Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Is there a way we could nab Arianna for use to strike against the Red King? I doubt we could pull of a full blood ritual genocide given so little preparation, but I imagine the Merlin would love the idea of using her as an attack vector.
Before we make any other plans, we need to decide - what are we doing with Broken Seeker? Are we betraying him at the end of this? Are we playing along with his idea that this is essentially a date (fun time spent together)?
If we fight him at the end of this, then it would be after the fight with Arianna. The crucially important question there is if we think that the drain on our resources from that fight would do more to hinder us than whatever drain and injuries Broken Seeker picks up would benefit us. That's probably a bad idea.

Also, betrayal should always be a last resort. Trustworthiness is a precious commodity.

I'm actually fond of the idea of sealing Broken Seeker away somewhere, such as Demonreach or the cells in our hell, to use as our first test of attempting to rehabilitate less than fully cooperative ancient evils.
Honestly, any help we bring would probably be either chaff that would be swept away without doing much... but which would still weigh on our conscience when they do fade into dying screams... or they will be dear enough to us that they would be a vulnerability regardless of how capable they are.

If its just us we can get away far more easily. We might not WIN but we can quit the field with better odds. Anything else we bring we won't be getting back and could be used to force us to remain.

[X] No, you are sure the two of you can deal with Duchess Arianna Ortega and her guards

This is our treachery to deal with, if it comes. Be prepared but don't throw anyone else onto the pyre. In this particular allies are a trap.

Lets show our friend here what kind of a monster we can be.
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1) No we arent betraying him.
Betraying him reflects on us and our reputation, even if he is an evil asshat.
We should be prepared for betrayal, because thats what naagloshii do, but not be the ones to start it.

Not to mention that we probably dont want to fight a minor god right after burning juice and effort cutting through the retinue of a major Red Court noble. Not the optimal situation.
Also, we are in a better situation to handle this in a couple months. Even a month.
1) Who is going to learn about it and how? In order to affect our reputation it needs to get known
2) Right now we are deceiving him. We made him think that his employer set him up in order to make him betray her. We are not actual allies at all. There's no honor to be lost in also killing him.
Honestly, any help we bring would probably be either chaff that would be swept away without doing much... but which would still weigh on our conscience when they do fade into dying screams... or they will be dear enough to us that they would be a vulnerability regardless of how capable they are.

If its just us we can get away far more easily. We might not WIN but we can quit the field with better odds. Anything else we bring we won't be getting back and could be used to force us to remain.

[X] No, you are sure the two of you can deal with Duchess Arianna Ortega and her guards

This is our treachery to deal with, if it comes. Be prepared but don't throw anyone else onto the pyre.
The problem, as I can see it, is that Arianna is just as likely to attempt to flee into the NeverNever.
She's an old, old Rampire, even by the standards of immortals, and a sorceress to boot, so ripping open a Way and darting through is entirely within her capabilities, even if she isnt near a place of blood.

We, however dont have the charm Hell-Walker Technique or the spell Opening The Calibration Gates yet.
We dont even have Conveyance Path.
We have counted on Lydia or Harry for the ability to enter or leave the Never-Never.

And I would prefer not to have our only ingress and egress to reality be at the whim of a naagloshii.
Beside, it is an "alliance" ultimately made at gun point (well the gun was pointed at her friends but still), unless people are going to argue that we are honorbound to do whatever Molly gets threaten into doing, at the cost of a negative rep if we dont. Well then f*ck having a rep.
[X] No, you are sure the two of you can deal with Duchess Arianna Ortega and her guards
We absolutely should betray Broken Seeker, our entire relationship is built on betrayal. He will probably be offended if we don't even betray him a little.

If people are worried about our reputation we just need to trick him into betraying us first so we have a casus belli.

That stuff is feasible for messages. But not for phone calls.
Because you expect the hardware to decrypt and reencrypt this stuff in realtime.
And 2006 cellphone hardware does not have that capability.

I owned phones in this time period. The high end devices of this time period cant really do it.
Let alone the Nokia burner that Harry has.

And as a reminder, gigabyte plus storage on a cellphone in 2006 was largely a fantasy prior to the Iphone and Android.
Of the most popular phones of 2006, the LG Chocolate had 128MB of memory. The Motorola RAZR had 5MB. The Sony K800i had 64MB. The Blackberry Pearl had 64MB.

