Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Yeah, I don't like any of those options. Best I wait for better plans to come up. My plan tends to be shit.

Also, someone remind me what RVD again?
It's where we melt into a body of water and teleport from one side to the other. Apparently it stirs up all the spirits living in the water and so isn't nearly as sneaky as we had hoped.

It is where Molly briefly becomes a body of water, infernal essence and all. Since it's not like dead people and other minor spirits know what an infernal is they will all start babbling about whatever they think evil looks like which leaves the question of what the cause was at the interpretation of the medium. So if one is for instance a Fellowship of Saint Giles medium and hear 'horrifically powerful dark force' an old powerful vampire is the first thing that springs to mind, then they start wondering why one of them is now in an airport alone and you get the senile elder vampire hypothesis.
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Looks like yeah, that description of the power of Molly's everything does have repercussions.
And hiding Molly's involvement in Arianna Ortega's regretful demise was never even a possibility.

We need to look into Black Mirror as soon as we buy the Exalted Crafting charm.
Don't shoot: Molly vs Marry willpower... just made it because it is a key ability
Getting them talking: Molly vs Marry willpower, she no longer thinks you are a vampire so she does not get her +2 dice from intimacy... also you know she is starting to consider that this might not end in a shootout
...and finally the roll that started this yesterday: How much does RVD agitate the spirits... high is good low is bad
You forgot to apply Demonic Primacy of Essence.
If you'd applied DPoE, Molly would have gotten 7 success on the Dont Shoot roll and 9 successes on the Getting Them Talking roll; significantly greater margins of success.

Doesnt matter, since we passed the rolls.
Just pointing it out.

Also, Marry rolled her Willpower with +2 Intimacy on the Getting Them Talking roll.
Even though she shouldnt have.
We passed the roll though, so no harm done.
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Can we just go "Listen lady, I travel a quarter of the way around the world in a night to come here and fuck the Red Court for sending an assassin at me and you don't think I bother to look up who you are?"
Looks like yeah, that description of the power of Molly's everything does have repercussions.
And hiding Molly's involvement in Arianna Ortega's regretful demise was never even a possibility.

We need to look into Black Mirror as soon as we buy the Exalted Crafting charm.

You forgot to apply Demonic Primacy of Essence.
If you'd applied DPoE, Molly would have gotten 7 success on the Dont Shoot roll and 9 successes on the Getting Them Talking roll; significantly greater margins of success.

Doesnt matter, since we passed the rolls.
Just pointing it out.

Also, Marry rolled her Willpower with +2 Intimacy on the Getting Them Talking roll.
Even though she shouldnt have.
We passed the roll though, so no harm done.

That was with DPE, the base DC was 8, these people were seconds away from trying to shoot you, if it were not for their vampire side screaming at them not to antagonize you they would not have hesitated as much as they did. Since you only won the first roll off by 1 she still though you were probably a vampire by the second, it is only after you won that roll by much more than she no longer thinks that.
Welp. Time to get them to agree to help us kill a Red Court vampire, thus temporarily bring them under the umbrella of serving us, therefore supressing the negatives of being vampires themselves...

South American branch of Molly's Dark Empire of Niceness and Community Service when?
Keep in mind the Brotherhood of Saint Giles is likely to be infiltrated to some extent by the Red Court.

Not to an absurd degree, she's not likely to be a plant herself, but if this went up the chain and got passed around, 'weird lady who claims to be Princess of the Thousand and First Hell showed up near the international airport' might get reported. So maybe some kind of discretion is advised.
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[X] Stonewall them, you don't own them any answers, if they are minded to shoot after everything you have just said you can deal with that
honestly fuck them, just fuck them. If they want to pick a fight they have no chance of surviving (not that molly would kill them, but they don't know that) much less wining that's their problem.
Welp. Time to get them to agree to help us kill a Red Court vampire, thus temporarily bring them under the umbrella of serving us, therefore supressing the negatives of being vampires themselves...
They are fanatics, and B they are the opposite of useful in fighting Red Court vampires. They amount to controlled opposition for the Red Court, a goon squad for the higher ups to beat up the younger vampires.
Misdirection like "I talk to a lot of spirits", maybe?
More like "I cant really say."
Probably share some nonspecific information in return, since they are sharing information.
If its that obvious that Molly was in the country, then it broadens what we can talk about or imply.

