Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

She does, just not very competently, she speaks it like a high school kid who learns the language for tests and does not think she will use it. At least she did not think she would use it until it dawned on her that she is growing into a major political power, but that is not something one fixes in a matter of days or weeks.
Doesn't Molly also radiate an aura of dark power like a mobile darkhallow?
Doesn't Molly also radiate an aura of dark power like a mobile darkhallow?
Yeah, this is a pain.

@Yog what do you think about our first crafting project being something to mask this? BMI is better, and is definitely on the list to get, but will probably be out of range for a few more arc with options like CCoP and our perfects on the table.

I'd rather not screw around too much, so I think starting with a one dot splendor so we can get it out quick without it being too permeable would be good.

As a single dot splendor one point in form, three in root is mandatory.

Take this:
Form of Graceful Winds (1 pt. Form Element)
The Splendor takes the form of something that is graceful, or cold, or crackles with electricity, or is marked with decorations evocative of winds and clouds. It might be made of ice. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the elemental power of air. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor cannot be harmed by wind, cold, or electricity. As an Adornment, increases its user's basic movement speed, before any multiplication by Charms or other powers, by (Splendor's rating) yards per turn. As the basis for a Fascination, it may generate the creator's choice of: clear skies; specific constant (nonviolent) behavior of the wind (blowing north to south at a brisk but not dangerous speed, for example); or specific whimsical behaviors of the wind (whisking away people's hats, bookmark, or other loose items and depositing them next to the Splendor, for example).
Form for the bonus movement speed. Every upgrade we later add would make it better, and it's not bad with WBS and speed potions available.

Take this root and we should mostly be good:
Pronouncement of Obscurity (3 pt. Root Element)
The Splendor shrouds its target in a veil of obscurity, hiding them from the world. Upon summoning the Splendor, roll Charisma + Etiquette against difficulty 6. Each success grants its targets one dot of Arcane, up to a maximum rating of (Splendor's rating).
If the Splendor is an Adornment, it grants Arcane to its user so long as she wears it.
If the Splendor is a Fascination, it grants Arcane to (or inflicts it upon...) those who trigger it. These dots last for one day for a 1-2 dot Splendor, one week for a 3-dot Splendor, one month for a 4-dot Splendor, and one year for a 5-dot Splendor.
Per this arcane directly subtracts dice from attempts to detect the character with the background, and levels above 8 switch to directly subtracting successes instead.

With excellency and a stunt we can put 18 dice on that, and get something like a 75% chance of making it at least that high even without difficulty reducers.

It's also fate weaving related, not a mental effect, so the applicable defenses against it are a lot less common in the first place.

Good luck noticing us if you need to roll 8 successes to break even before even getting into contesting our subterfuge.
How hard would it be to check in with the technosorcers inside Molly and see if they happen to have a convenient aura damper (maybe for things like workers in magical clean rooms)

Or, for that matter, could Molly brew up a tea that does something similar ... maybe smooths her aura into harmoniously blending with the ambient background so that the aura is so spread around it doesn't pinpoint her?
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Sort of wish we had a helper of some kind. If we could have someone carry us around in a glass of water there would be no chance of us being detected. Regardless of what we use it for RVD was originally made as a charm for hiding.
Sort of wish we had a helper of some kind. If we could have someone carry us around in a glass of water there would be no chance of us being detected. Regardless of what we use it for RVD was originally made as a charm for hiding.
Molly is ridiculously convincing. We probably could grab someone off the street to deliver a bottle of water somewhere
Yeah, this is a pain.

@Yog what do you think about our first crafting project being something to mask this? BMI is better, and is definitely on the list to get, but will probably be out of range for a few more arc with options like CCoP and our perfects on the table.

I'd rather not screw around too much, so I think starting with a one dot splendor so we can get it out quick without it being too permeable would be good.

As a single dot splendor one point in form, three in root is mandatory.

Take this:

Form for the bonus movement speed. Every upgrade we later add would make it better, and it's not bad with WBS and speed potions available.

Take this root and we should mostly be good:

Per this arcane directly subtracts dice from attempts to detect the character with the background, and levels above 8 switch to directly subtracting successes instead.

