Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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I think Kyoko and Homura should attack the mill. Between the two of them they should be able to handle most threats.

Mami should attack the tower by herself as she is strong enough to deal with most other magical girls and unknowns that crop up.

Argalia and Leonie sould attack the court. Argalia is strong enough to deal with even a large magical girl force and Leonie can bypass some of the Adults magical nonsense.

That leaves X and Sayaka to attack the unoccupied zone. While it is possible to just tell others what Judgment Bird can do, X still has the most experience with abnormalities and, as was seen in the Big Bird fight, without qliphoth deterrence we should expect JB to have other abilities.

I wonder if we can rope Kyubey into serving as a magic detector for Argalia or Mami. Assuming he can be convinced to enter the Emerald City.
I think Kyoko and Homura should attack the mill. Between the two of them, they should be able to handle most threats.
The Mill is crawling with Distortions of Ensemble levels.

Even if they are mindless, those guys are still Star of The City monsters.

Kyoko and Homura being together in one group is also putting all our eggs in one basket too much. They are both Distortions whom the enemy MGs don't have any experience in dealing with (They are using clones of our MGs to train against after all). Having them alone means that our girls will have to deal with other MGs who know what they do without Distortion support.

Mami should attack the tower by herself as she is strong enough to deal with most other magical girls and unknowns that crop up.
Do you want Mami to die or something?

Argalia and Leonie should attack the court. Argalia is strong enough to deal with even a large magical girl force and Leonie can bypass some of the Adult's magical nonsense.
The Court is a fortress filled with the Adult's magical nonsense. Sending Argalia there is telling him to die.

Leonia is someone the Adult will be cooking up plans for after she saw Leonia be utilized to escape her so many times already. Sending them both to the Court is suicidal.

That leaves X and Sayaka to attack the unoccupied zone. While it is possible to just tell others what Judgment Bird can do, X still has the most experience with abnormalities and, as was seen in the Big Bird fight, without qliphoth deterrence, we should expect JB to have other abilities.
Too much of a waste of X's abilities. Again, having Homura and Mami deal with it is the easiest, since they should be able to just work together and annihilate it.

Sayaka especially won't be of much help here since X alone can clear Judgement Bird pretty quickly (she is immune to the % dmg Long Birb does due to Abnormality's soul shenanigans). If X is to go after the Birb, she should do it alone so that the rest of the group can be reinforced even more.

The Court should be targetted last, with everyone present to crush the Adult with overwhelming force.
It should also be said that while the Adult will start in The Court, it's highly unlikely they will stay in The Court. They can and will move around.
The upcoming chapter will be delayed in order to give Yesod the respect and prominence he deserves, though seeing as you're in the middle of discussing some things I think that might be for the best. And to clarify two points, there is a plan to distract AWTL when the raid begins so she won't be interfering directly so long as you move quickly. Second, all four objectives must be cleared at almost exactly the same time.
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I think people are concentrating too much on trying to fight long bird when we were told we could avoid him.

Send Leonie with homura to his zone, finish using the combination of their powers to make it as short as possible, have them reinforce another place.

Fighting him is a literal waste of time when we are acting against the clock.
What are the current plans and which one I can stand behind for everyone having the biggest survival rate?

I got sick for a few days (and still are) so I couldn't join the discussion.
The upcoming chapter will be delayed in order to give Yesod the respect and prominence he deserves, though seeing as you're in the middle of discussing some things I think that might be for the best. And to clarify two points, there is a plan to distract AWTL when the raid begins so she won't be interfering directly so long as you move quickly. Second, all four objectives must be cleared at almost exactly the same time.
Is this a capture point type of thing where we 'only' have to be holding all four at the same time to win, or does someone capturing their objective too fast ruin everything, because it's not simultaneous?

If it's the former, then we can use standard defeat in detail tactics - overload one location with people while the others make probing attacks for distraction purposes. Leave someone to hold the fort and go to the next location, rinse and repeat. I'd also like to hold someone in reserve to bail people out, but that would require communications to be reliable.

If it's the latter, then I honestly have no idea what to do, and also don't think there's a point in discussing this until the chapter actually explains the situation in detail. Having to complete every objective at the same time makes our conventional attacker's advantage null and void, we basically give up all the initiative we'd normally get from Leonie's broken ability.
I think people are concentrating too much on trying to fight long bird when we were told we could avoid him.
That is entirely possible true. However, there's one other problem we'd need to take into account.

