Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

OK then.

Please, everyone, note that I am changing my plan where it comes to Lydia

[] Plan Forge Empress
-[] Molly, 22 XP
--[] Constructive Convergence of Principles, 15 XP
--[] Craft 5 dots, 7 XP (3+4)
--[] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
-[] Lydia, 9 XP
--[] Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation (••) 6 xp
--[] Acute Senses 1 Merit: 3xp

Edit: vote changed back in the original vote to avoid breaking the counter.
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I mean VEE would also allow us to bring Daniel on dangerous mission where he would be helpful. Not so much because it makes him more powerful, but because we can give him a safe word to instantly teleport to a hospital in our kingdom.
A situation where your sibling must obey you or be cast into Hell is absolutely toxic for sibling relations.
I mean, c'mon.
OK then.

Please, everyone, note that I am changing my plan where it comes to Lydia

[X] Plan Forge Empress
-[X] Molly, 22 XP
--[X] Constructive Convergence of Principles, 15 XP
--[X] Craft 5 dots, 7 XP (3+4)
--[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
-[X] Lydia, 9 XP
--[X] Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation (••) 6 xp
--[X] Acute Senses 1 Merit: 3xp
Votes are a mess due to the copy paste.
I pretty much accepted that we can't or rather shouldn't try to stop him. The best we can do as a sibling is to make sure he is making informed choices, and prepare him as much as we can for doing what he decided to do. Thus equipment. I fully expect him to still go questing. I just want to make sure he survives it. Thus my shining armor form splendor design.
I think your ignoring vital context here. He is Molly's brother. Molly's enemies are his enemies. They'll attack him to get to her. Such tactics have been used recently. He won't just be going out encountering random supernatural everyday Buffy the Vampire Slayer nonsense. He'll be running into people that want to use or kill us and punch way above any weightclass we can reasonably scale him up too.
Not so much because it makes him more powerful, but because we can give him a safe word to instantly teleport to a hospital in our kingdom.
Is that a thing? Because that changes things.
OK then.

Please, everyone, note that I am changing my plan where it comes to Lydia

[X] Plan Forge Empress
-[X] Molly, 22 XP
--[X] Constructive Convergence of Principles, 15 XP
--[X] Craft 5 dots, 7 XP (3+4)
--[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
-[X] Lydia, 9 XP
--[X] Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation (••) 6 xp
--[X] Acute Senses 1 Merit: 3xp
Yog. It might be better to go back and edit your original post as well.
I think your ignoring vital context here. He is Molly's brother. Molly's enemies are his enemies. They'll attack him to get to her. Such tactics have been used recently. He won't just be going out encountering random supernatural everyday Buffy the Vampire Slayer nonsense. He'll be running into people that want to use or kill us and punch way above any weightclass we can reasonably scale him up too.
To clarify I understand that he'll have to deal with that anyway but unless we give him a talking to he'll go searching for it of his own accord which is just asking for trouble that he can't deal with.
I dont understand why are we getting the crafting charm (which we wont be able to use against the red court) before the antishaping charm when we are going to a battle the Next combat turn where we can get enough exp to buy it later on. Yes we can create magical protection items but having a defence now is better.
I think the defensive Charm is important, most directly on the topic of Death Curses.

Most Rhampires propably can't use them, but otherwise they are common among human and near-human practicioners and right now our best defence is to get lucky on the counterspell, if we even have an action to use it.

I wouldn't even rule out the Naagloshii being capable of using one, since he has absorbed quite a few Wizard-powers.
There are people who are claiming that we can compensate Molly's lack of shaping defence with the crafted items, but wouldn't we require the shaping defence charm for creating something like that?
More indecisiveness:

[X] Plan Justified Paranoia
-[X] Molly, 22 XP
--[X] Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy: 20 XP
--[X] Banked XP: 2xp
-[X] Lydia, 9 XP
--[X] Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation (••) 6 xp
--[X] Acute Senses 1 Merit: 3xp
-[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
Why are we entering combat next turn?
We told Broken-seeker that we will help him fight the red court and all the references to that promise indicate that we are replacing the fight against him for this month to that. We dont have time to make the Magic resistance object and we are gonna enter combat against one of the fucking red court bases
Deal with naagloshi to kill Arianna specified "tomorrow" if you don't remember
Are you serious? The naag is a patient predator, are you sure he didn't just mean to begin planning it out starting tommorrow?
We told Broken-seeker that we will help him fight the red court and all the references to that promise indicate that we are replacing the fight against him for this month to that. We dont have time to make the Magic resistance object and we are gonna enter combat against one of the fucking red court bases
Now hold on. I'm sure we'll have the time to craft. What makes you think otherwise exactly?
Yog. It might be better to go back and edit your original post as well.
I think your ignoring vital context here. He is Molly's brother. Molly's enemies are his enemies. They'll attack him to get to her. Such tactics have been used recently. He won't just be going out encountering random supernatural everyday Buffy the Vampire Slayer nonsense. He'll be running into people that want to use or kill us and punch way above any weightclass we can reasonably scale him up too.
Yes, which is why he needs protection. Shining armor form has 14 soak dice, soaks aggravated at dc5, and is supernaturally strong and fast.

We can make him be able to stand on his own.

And not all our enemies will go for him when he has his own things going on.

I dont understand why are we getting the crafting charm (which we wont be able to use against the red court) before the antishaping charm when we are going to a battle the Next combat turn where we can get enough exp to buy it later on. Yes we can create magical protection items but having a defence now is better.
Because the Red Court thing is an ambush and we don't really need perfect defenses. But crafting offers a lot of helpful things next turn. It's basically opportunity cost thing.
There are people who are claiming that we can compensate Molly's lack of shaping defence with the crafted items, but wouldn't we require the shaping defence charm for creating something like that?
Perfects are overkill OCP in most situations. Good conventional defenses work just as well, if not better (because mote tapping is a thing).
Because the Red Court thing is an ambush and we don't really need perfect defenses. But crafting offers a lot of helpful things next turn. It's basically opportunity cost thing.

Perfects are overkill OCP in most situations. Good conventional defenses work just as well, if not better (because mote tapping is a thing).
Because we can buy it after the fight and if we use the time before the battle to literally boost our Magic resistance, wouldnt It be better to just buy the immunity in the first place and dont waste materials that we will be able to use after the fight to get other stuff

Ed: Is like buying a gun factory in order to fight a war when you know you are gonna enter combat the next day instead of buying a bazooka to trivialize the fight and get enough money to buy the Factory later on
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Because we can buy it after the fight and if we use the time before the battle to literally boost our Magic resistance, wouldnt It be better to just buy the immunity in the first place and dont waste materials that we will be able to use after the fight to get other stuff
15 xp is nearly a normal arc's worth of xp. We are still doing Last Station this turn too. There's a chance that maxed crafting helps us finish this turn, saving us AP next turn.

I would rather not risk not having CCoP for December turn - Cauldron re-warding, Daniel, and Last Station (which we are sure to finish next turn if not this one) all benefit heavily from it, as do actions in our kingdom (because with it appearing, reforming our panoply is pretty much a must, I think). And also, Christmas is coming, and I rather want to do something about it. We already missed all the birthdays.
Are you serious? The naag is a patient predator, are you sure he didn't just mean to begin planning it out starting tommorrow?

Now hold on. I'm sure we'll have the time to craft. What makes you think otherwise exactly?
Naagloshi said:
I will... contact you on the morrow when you are less busy. Fare thee well sister...
You can say that he just wants to have a small talk, but I believe he is going to plan how to take out his employer. I don't think that he has no deadline with Arianna and can postpone the contract indefinitely.