With excellency and a stunt we can put 18 dice on that, and get something like a 75% chance of making it at least that high even without difficulty reducers.

It's also fate weaving related, not a mental effect, so the applicable defenses against it are a lot less common in the first place.

Good luck noticing us if you need to roll 8 successes to break even before even getting into contesting our subterfuge.
I agree that we probably want something to grant us stealth / make us be able to pretend to be normal, but:
1) a 1 dot splendor can only grant 1 point of arcane, regardless of successes
2) We should check in the courts first, as others mentioned. There might be something there to work off at least.
3) If I was making it, I would make with a Form of Hero's Shadow so as not to waste attunement slots (we can only have Essence rating attuned wonders at the time, if I recall correctly, and I'd rather now waste those).
"So you will pay me $500 dollars to deliver this bottle of water [here]"

"Yep hey what's that?"

"I don't see anything". Looks down to see a water bottle and $250 dollars.
How hard would it be to check in with the technosorcers inside Molly and see if they happen to have a convenient aura damper (maybe for things like workers in magical clean rooms)

Or, for that matter, could Molly brew up a tea that does something similar ... maybe smooths her aura into harmoniously blending with the ambient background so that the aura is so spread around it doesn't pinpoint her?

Pretty hard, no one inside sanctuary has ever encountered an aura as powerful as Molly's for obvious reasons. Something like this would be more of the paradigm of the fey, you do have those favors.
Well, yeah. Her and her brother both. Her brother made multiple films, so there's multiple foci there.

There's a whole bunch of stuff we havent followed up on, from the Museum murder scene to Kattrin's Boston residence to the Skavis Boston HQ to Madrigal's apartment to the arena where we exorcised Maeve to Sandra's former apartment to the place where the Darkhallow was being performed last year to Bianca's former mansion and where the dead from that fire were buried.

Every one of these would be a potent Crown focus to start unpicking any number of plots.

One, Harry is a terrible liar. He keeps secrets well, but he's not very good at lying.
Nor do we want him telling lies either. Not in a world with so many ways for wizards to check information at the high end, and a Denarian direcly linked to his noggin.

Two, the problem with Peabody, besides keeping the Crown under wraps, is that its also necessary to find out what he's actually done and how to disentangle it. In canon, he put mindcontrol shit in every Warden under 50, and wololo'd a bunch of other people. Nobody knows who he's shared that with, and what else he has put out there to hurt the White Council.

So we need to track it all down.
Like kudzu, if you dont take out the root system as well as the shoots, you're going to be dealing with the same weed as soon as it rains again.

Potential approaches include:
1)Use Vittorio Malvora.
He's magically protected by Ashraah, he had a public profile as the son and heir of the Malvoras, he does stuff like drive expensive cars and live in apartments/houses with public addresses.

2) Alternatively, Peabody is a known, canonically published author.

At least one published work, probably more; authors seldom publish only one book, and wizards in particular are fond of their own voices. Even Men of Action(TM) like McCoy have published books. Peabody might even have books in Lydia's dad's library; Die Lied der Erlking was about a major Fae figure, and Arwan had a professional interest in that sort of thing.

Get one or more, and you have a focus.
There's occult booksellers in Chicago, and if you are willing to drop a premium on it, someone's gonna look.

3)Also, Arianna is probably a significant foci in her own right, as are members of her entourage.

4) Other options to follow up on:
  • Get a Red Court vampire, or the body of a Red Court vampire; Butters performed autopsies on the dead Rampires from Bianca's mansion, and so they are probably buried somewhere in the Chicago area, assuming no cremation. Then use them as Crown focus to map out the Red Court's organization and membership. And allies. And spies.
  • Visit Archangel, where Simon Petrovich and his household were killed. Thats a focus for both the White Council and the Red Court, possibly multiple foci.
  • Visit Casaverde, which was Arianna's husband's estate before McCoy ortilleried him. Also a focus.
  • Visit the Central African city that got nerve gassed last year. Foci.
  • Visit the sites of every major battle of the ongoing Vampire War. Foci for both organizations.
  • Find where Lucius Glau was buried. Madrigal Raith's righthand man and personal lawyer, assassinated by a Fetch during Proven Guilty, would have known where all the bodies were buried. Possibly literally, hence one of the fetches specifically taking time to kill him.
  • Find where Leonid Kravos is buried, and use his grave as a focus
  • Find where Grevane's dead body was buried after Dead Beat, since he died in Chicago, and use his body as a focus
  • Find where ex-Denarian Quintus Cassius body was buried after Dead Beat, and use it as a focus
  • Track down where the FBI werewolves were buried after Fool Moon, and use their graves as a focus
  • Victor Sells' grave from Storm Front, and the house that used to be his HQ, and use it as a focus for who taught him
  • Where the former Summer Knight lived and was killed
  • Justin DuMorne's former home

