No, it's not. Not if they use those omniscient seers they (the proverbial they, all interested parties) are supposed to have.
Which they?
Mab or Maeve might well be livestreaming this right now, and will know who lived or died. Some Hells/afterlives will probably have new arrivals to ask what the fuck happened. The Reds? Will also know who
should be on the plane.
The greater supernatural public dont know who else is on the plane, let alone who, if any, survived.
They are going to have to exert effort and invest resources to find out.
Now are you willing to pay the
price for that information?
Because it generally isnt free; you're spending something, even if its only the seers time, that is still time your information source could be doing any of several other things.
@A_Somebody pointed out, you are certainly going to want to expend the resources(seer time and effort, payment for oracular spirits, access to the aircraft wreck, supernatural favors, demon sacrifices et cetera) to determine if Duchess Arianna Ortega, childe of the Red King and senior Red noble is alive or dead and what killed her.
Are you going to do so specifically for the most junior members of her retinue, assuming you even remember who they are?
People dont have unlimited resources. Even the Crown has limits.
Dresden was offered the (alleged) secrets behind how his father and mother died several years ago by a demon information trader.
The price was too high. And a trap
Or to use a mundane example, a medical doctor can go out right now and buy any number of medical textbooks
But if Im an infectious diseases resident, I would be quite unwilling to shell out ~$500 for Fischer's Mastery of Surgery.
Or, if I was an American gun nerd, my interest in weapons doesnt mean I am willing to invest the resources to drop *checks* $90,000 for a civilian M60 machinegun.
Not when I have a mortgage payment.
Depending on what we did and when I think it could have a major impact on the war by inducing greater internal power struggles.
That said I prefer the information game idea to simply cursing him.
We could probably push them to the brink of messy civil war by dialing up the red king's blood senility, but that's a very volatile state to set up compared to giving the white council an information advantage.
Though it's worth noting that the red court being awful is the red king's fault since he was the one who made it in the first place. If we wanted to slap someone around out of spite over it he'd be the person to do it to.
Oh, Im not defending Kukulkan. I just have my doubts about how important this is, both to the Vampire War and Molly personally.
Its not like we have an unlimited amount of crafting time here either, and the Red Court is, surprisingly enough, nowhere near the top of Molly's personal to-do list.
It is kinda amusing to realize that of the villains we've run into, the Red Court only rate around number 3 or 4, behind the Outsiders, the Yama Kings, the Black Council and the Fomor.