What the hell is the objective? Currently, we are aware that there's something to do in each of these areas, but we don't know the objective.

Are there gonna be power spires powering an invincible shield protecting Madoka or something?
2.5.10 - No More Hesitation
Chapter 148 - No More Hesitation

"Can we go inside now? Yuma wants to meet Miss Sayaka's teacher!"

Sayaka's hand had stopped barely a millimeter above the handle to the door into the Floor fo Language. X's sister had dropped her off out here at Sayaka's request after finishing her surgery, but that felt like she's ago. Since then, she'd just been standing at the door, not going in. Even the sudden appearance of Yuma hadn't managed to spur her into going further than reaching for the doorknob.

Maybe it was just some lingering shock from the operation earlier. Sayaka had only been half-conscious for the end of it and slept through the rest, but just the idea of somebody poking around inside her soul made her shudder. Souls weren't meant to be something you could break open and pick things out of, right? Though it definitely beat the alternative. It was much creepier having things growing in your soul that weren't supposed to be there than having somebody cut those things out of your soul. Sayaka's hadn't been able to silence the few creeping thoughts that her Soul Gem's name was more literal than she had thought at first and that she'd literally been turned into a rock despite X's more reasonable explanations, but the idea of rocks cropping up in her soul was definitely worse. She hadn't even noticed at the time, but after the operation she could actually feel the places where it had been. Not any physical feeling, just a distant awareness of something having been pushed out of its proper place slowly returning to where it should've been all along.

And that wasn't even getting into how it had happened. If she was being honest with herself, Sayaka had been useless that whole fight. When the Abnormality had first shown up in her house, she'd still been scrambling to even react when everyone else had been fighting for their lives. When the time has come to retreat, she'd gotten taken out in one shot and had to watch while Madoka was taken right in front of her while she just sat there and couldn't do anything and-

-and that wasn't a helpful thought. So Sayaka had headed off to train more, because she didn't want to be useless like that again, but thinking realistically the amount of training she could get in before the time for the rescue wasn't going to let her stand up to monsters like that. Really, Sayaka was beginning to wonder if any amount of training would ever let her fight something like that, but that wasn't a helpful thought either. She was getting better, just not fast enough for what was happening right now.

"Come in! Yuma wants to see!"

Sayaka's hand slowly withdrew from the door. "Sorry, I'm not really up for training right now. You can go in yourself, though." Normally leaving a little kid wandering around would be irresponsible, but the Library was full of responsible adults and despite all the fire the Floor of Language was actually pretty safe.

Yuma spent a second staring at Sayaka and pouting before shrugging, accepting the older girl's verdict, and then pushing past her to open the door herself. Sayaka braced against the wave of heat that immediately flushed through the open door. The elegant decorated hall of the Library abruptly transitioned to the cobbled metal of the Floor of Language on the other side. Before Yuma could actually run off, Sayaka spotted a Librarian with curly green hair on one of the catwalks above.

"Hey! Can we talk? I need somebody to look after Yuma!"

"Huh? It's okay, Yuma will be fine alone." the little girl protested, seeming confused that Sayaka was flagging down a supervisor for her. True, she hadn't been planning on going out of her way, but if somebody was right there..? Well, it was worth the effort to make sure somebody was at least keeping an eye on the kid. And looking at the Floor of Language again, Sayaka was admittedly having second thoughts about letting Yuma run around on her own.

The Librarian stopped and waved back to Sayaka before leaping from the catwalk down to the floor. Sayaka was momentarily overcome with awe at the acrobatic feat before remembering that she could easily do the same thing.

"What's all this about?" The Librarian asked.

"I need somebody to look after Yuma. She probably shouldn't be wandering around here on her own, and I don't think I'm gonna be staying here for too long." Sayaka explained.

The Librarian nodded. "I think I can handle that. Say, are either of you one of the Manager's kids?"

"That's Yuma! X is Yuma's mom." the greenette proudly declared, having already forgotten her earlier reluctance.

"Oh? What's that like? They were my boss, you know." the Librarian asked, kneeling down to meet the small child's eye level. At the same time, they shot an assured glance towards Sayaka.