Apropos of nothing:
Note that Susan Rodriguez is great-great-grand childe of the Red King in direct lineage. It goes Red King >>> Arianna Ortega >>> Paolo Ortega >> Bianca St Claire > Susan. That, I suspect, is a shorter lineage than a lot of living Rampires.

No such thing exists in the Dresdenverse that Im aware of.

Its not trivial.
He is at least a hundred years old, so a legal identity may not exist. Especially if he spends a lot of his time in the Hidden Halls.
And techbane would limit any technological data trail. Thats the problem with the really old who predate computers.

Hotline? No. Not unless you dont care about the potential for collateral damage.
As has been pointed out before, trying to apprehend him in canon still resulted in the deaths of forty or fifty wizards, probable injury to more of unknown numbers, and the election of either a Black Council mole or a useful idiot to the Senior Council.

This has to be managed a lot more carefully than just tossing a name into the Council and watching the fireworks.
Not to mention that since we dont know what the Council's wards are like, or their information gathering, "anonymous"calls might end up being less anonymous than you might assume.
Honestly you gotta sometimes think beyond the canon purity stuff of what you saw is possible. Also I mean even if it's not shown we kinda know plenty of stuff is possible which isn't really common in Dresden files the mothers have cured and diseases they could just spread on their counter. Santa probably has a bag of holding equivalent since you know Santa no idea if it'd be reproducible. Demonreach has an absurd amount of time magic in it and it's clearly an absurd level of artificing. There are probably magic bullshit in hades vault, in the nevernever, and various other places.
I agree that we probably want something to grant us stealth / make us be able to pretend to be normal, but:
1) a 1 dot splendor can only grant 1 point of arcane, regardless of successes
2) We should check in the courts first, as others mentioned. There might be something there to work off at least.
3) If I was making it, I would make with a Form of Hero's Shadow so as not to waste attunement slots (we can only have Essence rating attuned wonders at the time, if I recall correctly, and I'd rather now waste those).
Whoops, missed that. May be better to go with the memory altering one then, or just get ATP outright.

That said, Hero's shadow doesn't help us. Someone has to have it attuned to summon it and select a subject. We'd have to take up the slots of people with significantly less of them than us.

We can own as many as we like and just swap out the attuned ones though, so I don't see this as a huge issue in general.
Mab is a queen of darkness so yeah she could probably have something that shrouds our aura to a degree.
Waste of a favor when we can get charms or craft items ourselves instead. I get the whole not wanting to avoid using them forever thing, but we IC got them on Halloween and its currently November 20th.

Not launching our magic nukes a few weeks after we got them isn't the same thing as letting them gather dust.
That said, Hero's shadow doesn't help us. Someone has to have it attuned to summon it and select a subject. We'd have to take up the slots of people with significantly less of them than us.

