Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

To touch up on Devil Tigers specifically, from what I remember there are two paths for an Infernal Exalted- the first is the path of Imitation, of immersing oneself so deeply in the path and myths of a single Yozi that you can begin to embody there mythos and eventually take their form and power in truth as your own. The second, the devil tiger, comes from heretical mixing of the mythos of the Yozi until you find your own path, which back in the days of creation the Yozi probobly would hunt you down for. That's the path of becoming a primordial 2.0 with all the strengths and none of the monofocused weakness of Yozi that were literally unable to comprehend concepts outside their mythos.

Guys, the wastes in our soul are an entire ecosystem, stop trying to ruin it to get more room that we currently don't need.
Ok. We just run the air conditioners of our cities off it. Ecological catastrophe of another world, the new green energy source. Will keep your living room NICE and toasty so long as the idiots on the other side keep fucking up.
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I hope that the song won the vote I missed.

[X] The Skull and Crossbones Club (Place where her favorite song is playing)
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[X] The Skull and Crossbones Club (Place where her favorite song is playing)

Well one or two updates ago we had asked Michael about talking to an Angel for help, problem solved ahead of time.

Maybe he'll ask nicely for rights of passage for the swords?

Who wants to give the Swords a tourist visa? :p
I mean this our chance to convince God that Hell is a nice place to live, thankfully we are a social Exalt.
Do the Carpenters have any nosey neighbors? It would be funny if an old busybody saw Charity let some strapping young lad into her home while Michael was out of town and made the assumption that she's being unfaithful.

With Uriel.

Heh, the thought amuses me. :V
Do the Carpenters have any nosey neighbors? It would be funny if an old busybody saw Charity let some strapping young lad into her home while Michael was out of town and made the assumption that she's being unfaithful.

With Uriel.

Heh, the thought amuses me. :V
Uriel is known for being discreet and he would know about any nosey neighbors.
I do enjoy how earnestly Uriel is trying to be good company and put Charity at ease.

He's doing his best and while he might be getting it a bit wrong with the ominous reference to a mortal existential crisis he gets points for trying.

I think Molly will be quite touched that the folks upstairs took the time to keep her worried mother company when helping Amoraccius get home.

Incidentally Molly really does need to do something nice for him, if only to apologise for unintentionally causing him to be left in the road.

Whether that be an extra skillful cleaning (with no Infernal tools!) or making him an extra nice scabbard or rack.

Maybe give him a movie night? He probably hasn't seen many of those.
[X] The Skull and Crossbones Club (Place where her favorite song is playing)

Well one or two updates ago we had asked Michael about talking to an Angel for help, problem solved ahead of time.

I mean this our chance to convince God that Hell is a nice place to live, thankfully we are a social Exalt.

Hell is the absence of God, at least that is what I am going with here, hence technically the FfCoF are a kind of hell.
I love the image of Amorachius calling upstairs for Angelic-FedEx.

Next up: Getting Amorachius a tourist visa, working permits and setting up something to handle cross-border crime.

Probably also something about returning misplaced souls.

And it will all sound so utterly fucking mundane.
I love the image of Amorachius calling upstairs for Angelic-FedEx.

Next up: Getting Amorachius a tourist visa, working permits and setting up something to handle cross-border crime.

Probably also something about returning misplaced souls.

And it will all sound so utterly fucking mundane.

I mean the reason why it all sounds mundane is in part the same reason why Dresden does not wear a pointed hat with start on it (he'll lie and say he is not into that but we all know that he totally would :V ), to preserve the masquerade. Also Uriel may think it's funny, nothing says angels are incapable of humor.
Question, could we dump the spirits resting within our anima from HMP into the noosphere within the FCoF if we want to? Unlike the wicked city, being in the Courts ain't exactly bad or hellish, and some might prefer being active and working in the courts when not being used by us directly rather then mired in suspension until we call on them.
Question, could we dump the spirits resting within our anima from HMP into the noosphere within the FCoF if we want to? Unlike the wicked city, being in the Courts ain't exactly bad or hellish, and some might prefer being active and working in the courts when not being used by us directly rather then mired in suspension until we call on them.
It would take a while. There are uncounted numbers of them and summoning one is an action that takes multiple attempts to build up enough successes to last.
Question, could we dump the spirits resting within our anima from HMP into the noosphere within the FCoF if we want to? Unlike the wicked city, being in the Courts ain't exactly bad or hellish, and some might prefer being active and working in the courts when not being used by us directly rather then mired in suspension until we call on them.

Yes, you would have to touch a port and cast the charm.
This is false Thomas did it.
That is not true.
Thomas KILLED the previous wielder before he ended up with that Denarian's coin.

