Dancing Along the Strands
18th of November 2006 A.D.
The joke you made to Alec gave Izzy an idea what to call her phone once you explained what you intended to do, Tri, short for Tricorder, which the spirit had taken as a mark of honour. On the one hand he spoke the Queen's English, on the other he spoke Seeker Speech with an accept befitting of a Stack-dweller, that most prestigious, and stuffy ward of the City of Scrolls.
Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 6/15
Arranging a guided tour for your friends had been surprisingly easy, the Order of the Open Hearth would provide. They were the organizers of pilgrimages from the Five Cities so it had been a simple matter of summoning one of them for the task. Granted Keeper of Unparalleled Current Records, Kucr in nospeak took some getting used to. By far the most radically enhanced person you met he had replaced his ribs with an armoured drum that contained all his important internal organs,
including the brain, his head having been instead given over to a a biomechanical sensor suit, from the trio of cybernetic eyes, to the gently swaying filaments on either side of his head which provided both hearing and mechano-reception though solid objects to the seta-inspired olfactory bulb at the top of his head.
When Izzy, still a little loopy from the tea, had started to ask 'what are you' before cutting off the rude question Tri had
efficiently finished it for her. Instead of being upset though the guide had set off explaining how he had been a novelist, an artist, a father, a drill operator on the Wyrm-lines opening new tunnels. That was what had necessitated the enhancements. Most would have gone though renewal before taking a much safer job in the palace, but all his parts were rated for sixty years and more so he reasoned 'better safe than sorry'.
"Can't argue with caution, there are days I wished I slept in my armour," your father offers with a smile. You can tell he would have liked to greet him with a handshake, but he settled for a wave goodbye.
Kingdom or no kingdom, security guards or no security guards your dad was going to stick with you like glue.
After that it was high time you spoke to the Exarchs to get to know the people who are your representatives within Sanctuary in direct secular line.
Does it still count as secular if I am in charge?
After putting that question in a box for later you turn to Harry and and ask cheerily: "So do you want to talk to some of the local thaumaturges and sorcerers. I bet they know some of the secrets of the universe you don't know and they're willing to trade you."
"The White Council frowns on trading that stuff," he replies, frowning,
not like he is talking to someone unheard, more like he is arguing with himself.
"Since when did you care so much what they thought?" you ask doing your best not to sound like Usum when he's trying to sell you on some questionable idea. "Come on I doubt anything this strange is in the rules."
"Discovery of a new Nevernever Domain? That happens about once a century. The last one recorded was Shangri-La back in the 20s, nice place to live supposedly, but they closed all the Ways leading to Earth after World World Two. Can't say I blame them..." Harry shakes his head sadly. "Anyway there are rules for establishing diplomatic relations with the leadership if they seem friendly, but I'm not the guy for that."
Oh but I could be persuaded to grant many things, the thought comes to mind flirtatious smile and all. Alas dad is here so you will have to settle on. "As it happens you are already well on your way to securing an alliance for the White Council. I hear the Empress rather likes you.."
Instead of laughing, or even smiling at the joke his frown only deepens. "Careful Molly I know it's tempting to go with the flow when it seems to be going in your favour, but just because your Crown came from here and wearing it makes them think they want you for a leader does not mean you're going to like it. Did you ask how they feel about you going back?"
You open your mouth to retort, a little annoyed, but Usum beats you to it. He had been speaking to Ameli, but not so deeply as not to pay attention: "A serpent may bite her own tail, but she may not feast on shed skin alone lest she starve. She may linger here five days as the, one fifth of a moon-turn and then she must return to the outer world at least that long."
"When you say must...?"
"He means it the way one has to surface for air to keep from drowning," you answer, still feeling a little testy, not least because it was a big jump from the Jade Dogs to fve billion people. "Look Harry can you just trust me? Just go and look at the magic, it's going to be really useful in the long run."
"I trust you, I trust you to do the right thing, to do your best, but that stuff you were saying back there..."
"Don't translate," you hiss to Usum knowing what is coming.
can't be right. Think about it, this place has been around for longer than you've been alive, nevermind since you found that thing in Arctis Tor." He throws a guilty look at your dad before continuing. "Lasciel, the shadow in my head wanted me to believe that it was all real. God only knows why."
Instead of contradicting him, which you suspect Harry takes about the same way a mountain takes to being headbutted you tilt your head to thr side and ask: "So what if she was saying that because you know you would not trust her and wanted you to disbelieve? I mean she could have made a solid guess what your conclusion would have been otherwise right? What if the shadow was trying her hand at a bit of reverse psychology?"
"She's not as good at lying as she thinks she is," he mutters under his breath. "Michael back me up."
"I have been to the Nevernever before Harry, Amoracchius has never bid me set it down even for an instant, much less did he speak to me. I don't know what this place is," he knocks on the black glass table with a soft
ting. "But I do know it is remarkable enough to merit that," comes the measured and for Harry doubtless disappointing reply.
"Alright, do your worst..."
Damn it why do all the good flirting lines show up now?
Who do you introduce Harry to in order to persuade him of the extraordinary nature of your-world soul?
[] Set Ameli talk to him about thaumaturgy and technology
[] Ascendant Eye of Silver Peace, Aesp, the eldest sorcerer and spirit binder in the palace
[] Hunts the Raging Beast, Hunt for short, Seta explorer, alchemist and natural philosopher who despide the name has spent most of the last hundred moon-turns in the Wastes not the Jungles
OOC: You have to pick one since they have wildly different disciplines, Harry would not get much trying to talk to all of them at once.