Shards of Divinity
21th of November 2006 A.D.
"Pretender? Godling?" Your laugh is dark and throaty. And as you laugh, your voice transforms, becoming something altogether inhuman, the sound of brass twisted upon itself into a shrieking melody of tortured metal, underpinned by the howling of a distant, merciless arctic wind that somehow easily drowns out the rushing air swirling around the ruptured jet cabin that has become your latest battlefield.
The laughter ceases abruptly, your surroundings tremble as if reality strains to contain your presence, and then you are more. "What... what did you do?"
Pride swells in your chest unbidden at having managed to get something as old and filled with pride himself as Broken Seeker to stumble over his words. There is a sense of anticipation in the very air, like a cord about to be plucked.
Lost 2 Essence Now at 7/15 Essence
Lost 2 Willpower -> Now at 5/9 Willpower
They scramble and they charge on filthy claws still gripping the tatters of flesh masks and expensive suits alike, they, they pounce from the ceiling with screeches of terror-made-rage, less than beasts and yet with eyes still horrifically human, like a drug-addled nightmare of a mad god. Claws scratch leaving no mark, drooling maws bite at limbs and the teeth shatter. Pieces of tables whole chairs break upon your back from those who even in their frenzy do not dare approach.
Though the din you can hear Duchess Arianna is shouting in some tongue you do not speak, Mayan maybe, Aztec, trying no doubt to bring some order to the chaos of the battle, trying to get those of her subordinates who still have their wits about them to do battle rather than lash out like cornered beasts. Amid the carnage three of the remaining elders reach you, each moving with
unnatural grace as though puppeted by some greater power, moving though your guard like water to rip and tear at the joints in your armor... but they too find no purchase.
Lose 1 Essence -> Now at 6/15 (Melee Excelency)
Weaving between lashing limbs, ducking under wings like fetid curtains you fly straight and you fly true... right at Duchess Arianna as she raises her hands to once more claw magic from the air.
You had expected the speed, compensated for it. What you had not expected was that once one flurry,
two broke past her guard the scorch-marks on her flesh should heal almost as fast as you can make them, veins shifting and writhing like serpents under her skin as they pump blood, so much blood over the wounds to heal them.
Arianna Discipline Revealed:Shatterproof (Protean •••, Fortitude ••••) A Gangrel with this power toughens his flesh and allows her body to absorb damage, spreading a blow's impact throughout her entire form to avoid significant injury.
System: The Gangrel may roll both Fortitude and Stamina together to soak aggravated damage. This does not include automatic soaks with stamina versus regular damage. Each use of this ability requires the expenditure of one blood point.
"How long can you keep this up?" you spit between the blows, keeping your guard up, physically and mentally
"Idiot girl! I have drunk the blood of gods! I
am a goddess!" she screams, a film of blood flowing over her eyes, tears without mercy.
She's fast you will give her that and she is strong, strong enough to break this plane in half. Finally she manages to bat aside your sword and seems almost as surprised as you are by the fact, not even managing to chip your shoulder armor as much as her minions did
Out of the corner of your eye you can see Broken Seeker gut one of the remaining vampire elders in a fountain of blood from its ruined stomach and rip the wing off another to use as a improvised club, looking as happy as a little kid skipping though mud puddles.
1 Vampire Elder killed; 1 Wounded (3 more alive)
Even as the reek of blood claws at your nostrils, the screams of the remaining half-bloods mixing with the battle screeches of their masters you can still hear the distant storm, you can still smell the jungle after the rain, you can still glimpse in gaps between worlds the lights of cities infinitely distant and yet as near as your own heart.
What if I were to draw it close? you wonder and you reach...
[] The Wastes
[] The Jungle
[] The Cities
[] The Palace
[] Write in
OOC: Well this is your first time using shintai after getting the Signature. How do you alter reality.