Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Worth noting that if we write those names down anywhere, there's an elevated chance that Katherine runs into a True Venator cleanup squad. Oblivion War aftermath is one of those situations which is probably a use case for the Ancient Sorcery spell Corrupted Words or the charm Night Swallows Secrets.
Challenging the ancient Titans who claim dominion over the world is our most basic function.

I'd be happy to spread the lore and see if they dare to come to a world protected by Exalted.
Though probably after there are some more around than just Molly.
Challenging the ancient Titans who claim dominion over the world is our most basic function.

I'd be happy to spread the lore and see if they dare to come to a world protected by Exalted.
Though probably after there are some more around than just Molly.
We would want the united exalted host for that. At the very least I would want all 50 infernals fully awakened as Primordials and acting in concert before we bash open the Outer Gates and dare Old Ones to approach.
We would want the united exalted host for that. At the very least I would want all 50 infernals fully awakened as Primordials and acting in concert before we bash open the Outer Gates and dare Old Ones to approach.
For a worst case like that, yes.

But an increased feeding in believe from humanity to help some sleeping horrors wake up won't lead to them being all there and fully powered like the Primordials of old.
Taking down a single sleepy Elder God for good is a lot easier than dealing with a second Titanomachy.
Well, at the very least, Uriel must not have been happy at all about Nemesis managing to trick him into sending knights and now he knows who his summer hosts are.
Tricked? Nah.

Remember, archangel. Dude plays Xanatos Speed Chess for a living. The Knights were sent knowing it was a false call; they dont only respond to Denarian activity after all. The initial appearances of Michael in canon was over evil sorcerers, mad ghosts and vampires. Mavra specifically mentions Michael shanking her old coven of Blampires too.

If you think you got one over Uriel, you're delusional.
Dude might have just set up a bank shot for an event two generations away.
Challenging the ancient Titans who claim dominion over the world is our most basic function.

I'd be happy to spread the lore and see if they dare to come to a world protected by Exalted.
Though probably after there are some more around than just Molly.
Yeah no.

We're a single Exalt.
Not even a full Circle of Exalts, let alone the full Deliberative that was. We dont really want to do that. We dont have the firepower or the lore.

Remember, the Primordial War was only won with the advantage of strategic surprise, entire pantheons of gods and spirits, hundreds of Celestial Exalts, millions of DB Exalts, tens of millions of soldiers from multiple species(humans, Jadeborn, Dragon Kings and others now dead) and the aid of two Primordials.

For comparison, the Aftershock War was one average Primordial(Ramethus, colloqially known as Chungira/Chungzilla after Jon Chung) that came from the Wyld, saw what the Deliberative had done to the Yozi, optimized itself for war and fucked the entire Deliberative hard at the heights of the Age of Legends for 108 years.

They finally managed to kill it, but it gave the entire Solar Host a serious run for its money.

Any thought on a better crown question? I am unsure if what I have now is the best use of the focus.
1) Use a recording of the current scene in the Starbucks as a focus for learning the membership list + organization chart of the organization(True Venator) whose job it is to fight the Oblivion War.

That would reveal to Molly that Thomas and Lara Raith are members, reveal any other True Venators in Chicago, and open up using Lara Raith foci in particular, and Oblivion War foci in general.

2) Then use the scene where Lash tells us about the Oblivion War to look for traitors/moles/at risk people in/around the True Venatori membership. Which would plausibly turn up Justine, who as Thomas' girlfriend and Lara's PA/secretary is a pretty well placed agent for Nemesis/the Outsiders.

And would finally allow us to do something about it IC.

3)Then when we meet Katherine, we can use that scene as a focus to identify the people involved in this particular flareup of the War.
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[jk] Tell Lash that this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be spoken aloud, so she should write it down.
- "Hey, why does this note start with, 'Hi, Ivy'?"

[X] Yog
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1) Use a recording of the current scene in the Starbucks as a focus for learning the membership list + organization chart of the organization(True Venator) whose job it is to fight the Oblivion War.

That would reveal to Molly that Thomas and Lara Raith are members, reveal any other True Venators in Chicago, and open up using Lara Raith foci in particular, and Oblivion War foci in general.

2) Then use the scene where Lash tells us about the Oblivion War to look for traitors/moles/at risk people in/around the True Venatori membership. Which would plausibly turn up Justine, who as Thomas' girlfriend and Lara's PA/secretary is a pretty well placed agent for Nemesis/the Outsiders.