We can own as many as we like and just swap out the attuned ones though, so I don't see this as a huge issue in general.
Form of Hero's Shadow has this:
If the Splendor is an Adornment, then this Element allows its benefits to be enjoyed by the person to whom the Splendor is attached, even if they're not its owner and not attuned to it. Even if they're not Exalted at all.
It's very much an "increase the rating of splendor by 1 but dodge attunement limit". We make splendors with ourselves as the person they are attached to.
Form of Hero's Shadow has this:

It's very much an "increase the rating of splendor by 1 but dodge attunement limit". We make splendors with ourselves as the person they are attached to.
Look at the full text:

Form of the Hero's Shadow (2 pt. Form Element)
The Splendor manifests in the world as an enchantment embedded in a specific person present at the time of its summoning, chosen by its owner. If it has no other Form Element, then it appears as a mark like a tattoo somewhere on the infected individual's body. Wherever they go, so too goes the Splendor. If it has a physical Form Element, then it appears in the infected individual's possession, and will always return to them at the beginning of each scene even if thrown away, left behind, or given away. If its physical Form is something immobile like a tree, then the targeted individual is going to find that tree wherever they go for the duration of the Splendor's manifestation.
If the Splendor is an Adornment, then this Element allows its benefits to be enjoyed by the person to whom the Splendor is attached, even if they're not its owner and not attuned to it. Even if they're not Exalted at all
And the activation rules:

Using a Splendor
Splendors normally lie dormant inside of a character's anima or spirit. Before it can provide any benefits, a Splendor must first be summoned. This requires a turn of concentration and the expenditure of one point of Essence (or, in the case of un-Exalted owners, of a point of Quintessence, blood, Chi, Sekhem, Gnosis, or whatever else).
Adornments promptly manifest, appropriately enough, adorning their owner and providing her their benefits. If an Adornment is removed, it ceases to provide its blessings until put back on again. If an Adornment is seized by another character who is not its owner, it provides them no benefit and fades away at the end of the scene, resuming its slumber in its owner's heart until summoned again. An Adornment's owner may banish it with a turn of concentration if the Adornment is in her possession.
Fascinations manifest in their owner's possession or immediate presence (as appropriate), and then remain for however long they ought to last, according to their rating. It's impossible to sever attunement to a Fascination while it is manifest, or to deliberately banish it before it has run its course. A Fascination's owner is always immune to any malignant effects it might produce. If a Fascination demands a dice roll, it uses its owner's traits.

Summoning it is activating it and powering it up. Hero's shadow gives the owner of a splendor the ability to tag it to someone else, but they still have to do the usual stuff/pay the usual prices to turn it on in the first place.
Waste of a favor when we can get charms or craft items ourselves instead. I get the whole not wanting to avoid using them forever thing, but we IC got them on Halloween and its currently November 20th.

Not launching our magic nukes a few weeks after we got them isn't the same thing as letting them gather dust.
Two things I never said we should do it and second I'm sure she's amenable to trade either of information or resources.
Look at the full text:

And the activation rules:

Summoning it is activating it and powering it up. Hero's shadow gives the owner of a splendor the ability to tag it to someone else, but they still have to do the usual stuff/pay the usual prices to turn it on in the first place.
The cost is in essence, not attunement slots, though.
Of Passage Swift Flowing
Is this supposed to be Monday or Tuesday?
Because we were in class last update, but if Harry is asking why we get to skip school, it sounds like its the next day.

*points at Daniel*
One example why we need to spend dedicated onscreen time with family, instead of time making stuff for family.
Probably need to catch up with Leech regarding her friend as well.

Sunset in Mexico City is 6pm-ish, and dusk is 6:20pm.
We left Chicago around 5pm. We have 90 minutes to work before dark.
Im assuming we have a rendezvous point with Seeker

Arent the computers that project flight arrival and departure times in the airport terminals linked to the air traffic computers?

The only lie we'd need him to tell is that he was the one who found all this, which is believable because he is actually pretty good at this stuff.

We do need to find all the stuff Peabody's been doing, but that doesn't necessarily need to happen before we stop him. The council isn't stupid, once exposed they'll be able to find a lot of it themselves.
-Avoiding unnecessary lies is always good.
Deception by omission is fine in my book, but actively reporting a falsehood in this situation probably isnt.
Not for someone in his position.

-Problem is that what Peabody has been doing canonically had a bearing on the difficulty of stopping him.
Kinda hard to arrest someone who has mindcontrolled most of your soldiers/cops and wololo'd some of your commanders.

-The Council canonically fumbled managing the Peabody issue.

I know the book framed it as a victory, but they lost Senior Council member LaFortier, deputy warden commander Morgan, around fifty-one wizards counting the Warden who died on Demonreach, and they had to put Cristos on the Senior Council in the aftermath because he essentially blackmailed them.

