where he had fallen onto the bed. "Velvet? What are you doing in my room?" He yawns. "I feel like I just woke up from a long dream."

As you don't answer, his expression turns into one of concern and confusion. "Velvet? Mother?"

It is all you can do, as you slide down the wall to collapse into a heap, to sob and laugh and laugh and laugh.

You have taken a REGRETTABLE -

NOPE! More to follow, such as possible methods to "lawyer or finagle" a way out of this.
To those who think that Accept is better out of two, because "Wolf is always worse" - reconsider. Wolf isn't an intelligent, long-term planning side that can and will infiltrate into Harmony because it's the nature of it's lore. Wolf is a cataclysm and can be dealt with accordingly: by cleaning up the damage. Master isn't like that.

Master will be much, much worse if we make a mistake down the line, and we will never know if we done it until the epilogue. Wolf is hard to forget, and we will at least definitely try to clean up that mess.
Wolf is a cataclysm and can be dealt with accordingly: by cleaning up the damage.
For instance, it can do exactly one thing for each Child, and we know what it is and thus what to do about it.

an intelligent, long-term planning
But the Master can make a thousand plans that each advance its incompatible goals, or use our opposition to one of them to advance something else, or simply opportunism in a way that they always benefit from.

Or, the Master could simply invite our family to tea once every month or so, and then Velvet won't even bother opposing the Master because they can trivially "accidentally" our family (the same logic that locks out the Offer ourselves option)?

As we know, this dilemma is the result of 1 AP investment of the Master.
What would happen, when we Accept and give the Master an infinite number of AP in a Alicorn chassis that has the best background it is possible to have?
To those who think that Accept is better out of two, because "Wolf is always worse" - reconsider.
Also, I've yet to find anything that makes "Wolf is always worse than the alternatives" more than an assumption. The only thing we know is that the Third Wolf will be worse than the Second, but (for example) a +10 bonus to any non-Alicorn pony attempting to betray another non-Alicorn pony would fit that definition.
I would like to say, wolf is not said to be "worse" in its text it is "regrettable" and "nothing good will come of it" but not "worse than all others"
Personally, I do actually think that the Wolf is the worse option here, simply because our new son will become a permanent fixture of the world making everything worse forever, whereas the Master can, at least theoretically, be disposed of before whatever they're plotting comes to fruition. It just doesn't weigh that heavily on the scales for me because the situation is bad enough that the Wolf is still only a marginally worse option.

For me, this vote is mostly about what kind of pony we think Velvet is and I absolutely believe that she is the type to damn the world for the sake of those she's close to.
Personally, I do actually think that the Wolf is the worse option here, simply because our new son will become a permanent fixture of the world making everything worse forever, whereas the Master can, at least theoretically, be disposed of before whatever they're plotting comes to fruition. It just doesn't weigh that heavily on the scales for me because the situation is bad enough that the Wolf is still only a marginally worse option.

For me, this vote is mostly about what kind of pony we think Velvet is and I absolutely believe that she is the type to damn the world for the sake of those she's close to.
Wolf's pups permanency is... contestable. There is just no actual force to stop them, as most of Hours either not here to police the situation, not interested or not capable of doing so. However it's also likely that Velvet becoming an Hour with Stains on her soul is also inadvisable.

If we go for Wolf Action, we WILL need find a way to clean this mess up, meaning Harmony will be needed too. Trying to divide our focus isn't great but not terrible because greatest opportunist and a force to be reckoned with will be gone, forever. We will need to deal with other cultists after that and make sure that neither Windy nor Starry are to become another problem, however, but neither of them is as capable as Master. Mareinette is... well, we all know she needs to go, too. But she can at least be kept at bay at the moment.

