Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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There's Nobody To Blame This Time

Wait, when did Nobody Is got in the library?


Roland, staring awkwardly at Homura standing stock still in a hallway.

Whoever talks first lose. :V

Considering the obviousness of the truth, it would be more a gesture of comfort than a real deception.

If you want, I know a guy who can give you lessons on that:

"But you're certain Madoka isn't hurt?"
"I can guarantee that she is alive.

Yeah, not that reassuring.

Yikes. How was he supposed to deal with that?

Have you tried a massive 5 phases fight with the entire library where the fighters reaches new heights of emotions they didn't even know they had in them and refuses to die? :V

A massive 5 phases fight with the entire library where the fighters reaches new heights of emotions they didn't even know they had in them and refuses to die? :V

He had thought it was something like the Gloves of the Black Silence. But she could just make whatever she wanted?

Well, it was, but her new state made some changes.

[] X…
-[] …visits the
Black Forest .
-[] …consults
WhiteNight for guidance.
-[] …speaks with
CENSORED seeking answers.
-[] …reunites with
Nothing There.

Ahhhhhhhh, why did you have to make things so difficult, I want all of them, all of them!

Black forest because maybe a fellow pinnacle, WhiteNight because certainly a fellow pinnacle and I want to see how he'd react to the Adult proclaiming herself our equal, CENSORED because the last conversation was interesting and because it may well gives us its EGO, Nothing There because I want to see how NT is now that there was some time to reflect.

[] Mami Tomoe…
-[] …runs into a
familiar face in the lounge.

And the fact that the option I intended to vote for this vote is still there doesn't help, Mami could benefit from knowing what happened to one of her pupil... namely, her becoming a witch and then her whole team fracturing and slowly getting crazier and crazier, before they became part of Nothing There and used as infinite emotion generators... you know what, let's look back at those X options.

[x] X…
-[x] …consults WhiteNight for guidance.

WhiteNight is a pinnacle just as X is, I think he may well be the best source of advice we can get about helping X accept her nature, the others have the problems of:

-Being too busy not existing yet and not being a smooth talker besides.

-Beng mute (and being triggered by guiltiness, something X has in spades).
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[X] X…
-[X] …reunites with Nothing There.

I WANT THIS!!! I want to see the result of a force injection of empathy, the result of our "most likely to change" abnormality, To speak of the birds is to see the head for guidance, to speak with whitenight is to look over to Mother C, to witness Censored is to be reminded of our origins, so why not see the results of our own labor? I want this.
A conversation with nothing there might result in wehaving a clue on how to change the nature of the abnormal, for now it represents our actions.
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First thing first, let's remind ourselves. Our current goal is saving Madoka.

So while checking out Nothing There is good personally, we should focus on the ones who can help X out directly in combat against the Adult.

[CENSORED] is certainly useful if we can somehow obtain its E.G.O, however, the likelihood of it is unknown, along with whether it would be effective against the Adult or not. It's too uncertain whether it will help X directly.

Checking out the Black Forest is another thing, we could obtain Judgement Bird after this, but it's another gamble, as we aren't fully aware of where Judgement Bird is, nor do we know whether bringing all 3 E.G.Os together would help us or would just give us a worse disaster to deal with.

WhiteNight is...well...it's white night. In all honesty, we should've picked its E.G.O first when we were offered the choice to. It's not quite a bad gamble, given that X's personality is really familiar to WhiteNight. But it does have the problem of well, it's WhiteNight.

There's also what the choices mean.

-[] …visits the Black Forest.

This one is too nebulous. Visit the Forest for what? To find Judgement? To seek help from the Watcher and the Executioner?

-[] …consults WhiteNight for guidance.

Seeking Guidance from WhiteNight is...risky. It should go without saying but the Abnormality who shed his skin will probably give us similar advice. Or perhaps it would be something different entirely. It's WhiteNight after all.

-[] …speaks with [CENSORED] seeking answers.

On the side of information, [CENSORED] may be able to help the most, but it's also a gamble on whether we will be able to utilize it at all.

