We should get that confirmed before trying it somehow.
The fluff changed but the point of the charm is to make fomor and it still makes the target a creature of darkness. I'm not sure you can become a jade if you aren't human when you die.
Both processes awakening the Po soul doesn't mean they're actually doing the same thing in terms of spiritual transformation or that they play well with each other any more than the phrase "becoming a vampire" implies commonality or compatibility between awakening as a white court vamp and transforming into a red one.
On the travel visa stuff, do we actually need to worry about it?
On this occasion Uriel came down to get it himself and it was implied that Heaven had other angels directly guarding the sword while it was on the ground before that.
If Micheal has to put the sword down to retreat with us again then he'd presumably hit the same loophole. Anyone who wants to steal it is cordially invited to run hands with Uriel and a legion of seraphs who haven't been allowed a proper fight in longer than humans have been able to write.
Travel visas seem like a stretch here anyway, since the reason they can't come in is related to a fundamental property of Molly's realm.
If we are fighting denarians and have to retreat to save Michael's life, I am fairly sure that Michael leaving the sword behind might count as surrendering it to the opposition.
That should be made more clear in the question then.
We've gotten some rulings that imply we can eventually do this, but given how powerful angels are I don't think we'll be able to safely manage it anytime soon.
[X] Ask questions:
-[X] What about the Fallen's shadows? What would happen if one of them got loose in Sanctuary? What happens if one of them got loose in Creation?
-[X] What if one were to break the coins, forge a hammer heavy enough, stoke a fire high enough? What if we destroy the coin's occupants?
-[X] How do you give Amoracchius and other Swords travel visas? In case you ever need to retreat together with dad from hostile situation
Can confirm, it is an interesting and flavorful idea that matches the fluff of the charm and it's not like it breaks the balance of the game. Solars can make mages in ExvsWoD and Abyssals can make vampires, 14 gen as a base, but if they take that charm as apocalyptic they can roll Essence to improve them.
[X] Can you tell me what the Empyreal Chaos was or is. He Who Walks Unbowed called me his heir and I do not think it was in the mood to lie at that point
[X] Ask questions
-[X] What about the Fallen's shadows? What would happen if one of them got loose in Sanctuary?
Risks revealing Harry's secret to Charity
-[X] What if one were to break the coins, forge a hammer heavy enough, stoke a fire high enough?
Will scare both your parents
-[X] Can you tell me what the Empyreal Chaos was or is. He Who Walks Unbowed called me his heir and I do not think it was in the mood to lie at that point
You have to speak the Title aloud, it will probably not come out in English and will definitely worry both your parents
-[X] Also, can God reach into my kingdom or is that outside his domain and could Ammorachius enter if it were invited?
If we are fighting denarians and have to retreat to save Michael's life, I am fairly sure that Michael leaving the sword behind might count as surrendering it to the opposition.
[X] Ask questions:
-[X] What about the Fallen's shadows? What would happen if one of them got loose in Sanctuary?
-[X] What if one were to break the coins, forge a hammer heavy enough, stoke a fire high enough?
-[X] Can you tell me what the Empyreal Chaos was or is. He Who Walks Unbowed called me his heir and I do not think it was in the mood to lie at that point
-[X] Also, can God reach into my kingdom or is that outside his domain and could Ammorachius enter if it were invited?
Molly looked at the the body of the latest agent of her enemies to attack her. Some ancient Black Court member, although working for another party in this case. Unclear who exactly, but it was not like she had a shortage of foes at this point. Especially as the people of her world (and wasn't that still so overwhelming and strange?) began making inroads into building their own local power base. He had been...disturbingly well informed about her powers. Not enough to save him, but Molly was getting irritated at how many forces knew more about the source and nature of her power than she did. There weren't that many, if she considered it fairly, whatever her powers were they were simply too old for many to have a clue, but still.
It couldn't go on like this. She had to do something. Using her power's ability to grasp knowledge on itself directly was sadly impossible, like trying to examine a microscope using itself. Even matters that only grazed against it were a recipe for a splitting headache. That didn't mean she was out of options however. There was one thing she hadn't tried yet, for fear it would simply lead her to one of those who sought her death.
What road can I follow to reach a place where I might find the most knowledge about my powers?
She braced for a migraine to intrude, but it did not. Instead she saw.
Her vision cast away from where she was, flew on wings of eyes and green light, flew across the world and down below. Though she quickly found that was merely to find the nearest entrance to a deeper pit still, to Yomi Wan.
Plummeting, her view went down and down. Past the blood pits, past the scouring winds, past oceans of boiling oil, past maggots and the palaces of the Yama Kings, in their unique variety. Further and further still, and ever downwards.
She saw the spires of the final redoubt of Enma-O, obsidian spires and curling steel parapets. Saw his hidden libraries, and descending layers of concealed sub-basement dungeons.