In short, going for Wolf means commitment to fixing this mess or at least cleaning it up, which is not the worst narrative decision, unlike Accepting, which will isolate Velvet even more.
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Personally, I do actually think that the Wolf is the worse option here, simply because our new son will become a permanent fixture of the world making everything worse forever, whereas the Master can, at least theoretically, be disposed of before whatever they're plotting comes to fruition. It just doesn't weigh that heavily on the scales for me because the situation is bad enough that the Wolf is still only a marginally worse option.

For me, this vote is mostly about what kind of pony we think Velvet is and I absolutely believe that she is the type to damn the world for the sake of those she's close to.
I mean, hard to dispose of them since as bird said the master WILL be part of the epilogue unless like, we kill cadence before she give birth i guess
Aw, my post is awaiting moderator approval. orz

Finagling a Way out of This Mess:

In our struggles in the Mansus and the Climb, we know that there is always a way up. In descending order of chances of success, here are the ways we might be able to finagle a way out:

1. Hold the Reins of Marienette.
Talk about how, last time, Baldomare did not like being handed over to the Master. Velvet does not want to do that to Mareinette, so we'll accept but have control over Mareinette. Appease the Master if needed, see below. Then, as the Master tries to coltify himself, have Mareinette eat him.
Chances of Success: High
Consequences of Failure: Master knows we betrayed Him and can immediately go on an attack.

2. Get possessed and ask Marienette to Incision of the Heart the Master immediately.
Chances of Success: Low
Consequences of Failure: the consequences of getting possessed.

3. Risky option: get possessed and hope that during the Secret Histories exploration, one version of us is capable of excising the Master.
Chances of Success: Extremely Low
Consequences of Failure: the consequences of getting possessed.

4. Risky option: get possessed and befriend Baldomare to excise the Master.
Chances of Success: Extremely Low.
Consequences of Failure: the consequences of getting possessed.

5: Risky option: get possessed and appease the Master using secrets to regain our AP. See below.
Chances of Success:???
Consequences of Failure: the consequences of getting possessed.

EDIT: 6 - we get possessed, and using the Frangiclave we cleave the Master out of us.

Methods of Appeasement:
The Master really likes secrets. We may be able to appease the Master using secrets, such as:
1. Comet Feet is not the only betrayer in the Cult (Jade Whistle, Velvet Covers)
2. Luna is still alive
3. We can teach Twilight Sparkle or Cadance Lores, which would be partaking in making a secret
4. We're already at the top of the Mansus and just need to kill Discord

(I'll add more secrets as I remember them.)

Nuclear Option: Refuse, go back to Stormchaser and immediately wake Luna up.
Chances of Success: ???
Consequences of Failure: the Master might escape, and then we'll have to face a reality where Stormchaser might have been a changeling this entire time.
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Unfortunately, given how Possession was described in the Threadmark, I'd rate anything other than Plan 4 with a 0% success rate?
(We already tried Plan 1 during the Changeling Attack, it didn't work)

Unless we roll enough Nat 1s to get 3 Dread and die in Plan 3, but I assume that's not what you are looking for; and could also have the outcome of the Master instead eating all our AP from now onwards?
1. Hold the Reins of Marienette.
Talk about how, last time, Baldomare did not like being handed over to the Master. Velvet does not want to do that to Mareinette, so we'll accept but have control over Mareinette. Appease the Master if needed, see below. Then, as the Master tries to coltify himself, have Mareinette eat him.
Chances of Success: High
Consequences of Failure: Master knows we betrayed Him and can immediately go on an attack.

Nope, won't work. [OLD INTELLIGENCE], she's more interested in old ways of doing stuff, and the fact that doing as Master wants is more understandable and fitting for her desires.

2. Get possessed and ask Marienette to Incision of the Heart the Master immediately.
Chances of Success: Low
Consequences of Failure: the consequences of getting possessed.

No time. We won't have this chance. Wolf is immediate, this is not.

3. Risky option: get possessed and hope that during the Secret Histories exploration, one version of us is capable of excising the Master.
Chances of Success: Extremely Low
Consequences of Failure: the consequences of getting possessed.