"I'm gonna go, but be nice for the Librarian, alright?" Sayaka announced.

"Okay. Bye Miss Sayaka!"

And with the echoes of cheerful conversation behind her, Sayaka made her way back through the Library.


"So you don't know where X is?" Sayaka asked. The short, purple-haired Patron Librarian had been extremely patient with her, but she was interrupting something.

"You would have better luck asking the Director. She is the one keeping an eye on everything that goes on here." Yesod said, resigned. "The Manager prefers moving about the Library to remaining in the Floor of Geography, and as such you will have little luck in tracking them down."

"Okay." Sayaka said. It didn't feel like an adequate response. "Sorry for wasting your time, I guess. And interrupting… whatever's going on here."

It looked a bit like a classroom, actually. Tables and chairs had been set out in an orderly fashion throughout the neat room, all facing a large blackboard with a projector mounted nearby. Kids, probably Magical Girls, were gradually trickling out of the room. A few of them were carrying thin booklets with them.

Yesod shook his head. "You have no reason to apologize; class was nearing its end and the majority of the children's attention was exhausted."

"Wait, is this really a classroom? Why?" Sayaka asked. Was this guy actually a teacher? He didn't really look like it with the whole Patron Librarian getup, but there wasn't anyone else around who could've been teaching just now. Besides, Sayaka had some odd teachers herself. Compared to Miss Saotome, he would be downright conventional.

"Of a sort." Yesod answered, suddenly sounding exhausted. "Some of the Magical Girls the Manager brought in were years behind on their schooling. Since the goal is to help them return to society eventually, it only made sense to try and close that gap."

Sayaka nodded. "I guess that makes sense. What were you up to today?"

"Simple mathematics. The children are at various levels of education, so accommodating all of them is difficult. In the end," Yesod stepped back and began gathering papers off of his desk. "I decided it was better to prepare a lesson that everyone would be able to understand. Even the children already familiar with the material will benefit from a refresher course."

"Sounds about right." Sayaka affirmed. This was starting to seem like a lot to go through for what, seven, eight people, judging by the number of chairs? It struck Sayaka as heroic, even if the word generally brought about more glorious images. Maybe not the same kind of heroic as X or Mami or Gebura, but definitely worth admiring.

"Sooo…" Sayaka had some time to spend, apparently. Asking Angela was right out; she'd left to help X with something after finishing with Sayaka. That meant all that was left was to wait for X to come back and give the signal. "What was X like back when you were working together?"

The question just sort of slipped out. Sayaka hadn't really been meaning to ask, but she was curious. Yesod paused, considering the question.

"Well, it's nothing I could describe easily. The Manager and I didn't always agree, but they were undoubtedly the only person capable of leading the corporation."

Sayaka nodded. "She's definitely something special. I wanna be like that someday."

Yesod raised an eyebrow. "What, specifically, is it that you find desirable? For all my feelings regarding the Manager, envy is hardly a prominent one."

"Isn't it obvious? She's the strongest person I've ever met. I wish I were like that."

Yesod as silent for a moment. Something glimmered in his eyes, and he set aside the papers in his hands. "I suppose that is fair. But that strength was often tested. The Manager's responsibility was to make the most painful decisions for the rest of us. And I do not believe she would wish that on any of us."

Sayaka wavered. Right, she already knew that. Being a Magical Girl, being a hero, all of it… it was a responsibility. It wouldn't always be fun, it wouldn't always be easy, and there wouldn't always be a clear way forward. That was one of the first things X and Mami had explained to her, before she Contracted.

But she had Contracted, even knowing all that. Because Sayaka wanted to make a difference however she could. How could she call herself a good person if she didn't at least try and help?

"Maybe, but I still want to do something. If I were stronger, I could at least share a little bit of that burden, right?"

"In the end," Yesod began. His voice had become slightly hollower.
"the Manager was forced to proceed with the final phases of the plan alone. Though myself and the other Patron Librarians has resolved to stand by them, we could not support them when they needed it most."

Sayaka froze, enraptured by the Patron Librarian's story.

"I'm not unhappy with the end result," he continued. "but I still feel a sense that I failed in one of my responsibilities. And now we are confined to the Library, unable to do anything once again."

The frustration in the man's voice was palpable, like a sudden weight pressing down on the room. Sayaka almost took a step back, but just as quickly as it appeared the feeling was gone. Yesod closed his eyes and shook his head lightly.

