Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

OK, because it seems that I edited my last post after you started answering, I reiterate that it is entirely possible that I am making a mistake, but I am pretty sure that there is another charm dedicated to the purpose of making Hell on Earth (Barren Waste Infliction).
So let me clarify here.

The charm does not bring hell to earth. It does changes the features fo earth to reflect our hell.

So effects like Eternal suffering will not apply in the twisted land, nor would Lord of the Land once the shintai is down.

But the consequences of using that power remain. Meaning if we bring ingo existence, a tornado, the things we destroy remain destroyed.

Similarly, we we reshape a mountain into a building, it stays a building at the end.

Barren Waste Infliction makes the LAWS of our hell apply permanently. Kingdom does not. Not permanently.
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We have something like three or four charms that all make fomori in slightly different ways. Function overlap doesn't necessarily imply anything.
I think that all that charms clearly state the final goal of making a fomor. I believe that BWI clearly states the intention to bring hellish landscape into the world permanently, while the signature effect has a limiter to it and it sounds that it should have consequences only while the Shintai persists, i.e. the Infernal is fighting.
However, I believe, we are running in circles, so let's agree to disagree?
I think that all that charms clearly state the final goal of making a fomor. I believe that BWI clearly states the intention to bring hellish landscape into the world permanently, while the signature effect has a limiter to it and it sounds that it should have consequences only while the Shintai persists, i.e. the Infernal is fighting.
However, I believe, we are running in circles, so let's agree to disagree?
Yeah fair. I do want to bring up a few points but DP is going to put this to a vote anyway so sure.
I don't think the effects should presist. For the very simple reason that its a boring and just add more things that people will argue about. People argue about many things that are slightly risky, like the soul portal. This carries the same risk. If we are changing the world to match our soul, then it is a sympathetic connection to our soul.

So to avoide those arguments i think it should be temporary .
The reason why I think it is permanent is the wording.

When the Infernal dons her Shintai form, and while that form persists, the world around her within (Essence x 500) yards warps and twists, gaining many of the features of her Kingdom.

If it was not permanent it would be reworded to something like this.

When the Infernal is in her Shintai, the world around her within (Essence x 500) yards warps and twists, gaining many of the features of her Kingdom which persists while that form persists.

So it is VERY easy to reword it to be temporary. But the words do not reflect that. Not as RaW.
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We can simply choose not to warp our surroundings when using Shintai, right?

If that's the case, I don't see the issue with changes being potentially permanent. Between being able to apply the effect selectively and choosing how the effect is expressed, it's not like we would be leaving a twisted alien hellscape in our wake every time we use Shintai.

On the topic of the signature Charm effect, but unrelated to the currently belabored point, just how fine is our control of the effect via Lord of the Land? For example, could be warp a massive circle of ice or stone into existence, then empower it like a normal DF circle? How quickly do changes manifest? Could we open up a pit in front of a speeding car to stop it?
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We can simply choose not to wrap our surroundings when using Shintai, right?

If that's the case, I don't see the issue with changes being potentially permanent. Between being able to apply the effect selectively and choosing how the effect is expressed, it's not like we would be leaving a twisted alien hellscape in our wake every time we use Shintai.

On the topic of the signature Charm effect, but unrelated to the currently belabored point, just how fine is our control of the effect via Lord of the Land? For example, could be warp a massive circle of ice or stone into existence, then empower it like a normal DF circle? How quickly do changes manifest? Could we open up a pit in front of a speeding car to stop it?

Yes, you do not have to use your signature aspect if you do not want to

Molly has not tried out Lord of the Land so she does not know the limits, but she does know that doing things that are natural, like say causing an earthquake or opening a sinkhole are easier than those that are not, like perfect ice wall circles.
Yes, you do not have to use your signature aspect if you do not want to

Molly has not tried out Lord of the Land so she does not know the limits, but she does know that doing things that are natural, like say causing an earthquake or opening a sinkhole are easier than those that are not, like perfect ice wall circles.
So what you are saying is that Molly is a WMD. A Woman of Mass Destruction?
Arc 9 Post 7: Perfectly Sane Science
Perfectly Sane Science

19th of November 2006 A.D.