-[] …reunites with Nothing There.

Iffy at best. We can't bring it out of the Library even if it is friendly so why?

[X] X…
-[X] …consults
WhiteNight for guidance.

For now, I'll play it a bit risky and go for the pinnacle of Souls. It'd be a bet I suppose. But I suppose the self-proclaimed god should be somewhat useful atleast. Whether for a scrap of information, some healing abilities, or something else.

Of the pinnacles, he's basically almost 1 for 1 in terms of similarities to X.

As for Mami or Sayaka, I was curious about this last chapter.

[X] Mami Tomoe…
-[X] …runs into a
familiar face in the lounge.

Who is the familiar face?
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Iffy at best. We can't bring it out of the Library even if it is friendly so why?

Is it sure?

We might be able to, it may not be a good idea, but we know abnormalities can get out of the library, I can see it being possible.

I still prefer WhiteNight for this decision, guidance and advices is more needed for X right now I feel, NT can wait.

Who is the familiar face?

Kazumi Subaru, who is a clone of Kazusa "Kazumi" Michiru, one of her old students which left on relatively good terms.

Kazusa had a team of seven MG, the Pleiades saints, with her as the leader, lack of grief seeds led her to witch out while hiding how bad her situation was and giving all her reserves to her friends.

Given how important she was for them, they all got a little crazy as a result and tried to resurect her using her witch's body and the power of one of them that can manipulate matter to make things to creates clones, all the ones with memories got berserk, and their last try was Kazumi, who didn't have any memories.

Kazumi wished to be human after a series of events that led to all but two members of the Pleiades to die or worse, we saw her and her friends when the library met the magical girls.
The Black Forest. WhiteNight. CENSORED. Nothing There.
Four Abnormalities that are of the highest order.

I'll just say it. I don't trust WhiteNight. It's literally an allegory of the False Messiah, with all the arrogance and manipulation that implies, like everything the Wizard is but worse. It is like dealing with a dictator by summoning Satan. Anything it offers, no matter how good is a poisonous gift. Trading one problem for another doesn't seem like a good idea. The only way this works well is if we stick to advice, since it should have a lot of experience with being an arrogant, back-stabbing manipulator that offers innocent-looking blessings that screw other people over.

Nothing There is probably the most reliable option. It has rapport with us after are talk and dumping a bunch of our experience into it and is the most amendable to working together. It's primary benefit are all physical, being incredible strength, a durable shell, and a morphing weapon, but I wonder with we can also get it's imposter ability. I don't know if it can fool the Wizard, but a disguise can be handy in infiltration.

CENSORED's main draw is it's information concealment capabilities. Obfuscating ourselves is invaluable against someone who abuses any vulnerabilities against you. The sanity damage is less so, since it'll probably just cause magical girls to Witch out super fast or something. Does sanity damage even do anything to Abnormalities?

Apocalypse Bird is one of THE strongest Abnormalities, rivalled by WhiteNight. Other than the incredible power it holds, it can cancel time stops and cover the area in darkness. Not as absolute as CENSORED, but it's something.

Um, thinking back on in-game lore, The Wizard through trickery and lies, and lost by her victims banding together and overcoming her trials. So the best choice is the one that most resembles the Power of Friendship!

[X] X…
-[X] …visits the Black Forest
I wonder with we can also get it's imposter ability.
Nothing There doesn't possess the ability to disguise itself.

Anything it offers, no matter how good is a poisonous gift.
This wouldn't be wrong if not for the fact that you can genuinely handle WN pretty well so long as it's contained and you are mindful of it's positioning. It's large range heal, revival blessings, and the ability to interact with time alongside buffs for allies are crucial toolsets in Hokma in the Library and X's kit in The Facility.

Contained, WhiteNight is useful. I highly doubt X would get tricked by the thing given the vivid PTSD it can give her. The apple of sin from working with it is something she utilizes quite often in her runs for max healing I'm sure.

Does sanity damage even do anything to Abnormalities?
For beings like the Adult whom we have 0 knowledge on? No. Even then, most top tier ALEPHs are usually resistant towards White damage.