And would finally allow us to do something about it IC.

3)Then when we meet Katherine, we can use that scene as a focus to identify the people involved in this particular flareup of the War.
Ok, sure, done (edits in the original vote). At this rate we are going to know who are traitors in all organizations we interact with are, won't we? I wonder when we'll start getting overlaps.
So, I think I nailed the first proper exalted panoply item for Lydia.

First, let's consider, what does Lydia need? More firepower and a way to expand her essence pool is my answer. Now, who is Lydia? She's a dragonblooded version of an Abyssal, at least as far as I can see. Well, maybe Liminal, but I know less about them. The important thing is that she's heabily specked to deal with the (un)dead , and ghosts specifically.

Combat-wise she gets an essence-free ranged weapon, and she has relatively high brawl (3 dots). She has 3 purchases of Ox Body, so she's relatively tough. As far as essence regeneration goes, she has Rest-Granting strike, which allows her to regain 3 essence per slain immortal if she succeeds a Wits + Occult difficulty 6 roll.

She's also heavily specked towards summoning, or at least that's how I feel. But that's probably going to be next design. Right now, we are dealing with direct combat. And so, I give you

Black Obsidian Mirror Gloves

These elegant war gloves are seemingly made of impossibly black obsidian, polished to a mirror finish, and unnaturally flowing over the hands of its wearer. veins of pure elemental iron the likes of which hasn't been seen in the material world for an age flow through it, converging into the spiked knuckles. Despite the elegant design, when swung by the scion of Death, each strike of the gloves carries behind them the weight of Oblivion itself, ready to claim all within its reach.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is evocative of death. It might be a funeral
garment, or an old bone, or decorated with skulls. It might be smeared with crematory ash. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is
aligned with the power of death. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor can be summoned directly into the Underworld when made to manifest, if its
owner desires. As the basis for an Adornment, it grants its user the ability to see and interact with

ghosts on the other side of the Shroud. As the basis for a Fascination, it can interact with both the
land of the living and the Underworld.