That was with DPE, the base DC was 8, these people were seconds away from trying to shoot you, if it were not for their vampire side screaming at them not to antagonize you they would not have hesitated as much as they did. Since you only won the first roll off by 1 she still though you were probably a vampire by the second, it is only after you won that roll by much more than she no longer thinks that.
Thats a higher DC than the social encounter between a Red Court vampire and an Infernal and a Knight of the Cross back in Arc 3.
Andre La Blanche was DC7, which was DC5 after Demonic Primacy.

Keep in mind the Brotherhood of Saint Giles is likely to be infiltrated to some extent by the Red Court.
Not to an absurd degree, but if anything got passed along to the baddies it'd be 'weird lady who claims to be Princess of the Thousand and First Hell showed up near the international airport'. So maybe some kind of discretion is advised.
Its canon that there's a Red Court deep cover agent on their ruling board; dude's a triple agent who wants the Red Court dead who is posing as a Red Court agent posing as a Fellowship of St Giles agent .
Makes your head hurt.

That said, if Molly moving raises that much of a ruckus, secrecy was never a possibility.
They are fanatics, and B they are the opposite of useful in fighting Red Court vampires. They amount to controlled opposition for the Red Court, a goon squad for the higher ups to beat up the younger vampires.
This is not true.
1) Some are fanatics, some arent.
2)The Fellowship of St Giles are explicitly part of the reason the White Council didnt lose the Vampire War. I quote:
"I've read the reports," I said. "They say that the Venatori Umbrorum and the Fellowship of St. Giles have really pitched in."
"It's more than that. If they hadn't started up an offensive to slow the vamps down, the Red Court would have destroyed the Council months ago."

I blinked. "They're doing that much?"
The Venatori Umbrorum and the Fellowship of St. Giles were the White Council's primary allies in the war with the Red Court. The Venatori were an ancient, secret brotherhood, joined together to fight supernatural darkness wherever they could. Sort of like the Masons, only with more flamethrowers. By and large, they were academic sorts, and though several of the Venatori had various forms of military experience, their true strength lay in utilizing human legal systems and analyzing information brought together from widely dispersed sources.
The Fellowship, though, was a somewhat different story. Not as many of them as there were of the Venatori, but not many of them were merely human. Most of them, so I took it, were those who had been half turned by the vampires. They'd been infested with the dark powers that made the Red Court such a threat, but until they willingly drank another's lifeblood, they never quite stopped being human. It could make them stronger and faster and better able to withstand injury than regular folks, and it granted them a drastically increased life span. Assuming they didn't fall prey to their constant, base desire for blood, or weren't slain in operations against their enemies in the Red Court.
A woman I'd once cared for very much had been taken by a Red Court vampire. In point of fact, I'd kicked off the war when I went and took her back by the most violent means at my disposal. I brought her back, but I didn't save her. She'd been touched by that darkness, and now her life was a battle-partly against the vampires who had done it to her, and partly against the blood-thirst they'd imposed upon her. Now she was a part of the Fellowship, whose members included those like her and, I'd heard, many other people and part-people with no home anywhere else. St. Giles, patron of lepers and outcasts. His Fellowship, while not a mil-blown powerhouse like the Council or one of the Vampire Courts, was nonetheless proving to be a surprisingly formidable ally.
"Our allies can't challenge the vampires in face-to-face confrontations," Ebenezar said, nodding. "But they're wreaking havoc on the Red Court's supply chains, intelligence, and support, attacking from the mortal end of things. Red Court infiltrators within human society are unmasked. Humans controlled by the Red Court have been arrested, framed, or killed-or else abducted to be forcibly freed of their addiction. The Fellowship and the Venatori continue to do all in their power to provide information to the Council, which has enabled us to make a number of successful raids against the vampires. The Venatori and the Fellowship haven't appreciably weakened the vampires, but the Red Court has been slowed down. Perhaps enough to give us a fighting chance to recover."
"How's the boot camp coming?" I asked.
"Luccio is confident of her eventual success in replacing our losses," Ebenezar replied.
3)The Red Court didnt expend so much effort to infiltrate controlled opposition.
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Keep in mind the Brotherhood of Saint Giles is likely to be infiltrated to some extent by the Red Court.