And Im not counting the internal damage to morale and the external PR damage from their having to frame Morgan as a traitor to save face.

Other than LaFortier's death, all the others were completely avoidable if they'd been just a little more on the ball.
Maybe if we invest time now, we dont have to deal with whats either a Black Council mole or a useful idiot on the Senior Council in the future. A stronger White Council would help deter some of the Fomor adventurism of the post-Changes books.

We also don't need one anymore because we have a hell. Dump things there and then take a dip to get them when needed. It's not super fast, but neither are large bags of holding unless they have additional retrieval enchantments.

We could probably make them for other people though, if we're willing to burn tokens taken from vampire corpses for it. Prodigies can turn back time at a high enough level, so I don't see why they couldn't make a bag bigger on the inside.
To be fair?
The usecases for a bag of holding and a dimensional enclave are rather different. Stuff you stick in a bag is stuff you want much faster access to than stuff in your own Hell.

[X] Plan Boogerman
-[X] Mexico City
--[X] Get into airport in a normal and mundane way
---[X] Wear a non-descript disrguise to prevent being recognized via camera recordings
--[X] Get into controlled areas of the airport by going to the bathroom and then using RVD to move from a toilet in a public area to a toilet in an employee-only area
---[X] Only re-emerge when no one is the bathroom
---[X] Once inside activate ATB with willpower and Hellscry chakra to avoid detection
--[X] Pose as a janitorial employee to get into the line of sight of flight controls, and use HMP if there are no supernatural observers
---[X] Use the janitorial disguise as an excuse for why your clothes are wet in order to trigger BSM

---[X] Have Clippy translate for you and give you prompts via obvious headphones in your ears.
---[X] Use Subterfuge excellency
-[X] Stunt: Standing in front of a toilet in a Mexico City airport, a recently bought janitorial robe on your body, and earbuds with Clippy's helpful synchronous translation in your ears, you mentally prepare for the strangest part of your plan - imitating
Boogerman, from a game you played in your childhood, of all things. You are just thankful you don't need to wait for anyone to flush you down - a bit of janitorial know-how with a fully mundane screwdriver to pop a back a bbit, and you are ready to go. Well, no other way now. For great justice!
-Yes to Mexico City

-Reversible shirt, hat against the sun, dark sunglasses and makeup like your standard American tourist or upper-class Mexican citizen. Look normal. You dont need a full makeover, just to break up your profile.
Not to mention that a full makeover would be more suspicious, not less.

-You are burning Willpower which we cant regen in order to save Essence which we can regen with thirty minutes and a bottle of bleach. Bad planning.

-Molly doesnt know what janitors in Mexico look like.
Or what they wear. Or what demographic they usually are. Or what dialect of Spanish they speak( US high school Spanish =/=Mexican Spanish). Thats just unnecessarily increasing the DCs we have to roll against.

Also, janitors dont carry backpacks while working.

Lost American tourist with dodgy Spanish is a lot easier than janitor for Molly to portray, requires no props, and is something Mexicans are intimately familiar with in a country that saw ~19.6 million Americans in 2006.
Play to your strengths and your audience's expectations.
Is this supposed to be Monday or Tuesday?
Because we were in class last update, but if Harry is asking why we get to skip school, it sounds like its the next day.

*points at Daniel*
One example why we need to spend dedicated onscreen time with family, instead of time making stuff for family.
Probably need to catch up with Leech regarding her friend as well.

Sunset in Mexico City is 6pm-ish, and dusk is 6:20pm.
We left Chicago around 5pm. We have 90 minutes to work before dark.
Im assuming we have a rendezvous point with Seeker