The LG VX9400, which is the videophone that Tony Stark uses in Iron Man 1(2008),
That thing has 38MB onboard memory and went for $200.
Your $200 Samsung Galaxy A14 today comes with 64GB onboard memory.

2006 was 17 years ago.(Really? Damn...)
That is... not really how it works. You seem to be under the impression it requires some sort of advanced or intensive math. Maybe some other algorithm would have issues with it (though less then you think, many of these algorithms are designed to be quickly and efficiently computable).
But a one time pad just has to do a single xor operation. As long as it is able to do any level of computation, it can do this.

As for storage space, that could be an issue eventually, but even a megabyte or two is enough for simple conversation. Low quality sound does not have a terribly high bit rate. A quick check puts telephone at 8 kbits/s. So even a single megabyte should last 16.6 minutes.
1) Who is going to learn about it and how? In order to affect our reputation it needs to get known
2) Right now we are deceiving him. We made him think that his employer set him up in order to make him betray her. We are not actual allies at all. There's no honor to be lost in also killing him.
1)This is a world with everything from atemporal oracles to people with the gift of divination to Fallen Angels who spy through your shadow. There's at least three immortal precogs that I know of in the setting.
Truth will out.

2) You make quite the assumption in thinking that betrayal means we get to kill it on the scene.
Instead of its pulling a trump card and fleeing.

Its a naagloshii. It has no compunction about retreat.
And we arent the only person who can make preparations for contingencies; it has the spellcasting skill of at least a Senior Council wizard, and knowledge that significantly outstrips them.

Dont underestimate the damn thing.

3)We didnt promise not to deceive him, or to shade the truth, when negotiating.
But we did make an agreement at the end of the negotiation.
Our word matters.

Besides, everything we told him about the Reds was plausible based on how we know and have seen the Reds operate.
Thats precisely what the Reds in Cleveland tried to do to us.
Beside, it is an "alliance" ultimately made at gun point (well the gun was pointed at her friends but still), unless people are going to argue that we are honorbound to do whatever Molly gets threaten into doing, at the cost of a negative rep if we dont. Well then f*ck having a rep.
Then you dont make an agreement.
If you make one and betray it, the next time someone has people hostage and you try to make an agreement, the price rises.
Or they simply refuse to negotiate, because your word is meaningless.

Nobody cares what we think is fair.
Under community standards as they exist, those are the rules, and we know them.

Empathy and Etiquette are the only other skills besides Melee that we have at 5.
That makes us incredibly good at social face to face skills, even against neutrals and hostiles.

But that doesnt matter if we get a reputation as someone who will only keep agreements when they suit them.
Or who has to be watched during a collaboration or they will try a backstab.
Reputations here last millenia.
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I'd rather not take any allies with us in case things get dicey and the plane goes down. Or worse, blows up in flight.
Speaking of, I'm really wary of turning the jet into our battleground. It's way too fragile to survive such a showdown.

If we're fast enough to catch up to a jet, how does a dynamic entry with an immediate dynamic exit sound?

Something like... we lower the plane to an altitude decompression isn't an issue then we barge in through one side, grab Arianna without dropping speed, bust out the other side, and forcibly relocate her to the ground below. (As I was writing that, this scene came to mind :D )
With some contingencies for the grapple check failing.

This way we remove both the threat to any innocents and we leave behind any possible help she can get from her mooks, at least those that can't fly. And parachuting down takes a bit of time, together with the plane moving away and making them be off target, they won't arrive in time to help, especially with how short Exalted fights tend to be.
[][Stunt]"So we both break into the jet mid air and meet in the middle. The only question is". You smirk with malice you only partly feel "Heads or tails?"
But that doesnt matter if we get a reputation as someone who will only keep agreements when they suit them.
Or who has to be watched during a collaboration or they will try a backstab.
Reputations here last millenia.
So lets say that if Broken Seeker start killing any innocent on the plan, either by accident during the fighting or to, as we know is one of his goals, take part in atrocities we cant stop him at all because that would be betraying him? There are limits you know.

A honor before reason mindset will just make Molly miserable if we let the kidnapper of the week dictacte what Molly can do or cant do.
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[X] No, you are sure the two of you can deal with Duchess Arianna Ortega and her guards

So thinking of grabbing a hand held rocket launcher from our hell. A high yield explosive that can easily penetrate the plane and blow up from the inside.
So lets say that if Broken Seeker start killing any innocent on the plan, either by accident during the fighting or to, as we know is one of his goals, take part in atrocities we cant stop him at all because that would be betraying him? There are limits you know.