The Splendor takes the form of a weapon. It has the traits of a Melee weapon such as a sword or
mace, or an archaic ranged weapon such as a bow. The Splendor must also have a one-point
Form Element with some sort of character to it.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of air, this weapon produces a great
thunderclap and burst of air when swung. Anyone struck by it who suffers more levels of damage
than their Dexterity rating is knocked prone.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of Earth, this weapon is one which inflicts
bashing damage. It inflicts one die of bashing damage more than would be normal for a weapon
of its type.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of fire, this weapon burns red-hot when swung
and its damage is considered to be fire damage.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of water, this weapon is always something
flexible and graceful, like a whip or thin-bladed sword. The difficulty to parry or dodge its attacks
increases by one.
If the Splendor is aligned with the elemental power of wood, this weapon is always something with
a substantial amount of wood in its construction. The difficulty to parry attacks with it decreases
by one.
If the Splendor is aligned with the feral, primitive, and bestial, this increases the difficulty of rolls
to attack with it by one, but lowers the difficulty of damage rolls made with it by one.
If the Splendor is aligned with the power of death, this weapon inflicts aggravated damage to
If the Splendor is aligned with the power of the Dreaming, this weapon may, at its user's discretion,
inflict chimerical rather than real damage (see C20).
If the Splendor is aligned with the power of the Spirit World, this weapon inflicts aggravated
damage to spirits.
The Splendor causes a transformation in accordance with its character, as defined by Form
Elements such as Form of Graceful Air. The nature of the transformation depends on the Form or
Forms in play, but might include transformation into things like a sparrow (air), pig (earth), a
living flame (fire), a fish (water), a stag (wood), a walking corpse (death), a semitranslucent
spirit (spirit), or a fantastic beast such as a sphinx (dreams). These are meant to be examples, and
not an all-inclusive list.
As an Adornment, this Splendor requires a point of Willpower and a turn spent in transformation
to either assume the characteristic form or return to the user's native form.
As part of a Fascination the maximum duration of the transformation (assuming it isn't cut short
earlier by fulfilling some criteria built into the Splendor) is one day for a 1-2 dot Splendor, one
week for a 3-dot Splendor, one month for a 4-dot Splendor, and one year for a 5-dot Splendor.
The Splendor's power is flawed, and its curses and blessings cannot maintain their hold for long.
Select one Element of the Splendor whose effects last for a limited time. That Element's maximum duration is decreased by one category (from one month to one week, one week to to
one day, and so on). If the duration is already "one day," the Element is reduced to one hour.
Taking this Element grants one additional Element point, which must be spent on a Mystic Element.
One of the Splendor's snares or benefits is particularly wicked or potent. Modify one roll
associated with the Splendor by increasing or decreasing its difficulty by two, or modify one
value associated with activating or resisting its effects (such as the number of points of
Willpower that must be spent to shake off a Beautiful Lie) by two.
The Splendor afflicts those it targets with a deadly poison. Poisoned individuals must make a
Stamina roll against difficulty (4 + Splendor's rating) each turn or suffer a level of unsoakable
lethal damage. Once the target has succeeded at this roll three times in a row, the poison has run
its course.
This Element is normally part of a Fascination. It may only be incorporated into an Adornment if
that Adornment has the Form of Imminent Violence, in which case the weapon is envenomed
and delivers this Element upon inflicting lethal damage.
The Splendor is shrouded in a psychic ward that makes it unthinkable to even consider harming
it in any way. Anyone attempting to do so must succeed at a Willpower roll against difficulty (4
+ Splendor's rating) and then spend a Willpower point on each turn in which they attempt to do
harm to the Splendor.
Unthinkable Ward is removed
This Element can only be part of an Adornment.
The Splendor allows the Exalt to use one particular Ability, such as Larceny or Brawl, from
much farther away than she really ought to be able. The Exalt can act from (Splendor's rating) x
5 yards past her normal limits.
This Splendor defines a rigid certainty and imposes it upon existence.
When used in an Adornment, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that
it falls under. When the user makes such a roll, she cannot botch and cannot fail regardless of the
difficulty. No matter what, she always generates at least one success. If this roll is opposed by
another character, Invincible Assertion instead adds two bonus successes.
When used in a Fascination, define a specific roll of (Attribute) + (Ability) and a specialty that it
falls under. Under circumstances defined by the Splendor, such rolls cannot fail in its presence,
and always generate at least one success. If such a roll is opposed, it adds two bonus successes.
This Element may be incorporated into a Splendor more than once.
  1. Rolls Dexterity + Brawl for attack rolls. Attack rolls are done at -2 DC
  2. Damage dicepool: STR+2 lethal damage (normal spiked gloves from C20 table deal STR+1, I think it's reasonable that we can do a little better)
  3. Can interact with ghosts
  4. Deals aggravated damage to ghosts
  5. Upon successfully striking someone, they are transformed into their ghost form, the ghost they would have formed upon dying. The ghost has all the same stats as their normal self. The transformation lasts an hour
  1. Upon dealing lethal or aggravated damage the target is poisoned.Poisoned individuals must make a Stamina roll against difficulty 7 each turn or suffer a level of unsoakable lethal damage. Once the target has succeeded at this roll three times in a row, the poison has run its course.
  2. The gloves are protected by a psychic shield. Anyone attempting to damage them (such as in case of Lydia blocking someone's strike with them) must succeed at a Willpower roll against difficulty 7 and then spend a Willpower point on each turn in which they attempt to do harm to the Splendor.
  1. Poison resistance roll is upgraded to DC8
  2. Unthinkable Ward effect is removed.
  3. Lydia can brawl with these from 20 yards away
  1. Poison resistance roll is upgraded to DC9
  2. Lydia can brawl from 25 yards away
  3. Attack roll now can't botch, the gloves automatically add 1 success to all attacks , unless the opponent attempts a defensive maneuver (block, dodge, parry), in which case 2 successes are added
The main idea is that this transforms all Lydia's opponents into ghosts, which allows her to harvest them for essence regeneration. I was thinking of switching Long Reach or Invincible Assertion for Soul Snare so this would work as a sorta version of Jade Talisman where Lydia would kill something, its soul (now as a ghost due to transformative effect) would get trapped and could be used for fuel later. But I think Long Reach works better.

