[X]Plan Blackbeard
-[X] Go in first in order to draw fire and make sure your ally does not get too enthusiastic
--[X] Tell cyberdevils to implement blackout of plane from airport radar, plane communications and flight transponder
--[X] Command Wings of Spite to climb and depressurize plane to incapacipate/incommode mortal passengers and crew rapidly and drop internal temperatures to ambient external temperature
--[X]In turn over 2 turns: Steelskin(1m) + VLE(1m) + ATB(1m) + HC(1wp) + Occult Excellency(1m) + MHM(1m): 5m, 1wp
--[X] Mind-Hand Manipulation to rip open rear door for entry
--[X] Activate Melee Excellency inside the plane when combat begins
-[X] STUNT: "Taking point. All points, black out the plane on a count of ten" you say curtly as you begin a steep descent, passing through a moist cloud that warms your brazen skin as the light of your soul blooms into incandescent life, casting green illumination around you even as you stoop upon your target. An effort of will, and you rip the rear entry door bodily out of its frame, sending it spinning into the night in the planes wake as you alight at the opening. A quick pause to breathe a brief prayer as Dark Sun unfolds on your arm, then you are inside the plane, the brass sun glowing on your brow and eyes staring out of your anima banner.
14-5m = 9wp
8-1wp = 7wp
Anima Power: Surprise negator
Speed potion: x2 speed for the scene
Antivenom potion: Immunity to Red Court venom
Impervious Primacy Mantle: Immunity to mind and emotion-affecting magic for the scene
Without Honor (Above 10,000 feet, temp is subzero): +2 dice to all rolls while in cold-based environmental hazards
Transcendent Anathema: Agg damage
Windborn Stride: x3 base movement speed
Scar-Writ Saga Shield: -1DC to soak rolls.
Boiling Sea Mastery(Diving through cloud): -1DC to all rolls
Demonic Primacy: -2DC to all social rolls
All Things Betray: -3DC to all Perception rolls
Mind-Hand Manipulation: Lift and move people and objects within line of sight + ranged attack.
Hellscry Chakra: Awareness of CoDs. See auras of CoDs.
Steelskin: Roll Willpower + Without Honor 2 at DC 7(8 - BSM 1)
VLE: Highest of Strength, Charisma or Stamina to soak. Minimum 4
Combat speed: x6 base speed or x20 if we spend 1m for 4 combat turns
Initiative: (Roll d10 + Dexterity 4 + Wits 3 + Perception 3(ATB) + Demonic Guide 2) x Windborn Stride 2
Soak: Base stamina 3 + Ebon Scales 1 + Steelskin + VLE
Health: 11/11
Willpower 7/9 wp
Essence 9/15m