Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

@DragonParadox, about Harry's exclamation,

wouldn't he try to be more careful given that Michael is present and Harry currently is still trying to keep Lash and the coin secret, not knowing that Michael knows? Or was Lash attempt so startling? Giving that she botched, doesn't seem like it?

Michael already knows, Molly does not know that he knows, but Michael saw Harry pick up the coin to save his son and confronted him about it before the quest began.
Michael already knows, Molly does not know that he knows, but Michael saw Harry pick up the coin to save his son and confronted him about it before the quest began.
That's exactly what I mean, Michael knows but Harry doesn't know that he knows, he hasn't had a chat with him with his confession, we butteflied that away, and Harry is still trying to keep that secret. So no reason for him to blurt it out for Michael to hear, that's the gist of my question. He can just tell off Lash in his thoughts?

Edit: Am I getting my timeline wrong? Did Michael already confront Harry?
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thinking about denarians I'm kind of curious if any of the fallen have ever gotten someone very stubborn to accept the deal by sheer annoyance. Like imagine if a fallen just shouted in their head 24 hours a day until they took the deal. Cause they can totally do that.
That's exactly what I mean, Michael knows but Harry doesn't know that he knows, he hasn't had a chat with him with his confession, we butteflied that away, and Harry is still trying to keep that secret. So no reason for him to blurt it out for Michael to hear, that's the gist of my question. He can just tell off Lash in his thoughts?

Harry knows Michael knows, the conversation that took place at the end of Proven Guilty in canon with Michael suggesting Dresden give up his magic to get rid of her took place here as well you just did not hear about it since Michael does not know Molly knows and Dresden does not like talking about Lash.
thinking about denarians I'm kind of curious if any of the fallen have ever gotten someone very stubborn to accept the deal by sheer annoyance. Like imagine if a fallen just shouted in their head 24 hours a day until they took the deal. Cause they can totally do that.
I mean they can do that but the thing with the denarians is that it's never just a single deal. It is lots of little deals which build up over time. A single deal where they take control just gets them a sort of rage beast which isn't very useful at all.
I mean they can do that but the thing with the denarians is that it's never just a single deal. It lots of little deals which build up over time. A single deal where they take control just gets them a sort of rage beast which isn't very useful at all.
the fallen don't want rage beasts as their explicitly weaker than those with some free will. But, there is one singular choice its agreeing to take up the coin up until that point the fallen in their brain is only an imprint after that the actual thing is in their head.
funny thought we can control the weather this is the time where we could do some really silly and chuuni things as an introduction to our hell. make a fuck ton of star shaped clouds, put our name in the sky, telling everyone we love them, fuck even just making penis clouds. :p
Harry knows michael knows?
Michael knows. Molly did not get enough successes to notice the meaning exact, only enough to notice it's strange.
"Thank you Harry, for being here for my family again," your dad says to Harry. "You're a good man."

Of course Harry is a good man, you think automatically. That did not really need saying. There is something strange about the tone as well, all the more so as it's dad and he does not do the whole hidden meanings thing very often. Does he secretly think that magic makes you less likely to be good? No, that's not it, he did mean it. It's just he added it because he must have felt Harry needed to hear it.
Oh yeah, looks like I missed a lot of stuff and my reading comprehension is not the best this evening, now I see. Sorry for pestering you, DP.
For now:

[X] Introduce yourself as you are, as one who does not know them well but wishes to, as one who is young by the measure of this world, but wishing rule justly and wisely for the benefit of all
-[X] ATB, Leadership excellency
so whats a suitable manipulation with lord of the land we can do right now to show our brilliance and majesty? Maybe stop the storms that have been raging in the wastes since the birth of this world?
[X] Introduce yourself as you are, as one who does not know them well but wishes to, as one who is young by the measure of this world, but wishing rule justly and wisely for the benefit of all
-[X]Leadership excellency

I don't want Molly to have to pretend inside her own soul. Trying to think of a good speech. At least there is no penalty for plagiarism.
[X] Introduce yourself as you are, as one who does not know them well but wishes to, as one who is young by the measure of this world, but wishing rule justly and wisely for the benefit of all
-[X]Leadership excellency

I don't want Molly to have to pretend inside her own soul. Trying to think of a good speech. At least there is no penalty for plagiarism.
I mean write ins exist I assume someone will make one within a few hours.
That difficulty nine was our Will power rating??
Yeah, it almost certainly is, it's our kingdom's Gauntlet (The barrier between the physical world of Earth and the spirit world of the Umbra. It is strongest around technological (Weaver) places and weakest around caerns.).

I am more curious what dice pool she was rolling exactly - it is distinctly human-scale, which is surprising. And that she can botch. Was she piggy-backing off Harry's stats?

In any case, it's a damn shame she blew this. Also, very surprising that she went for it without trying to get Harry's consent. She's smarter than that. I really am starting to think that, having witnessed our Becoming, she's trying to ditch Harry and go full Team Molly.
I wonder if Lash was going to ask for asylum?
I think so, yes. Consdier:
1) She didn't consider Harry's thought. If Harry was to leave back to Earth, she'd be stuck back in his head. Those are the rules. So, she is either jeopardizing or abandoning her mission to get Harry to pick up the coin to do this.
2) She couldn't think to defeat us at the epicenter of our power with infinite shintai. Yes, Amoracchius is not here, but this is almost certainly a Dragon Nest as far as essence regeneration goes, we have several thousands of elite mooks with hightech gear converging on our location, and Lash knows nothing (or very little) about her situation.

The only reasonable conclusion is that she's not planning to leave and doesn't care if Harry gets pissed at her.
Yeah, it almost certainly is, it's our kingdom's Gauntlet (The barrier between the physical world of Earth and the spirit world of the Umbra. It is strongest around technological (Weaver) places and weakest around caerns.).

I am more curious what dice pool she was rolling exactly - it is distinctly human-scale, which is surprising. And that she can botch. Was she piggy-backing off Harry's stats?

She was rolling Harry's willpower, because that is what she has for willpower. Whether that is a metaphysical limitation of her state, something imposed by the White God to make the process of swaying someone to the side of the Denarians 'fair', or indeed if there is even a difference it is hard to know.
She was rolling Harry's willpower, because that is what she has for willpower. Whether that is a metaphysical limitation of her state, something imposed by the White God to make the process of swaying someone to the side of the Denarians 'fair', or indeed if there is even a difference it is hard to know.
kek limited to a mere harrys willpower arguably the most stubborn mortal shown in dresden files when it comes to willpower.