Arent the computers that project flight arrival and departure times in the airport terminals linked to the air traffic computers?
  1. It's still Monday, but Molly's siblings know that she will not be coming back tomorrow
  2. You do indeed have a rendezvous point
  3. The computers are linked, but if you only have a demon in a linked computer they have to roll to hack, if you have them in the actual computers you are interested in you just get what you want since that hardware is fundamentally theirs
*points at Daniel*
One example why we need to spend dedicated onscreen time with family, instead of time making stuff for family.
This is pretty clear a continuation of Daniel's crisis of wanting to help in the good fight.
-You are burning Willpower which we cant regen in order to save Essence which we can regen with thirty minutes and a bottle of bleach. Bad planning.
I am using willpower to minimize the chances of anima flair if we have to spend essence on various excellences. We spend 3 motes guaranteed here - Hellscy Chakra, Subterfuge Excellency, HMP. ATB pushes it to 4, which is on the border of uncontrollable anima flair, and if we need to use HMP twice for separate systems, we are out of luck.
-Molly doesnt know what janitors in Mexico look like.
Or what they wear. Or what demographic they usually are. Or what dialect of Spanish they speak( US high school Spanish =/=Mexican Spanish). Thats just unnecessarily increasing the DCs we have to roll against.

Also, janitors dont carry backpacks while working.

Lost American tourist with dodgy Spanish is a lot easier than janitor for Molly to portray, requires no props, and is something Mexicans are intimately familiar with in a country that saw ~19.6 million Americans in 2006.
Play to your strengths and your audience's expectations.
It's an airport. There's no way we are getting into direct line of sight of air traffic controls posing as a tourist. I considered that. And we are obviously leaving the backpack somewhere before we enter the restricted area. It's an airport, paid luggage storage is a thing.

Molly can look janitors up using Clippy.

Let me clarify these parts of the plan:
[X] Plan Boogerman
-[X] Mexico City
--[X] Get into airport in a normal and mundane way
---[X] Wear a non-descript disrguise to prevent being recognized via camera recordings
---[X] Look up how airport janitors look
--[X] Get into controlled areas of the airport by going to the bathroom and then using RVD to move from a toilet in a public area to a toilet in an employee-only area
---[X] Leave your backpack in a lugggage storage before entering the restricted area
---[X] Only re-emerge when no one is the bathroom
---[X] Once inside activate ATB with willpower and Hellscry chakra to avoid detection
--[X] Pose as a janitorial employee to get into the line of sight of flight controls, and use HMP if there are no supernatural observers
---[X] Use the janitorial disguise as an excuse for why your clothes are wet in order to trigger BSM
---[X] Have Clippy translate for you and give you prompts via headphones in your ears.
---[X] Use Subterfuge excellency
-[X] Stunt: Standing in front of a toilet in a Mexico City airport, a recently bought janitorial robe on your body, and earbuds with Clippy's helpful synchronous translation in your ears, you mentally prepare for the strangest part of your plan - imitating
Boogerman, from a game you played in your childhood, of all things. You are just thankful you don't need to wait for anyone to flush you down - a bit of janitorial know-how with a fully mundane screwdriver to pop a back a bbit, and you are ready to go. Well, no other way now. For great justice!
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The cost is in essence, not attunement slots, though.
You can't do that unless they're attuned though. Hero's Shadow allows you to activate one of your splendors for someone else, to activate a splendor it must be attuned.

Summoning a splendor is the same thing as activating it.

The point is to give characters without supernatural powers access to splendors, not to make slotless items.
You can't do that unless they're attuned though. Hero's Shadow allows you to activate one of your splendors for someone else, to activate a splendor it must be attuned.

Summoning a splendor is the same thing as activating it.

The point is to give characters without supernatural powers access to splendors, not to make slotless items.
That makes no sense to me. I understood Form of Hero's Shadow as something that allows one to bypass attunement because it's always manifested as a part of the person it's attached to. If it doesn't allow one to wave attunement limit it's basically entirely useless, because you pretty much can build a similar splendor as a fascination instead of adornment but for two points less.

If it's like this, we essentially can't make anything to give out, and never will be able to, because the items given out would still take up attunement slots.
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-Avoiding unnecessary lies is always good.
Deception by omission is fine in my book, but actively reporting a falsehood in this situation probably isnt.
Not for someone in his position.

-Problem is that what Peabody has been doing canonically had a bearing on the difficulty of stopping him.
Kinda hard to arrest someone who has mindcontrolled most of your soldiers/cops and wololo'd some of your commanders.