"Apologies, I didn't mean to get caught up in memories. While they might seem immovable, I know for a fact that the Manager is as human as the rest of us. As much as it pains me to ask this of a child, I do hope you look out for them. My Manager doesn't deserve to have to weather everything on their own."

In the silence that followed, nobody spoke. Sayaka could only nod in affirmation. If it was something she could do, then she wouldn't hesitate.

It was only a moment later that Sayaka's conversation partner vanished in a sudden flash of light. After getting over the initial surprise, Sayaka was forced to wait through a longer, more awkward quiet. At least it had happened when it did and not any earlier. That would've been significantly more awkward.

When Yesod returned, it was with a grim look in his eye.

"The Manager has returned from their last scouting session, and they're calling everyone available to their office to plan."

That was it, then. Time to go.


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 3/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Schadenfreude's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED

Apologies for chopping this chapter up further, but it keeps getting longer! Also blame UT Yellow for coming out recently. That has contributed to the delays as well.
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Oh me god, my sides, don't make me laugh, it hurts right now. :V
I mean, really, there are plenty of responsible adults in the Library. The only people you'd need to exclude are Netzach (because the concept is anathema to him) and Tiphereth (because she's not an "adult" as a teenager would see it). Sure, all of the Patrons have their quirks but they do their jobs well, Mr. Alcoholic notwithstanding.
Apologies for chopping this chapter up further, but it keeps getting longer! Also blame UT Yellow for coming out recently. That has contributed to the delays as well.
I continue to be amused by this running gag of in- and out-of-universe events conspiring to keep Sayaka's parents out of the narrative, for as long as possible. The best part is that Sayaka doesn't so much as think about them in her POV chapters. It's especially noticeable in this one, since they're actually missing right now. Maybe it's a sign of distant parenting or something, but I just find it hilarious.
It's especially noticeable in this one, since they're actually missing right now. Maybe it's a sign of distant parenting or something, but I just find it hilarious.
Could also be Sayaka's youthfulness showing through. She probably still thinks that they are just "missing" or not have been found yet.

Argalia/X will be delivering quite the news next chapter to her I'm sure.
You didn't think I would leave you all without a present this [Winter Holiday], did you now?

See you in a little while with the next chapter, and if you've all been good there might be something special after!
2.5.11 - I’m Calling Your Names
Chapter 149 - I'm Calling Your Names

Though you can't see it from the warehouse where your equipment has been set up, the sun has begun to dip in the sky. The bright light it casts down on the city doesn't make its way in, leaving no hint of the world outside. It's a bit nostalgic, to once again be surrounded by machinery and separated from the sun.

Your mother, Carmen, had loved the sunlight. The City has only sparse spots of nature, and they are all kept penned and controlled by the groups that own them. It's not too different from Mitakihara, really. It may not be the City, but it is still a city. It wouldn't be hard to find a spot of untamed nature, if you particularly cared to. It would be a short walk at most. But at the same time, you don't really care to. Ayin never shared Carmen's affection to nature. He only ever cared about spending time with her. When she died, he couldn't so much as bear sunlight. Fortunately, you haven't inherited that particular tendency. Instead, you just… watch the world. Note the state of the sky, memorize the scenes that should probably spark some emotion beyond mild appreciation in you. You remember the first time you saw the sun with your own eyes. It's not a special memory.

You dismiss the sudden bout of introspection. This is hardly your Facility; it's an empty building Kyubey bought for you so you could build things without being interrupted. Currently, all it does is house you, the Incubator, and Argalia as you review the situation at hand.

"I went through some effort to track them, but Miss Miki's parents have totally disappeared. Unfortunate it may be, there really is only one clear explanation." Argalia's voice is like a melody even through the telepathic network. Though it doesn't find its way into his tone, there's a certain sharpness to his cyclopian gaze when he glances over at Kyubey's puppet body sitting in the opposite end of the room.

You resist the urge to sigh. It's exactly the answer you were expecting, but you had hoped that maybe there wouldn't be any further complications added to the situation. On the other hand, your current plans don't need to change at all to accommodate additional hostages. It would've been short-sighted not to expect something like that, considering who you're up against. Predictions aside, though, there's still room for a little more possible clarity here.

