Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

I can't quite make a plan right now (besides how I feel sky piracy should be a thing), but if we have an opportunity, how about we plant evidence that, say, fomor were behind the attack?

Molly can catch up to the plane just with her shintai, though that does mean you have to be in shintai from the start
If we use HMP and force it to minimal operating velocity we won't need shintai.
I can't quite make a plan right now (besides how I feel sky piracy should be a thing), but if we have an opportunity, how about we plant evidence that, say, fomor were behind the attack?

If we use HMP and force it to minimal operating velocity we won't need shintai.

In that case you would really need that infiltration to make air traffic control not see anything strange though.
You don't actually need to be faster than someone to catch them if you know where they are and when they'll be there. It's the same as with ballistic missile intercepts, if we launch in front of them timed so that we hit a point in their flight path just as they do we can be going notably slower without it making a difference.

Also @DragonParadox does this already account for our elvish helpers for alchemy actions?
Fellowship of Saint Giles sounds like the people we could ally with after we have proven our worth and alignment by killing Arianna. Showing up allied with a skinwalker is not exactly a great character reference.

Using them now, or any of Lara's mortal contacts, would also risk putting them at ground zero for our sudden, but likely inevitable, confrontation with Broken Seeker, who is already shown to love taking hostages.
[] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane

[] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much

[] Use the Dossier Broken Seeker provided for you to look into A.L.R. and discover who else is going to be on that plane

[] According to your father the organization that is most likely to strike at the Red Court in the heart of their power is the Fellowship of Saint Giles, a gathering of those infected but not turned by the Red Court. He has some contact info for them and he should be able to smooth over a meeting. This is a chance to make allies and learn more about the enemy than corporate records show

[] Get on the phone with Lara, you are sure she would like to pay the Red Court back for their meddling in the affairs of her court especially if it is just in resources and not a risk of valuable agents, but those resources could be very valuable: local contacts information about the city... someone who speaks Spanish and isn't Broken Seeker

[] Call on Mab not as a favor more of a heads up that a High Noble of the Red Court might soon attempt to flee though Winter's domain

[] Write in
How about our Factory Mist with Holy Water?

Should work very well against Red Court without harming mortals.
I ay we just take a man pad and blow it out of the sky. Just hit the cockpit.
There are likely innocents on board.
It's not IC for Molly to write them off.
[X] Plan Basic
-[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
-[X] According to your father the organization that is most likely to strike at the Red Court in the heart of their power is the Fellowship of Saint Giles, a gathering of those infected but not turned by the Red Court. He has some contact info for them and he should be able to smooth over a meeting. This is a chance to make allies and learn more about the enemy than corporate records show
-[X] Get on the phone with Lara, you are sure she would like to pay the Red Court back for their meddling in the affairs of her court especially if it is just in resources and not a risk of valuable agents, but those resources could be very valuable: local contacts information about the city... someone who speaks Spanish and isn't Broken Seeker

This plan has all the major ones (plus it helps expand our cyberdemons network and finally get in touch with the brotherhood).
How about our Factory Mist with Holy Water?

Should work very well against Red Court without harming mortals.

There are likely innocents on board.
It's not IC for Molly to write them off.
Reds aren't hurt by blessed things, they're unable to approach symbols of faith held by a true believer. I'm not sure holy water counts in that regard.

The best case scenario I could see would be if we count as presenting it while also in the mist and can force them to dive off the plane, but that's a bit of a stretch.

It'd also probably set off Broken Seeker something fierce, because he should know that holy symbols don't do anything for people without earnest belief.
The Fellowship of Saint Giles is compromised at the highest levels. I don't care if it's only meta knowledge, that's not a landmine I'm willing to step on.
[] According to your father the organization that is most likely to strike at the Red Court in the heart of their power is the Fellowship of Saint Giles, a gathering of those infected but not turned by the Red Court. He has some contact info for them and he should be able to smooth over a meeting. This is a chance to make allies and learn more about the enemy than corporate records show

That's a chance to meet Harry's former girlfriend, maybe not right now, but something to keep in mind.
When we get the crafting charm we should see if we can't start with a "fuck you vampires" weapon as one of our first projects. We're a solaroid with heavy radiation and technology themes, killing vampires with ray gun that fires poisonous sunlight (probably with some solar charging mechanism) would be on brand for us.
A red vampire got literally burned by touching Michael's armor.
I don't recall that, but accepting it for the moment we don't have any directly blessed paladins with us. Micheal on the job is a whole different grade from holy water.
[X] Plan Sky False Flag
-[X] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
-[X] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
-[X] Prepare false trails to indicate that the attack was conducted by Pathfinders (or, perhaps, their Fomor masters), as a retaliation against Red Court attack on their operation in Cleveland

Pathfinders are an old enemy of Red Court. Red Court participated in a major bust of their operation, disrupting a lot of things. It's plausible they'll want revenge. Useone enemy against another.

Hell, it's even plausible for fomor to have servitors like naagloshi's servitors.
I do not see the sense in a False Flag.

We both want the White Council to know we did it, and are not opposed to the Red Court knowing either.
After it's done.

She shouldn't have sent an assassin after Harry if she didn't want us to gun for her.
I do not see the sense in a False Flag.

We both want the White Council to know we did it, and are not opposed to the Red Court knowing either.
After it's done.

She shouldn't have sent an assassin after Harry if she didn't want us to gun for her.
We want White Council to know, but why would we want red Court to know? If they attack fomori in retaliation, then, even if the truth is uncovered afterwards, fomori are unlikely to forgive them. It is a strike against our enemies, and sowing confusion in their ranks. It also adds a layer of protection for our loved ones, if only a little.
Which Crown-question is the Dossier eligible for?

It was written by Broken Seeker, so we could use it to ask something about him.
Or something about the Red Court.

But it might be best used on what it's literally about.

Do we want to ask who is intended to be on the flight?
(asking about intentions isn't asking about the future, though they might change or not go as planned)

Do we want to get more information about the Red Court organization chart?
You know what I'm proud of us going from a murder virgin less than a year ago and now we're planning to down a plane terrorist style with what is basically a demon. Progress people someday we might even work our way up to demonic genocide. :p
uh offhand are there mass exorcism powers in our possible kit? Cause as soon as we try exorcising a white council member of nemesis others are likely to know correct? I'm having trouble thinking of a way of mass exorcising the white council.
To elaborate on my reasoning - I am fairly confident in our combat capability, so I feel that we can omit direct combat boosts. What I am worried about, is the political fallout, especially when / if we leave Chicago unattended for a prolonged period of time. Especially if Dresden is also not in Chicago, but is exploring the Fivefold Courts. So, I am optimizing my plan to minimize political fallout for ourselves, at least for a moment.

Fomori are our enemy. Redirecting Red Court at them is a benefit to us, and it's a plausible lie.

EDIT: And it's a chance to use subterfuge excellency, our least used excellency so far.
If we use HMP and force it to minimal operating velocity we won't need shintai.
This would be our first use of shintai after getting our world and favoring the charm.
That means that we have to plan for the thousand yard sphere of otherworld that will manifest when change into it.
Actually, given the prevalent atmospheric conditions in our world changing into shintai after getting close to the plane should be enough to damage it so much that it goes down.
so seriously for anyone who knows the powers better are there any mass exorcism abilities that could let us exorcise dozens at once? Cause there are bound to be that many nemesis infected I think and once we make it known we know who has it they'll try to escape.