This question is better addressed to me, since I proposed it. What w9uld you suggest as an alternative?
Also, we need multiple foci to mount a proper rescue operation for the gods. Where are they held, how are they guarded, what is their condition, etc. I doubt mundane desecrated temples will hell us much.
1)Why would we mount a rescue operation? Why is this even a priority?
Have you actually looked up the history of some of the Mayan Pantheon that were usurped? Or why noone intervened on their behalf when the Reds grabbed them? We certainly havent done the research IC.
They were not necessarily good people, nor is unleashing them on modern Mexican society necessarily a good thing.
2) Even if we wanted to? We are not mounting a rescue operation for the gods in the short to medium term.
Which means that whatever information this is will quite likely be obsolete by the time we actually have the ability to do anything about it. The setting is not static.
3) Like I said, short of getting our hands on the Red King himself, Arianna Ortega is possibly the highest tier Red Court information and sorcerous focus we are likely to get in the short to medium term, and there is a war on where that might be useful. Especially since Divination Magic is something thats up for us to learn.
Even the Lords of Outer Night are not likely to be as good links to the head of the Red Court as his own daughter is.
What you are suggesting is the magical equivalent of melting down boy-Pharoah Tutankhamun's mask for the gold it was made of.
Sure the gold is valuable.
But the gold is but a fraction of the market value of the artifact itself.
Counter-argument 1: mechanically, there's no difference, and Red Court heads are easier to get.
1) There is no mechanical difference between a 10 kilogram lump of gold and Tutankhamun's funerary mask.
Melted down, they have the same value.
That does not mean they are equivalent.
Similarly, all that it says it that Arianna's head can be melted down for X amount of magical mojo.
It makes no assignation to value of the head itself.
2) Red Court heads are easier to get, because making and replacing mooks is fairly straightforward for the Reds.
Red Court
elder heads? Much less so.
It's telling that Morgan cutting down a Duke and two Counts was counted as a big deal in canon.
A low-generation equivalent Rampire elder is not exactly something you can find on a street corner; they didnt get to become elders by making a habit of putting themselves where you can stab them.
The one saving grace there is that most arent unique, and are more or less interchangeable.
Not like Arianna, daughter of the Red King is.
Counter-argument 2: even if you want to use tears, pushing for a 3 dot splendor is much, much better. For the cost of a single 1 dot splendor you get a result that's much more powerful.
I dont especially agree. Not in this case.
There is such a thing as overdoing stuff, especially when it comes to the balance of power between two Fae Courts.
Besides, splendors are explicitly upgradeable.
There is nothing preventing you adding a feature to a 2-dot in the future if we are so inclined and get the resources/an appropriate reagent then.
Counter-argument that requires a ruling: @DragonParadox are reagent sets a thing, where a total of several components is more than the sum of its parts? Ie, for example, if we got a similar focus from Maeve, or if we gathered a lady-queen-moyher set, would the total power of the foci be more than the sum of the separate power foci?
As the QM has confirmed, not a medium term issue.