Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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[X] X…
-[X] …speaks with CENSORED
seeking answers.

I just want to see X interact with CENSORED again. It was very helpful last time.
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I'm not against WhiteNight, but I'm pretty sure he'll just offer a baptism, and the cowardly voices in X's head will turn down the free +6 to every stat because they're irrationally afraid of accepting anything from white things with red eyes. So it's kind of a waste of an action.

The conversation itself could have some interesting foreshadowing about the larger plot, but I doubt that would help us in the short term.

[X] X…
-[X] …visits the Black Forest .
Currently outside of E.G.O regarding information about the Adult, it's a competition between WhiteNight's omniscience but narcissistic knowledge vs [CENSORED]'s confusing but honest knowledge.

I'm on team WhiteNight. Because personally speaking, I'm pretty sure whatever knowledge [CENSORED] would give will fly over our head. While Binah and Hokma trained us well enough to be able to read through WhiteNight's "I love the sound of my own voice" monologue.

Lepid said to not take E.G.Os and the likes into account for this vote, so I suppose we should put that out of mind for now.
About Whitenight, one thing to remember is that once you know about his nature, he completely stops pretending, you have the revelation once and then, that's it, WhiteNight is in the place and he's not hiding.

Even when he is the Plague Doctor, he doesn't so much lie as not tell everything and let your imagination do the rest.

His blessings are genuine, they just do more than the first thing you can see, a thing that the giant clock ticking everytime you get a new blessing makes very clear very fast.

The way to deal with him is actually pretty straightforward in LobCorp too, send someone who is powerful and experienced enough to survive him and don't ignore him, that's it.

Hell, even his favorite work is a good thing for us right now! He prefers Attachment work! The one where you talk and have emotional attachment with the Abnormality in some way, where you cover their social needs.

And that is not even talking about what he can offer X in particular, namely, real advices for her ascension. He is a fellow pinnacle, the one most likely to talk, and that matters.

Out of all the proposed abnormalities presented for X, he is also the one with the best minions in the unlikely case we can manage to obtain some for this raid. Nothing There has none, and we are not sending Kyoko and them in a fight together without first having a long, long discussion with the both of them. CENSORED has lots of them, but they are incredibly prone to collateral, in fact, they are completely indiscriminate. Apocalypse Bird once again have none, plus Apocalypse bird being almost as indiscriminate as CENSORED minions if we obtained direct help from him.

For all those voting birbs, we are not going in the fight alone, and the birbs are bad at team playing, WhiteNight, on the other hand, is all about team playing and having minions servants friends.
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Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Nov 27, 2023 at 2:19 AM, finished with 36 posts and 16 votes.

Huh. Well, we've gotten to the point where the vote would normally close, but we've actually gotten a perfect tie. I can't remember the last time that happened. I suppose I'll leave things for a day longer.
What is WhightNight going to say to us that is of any use to us? It may be powerful but I don't think it would give sound advice. The black forest would probably allow us to talk to Apocalypse Bird except Judgment Bird is lost in the otherworld so it would just be Punishing Bird and Big Bird.
What is WhightNight going to say to us that is of any use to us? It may be powerful but I don't think it would give sound advice.
WhiteNight can fully recover the HP and SP of all Employees inside the Facility if the attachment works with it results in good. That should be a sign that even if it doesn't give 100% Ayin brain-level advice, it'd still at the very least help de-stress X and prepare her for the battle to come.

Whatever it can say to X, it'll be substantially more useful than the information Big Bird or Punishment Bird can give, since those two are not basically god.

Plus, without Judgement Bird there, communicating with the Birbs is kinda fruitless.


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[X] X…
-[x] …consults WhiteNight for guidance.

Man I really need to catch up on a bunch of stories here, but I can at least break a tie.

And to be honest, if we didn't have big bird already I'd probably have voted for the black forest on the off chance that big bird was there. I'm just slightly worried that there's a price to be paid for this guidance.
What is WhightNight going to say to us that is of any use to us? It may be powerful but I don't think it would give sound advice. The black forest would probably allow us to talk to Apocalypse Bird except Judgment Bird is lost in the otherworld so it would just be Punishing Bird and Big Bird.

What is the Apocalypse Bird going to say to us that is of any ose to us? It may be porwerful but I don't think it would give sound advice...

Ok, stopping there, but you can probably see my point.

Thing is, between WhiteNight and Apo Birb, I would actually expect Whitenight to give the better advices, if only by the simple virtue that I can actually see him give us advices in the first place.

Out of the three birds, Punishing Bird won't give good advices because it is unable to understand the concept of proportional retribution, and Big Bird won't because he is persuaded that the best way to save people is killing them first (try telling that one to Homura about Madoka, see how it goes).

Judgment bird may be able to tell interesting thing, but isn't there, and would probably lead to Apo Bird if he came when we have the other while in he Black forest, and Apo Bird is utterly delusional and paranoid to the extreme.
Apo Bird is utterly delusional and paranoid to the extreme.
Asking for advice from that one is the equivalent of asking the Head for advice.

Atleast WhiteNight is more like X's uncle/brother (Adam) and therefore we have more common grounds with (I know better, so let me save you from the cruel reality that is life).

The only other pinnacle that we can rely a bit more on is Silent Girl, but she's arguably even worse than WhiteNight based on the little snippets of her personality we see (If you feel guilt, you'll die).
Asking for advice from that one is the equivalent of asking the Head for advice.

Well the birbs are basically the head, indeed.

Atleast WhiteNight is more like X's uncle/brother (Adam) and therefore we have more common grounds with.

I'd say more Carmen, Adam was just ahead of the curve when it came to how to emulate her.

(If you feel guilt, you'll die).

That is the big reason I am dreading any appearance from her in the vicinity of X (and slightly less but still a lot, Kyoko).

If there is one thing we are not lacking, it's guilt.

I would however be interested in seeing how she reacts to Madoka... in very controlled circumstance that would make absolutely sure she cannot die from the attempt.
in very controlled circumstance that would make absolutely sure she cannot die from the attempt.
Given that when Angela fought Carmen, she literally had to achieve enlightenment to not get insta-killed in her own Library, I'd say that Silent Girl is pretty high on the list of Abnormalities we don't want the kids any where even close until they become mentally stable and functioning adults.
Given that when Angela fought Carmen, she literally had to achieve enlightenment to not get insta-killed in her own Library, I'd say that Silent Girl is pretty high on the list of Abnormalities we don't want the kids any where even close until they become mentally stable and functioning adults.

Not sure, not only was the fight with Carmen and not silent girl alone in the first place, and Carmen did give some steroids to all abnormalities during it, but it didn't really happen in the library, it happened in the Light, when Angela was on the verge of dissolution and almost human, way more vulnerable than in normal circumstances.

Silent girl is probably back to a normal level for the abnormalities contained in the library now, instead of something that was closer to her released if not more that the fight almost certainly was.
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Nov 27, 2023 at 7:33 PM, finished with 47 posts and 18 votes.

Time for you to meet God.
I still hold that this is likely to be a mistake, but the democracy has spoken. I suppose it's time to meet the massive flying baby.
I just want to say: Finally! We had this option in the very first abnormality vote, and I already wanted it at the time, so seeing it win now instead of fearing it makes me happy.

Now to hope for a miracle and have Burrowing heaven manage to win a vote when it appears, really, we already had the possibility of a combo between it and Shadenfreude the last time it happened *grumble grumble*.

And remember guys! If things go wrong, just pray to Papa Ayin and everything will be fine.