And down, and down, and down.
Through forgotten rooms, to forgotten excavations, to natural caverns, until finally...
A narrow fissure in a cave wall, from which spilled silver sand, that seemed so strangely familiar.
The long vision ended, in the same frozen moment it always took. Well, that was hardly convenient.
The Yozi being dead or unreachable adds no narrative potential, moreover killing them would just result in more Neverborn, and that's hardly a good thing. Cutting them off entirely from Creation I view as basically impossible. OTOH reinforcing the prison as to narrow the places Cecelyne impinges upon Creation to as remote a location as possible? Seems doable, given some massive backstory events in pre-history. Plus making it harder for 1CD to escape into Creation. I can imagine a few 3CD who were summoned into Creation in aeons past hiding out in Yomi Wan pretending to be a Yama King. Avoiding going back to their greater self and doing nothing to help an escape, just enjoying the high life in an ignorant Creation. Makes for a fun hook I think.
narrative potential, moreover killing them would just result in more Neverborn, and that's hardly a good thing. Cutting them off entirely from Creation I view as basically impossible.
The ExWoD book sets it out as a basic assumption that they're dead beyond all hope of recall. This isn't purely ExWoD, but the DF don't give a particular reason to deviate from that point.
Cool concept, though I will say you guys cannot ask that question. 'My powers' is synonymous with 'the exaltation' and so leads to 'cannot look within'. Now if you started writing Old Realm down and asked 'where can I find more of this?' you would get somewhere.
Its worth noting that Clippy is here and is presumably meeting an archangel for the first time.
Being very quiet too.
We should really make him a familiar formally if we can scrape up the XP, even if its just 1 dot.
That warning about the Fallen is MUCH appreciated.
I mean, its something I think that Bob outright stated in canon, but having Uriel reiterate it here shuts down any number of zany schemes and proposals.
I do wonder why Anduriel in particular is interested.
Nicodemus sure, out of spite at Michael, but Anduriel? What does it profit him or his purposes?
Its not like he goes after Mab, after all.
Usum is incorrigible, isnt he?
Bad demon, no cookie.
Her cyberdevils. Ditto what happens to her people who choose to leave.
Thats the sort of IC question Molly would have, even though it isnt likely to have much of a game impact.
The Emma-O plot: Can Yama Kings be fixed? Do they even serve a purpose? Do the Thousand Hells serve a purpose, or was it perverted?
Perfected Principle of Consumption and the Neverborn.
What Molly's power is and if there are any others like her she should be aware of
If the Shadow of a Fallen is their own person, or can become so.
Nemesis bosses'
Just had an odd thought; We need to make sure no one tells the Catholic Church about our Hell, whether that means not informing Father Forthill, not including it in regular reports, etc.
Not merely it's nature as a Hell, technically speaking, but rather it's mere existence. I don't want to deal with some higher up in the Church getting the bright idea to try converting the billions of new souls in the FCF to Catholicism. I doubt anyone with any amount of sense would try to force the issue, but it could cause tensions for normal Michael's dealings with them.
1) Molly is Catholic.
It would be literally out of character for her to attempt to prevent a well-meaning missionary from going if they choose. She would insist on vetting them, but she wouldnt stop them.
2) There is no indication that the Brass Courts have to be monotheistic.
Creation That Was certainly wasnt. And Earth isnt, as Molly, who has personally met two gods in the last six months, and seen the power of a third on Olivia can attest to.
I do wonder why Anduriel in particular is interested.
Nicodemus sure, out of spite at Michael, but Anduriel? What does it profit him or his purposes?
Its not like he goes after Mab, after all.
Anduriel is the leader of denarians, I think, I took Uriel to mean "denarians as organization are your enemy", which is true. Anyone out to conquer or destroy the world is our enemy, we made that clear enough.
Cool concept, though I will say you guys cannot ask that question. 'My powers' is synonymous with 'the exaltation' and so leads to 'cannot look within'. Now if you started writing Old Realm down and asked 'where can I find more of this?' you would get somewhere.
Well, getting more Old Realm is going to be interesting. I was thinking about using some famous library and asking "where can I locate the oldest building of this type" (or, more directly "where is the oldest library located"). Or looking through the dead Dragon's hoard, he probably has something.
Its worth noting that Clippy is here and is presumably meeting an archangel for the first time.
Being very quiet too.
We should really make him a familiar formally if we can scrape up the XP, even if its just 1 dot.
You found him inside an infernal exaltation, not just any infernal exaltation, this one:
The MAKERS did not know what they had wrought. They sought... champ... wearing gilded collars, gestalt-reflections of their own magnificence. But the Green Sun... were more... ever ant... Within them slept a greater power than the... own: the power to... nature and be REBORN. A new era is at hand. THE WHEEL TURNS.