"Have you heard anything about that, Isabeau? I'm not sure how much fanfare the Adult would put up around hostage-taking, but if it was anything of importance I would assume she'd have said something to you."

Your final conversation partner's heavy laughter seems to echo in the dimly-lit room, despite the impossibility of such a thing. "I believe you're overestimating our relationship. Sadly, our mutual friend doesn't see fit to inform me of anything that doesn't directly affect me."

Unfortunate, but that was about what you expected. "I'm not sure if I can call them a 'mutual friend' at this point. After what happened today, there's no chance I'm simply going to let the Adult Who Tells Lies be. Which brings us to the most important question at hand..." You pause for dramatic effect. Drawing people's attention was more your mother's forte than your father's, but learning how to work a crowd in your lifetime was inevitable. Not to the level of anyone else in the room, but you have other levers to work with besides sheer charisma. "Where will you stand in the coming conflict, Isabeau? Even if they haven't been as courteous as they maybe should've been, they did bring you back from the dead. If you feel that demands some loyalty in exchange, I would be understanding."

Isabeau's decision, whatever it is, will decide how the upcoming assault will be structured. The best case scenario would be for her to agree to work alongside you. You're open to suggestions on how to improve your plans, especially from somebody living in the place you're planning to attack. More than that, the impression Isabeau have when you met in person was… intense. Between that and the Adult tolerating her not as a subordinate but a partner? Even if she can't fight on the level of an Aleph-Class, she's at least stronger than you or any of your allies individually. She could draw the Abnormality's eyes away from Madoka for long enough to sneak in and spring her from her imprisonment.

Even if you can't convince her to work with you, simply guaranteeing her neutrality is enough. With what her children want from you, you have the leverage necessary to get what you need from them without ever involving the former Queen of France. As long as you're not asking them to actively oppose their mother's will, what you'll be requesting should be entirely reasonable compared to what they're asking of you. There is always the possibility that Isabeau stands with the Adult, yes, but…

"Loyalty?" Isabeau laughs. "It earned goodwill, nothing more. And I feel that goodwill has been thoroughly spent by now, wouldn't you agree?"

That was never really on the table. One conversation with Isabeau was enough to tell you that.

"Will you be assisting us, then, Miss Isabeau? Your help would be much appreciated." Argalia proposes.

"That depends on what you mean by assisting. I wouldn't be opposed to ensuring my displeasure is made perfectly clear by way of a little friendly cooperation." Isabeau says. "But first, I would prefer to know where we all expect to be standing afterwards."

You toy with the trigger of your new rifle, Magic Bullet. A cold azure glow burns just under the timeworn wooden frame, pressing itself against the weapon's walls to meet your touch. Another tool added to your arsenal, another weight in the scale. "You already know my plans. I have children to look after. They can all probably take care of themselves, but I'd rather make sure before I leave."

It's not the Queen who responds to your answer, but Argalia. The Color Fixer leans forward, eye focused into a single wispy point as he stares at you. There's no hostility to the movement, but an intensity is present all the same. "And after that? Children grow up quickly, or so I'm told."

Realistically, you know you won't have much time left after that. Two years is a long time, but for a lifespan? It doesn't leave a whole lot of room. You'd also like to spend as much of it as you can with your children. Adopting them wasn't a whim, and you refuse to falter in your commitment. A good parent should at least be present for their child while they're growing, and independent they might be all of your kids still have growing to do. Aside from keeping an eye on them? "Some loosed Abnormalities still need to return to containment. That is my responsibility as Manager. After that, I owe my sister some favors. That means plenty of work back home. Around here, I don't expect to have much free time. My expertise is always needed someplace or another."

Your work is never over. That rule, above all else, dictates your life. At first, it was simple. You only had the Facility, and you did your job until it was over and accepted the ending that came after. But now? The whole world- not just one, but two, and who knows how many more in the future- are available to you. You have two years, and a responsibility to do what you can with them.

"I presume Argalia will be on the hunt for more new Distortions?"

The Color Fixer nods, then vocalizes his agreement. You're not sure how you feel about that. Having Argalia around has been stressful but helpful, and your stress would not be reduced by him having left your area of influence. Once he's left, you would- well, you were going to say you would have trouble finding him again, but that's not true in the slightest. Emotion sense-guided tracking aside, Argalia wants something from you. Even if he leaves, you can expect him to keep in touch.