A honor before reason mindset will just make Molly miserable if we let the kidnapper of the week dictacte what Molly can do or cant do.
1) This is a private Rampire jet that costs north of a hundred million dollars transporting the Red King's daughter, her personal retinue and her security team. There may be tied up victims for snacking on, or even prisoners, but noone on that flight who is armed or capable of putting up a fight is going to be an innocent.

And Seeker isnt there to fuck with mortals. Not when there's an elder Rampire on the dinner menu.

2)We are not responsible for Seeker's actions. Just our own.

3)Molly would be hurting a lot more if people wont take her word for shit when she offers help or tries to cut a deal, based on a reputation for betraying agreements. Like for example, if we'd killed the Reds at Cleveland after using them to storm the underwater base, negotiating with Seeker would have been materially harder and gotten her friends killed.

This stuff matters in the supernatural.
Even though as an Exalt Molly manages to dodge most of the magical consequences to personal power that other people would suffer in her place? Social and reputational ones still exist.

Besides, its a naagloshii.
They were cursed for breaking their oaths. You can expect it to arrange a betrayal sooner or later. Its in their nature.
All we have to do is wait.

Molly even mentioned it:
He is planning to put Izzy and Alec up in the park in some way that is painful and terrifying, but not crippling, by the standards of Broken Seeker's kind a show of goodwill, by any humane standard torture, an invitation to ante up and pay him something 'for his trouble'. Well you are not going to let him eat some aspect of Harry that's for sure, but maybe you could offer the dark spirit a dead vampire... before the interest you have sparked in him will turn once more to thoughts of how best to how to murder and devour you.
Do we have a flight path and time to put devils in relevant radar arrays? Because I'd prefer to land the plane nowhere near where it's believed to have landed.

Honestly, any help we bring would probably be either chaff that would be swept away without doing much... but which would still weigh on our conscience when they do fade into dying screams... or they will be dear enough to us that they would be a vulnerability regardless of how capable they are.
[JK] "Arthur, can I call you Arthur? Right, Artie, want to come murder Duchess Ortega?"
[X] No, you are sure the two of you can deal with Duchess Arianna Ortega and her guards
-[x]HMP the plane. You can't think of any situation that might come up where controling the plane is a bad idea.
-[x]MHM to open windows to sunlight.
-[x][Stunt]"So we both break into the jet mid air and meet in the middle. The only question is". You smirk with mirth/malice you only partly feel "Heads or tails?"
I'd like to reiterate Dragonparadox's statement that Arianna Ortega does not fly during the day.

Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files) Crossover - Fantasy

Private jet, the kind of thing a high powered executive would have, because in a sense she is one. She flies one of these. Also she is not silly enough to fly during the day unless it's a screaming emergency which she does not seem to be operating under at the moment. You guys cannot count on...
I highly doubt that their will be any innocents victims on that plane. Your talking about a super high level person, she rates the quality willing subjects. Not even people controlled by the Kiss.
Realistically, there probably aren't going to be any innocents on that plane.

The logistics of transporting ambulatory snackpacks around the USA via jet is just asking for trouble. There are too many things that can go wrong, too many opportunities for escape or discovery, for the Reds to regularly travel around the country like that. They're evil, not stupid.

And it's just needlessly complicated for little to no gain. After all, they can easily arrange for minions to have victims waiting for them in destination cities, or they can simply forage one for themselves if they feel like a bit of hunting.

No, if there are mortals on the plane, it's much more likely they're hopelessly addicted blood slaves who are maintained for the sake of convenience, such as minions for getting menial works done during the day.
No, if there are mortals on the plane, it's much more likely they're hopelessly addicted blood slaves who are maintained for the sake of convenience, such as minions for getting menial works done during the day.
And they also serve as a snack pack, yeah.
Anyway, nobody is expecting to find people chained to the wall or something. Everyone there is "willingly" on the plane, as far as mundane authorities are concerned. But those blood slaves don't deserve to die just because they've been mind-whammied into subservience.

Does a plane crash count as environmental damage if it happens by accident?
The only way that plane is crashing 'by accident' is if we use the Russian definition of that word.
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And they also serve as a snack pack, yeah.
Anyway, nobody is expecting to find people chained to the wall or something. Everyone there is "willingly" on the plane, as far as mundane authorities are concerned. But those blood slaves don't deserve to die just because they've been mind-whammied into subservience.
Do you have a proposal for figuring out who's who?