Contentious Contacts
20th of November 2006 A.D.
An unpleasant jolt of worry goes though you.
How much do they know, how much had they seen? Did I say too much? Thinking back to what you know about the Fellowship you realize that you know next to nothing about how they operate beyond 'insurgents against the Red Court' allied with the White Council and the Holly Office. After considering and dismissing them yesterday here you are, knowing little implying much.
"Hmm..." you hum, an almost laugh, feeling like an old-timey movie villain, might well play this up a little. "I cant possibly answer that. And if you are right" she tenses as you reach into your backpack, only to relax as you withdraw a notepad and pen "You probably don't want to be standing next to me in a Mexican airport when the Reds come looking." You finish scribbling an email address on the notepad, then hand it out. "My apologies to your mediums for the ruckus. You may be assured that my business in Mexico is not directed at your association, or indeed the civilians of this nation. Beyond that, well," an expressive shrug "Security." You pause as if it just occurred to you. "Your organization might want to keep their heads down for the next couple weeks though. You'll know why by morning."
"Apologies," one of the men with guns, now no longer pointed at your head snorts though a very impressive handlebar mustache. "Little lady we ain't in the business ah keeping our heads down when the leeches are stirring shit. Stirred is about the only way you can pry one off."
"I think you've mixed them metaphors a bit too much there Caleb," the third and least Texan of the trio, by which you mean he sounds more like an episode of Texas Ranger than an old John Wayne movie, says putting away a small golden crucifix. "Look miss, we're already here, if you're gonna pull something tellin' us what it is..."
"She's not going to tell us Max," Marry cuts him off bitterly. "'Our betters' are cooking something up, they don't need the freaks with a taste for blood getting in the way. Least we got a heads up this time not like Casaverde." She looks you dead in the eye, the struggle against the blood, its call to heed you and to obey crystal clear. "If you fuckin' kill a bunch of civies to get yo your target I will wind you, I might not be the one who pulls the trigger, I might not be in the same co'hntry when you get yours, but I
will find someone 'r somethin' to put you down."
"What..." Damned curiosity will not let you be. "What happened at Casaverde?"
"Wizards killed 'Duke' Paulo Ortega and most of his knights and they lied about who else they killed, all his dependents and all the folk they had brought along for the muster, hundreds of people, dead. Freak fucking accident, satellite fell from the sky." She pauses, noticing your surprise maybe. "You're not with them are you? Well if you're young enough for the zap-post...."
"That's not what it's called and I know ya know," Caleb sighs, but his boss ignores him for the moment.
"Then they will try to headhunt ya, doesn't matter
what you are, they're throwin' everythang at the wall. But you remember this girl, when they say they don't kill they're lyin' sure as a colonel who says he ain't crooked."
Her personal experiences with crooked officers aside that's disturbing, assuming that isn't some kind of Red Curt propaganda. Had some wizard chosen to use black magic and then allowed themselves to be executed as a means of getting rid of Arianna's husband? It's not as though the council has a lot of people even able to pull that off from what you had understood, but if they blow against the Red Court was bad enough maybe... Someone who was sick, dying or under a curse maybe.
Whatever the case the Fellowship or at least this particular trio are bitter as hell over it.
Still they are at least satisfied that you are not about to cause collateral damage on the scale of the chaos you had caused on the spooky side. For now that is what matters and for the future you have more contacts, even if you did have to get them by having guns pointed at your head in an airport.
Thankfully getting into the server room this time proves to be as easy as it had in Mexico City, if not more so since you happen to bump into a guy who had just gotten married and really into talking about it and showing pictures of his wife. From the sounds of things his colleagues had gotten tired of hearing it so he is only too happy to find a new ear to talk off about how great his partner is. It's kind of cute, at least the fifteen or so minutes you hear about it. In and out, no one in the server room this time so all you have to do so you can just give it a good look over and the newly christened 'Arrow of the Shattered Dawn' has complete control of what air traffic controllers see.
Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 10/15
What do you do next?
[] Just get some rest before it is time for the hijacking
[] Talk to Broken Seeker more
-[] What does he think you are
-[] See if you can get some rumors from the darker side of the supernatural side
[] Call Lydia, it feels like you haven't spoken to her in an age
[] Write in
OOC: Since I know you guys are going to ask, no the existence of the Blackstaff is not something the White Council publicizes to outsiders, it would be ideologically damaging to know there is a magical way around the First Law.