"Excellent. That only leaves one. What will you do, Incubator?"

Kyubey's proxy body is statue-like. Only their tail, cooling back and forth like an inverted pendulum, indicates the creature is alive in any sense of the word. "We'll continue as normal. Once the Abnormality is no longer a potential problem for our operations on Earth, what else is there to do?"

Isabeau's laughter again fills the telepathy channels. "I meant about me. You interfered with my rule last time. Do you plan on repeating that little scuffle?"

"No. Circumstances have changed since then, and modifications have been made to the Incubator Network to remove any unacceptable breaches. You aren't an issue anymore."

As Kyubey speaks, they turn their head to face you. Just like the Adult Who Tells Lies, Isabeau de Bavière is too big a threat for you to leave alone, and they know this. Why would the Incubators have to act when somebody else is there to clean up their messes for them?

That implication is lost on Isabeau, whose smile you can picture perfectly just by the tone of her voice. "Then I have no objections. Let us rejoice at a prosperous partnership for the future!" Left unsaid is that if the once-Queen of France feels you are no better a partner than the Wizard was, your temporary alliance will end the same way theirs did. That's fine with you. Every good manager aspires to keep everyone happy.

"Glad to have you with us. This is what I have planned so far…"


The Library is undoubtedly cozier than the empty warehouse your recent meeting was held. The warm light floating through the air illuminates furnishings carved with an impossible care and precision. In spite of this, the atmosphere feels like a dark, heavy cloud filling the room. Mami sits calmly beside Kyoko, who makes no effort to conceal her nervous energy. She frowns as she shifts back and forth in her seat, tapping against the lacquered wood surface of the table. You can feel a thick haze of heat rolling off her body even through the newly-refreshed disguise. Mami is far less visibly disconcerted, but the constant shifting of her posture and occasional toying with the fringes of her clothing give her away. Sayaka is off the the left, already in her Magical Girl uniform. Her hand keeps drifting towards her sword before drawing back into a poor imitation of Mami's own posture. Between them is Homura, unaffected as always. Angela hasn't bothered restoring her disguise. Unlike Kyoko, Homura has never had trouble controlling it, but the damage she received earlier was enough for the jury-rigged spell to fall apart.

Standing at the edges of the room are three people you hadn't expected. Gebura leans against a wall, the last gasps of a cigarette on her breath, flanked by Malkuth and Hod. The three exchange a series of looks with Angela, who stands slightly behind you, before abruptly cutting off.

"And where are Yuma and the Shizuki family?" you ask.

"Yuma is currently with the Librarians of the Floor of Language, while the Shizukis are enjoying Chesed's hospitality along with two of the Magical Girls." Angela reports. You dismiss another sudden flash of nostalgia.

"I trust everyone's had time to rest and ready themselves?" you ask. A round of affirmations of various levels of confidence answer your. Unideal, but you don't have the time to wait for everyone to be completely ready.

"And not that I'm opposed to your company, but Malkuth, Hod, why are you here? Gebura I can see having a few words to put it, but you…" you lean back in your seat. "This isn't usually your scene."

Hod is the first to answer you. The short brunette's voice is steadier than you're used to from her. Even with everything going on, it makes you smile. They've all grown so much.

"We don't have much to do in the Library anyways. If there's anything we can do to help, I want to be here."

"It feels like we haven't done enough to help. After everything that happened back in the Corporation, we deserve to be able to rely on each other moving forward." Malkuth adds. There's a fire in her voice, calm as she is now. The feeling of warmth inside you grows.

"Speak for yourselves. I've had plenty of extra work thanks to you." Angela complains without any real heat. You stifle a laugh and move on.

"Yes, I'll be sure to pay you back. But all that aside, I'm afraid I have to deliver some bad news first. Based on Argalia's investigation, it appears likely Sayaka's parents have been kidnapped by the Adult."

The words are barely out of your mouth when Sayaka erupts. Her hand darts for her sword for a moment before she realizes the futility of the action. Absent a real target, the Magical Girl's hands crash against the table. It creaks pitifully under the force of the impact. Mami reflexives reaches out to her, mouth open, but no words come forth.