-The Council canonically fumbled managing the Peabody issue.

I know the book framed it as a victory, but they lost Senior Council member LaFortier, deputy warden commander Morgan, around fifty-one wizards counting the Warden who died on Demonreach, and they had to put Cristos on the Senior Council in the aftermath because he essentially blackmailed them.

And Im not counting the internal damage to morale and the external PR damage from their having to frame Morgan as a traitor to save face.

Other than LaFortier's death, all the others were completely avoidable if they'd been just a little more on the ball.
Maybe if we invest time now, we dont have to deal with whats either a Black Council mole or a useful idiot on the Senior Council in the future. A stronger White Council would help deter some of the Fomor adventurism of the post-Changes books.
All Harry has to do is claim he's investigating the issue and provide some credible trail he could have followed to the information. There's very little deviation from the truth there, and we're not going to get out of this without lying since we don't want to tell the truth.

The other option is letting the guy continue working for a considerable period of time while we try to personally catch him. Which will be even worse for our relationship with the Council than suggesting we're deep into spying on them.

As to the difficulty of arresting him, there are two things to note. First is that Peabody's mind control is a core part of his role and plots. If we find evidence about his activities it's going to intersect with that at some level. Second is that the reason it ended so badly in canon is that Harry and McCoy pulled stupid shit in part because of the political situation around Morgan's trial.

If the Merlin was plotting that with weeks of prep time Peabody wouldn't have made it out of the room.
That makes no sense to me. I understood Form of Hero's Shadow as something that allows one to bypass attunement because it's always manifested as a part of the person it's attached to. If it doesn't allow one to wave attunement limit it's basically entirely useless, because you pretty much can build a similar splendor as a fascination instead of adornment but for two points less.

If it's like this, we essentially can't make anything to give out, and never will be able to, because the items given out would still take up attunement slots.
Your view makes no sense to me either. Splendors aren't supposed to be easy to pass around in large quantities to mundanes, they're ancient sorcery condensed into weird powers including some actual absolute effects.

People with the right sort of powers can also use them, but to a more limited degree.

The value of Hero's shadow is that you can use it as a single target blessing or curse, it doesn't take an attunment slot for the target, and it allows non-exalts access to the highest tier of splendors. They also let you loan things out without worrying about them being stolen.

Adornments for example can't be shared otherwise without giving them away and hoping you get them back, and even then the other limits apply.

Fascinations aren't a substitute because they're not controllable by or biased towards the desired target. If you make a fascination sword that gives anyone who picks it up magic sword powers you've just made an adornment but are trying to cheat the system.

Here's the basic description we're working with here:

Adornments focus the power of a Splendor in upon its owner. They provide enchantments, transformations, or similar benefits to the Exalt who wields them. They affect only their owner herself.
Fascinations focus the power of a Splendor outward. They affect other characters. They beguile, transform, or kill, according to the enchantments and maledictions woven into them.

Fascinations are something you the owner use to do things to people, not something you hand out to let them do things.

Also worth looking at this:

What Is This About?: Splendors
Splendors are weird congealed magic spells. They're rings or hats or capes that give you special powers, or else they're magic mirrors that fuck with people who look in them or trees that make people who eat their fruit love you. They're built out of parts from a point-buy system, which is itself simple, but deciding how to hook the parts together to produce results is very much like learning and employing a programming language. It's either something you'll find baffling and off-putting, or a deep well of sneaky weirdness you'll enjoy figuring out how to bend to your creative whims.
Splendors are magic items for sorcerers. They're intended to give sorcerers the option to surround themselves with Dr. Strange-style weirdness, or to conjure forth offbeat American Gods-style downplayed miracles to engage in baroque problem- solving with. Alternately, they're a way for a sorcerer to gift weird and dangerous objects to her allies (or enemies...), since there are fairly strict limits on how many Splendors a character can attune at once

If HS worked the way you're suggesting this would be pointless. You could stack an arbitrary number of active splendors on yourself at the cost of making them slightly weaker individually.

Again, these aren't supposed to be common or easy to use. The more limited prodigies fill that role, they even have a specific mechanic for paying more to allow them to be used that way in their base rules.