Not to an absurd degree, she's not likely to be a plant herself, but if this went up the chain and got passed around, 'weird lady who claims to be Princess of the Thousand and First Hell showed up near the international airport' might get reported. So maybe some kind of discretion is advised.
We are a people person. If we can get them to work for us we should be able to verify their personal loyalty and HellScry Charka will spot compulsions. Now there might be a problem with them still trusting untrustworthy people, but we can likely convince them of need to know.
Thats a higher DC than the social encounter between a Red Court vampire and an Infernal and a Knight of the Cross back in Arc 3.
Andre La Blanche was DC7, which was DC5 after Demonic Primacy.

Red court vampires are monsters, they are not fanatics fighting a losing war and getting ready to sell their lives dearly which is what this bunch was doing as Molly started talking. True not all of them are as committed, but anyone who would volunteer for this mission is.
[x]Well if you detected me then there is a good chance the red Court did as well sigh.
-[x]I am the Ruler of the fivefold court of fate.
-[x]I might as well bring you in on it. I am hear to kill a red Court noble who has had the gaul the send an assassin after me so I am going to rip her apart as an example to others.

Why did the vote decide to call her by name? We never show off crown knowledge that way and here we are doing it randomly? I can think of no way to explain knowing her name that we dare say.
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Why did the vote decide to call her by name? We never show off crown knowledge that way and here we are doing it randomly? I can think of no way to explain knowing her name that we dare say.

Don't know, ask Uju, not like it's the only part of his plan that was a bad idea and leaves us with a less advantageous position (We now have one less stealthy mote to use, thanks Uju! /s)
Holy crap, we've really gotta learn BMI sooner rather than later.

If moving through bodies of water stirs up the lingering spirits of those that have died in them, we won't be able to move through anything larger than a swimming pool without someone being able to track us with ease.
Holy crap, we've really gotta learn BMI sooner rather than later.

If moving through bodies of water stirs up the lingering spirits of those that have died in them, we won't be able to move through anything larger than a swimming pool without someone being able to track us with ease.
Just learn conveyance teleportation. Its more versatile. It can help us do things like rescue hostages by teleporting them away.
If moving through bodies of water stirs up the lingering spirits of those that have died in them, we won't be able to move through anything larger than a swimming pool without someone being able to track us with ease.
So Dispersal is only good for fast travel not stealth for anyone who may be looking. GTK we are even less sneaky than we thought:facepalm:.

@uju32 Not calling you out here but since it was your idea to call her by name I hope you have a plan to dodge or answer the question of where it came from.
Holy crap, we've really gotta learn BMI sooner rather than later.

If moving through bodies of water stirs up the lingering spirits of those that have died in them, we won't be able to move through anything larger than a swimming pool without someone being able to track us with ease.
You are missing the alternative solution.

We spend an afternoon swimming through every body of water in the world in a semi-random pattern every week or so. Muddy up the metaphorical and real waters so attempts to track us are lost in the noise.

Malfian stealth
So Dispersal is only good for fast travel not stealth for anyone who may be looking. GTK we are even less sneaky than we thought:facepalm:.

@uju32 Not calling you out here but since it was your idea to call her by name I hope you have a plan to dodge or answer the question of where it came from.
I still say we should reply with some version of "Do people you interact with NORMALLY not do their research before traveling to a new area?"
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