Lets get the proper defense for the likely Red Vamp + Nagaloshi fight literally tomorrow.
As I pointed out several times, it is extremely unlikely the fight with the Rampire is tomorrow, BS is patient, took months to study us, there is no reason to think he will abandon all prudence and attack quickly.
The idea that we won't get into at least one major fight that anti shaping could play a role in before our next exp vote seems implausible to me.
Sure we could have a nice relaxing arc without violence. But all indications say that it is unlikely. How many of our past arcs were violence free?
It is possible that we won't end up needing a shaping defense true. But at the very minimum it is a risk. When the ante is our life the risk is worth removing.
We've had shaping threats in almost every major event so far.
We had shaping used against us... and we never had any real problems with our inherent defenses.
Plus, the plan for this month was:
Plan Obligations and practicing for family
-[] Attend school you have friends at school and you would like the memories of senior year and graduation even if they won't be teaching you anything worthwhile (If neither School nor getting your GED is chosen Molly will systematically skip class)
Restoring the Last Station: Restoration efforts have been going well and according to Adam some more of the people down in the tunnels have shown interest in their newfound wealth and comfort (6/10) [+extra AP from potion]
--] Use bonus AP
-] Chariots for the One Eye: As part of her deal to ally against the Will of Kakuri you promised Odin vehicles hit for his warriors, time to show your chops.
The Bridges of the Spirit, continue your training with Brother Divsimar not in the ways of the spirit but the mind, the Bridge of Dreams
-[] A friend in need. You promised Rosie that you would help and so you will, with problems material and ethereal
--[] Talking to the family, you do not like Mrs Wilsom and the feeling is mutual, but as your experience at church yesterday showed you do not have to like someone to turn on the supernatural charm. Maybe you could work something out, or at least explain some of what her daughter is going through
-[] The Seeker Sought given that you can teleport now maybe you can find a Medicine Man of the blood to deal with the Naagloshii. Given what you know of Broken Seeker and his... people now perhaps they would be more inclined to help you deal with them. Even if you do not find any takers you can deal with him.
Among what is left, I see nothing that would ask for a fight before the end of the month, we had no signs of anything besides BS in town, and all our enemies showed up signs one arc before they acted in some way, so, no, I really don't think we are going to need a big shaping defense right this instant.
However, we do have a good reason to use the crafting charm
now, with the Last station.