*shrug* Probably won't work. Probably. Maybe. Master is very likely to mess with us in the process, and being Lvl 7 Moth, it's unlikely that other us will notice anything wrong at all.

4. Risky option: get possessed and befriend Baldomare to excise the Master.
Chances of Success: Extremely Low.
Consequences of Failure: the consequences of getting possessed.

Good luck hiding THAT from Master.

5: Risky option: get possessed and appease the Master using secrets to regain our AP. See below.
Chances of Success:???
Consequences of Failure: the consequences of getting possessed.

Appeasement never works, sadly. She will take it as granted and continues to extort more.

So, no, all of that is most likely a bust.
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If we go for Wolf Action, we WILL need find a way to clean this mess up, meaning Harmony will be needed too
We will? Why? Seems like big "actions that do not advance us towards winning" energy.

I really don't expect us to ever handle our sons. And I think it would be inside to try to do so.

We have been told explicitly, multiple times, we are near the Glory and should aim for it, that we should try to win not to not lose. Maybe there's something on the epilogue, who knows. But we have so many more priorities -- cleaning up the mess we left behind can't be one of them.
Nope, won't work. [OLD INTELLIGENCE], she's more interested in old ways of doing stuff, and the fact that doing as Master wants is more understandable and fitting for her desires.

I agree, but she's also currently bound and obedient like a regular summon, and she won't be alone nor will she be doing a social action. This is also definitely a GRAIL thing, and she would be actually eating a Name. That is very tempting, although there's still a chance of failure, I admit.

EDIT: There's also the nuclear option, which hasn't been addressed.

EDIT 2: Wait, what do you mean we tried that during the Changeling Attack?
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I agree, but she's also currently bound and obedient like a regular summon, and she won't be alone nor will she be doing a social action. This is also definitely a GRAIL thing, and she would be actually eating a Name. That is very tempting, although there's still a chance of failure, I admit.

EDIT: There's also the nuclear option, which hasn't been addressed.

I believe this was asked of Bird and he basically said "What if Marinette doesnt want to stop the master?" which implies that no, she would 100% go along with it.
Back to the RA Vs Accept argument:

Celestia/Luna (calmer): "Oh, you betrayed the Cult when you realized what it was truly like, ok.
Then why did you aid the Master literally every time the Master asked for something?"

If we Accept we might as well have stayed in the Cult and benefitted from it's resources, and lack of AP spent in dissociating ourselves for all the good that actually did/harm it actually prevented?
We'd even likely have reached the Glory sooner???
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One, her lover wasn't being actively puppeted until just right now.
Two, Luna has the Lores as well as us directing her towards Shining Armor.

The Master seems perfectly content in living Shining's life. He seems confidant, or maybe absolutely sure, that he will not be noticed.
But look at who he is oh so confidently hiding from. He is hiding from the Alicorn of Love, as he pretends to be her chosen beloved. I don't think any of us expect the "refuse" option to result in a "ahah! Syke! Cadance noticed Shining was possessed, and instantly exorcised him with the power of love!"
Furthermore, think of the proportionality.
Compare a Level 0 adept to a Level 1 adept.
Now compare a Level 1 to a Level 3. There is an entire Realization between them.
Now compare a Level 3 to a Level 4. There is an entire extra re-roll involved.

Now compare a Winter (or Lantern, whatever) Level 4, to a damned Moth Level 7.
I'm not optimistic about that working at all thank you very much
One, her lover wasn't being actively puppeted until just right now.
Two, Luna has the Lores as well as us directing her towards Shining Armor.

EDIT: I refuse to believe that there isn't a way out.

We have NO IDEA how Luna will be when she comes back. We either rip up her childhood blankie (the equivalent of waking someone up with a bucket of ice water) which heavily implies from flavortext it will hurt her. To doing the PROPER ritual, which requires a whole ton a set up with Stormy.

's not happening.