@DragonParadox what are your thoughts on this possible design?
Sadly I think that is... not really impossible but impractical, most people do not become ghosts so do not have a ghost form, thus you are left with a weapon that is very strong against the small proportion of the population that would become unquiet souls if killed.
Sadly I think that is... not really impossible but impractical, most people do not become ghosts so do not have a ghost form, thus you are left with a weapon that is very strong against the small proportion of the population that would become unquiet souls if killed.
Ok, not ghosts then. The idea is to exploit this part of Rest Granting Strike:
The Exigent gains 3 Essence on the spot if the annihilated being was in any sense immortal, such as a spirit, ghost or vampire.
So, using transformation effect, we grant the stricken target the "immortal" status in some sort of form. It could be "turning them into their zombie / ghost / undead form". It could be applying Unaging Arcana trait:
• Unaging: The Arcana is designed with especially durable enchantments, or has had its genetic
profile modified to disable ageing, or has had its corpse sprayed with remarkably efficacious
preservatives. If the Arcana is of a variety that would normally get older (or wind down over
time) and eventually die, it doesn't. Phantasms and golems don't normally need this Feature to
endure indefinitely, unless the golem is made of something notably prone to wear and tear like
soft wood or wax.
Or some other mechanism.

Narrative-wise, the first strike by the Scion of Death temporarily removes the target of her attack from the normal cycle and flow of life and death, making them immortal in some form, so that the next strike would be all more heavy for it.
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Ok, not ghosts then. The idea is to exploit this part of Rest Granting Strike:

So, using transformation effect, we grant the stricken target the "immortal" status in some sort of form. It could be "turning them into their zombie / ghost / undead form". It could be applying Unaging Arcana trait:

Or some other mechanism.

Narrative-wise, the first strike by the Scion of Death temporarily removes the target of her attack from the normal cycle and flow of life and death, making them immortal in some form, so that the next strike would be all more heavy for it.

I realized that. The problem is the person is the soul and there aren't that many forms of native undead in this world. Ghost is the most common thing you could turn someone into and that is still a small portion of the population.
Lash, who had been looking over your shoulder at Clippy for the information all the while shakes her head in disbelief. "Why do you care if it's a weekday? Why on Earth are you still in school?" When you give her a dirty look for asking that with Dad right there she just rolls her eyes. "You clearly do not need either the education they are imparting or an institutional babysitter. Hell if you drop out it will make a better story for the newspapers when you 'invent' holographic technology, powered exoskeletons and rail guns."
Totally agree. At this point us going to school is mostly cost sunk fallacy.
I realized that. The problem is the person is the soul and there aren't that many forms of native undead in this world. Ghost is the most common thing you could turn someone into and that is still a small portion of the population.
Would temporary transformation into a zombie not work? That's a canon application of Transformation, and it's sorta kinda a bodily transformation:
The Splendor causes a transformation in accordance with its character, as defined by Form
Elements such as Form of Graceful Air. The nature of the transformation depends on the Form or
Forms in play, but might include transformation into things like a sparrow (air), pig (earth), a
living flame (fire), a fish (water), a stag (wood), a walking corpse (death), a semitranslucent
spirit (spirit), or a fantastic beast such as a sphinx (dreams). These are meant to be examples, and
not an all-inclusive list.

But ok, if this is not workable, a question - if we add Soul Snare to the splendor, so it catches up to X souls of the people Lydia defeats, would Lydia be able to trigger Rest Granting Strike to replenish essence by removing / consuming / destroying those trapped souls?
Ok, so, I am guessing the target's stats are preserved, they get creature of darkness, and undead tags?

That and they can soak lethal damage with full stamina since they no longer have to worry about minor stuff like 'internal organs'. It would also suspend the need for food and rest as well as other biological processes, you could say keep someone from bleeding out with this.
Underlined is the error:

"Oh, you don't know?" Lash stops. "Technically it is going to upset an organization broadly opposed to the our common enemies if say anything more. Personally I think it is going to do more good than harm for me to explain since you might remember something out of the long dark of ages and speak it too loudly otherwise, but the choice is yours."

if I say not if say

So does Molly count as a mortal for the purpose of the Oblivion War?
That and they can soak lethal damage with full stamina since they no longer have to worry about minor stuff like 'internal organs'. It would also suspend the need for food and rest as well as other biological processes, you could say keep someone from bleeding out with this.
I hope other characters will react with the appropriate amount of horror on someone suddenly getting zombiefied.
if I say not if say

So does Molly count as a mortal for the purpose of the Oblivion War?
As a general rule Exalted count as both mortal and not whichever one is most convent for the Exalted at the time. So if we don't want our knowledge to bring back old horrors we don't if we do we do.
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