How does Seeing Is Blindness interact with Molly's AoE charms?
Because as I currently see it, comboing Seeing Is Blindness(2 dots, 6xp) with Source Code Compliance Protocol(1 dot, 4xp) would drive everyone who could hear her voice blind for the scene(+2 DC to all activities involving sight) unless she exempted them from the effect.
Ditto if she combines Seeing Is Blindness with World-Grinding Devastation, in which case they would be both blind and being eaten by demon-insects.
Seeing Is Blindness (••)
The Infernal's attacks trail inky contrails that steal the light from the eyes of her foes.
System: Reflexively spend 1 Essence. For the next (Essence rating) turns, the Infernal's attacks are stained with darkness. If such an attack strikes an opponent, whether or not it inflicts damage, the target is blinded for the rest of the scene: a cloud of liquid darkness spreads across his eyes, and he raises the difficulty of all actions depending on vision by +2.
Signature Effect: Anyone who gazes upon the Infernal while in her Shintai form must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) or be struck temporarily blind, as though afflicted by Seeing is Blindness. This roll needs only be made once per transformation. Attempting to target the Infernal with attacks without looking at her raises the difficulty by +1 for close-quarters attacks, +2 at range.Source Code Compliance Protocol (•)
The Infernal connects herself to the underlying structure which precedes all communication, and then networks those around her into that understanding as well.
System: The Infernal's player rolls Willpower against difficulty 7. Success allows her to speak the language at the heart of all languages for a scene. Anyone who hears her words comprehends them, and finds that any attempt they make to speak in her presence comes out in the same ancient tongue. This enforced comprehension ravages the mind and body, and who hear the Infernal and respond to her suffer one level of bashing damage in the form of bleeding eyes and terrible headaches. The Infernal may spend 1 Essence to spare those she converses with this harm and the associated pain, should she feel magnanimous.Just asking, because that sounds like a "fuck you and your army" effect, to be pulled off when someone ambushes you with an overpowering number of enemies.World-Grinding devastation (•••••)
The Infernal spreads her arms, breathes out her corrupted Essence, and draws the Hell of Burrowing Maggots up into the world around her. Her surroundings shiver. The world trembles with seeming desert-shimmer, a heat-haze in the corner of the eye. Then the hideous truth asserts itself: the landscape is moving, writhing, as millions of flesh-hungry maggots chew their way into reality, boiling out of every crease and corner, dripping from ceiling tiles and tree branches, wriggling up from the ground. They even come squirming through gaps in the air itself.
System: The Infernal spends a turn in concentration and spends 2 Essence. For the rest of the scene, or until the Infernal dismisses them back to Hell, everything within (Essence x 30) yards around her swarms and heaves and drips with hungry demon-maggots. Everyone she does not personally exempt from their appetite suffers one level of lethal damage per turn as the maggots swarm and chew and devour. One who seeks to avoid being devoured may do so by bowing before the Infernal and pressing his forehead to the ground: groveling in this fashion offers protection from the maggots while it continues. It also causes anyone who submits in this fashion to raise the difficulty of all ac- tions taken to hinder, oppose, attack, defame, humil- iate, or resist the Infernal by one for a year and a day.
Signature Effect: World-Grinding Devastation may be activated reflexively and only costs 1 Essence while the Infernal wears her Shintai form.
If you are doing damage it seems clear to me that should count as an attack so yeah Seeing is Blindness should trigger