Its the reliquary of a goddamn Fallen Angel, not an impersonal piece of currency; I dont see how you could think you could just grab it from the wielder without the possessing entity having a say.
Prayer Eating 3 does in fact scale with the number of people with prayers by word of the GM.
Thank you for the citation.
However, that ruling would BREAK the setting. Trivially.

Isn't delivering Gabriel's job?
In this setting, Gabriel is the Trumpeter. To quote Mab:
Small Favor said:
I picked up the book. It was a battered old copy of The Two Towers. One page was dog-eared, and a bit of dialogue underlined in pencil.
"'The burned hand teaches best,'" I read aloud. I made my way back to my seat and shook my head. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
Grimalkin mewled from the pew beside me, "That your experience with resisting the shadow of the Fallen One has garnered the respect of the Watchman, my Emissary."
I twitched violently enough that I came up off my seat an inch or two, and came back down with a grunt. I slid down as far as I could to the end of the pew. It wasn't far. I bought myself only another inch or three before I turned to face Mab.
She sat calmly, dressed in a casual business suit of dark blue, wearing plenty of elegant little diamonds. Her white hair was bound up into a braided bun, held in place with ivory sticks decorated with lapis. She held Grimalkin on her lap like a favorite pet, though only a lunatic would have mistaken the malk for a domestic cat. It was the first time I'd seen Grimalkin in clear light. He was unusually large and muscular, even for a malk-and they tended to make your average lynx look a little bit scrawny. Grimalkin must have weighed sixty or seventy pounds, all of it muscle and bone. His fur was dark grey, patterned with rippling black fur almost like a subtle watermark. His eyes were yellow-green, very large, and far too intelligent for any animal.
"The Watchman?" I stammered.
Mab's head moved slightly with the words, but it was Grimalkin's mewling voice that actually spoke. "The Prince of the Host is all pomp and ceremony, and when he moves it is with the thunder of the wings of an army of seraphim, the crash of drums, and the clamor of horns. The Trumpeter never walks quietly when he can appear in a chorus of light. The Demon Binder takes tasks upon his own shoulders and solves his problems with his own hands. But the Watchman…" Mab smiled. "Of the archangels, I like him the most. He is the quiet one. The subtle one. The one least known. And by far the most dangerous."
I sorted through what knowledge I had of the archangels. It was meager enough, but I knew that much, at least. "Uriel," I said quietly.
Michael is the Prince of the Host. Gabriel is the Trumpeter. Rafael is the Demon Binder. Uriel is the Watchman.
Lucifer is the Prince of Darkness.
Gabriel and Michael both tend towards flashiness; you dont send them if you want an Archangel to do something in a lowkey manner.

Sanya received Esperacchius from Michael.
OOC: Second update of the day. This is getting easier, no rolls though, just the background for why Uriel is going to be opening the door when Molly and Michael get home and hey he also broke the news to Charity, that has to be worth some brownie points.

Harry isn't there? Man, we should tell him as soon as possible, the conniptions he would get.... :V

Never played exalted. Can someone explain what a devil tiger is? What makes them? What they do and whatnot?

To add a little to what has already been explained in more plain words, Primordials are big, as in, *their bodies are named world-bodies because that's literally what they are, a world, with their own rules and physics* and *their souls are their own beings (named third circles), and they have somewhere close to ten, with their own souls (once again around ten per third circles, the second circles), who also are their own beings, who also have souls, who also are their own beings, and there are millions of them, named the first circle demons, those also have souls, though non sapient ones* (Usum being a first circle demon, was one of the souls of a soul of a soul). There is also a special third circle demon, named the fetish soul, who is the center of a Primordial's identity, if you kill the other third circles, the primordial will change a little, but still be itself, if you destroy the fetish, you can get things like *Adrian, the river of torments*, becoming *Adorjan, the silent wind*, with the two being completely different beings (and Adorjan absolutely loving having left all the bagage behind, that's her whole schtick, leaving earthly attachment behind, also, murder, lots and lots of murder while laughing, particularly of anyone that gets too loud, with the threshold being *higher than a whisper*).

The kingdom we just visited is an exalted version of the development of our own world body, and we can get some steps to develop our own third circles via the clone charm Yog sometimes talks about (and other ways, probably), though we sorta already have a fetish in Usum (from the lowest pole to the highest, quite the promotion, wouldn't you say? :V) .

