[] Make some Speed so you can actually catch up with the plane
[] Try to get some of your demons into Mexico City's Air Traffic Control Network so you can keep track of the plane and wipe out any records that reveal too much
[] Use the Dossier Broken Seeker provided for you to look into A.L.R. and discover who else is going to be on that plane
[] According to your father the organization that is most likely to strike at the Red Court in the heart of their power is the Fellowship of Saint Giles, a gathering of those infected but not turned by the Red Court. He has some contact info for them and he should be able to smooth over a meeting. This is a chance to make allies and learn more about the enemy than corporate records show
[] Get on the phone with Lara, you are sure she would like to pay the Red Court back for their meddling in the affairs of her court especially if it is just in resources and not a risk of valuable agents, but those resources could be very valuable: local contacts information about the city... someone who speaks Spanish and isn't Broken Seeker
[] Call on Mab not as a favor more of a heads up that a High Noble of the Red Court might soon attempt to flee though Winter's domain
[] Write in