"We've gotta do something? Do you know where they are? I-"

"Get a hold of yourself!" Kyoko interrupts, a sharp spike in temperature punctuating her speech. Sayaka freezes, anger withheld as the air cools. "X has a plan, and she wouldn't just leave them. But you can't run off like an idiot or you'll just make things worse."

"Kyoko…" Mami's voice trails off as she winced at her sister's harsh words. Sayaka's fists tighten, but she looks away from the other children and breathes deeply. Gebura steps forward and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright to feel like this." the legendary Fixer says plainly. "But you've gotta channel those feelings. Don't let 'em be used against you. Besides, your friend was right about one thing. You've already got a plan, right Manager?"

"I had already accounted for the possibility of additional hostages and planned around it. Your parents will be safe, Sayaka. I can promise you that."

Sayaka struggles to say something, then releases a heavy sigh and collapses onto the already-abused table. The energy that had filled her evaporates in an instant. When she speaks, her voice is weak and unsteady. "Right, I… yeah. You'll fix this. Everything's gonna be fine."

"Maybe we should get to that plan?" Malkuth proposes, shifting uncomfortably from side to side and eying the collapsed Sayaka.

"Of course. To put it simply, the rescue effort will rely on Homura's abilities. With the power to manipulate time, combing the Emerald City and extracting any hostages will be drastically easier."

"Not to poke holes, but we saw what happened when Homura tried to do that earlier today. And it didn't go all that hot." Kyoko chimes in. Homura herself remains silent, only glancing over at the other Distortion before returning her attention to you.

"I know, and I've accounted for this. Our first objective in this attack won't be pursuing any of our real objectives, but destroying the countermeasures placed in the Emerald City that prevent Homura's large-scale time manipulation." You've stood up by now, and your voice has taken the same authoritative, professional tone normally reserved for announcing orders. "As checked by multiple outside sources, including a Magical Girl previously employed by the Adult who has chosen to rebel," you continue, proceeding past the confusion and curiosity sparked by your offhand mention of Isabeau. You'll save speaking more about her for later in the explanation. "there are only a few markers placed throughout the Emerald City that serve this purpose. Four, to be precise, since the magic that establishes them is far more complicated than the spell that was applied directly to Homura, and creating too many would've risked damage to the Emerald City. These markers have all been placed in the highest-security locations possible."

"So we get rid of all of those, and then we can save everyone?" Sayaka says. You nod sternly.

"Yes, but we will need to be careful. Once one goes down, the Adult will quickly realize our goal. If that happens, there's nothing stopping her from either replacing the missing markers or implementing a new defense that will be less easily disrupted. If that happens, we'll have to retreat and identify a new angle of attack." Everyone knows what that would mean: more time for Madoka and the Mikis to be held captive. More time spent at the Adult Who Tells Lies' mercy.


"If I may ask, what will we do about the Abnormality themself? We-" Mami cuts herself off. "We were not able to confront them even without the disadvantage of fighting on enemy terrain."

Again, you nod. "That will rely mostly on the dissenting Magical Girls. Due to certain unique circumstances, they will be able to hold the Adult long enough for us to work. Once Madoka and Sayaka's parents are out along with any other innocents, we will be able to reinforce them." It's really closer to letting Isabeau and the Adult fight and then tackling whoever wins, but that will require a little more explanation. If that fails, there's always to option of challenging the Adult's trials explicitly. Rigged as they may be, you believe in your children. The Wizard's Trials have been beaten before, and overcoming them again may be enough to claim victory from the jaws of defeat.

You've prepared as best you could. You have planned, and you have worked, and you have fought. And soon, you will know whether or not you have made a mistake.

"Here's what I have so far. If you have a suggestion, don't hesitate to make it known."


The Assault On The Emerald City
Organize yourself, Argalia, Homura, Kyoko, Mami, Sayaka, and Leonie into teams to attack the four markers. All four markers must be destroyed at the same time, so four teams are a must. Format all plans as plans for simplicity's sake.