"Bye..." Regretfully you do not share anymore with Isabela, the reminder that she had to go outside to, hopefully, not be overheard at the back of your mind. You are going to tell her and she's gonna have her adventure someday, you vow, but for right now you have another vampire to talk to. "Thomas, I'm not sure how much Harry told you about what happened yesterday, but I'm going to need a lot of advice..."


That you get there before Thomas is not that extraordinary, he has a girlfriend and a business, a life apart from jumping at your beck and call, so of course you start working and you work:

And work...

And Work

Maybe it's inspiration, you did just have flashes fragments, insights of a whole 'nother world, one where magic and technology were not parted, but instead twined as the deep rooted tree and twisting vine. The columns are festooned twisting cables around them now, ending in five-eyed serpentine heads balefire green and the prongs of their fangs when they uncoil? Those are not meant for butting, what would be silly, they are mid range tasers that can also give a boost to the dragonfly drones zipping about, each about the size of one's hand equipped with their own cameras, but only a low range model. Most of the drone is poinson by volume, different sorts for different foes, paralytic, neurotoxin narcotizing, even holy water. Father Forthil must have found it quite strange to have a ghoul show up to Saint Marry's asking him to bless a drum's worth of it, but it is for a good cause and also a ten thousand dollar donation.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The panic room doors were heavy enough to take some pounding even from a mid strength near-human being while being light enough that said some of said mid-strength beings, Sarah and her friends could help you install them and once they had been.... "Yes!"

It was a small thing really to have doors so well balanced a child could open them with an open palm and you pride yourself on your work.... like say the fact that if you did pry the door open my main force it would expose a band of pyrophoric compound right where the intruding fingers were likely to be. Sure the intruder might regrow their fingers, but it was going to hurt, stagger them a little maybe just as the field of fire opened. The smile you wore as you contemplated the last techno-sorcerous surprise on the other side of the doors twin ceiling mounted rail guns, each directly linked into the station's network, a sea of data in which newly summoned spirits swam. There would be no hexing this defense grid.

There were a handful of hidden sluggers in other parts of the complex as well, but here at the end of the gauntlet for any attacker meaning to take the station you had installed them in the open. If anything they should reassure those who had taken shelter in here. While the enemy is looking at the ceiling what should the walls and the floor be doing?

Restoring the Last Station Progress: 6 (Previous) + 3 (Progress) +3 (Tech Infusion) = 12/10 (Project Complete in One Day)

A loud and very fake cough interrupted your contemplation. "Yeah Sarah, what is it?" you ask, head snapping in the direction of the sound with a smile.

"Mr Raith is back again."

Inwardly you wince. "Again?"

"Well the last time he showed up you were installing the big SF core thing. Iris?" She pauses. "When you said not to interupt since there was a slight chance of balefire ejection. Bones told him that and he decided to come back later so now it's later."

"How much later?"

"Five Thirty."

Crap, I'll have to meet with Broken Seeker soon. Forcing down a grimace for Sarah's sake you simply add. "I'll meet him in the core room."

The core room, presently illuminated by the glow of Iris's Sanctuary-Forged memory banks is the only room more secure than the panic room since in addition to the heavy duty door and ceiling mounted rail gun it also has a mechanism to evacuate 99.8% of the air. Anything that needs to breathe in here is defiance of Iris wishes had better be able to chase air molecules.

"So I'm assuming this meeting has something to do with all the demon tech suddenly getting sleek?" Thomas asks dryly, his tone reminding you of Harry for some reason.

"So about that..."

What do you want Thomas to focus on?

[] Getting documents for strike teams

[] Working with the Workshop to sell rather than buy precious metals and funnel those funds into accounts you can spend without questions from the government

[] Write in

OOC: After this we will have a talk with Porter, he has not woken up because of how fast you finished this.
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[X] Getting documents for strike teams

First, get boots on the ground and establish a foothold. Everything else follows that.
[x] Working with the Workshop to sell rather than buy precious metals and funnel those funds into accounts you can spend without questions from the government

Get money, buy a few hundred thousand acres, found your own town. Turn it into a pipeline for getting papers and whatnot.
[x] Working with the Workshop to sell rather than buy precious metals and funnel those funds into accounts you can spend without questions from the government
[X] Working with the Workshop to sell rather than buy precious metals and funnel those funds into accounts you can spend without questions from the government