To touch up on Devil Tigers specifically, from what I remember there are two paths for an Infernal Exalted- the first is the path of Imitation, of immersing oneself so deeply in the path and myths of a single Yozi that you can begin to embody there mythos and eventually take their form and power in truth as your own
Didn't matter, players were all over THotDT anyway

I mean, it is not difficult to see why no exalted worth their exaltation would ever take the path the Yozi intended: It is so obviously a trap it's a testament to how out of phase with humans Yozis are.

No one is going to go *yeah, I'm totally going to stop being myself for more power*, nevermind an exalted, and that's exactly what the Imitation path was.
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That is not true.
Thomas KILLED the previous wielder before he ended up with that Denarian's coin.

Its the reliquary of a goddamn Fallen Angel, not an impersonal piece of currency; I dont see how you could think you could just grab it from the wielder without the possessing entity having a s
We could disarm dad, though it took an essence roll and we couldn't stop him from regaining the sword next turn.

I expect Coins to work similarly.
[X] The Freezer in the Chicago Synthetics building (Place that has been brought below freezing by artificial means)

This seems to be the way more common condition. A specific song is far more recognizable and notable too. Walk in freezers and are really common so we should always have exit points anywhere. Things like ice rinks would work too.

Tool Constructs let us trivially lower the temperature of an area if we need to enter too. Just make a bunch of dry ice or whatever. We have done it before.
[X] The Skull and Crossbones Club (Place where her favorite song is playing)

I agree with @Yog and @TheGrape on this.
Im not entirely happy about the current ruling about how entry and exit is supposed to work; its not meant to be this restrictive for both narrative and mechanical reasons.

But I dont have the time right now to talk about it.

We could disarm dad, though it took an essence roll and we couldn't stop him from regaining the sword next turn.
I expect Coins to work similarly.
We disarmed Michael in a friendly match, sword to sword, using inhuman skill.
Not a magic ability wrenching the sword away.
I suspect the rules that govern a Sword levelling the battlefield would hardcounter any such bullpuckey in a fight.

I certainly dont expect dispossessing a Denarian of their Coin to be a viable combat tactic.
To touch up on Devil Tigers specifically, from what I remember there are two paths for an Infernal Exalted- the first is the path of Imitation, of immersing oneself so deeply in the path and myths of a single Yozi that you can begin to embody there mythos and eventually take their form and power in truth as your own. The second, the devil tiger,
False dichotomy!
There was always the option of doing something else, like the path of becoming Sorcerer Supreme, or expanding one's native Martial Arts tree indefinitely (Solar Hero Style showed the way and got seriously bloated), or taking deep-but-not-capstone charms from multiple Yozis and going on a cruise to shake down more Yozis to open their charmsets, etc.

The book also said that one's XP gain rate should slow with age, so maybe you just stopped gaining new powers when your superpower list was already 200 items like Superman without the retcons, and took the path of retirement, but nobody liked that rule. :whistle:

I mean, it is not difficult to see why no exalted worth their exaltation would ever take the path the Yozi intended: It is so obviously a trap it's a testament to how out of phase with humans Yozis are.

No one is going to go *yeah, I'm totally going to stop being myself for more power*, nevermind an exalted, and that's exactly what the Imitation path was.
The quote you're responding to described how THotDT was impractical and implausible for both IC and OOC reasons. Responding that YCP sucks is reiterating the false dichotomy between THotDT and YCP. Not only is this ignoring other options, it's giving too much weight to YCP which was not a real option in the first place. (Also, several exalts canonically did go *yeah, I'm totally going to stop being myself for more power* and became akuma.)

No Exalted was ever going to take Yozi Cosmic Principle, trap or no trap, because it required you to play for centuries of game time. By then the setting is going to be unrecognizable and the returned Solars will almost certainly have done something else to, about, or with the Yozis and their servants.
Even if your GM did arrange massive timeskips and also put Tolkienan levels of work into adjusting the setting, taking YCP was still entirely optional.
Yozi Cosmic Principle is a fluff statement about what the Yozis hoped was their endgame, and people insist on treating it like a "problem" that was "fixed" by the appearance of Devil-Tiger.
I certainly dont expect dispossessing a Denarian of their Coin to be a viable combat tactic.
This is a yes and no sort of thing. Harry mentions during one of his fights with snake boy or whatever he called that guy that the Denarians like to keep their coins in weird hidden places, some going as far as to sew them inside themselves.

It's also established that unless they willingly give them up any separation is temporary. For wizards like Harry it's even possible to just summon it to your hand with a thought, which Lash tries to talk him into more than once.

That suggests that keeping a Denarian's coin away from them for limited periods of time is possible, but impractical because you're going to need something between a cavity search and exploratory surgery to get it.