-[] The Rumor Mill
"This place is the source of a good chunk of the Adult's forces, not to mention where she cloned the Reverb Ensemble from. Most of those copies are already dead now, and the remainder are scattered across the Emerald City, but we can expect at least one here. Plus, it's a location actively worked by some of the Adult's Magical Girl forces."
-[] The Observation Tower
"This place isn't actively staffed by people, but one of the Magical Girls I've contacted checks up on it occasionally. It's crawling with Puppets and special Familiars disguised as Magical Girls, plus there's no nearby entry point. Expect a long trip with plenty of traps and disadvantageous battlefield conditions."
-[] The Wizard's Court
"The dead center of the Emerald City and the Wizard's main workshop. We've got no solid information on this place's defenses, but it's the Adult Who Tells Lies' seat of power. It'll be a reflection of the Abnormality herself- full of tricks and traps meant to hurt you in the worst ways possible. But at the same time, getting in there would give a chance to sabotage her work."
-[] The Black Forest
"The territory of another Abnormality sharing space with the Emerald City. The Adult's failed a few pushes here and eventually gave up on extracting them. As for the Abnormality that lives there… my only advice would normally be to keep as wide a distance as you can, but that's not going to be an option. Whoever steps into that forest will have no choice but to face judgement for their sins."


Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Schadenfreude's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED

You finally got that gun you wanted! There you go, my gift to you!

Format votes as so:
[] Title
-[] Location A
—[] Team A
-[] Location B
—[] Team B
-[] Location C
—[] Team C
-[] Location D
—[] Team D

But on a more serious note, it's been a while since this Quest started. This is our second year together, and I never even thought I'd last one. Human Resources has been the highest-rated PM Quest on the site for a while now, and is currently the second most watched Madoka Magica Quest that's still actively updated, only behind Adfligo Systema. When I first started this, I never thought people would care about what I wrote, much less to this degree. I know that if it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't have found the strength to keep this story going. You all have brought me so much joy and happiness, and I can only hope that I've been able to give at least a little of that back to you.

Thanks you all for everything, from the bottom of my heart. I hope you all have a lovely Winter.
[X] Smash and Grab
-[X] The Rumor Mill
--[X] Argalia, Leonie (Maybe give Argalia some buffs if possible)
-[X] The Observation Tower
--[X] Kyoko, Sayaka
-[X] The Wizard's Court
--[X] X
-[X] The Black Forest
--[X] Homura, Mami

Isabeu is our ally for this fight then. With a force 4 team split, this will be hella difficult even without the Adult in the equation.

I propose the following.

The Wizard Court is probably the most dangerous one, so having X the arguably strongest one to face it would probably be a good idea.

She's also the most versatile of the combatants capable of doing all 4 types of damage and has both healing and mental support power.

Argalia and Leonie are a really strong duo. Mainly since Argalia himself is super strong. Maybe X or Sayaka should give him a buff if possible before the battle.

Kyoko and Sayaka are both more than strong enough to deal with this I feel. Sayaka can heal, while Kyoko is probably tanky enough to withstand the various traps or just power through them and burn them to ashes.

Homura and Mami are both more than capable of facing down Judgement and moving past it. Plus, here is the location that is the least dangerous to Homura's time stop I feel. Outside of Apocalypse Bird, Judgement Bird doesn't display any hard counters to time stops.

With the Wizard Court, I don't think anyone outside of X would work well. X both have a crap ton of fodders to feed to traps (Soldiers), AOE healing (Blue Star), and insane offense power (Swords, Guns, Throwing Swords, etc) alongside being decently durable herself with good abilities for anti-illusion abilities. It's dangerous sending her in a lone, but she's a good choice for this death trap I feel.
When she died, he couldn't so much as bear sunlight.

Well, she was his sun.

That's all I need to say.

Unfortunate it may be, there really is only one clear explanation.


How dare they go on an impromptu holyday at this moment, really, the nerves of some... ok, can't finish that one, Sayaka is not going to like the news.

"I believe you're overestimating our relationship. Sadly, our mutual friend doesn't see fit to inform me of anything that doesn't directly affect me."

While it does mean less news from the inside, it also means a wedge ready to be used for use to pry her away from the Adult.

That's fine with you. Every good manager aspires to keep everyone happy.

There is a dewitching project in our future, I feel, it looks like Isabeau.

and is currently the second most watched Madoka Magica Quest that's still actively updated, only behind Adfligo Systema.

And boy, isn't that a tall order to beat.

PMAS is big, really big, being second to it is basically being as close to first as realistically possible, congratulation, Lepi.

It's dangerous sending her in a lone,

At least she has a sword!

[X] Smash and Grab

I think that works.