Outside of that, Apoc Bird itself is a good option, sadly we aren't choosing Apocalypse Bird.

Judgement Bird isn't in the forest after all. So finding him will be needed. And then we'll have to gamble on whether the Apocalypse Bird will pop up.

The only known way to obtain it's power is through trial by combat. Which we aren't ready for...ever.
I agree with meme on the Black Forest, the problem is that while all the other options are about a who, this one is about a where, and we cannot guarantee that judgment bird is in the Black Forest, we can't guarantee that it will gives us access to Apocalypse bird if it is there, and we still have the problem that Apocalypse Bird is by his very nature paranoid, while WhiteNight is willing to discuss, even if it is to preach at us.

Nothing There is interesting, but I would prefer to be able to take our time on this one, and we are not in a position to do so.

CENSORED told us itself that it was unknowable and difficult to work with when it comes to understanding, this is another one where I think we would benefit from having more time to talk to.

WhiteNight is not exactly a *false* messiah, he is more a zealot god, or a demiurge, his power is genuine, his speech contains no lies, but his paradise is not the one that people expect. He is transcendence of humanity at all costs, with no morals left in the result and against the will of those chosen, Adam's goal. We want transcendence too, that is what the Light was made for, what the entire point of the facility was, but we want to acknowledge that morality is a good thing, and that people should have a choice.

I do think we would benefit greatly from a talk with him.
Outside of that...

We know that Judgment Bird isn't in the Black Forest based on the sneak peak we had of him a while back.

He's nearby the Adult's Emerald City.

We should focus on saving Madoka now, by obtaining as much power as we can.

We don't need more Red, we already have Eternal Mimicry.

We don't need more White, we already have ourselves + Pinks + Bluestar.

We don't need Black, mainly since Black Damage seems to have a bad habit of dealing friendly damage.

WhiteNight's powerset would be a straight increase for us.

An EX Agent fully equipped with WhiteNight gear could fight weakened ALEPHs, so what would X become?

Beside, of all the options given, Whitenight is the one with the best team play involved. Especially since we've established last couple of chapters that X isn't the one most at risk against the Adult.

Its the kids.
Beside, of all the options given, Whitenight is the one with the best team play involved. Especially since we've established last couple of chapters that X isn't the one most at risk against the Adult.

Oh, yeah, we can also maybe get him to loan us some apostles, this would be great.

Don't let him bless any of our girls though, we know what it means.

Also, Paradise lost is great when it comes to saving people, it is by far the best defensive EGO you could ever dream of, perfect for taking hits in their steads and still coming out on top.
[X] X…
-[X] …visits the Black Forest
My motivation is simple, birbs.

[X] Sayaka Miki…
-[X] …ends up in a room filled with clocks.

Voting against Mami as unlikely as Blueberry is to win because I want to see more of her. Even if seeing our eldest daughter being confronted by more of her past mentorships through Kazumi would be interesting.
Nothing There doesn't possess the ability to disguise itself.
Even if it's only temporary, I'd say the shell definitely counts. And we've already seen how it's nearly perfected its mimicry. But then again, I don't expect to get any cool new powers by just talking to the abnos this chapter.

Is this a choose 1 vote like the previous times @Lepidoptera?

[X] X…
-[X] …consults WhiteNight
for guidance.
The Black Forest will come to us with all 3 birbs soon enough I feel. There isn't much reason to interact with WhiteNight outside of the Library (or in most quests really) so I'll take this rare chance for a chat.
"My loved ones, who now eagerly desire the greater gifts; I will show you the most excellent way."

[X] Sayaka Miki…
-[X] …ends up in a room filled with clocks.

Too many good choices, but I will abide by the time I had already set aside.
Even if it's only temporary, I'd say the shell definitely counts. And we've already seen how it's nearly perfected its mimicry. But then again, I don't expect to get any cool new powers by just talking to the abnos this chapter.
X doesn't need that.

I feel like I shouldn't need to explain why an ability to use other people as a shell is useless for X.