I got fancier with the speech. Thoughts? I'm thinking about making this my vote.
"Congratulations to you. All of you. The promised day has arrived. Your nation is now my soul. A miracle of possibilty, your efforts interacting with my power... I am very impressed with what I do know of your achievements. Your world is a paradise when compared to the world outside my soul."
"I am Molly Carpenter, and you are probably wondering... what happens now? The outside world has two definitions of god, what I'd call god with a lower case letter vs upper case. A lower case god is an immortal or long lived being of immense supernatural power. I am a god in this sense, as opposed to an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent being such as the god I revere who reigns over the outside world. I find myself grappling with his second commandment. 'Thou shalt not have no other gods before me' as commonly understood, in context it was meant as a prohibition on idol worship. What does it mean when you're the idol though?"
"So. First, I want to learn more about you all that I might rule as justly as possible, that I may love you all as myself. Second, I intend to spread various translations of the bible from the outside world as soon as I can reasonably manage to satisfy my duties as a Christian. Third though... you may wondering why your world is a paradise compared to one an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent god reigns over. He is particularly fond of the concept of free will. Which is why the outside world is not a utopia. We must create it if we want it. I've been leveraging my power in the outside world to shift things in a kinder direction. For those who wish to join me there and risk final death to make the world kinder, I will also begin periodically putting out calls for those who are interested in helping me with various tasks and begin disseminating knowledge that you may make your decisions accordingly. I look forward to seeing what we can acheive together."