ATB + Hellscry Chakra to detect Ortega should work. That, and plane tracking - I am assuming they have a legit flight path and can be tracked.
ATB and Hellscry should help.
I assume that the kid of the dude who essentially owns Mexico has sufficient pull that their flight path isnt filed ahead of time.
Or tracked on public flight data.
Leaving aside how distances in the air are far larger than distances on the ground and that our "not subtle" presence was never felt more than several hundred meters away (and we'd be starting from several kilometers out), what would she do? She'll have less than a minute to react, even if she detects us, and "jump off a plane" is an action of last resort, most likely.
Ambushing her mid-flight is still the best option to prevent her escaping or calling in reinforcements.
1)Being in the air also puts you against an empty background, so there's no additional activity to even help hide you.
Again, Im given to understand that we are not trivial to anyone with the senses to see.
2) Rapid approach of hostile aerial bandits?
Call for backup on satellite phone. Then alter course, emergency descent, then have her and her security team bail out below 10,000 feet. And call for backup on satellite phone.
Thats what I'd do in her position, at least, assuming her escort cant fly or use shit like
Weight of the Feather (Protean 1, V5) to avoid falling damage.
We also should pack some Alchemical Aerosol Mist with holy water.
Reds hate that and it won't hurt mortals.
Excellent idea.
Assuming it doesnt scald Seeker. And even if it does, its worth keeping it in reserve for the potential backstab he might try.
Stories of Gods and Monsters
Dont think I've missed that this could just as easily be a trap for Molly with a naagloshii on one side and an armed team of Rampires on the other. Seeker pretty clearly set this entire thing up so Molly cant bring any backup with her.
Else we would simply ambush her at the airport, or on her way from the airport to her home.
Ponzi, Kukulkan....Seeker is a name dropper. Speaks to a certain personal insecurity
We can use that, if necessary.
All in all, he is coming off as one of those edgelords
Even if we were on better terms with the White Council, simple OPSEC would mean Molly wouldnt blab this shit in front of the Merlin and his entourage. And frankly, he wouldnt expect us to.
He can hear about if after we get back, and put two and two together.
Subterfuge is a key ability for Molly.
So her pokerface Subterfuge roll of 9 beats the naagloshii's Perception roll of 8.
That Seeker Manipulation roll was a thing of beauty though.
Dude rolled 8 successes on 7 dice.
OK, so let's narrow the scope
[X] Plan "Limited Gift Giving"
-[X] Use the recording of the call with Merlin as a focus for the crown to compile the list of White Council leaks in regards to Red Court
-[X] Give the list of leaks to Merlin. Explain how you did you due diligence when preparing for an ambush as a reason you have the list.
-[X] Put your money where your mouth is and show yourself to be a friend of the Council, after extracting the promise that the information won't be leaked
-[X] Excellencies as needed to sell this: Subterfuge to explain the source of the list, Empathy and Etiquette for the introduction, etc.
Much narrower question. Not all traitors, but leaks and only those related to Red Court. Easier to sell, and even if he doesn't believe us, we could get him to promise not to tell the leaks for a time.
Fuck no. We didnt share our list of Thule Society members that we got from Gorfels with anyone other than Harry.
We sure as fuck shouldnt be sharing this. Not with the Merlin.
And not at first meeting.
We have been strenuously warned to keep the Crown under wraps by literally everyone we've told about it.
Dont blow it.