I thought the main purpose was to get Lash out of Dresden's head, with a stretch goal of redeeming Lash. It only makes sense to me to have a tool to help us figure out if she tries to plot against us. Or, if the Denarians/some other party capture her, it could be useful.
Looking at the PDF you provided, the Tracker Trinket's second enchantment (the Exalt always knows exactly where it is so long as she remains attuned to it) would be perfect. If it can be made as a 2 dot prodigy, surely it could be integrated into a 3-5 dot Arcana.
There is trying to redeem someone evil, and then there is being foolish and having no contingency for if they decide they don't want to be redeemed. Another option would be to just give Lash a tracking bracelet that uses that "Tracker Trinket" enchantment, and warning Lash against taking it off.
The purpose are threefold
- To save Dresden from the multiple issues of having a Fallen's Shadow in his head
- To redeem Lash
- To deny her to other factions
One of the surest ways to make a person an enemy is to treat them as one from the beginning.
Tracking bracelets, kill switches...all this shit presupposes antagonism, and are a self-fulfilling prophecy in their own right. I know how Molly would react to being treated like that, because we've already seen it happen in-story.
There are no contingencies that you can establish on an intelligent person that does not
Sometimes you kinda have to extend trust. And sometimes it will go wrong. But if you dont extend it, you essentially guarantee that you cant actually recruit people.
Them's the breaks.
Not really? Not unless spies of hostile nations are given freedom of movement? She is her own person, and we are extending a lot of trust and faith in making her any body, much less a superhuman one, but that doesn't mean we trust her completely and won't monitor her.
On the courts' ability to keep her contained and to monitor her. That's not really arguable until we know her stats (incidentally, since we are going to be making her body, I expect us to at least know most of its attributes, if not abilities). But 1) they would have a very strong home field advantage over Lash, and 2) There's a general tone of "FCF are fragile and in danger, we must protect them from the world" that seems to be pervading the player base. I find it disturbing. They are a united world state with their own forces and magic, that are more advanced than what Earth has. In a conflict between them and Earth mortal factions, be it open warfare of spy games, I would put at least equal odds on them.
1) Not a spy. Some things are self-fulfilling prophecies
2) At the very least, she would be classified as the scion of an angel. A Nephilim.
And thats the very low end. Maybe Im paranoid, but I think you are distinctly underestimating her (potential)capabilities
If we dont trust her not to stay out of places we ask, we shouldnt be sending her to the Courts for any extended period of time
3) The FCF is also a world with a homegrown resistance movement
1) Simulacda artificial soak lethal natively.
2) Self-repairing, not native healing, since it's an artificial body
3) It is not a combat frame. If it was, I would take different merits, and start with a golem type to get stamina 9, 16 points of soak, including agg. with generalized always on -2DC on soak (-3 against stone). That's what I am preparing for Daniel. But this isn't a combat frame. It's a comfortable body for a socially oriented spirit. So no hardened body, no reinforced body (the same can be done with armor), no fast, or flight. Maybe expertise. And a couple of possible flaws (we can buying to 7 points of flaws to increase merits), but that's arguable.
1) Simulacra do not soak Agg.
She is going to need to be able to do so, whether she's biological or not, given that her native enemies and the people looking to take advantage of her are likely to include....exotics.
2) Same difference, just different flavor.
And I suspect simulacra with nanotech repair can do a fair simulation of healing anyway
3) Your enemies dont really care whether you are personally specced for combat or not.
The Arcana Features I pointed out are all for survival, not combat; to allow the victim to take a hit or five and make it out alive, and to fix any damage expeditiously. And to try to outrun pursuit.
This is not a setting where refusing to invest in defensive features, or having too few of them, does you any favors.
The canon Archive can attest to that. So can Marcone.
Merlin added Harry to the delegation as a bribe for Molly. The "he's going to be busy" argument is valid, but I assume that he's going to have at least some free time.
The Merlin
offered to include Harry.
He may or may not be available; his responsibilities extend beyond Molly's personal circumstances.
She would make a terrifying Winter Knight, won't she?
That she would.
I dont know if she would have the temperament for it, but the capability? Oh yes.
Maybe not nuclear batteries, but having her have to drink heavy water (commercially available) and stuff like that could be useful from a minmax perspective of minmaxing and getting more points.
I would disagree. Too specialized, too reliant on industrial society.
And too removed from the customs of human society which we are trying to integrate her into
Even the Fae eat and partake of the customs of human hospitality.
There's whole social customs around the giving and partaking of food that she would be skipping by turning food into something that you chug specialized fuel for.
I dislike this argument because it presupposes that only humans are people. Porter doesn't need to eat. Machine Spirits lack physical bodies. Fairly sure that whampires can subsist on energy alone. They are all their own persons.
Porter and Machine Spirits are all distinctly non-human, with nonhuman perspectives and ethics.
Our ability to relate to them personally is distinctly atypical for the bulk of people.
That does not help when you are trying to socialize someone to human society and human ethics and concerns.
And no, as far as I know Whampires cannot subsist on energy alone; we've seen Lara, Thomas and Isabel all eating, and that dinner we went to had other Whampires eating.
Even the Red Court appear to eat and consume refreshments, judging from Grave Peril's ball scene.
The only vampire court that doesnt appear to eat normal food are the Blacks.
Even the Fae eat human food.
Toot Toot and most of the Little Folk we see onscreen have a major lust for pizza. Some others like Lacuna prefer celery.
Offering gifts of milk were customary for brownies. I could go on.