Anduriel is the leader of denarians, I think, I took Uriel to mean "denarians as organization are your enemy", which is true. Anyone out to conquer or destroy the world is our enemy, we made that clear enough.
Usually Anduriel/Nicodemus head one faction of Denarians of 3-6 Denarians(himself, his daughter, plus associates), while Polonessa Lartessa/Imariel lead a different faction of roughly the same number(Lartessa, Rosanna + associates), and the others are off doing their own thing, with some disembodied.
So Im not sure if we're talking about Anduriel's faction, or all the Denarians.
I mean, I find it instructive that Uriel said nothing about Namshiel, even though his bearer is working with the Thule Society, who have crossed our paths multiple times in the last six months.
You found him inside an infernal exaltation, not just any infernal exaltation, this one:
The MAKERS did not know what they had wrought. They sought... champ... wearing gilded collars, gestalt-reflections of their own magnificence. But the Green Sun... were more... ever ant... Within them slept a greater power than the... own: the power to... nature and be REBORN. A new era is at hand. THE WHEEL TURNS.
1) Molly is Catholic.
It would be literally out of character for her to attempt to prevent a well-meaning missionary from going if they choose. She would insist on vetting them, but she wouldnt stop them.
2) There is no indication that the Brass Courts have to be monotheistic.
Creation That Was certainly wasnt. And Earth isnt, as Molly, who has personally met two gods in the last six months, and seen the power of a third on Olivia can attest to.
Molly is Catholic, but I am extremely dubious that she would want to allow Catholic missionaries, or any other type of religious proselytizing from Earth. The FCF is a stable, relatively peaceful place. Introducing Earth-based religions into that is basically like dousing a house with gasoline and tossing a lit match into it.
As evidenced by practically every significant religion in Human history. Molly might not be the most studious of individuals, but she has enough awareness of basic history to understand the dangers of this happening. It doesn't matter how well-meaning the missionaries are, Human religion from Earth is, for all practical purposes, cultural poison.
IIRC in Exalted proper Abyssals, Alchemicals, and Infernals don't age.
Infernals have a "Lifespan" but that's more that they "Burn Out" than anything else.
Perhaps he's just annoyed by places his shadow scrying can't reach. Those of us with ridiculous divination powers do get used to being able to get answers when we want them, after all.
so for any plans being made we should you know probably make plan names otherwise the ask your questions votes don't serve much purpose in getting all you want in.
Molly is Catholic, but I am extremely dubious that she would want to allow Catholic missionaries, or any other type of religious proselytizing from Earth. The FCF is a stable, relatively peaceful place. Introducing Earth-based religions into that is basically like dousing a house with gasoline and tossing a lit match into it.
As evidenced by practically every significant religion in Human history. Molly might not be the most studious of individuals, but she has enough awareness of basic history to understand the dangers of this happening. It doesn't matter how well-meaning the missionaries are, Human religion from Earth is, for all practical purposes, cultural poison.
I dont agree.
Religious problems on Earth often have very little to do with the religion itself, and everything to do with humans.
Even co-religionists have religious conflicts. I suspect that religious disputes arent unknown to the Brass Courts either.
Molly is Catholic. Not a lapsed Catholic either.
She's being quite clear that she's Catholic. She's talking to an archangel right now, a direct representative of the God she attests to serve. Her father is a paladin for the White God. She believes faith and can be, a force for good.
This shit matters to her characterization. Will she vet any potential missionaries? Sure. Will she refuse? No.
I mean, seriously, the Brass Courts arent sealed off; the borders are passable.
Its hardly out of the realm of the ordinary for humans to cross its borders with the NeverNever.
Do you think Molly will mandate religious uniformity?
Perhaps he's just annoyed by places his shadow scrying can't reach. Those of us with ridiculous divination powers do get used to being able to get answers when we want them, after all.
Perhaps he's just annoyed by places his shadow scrying can't reach. Those of us with ridiculous divination powers do get used to being able to get answers when we want them, after all.
There's also how we have Ebon Dragon, The Shadow of All Things as favored. Well, Kakuri officially, but we all know the truth. Anduriel's domain is shadows, and we are contesting their claim by our mere existence.
Cool concept, though I will say you guys cannot ask that question. 'My powers' is synonymous with 'the exaltation' and so leads to 'cannot look within'. Now if you started writing Old Realm down and asked 'where can I find more of this?' you would get somewhere.
Oh yeah, no, I absolutely figured that question would be too close, and she'd need a better lead than that. But stuck it in for the sake of 'vision of a ludicrously hidden and forgotten entrance to Cecelyne'. I am looking forward to her finding out more of exactly what she is. Don't think much will blow her mind as much as the 'becoming landscape' reveal, not for a while, at least not till she starts spawning her own souls