So the people grabbed were Izzy and Alec; Im guessing that everyone in Cauldron spending the last weekend in Last Station made it prohibitively difficult to plan snatches of them. And Thomas is too hard a target to sneak up on.
Still have to call everyone else to lay low.
We need to check their homes to find out whether their families were hit, or if they were grabbed off the streets.
Also, we can grab things from their bedrooms as foci for tracking them.
Alternatively, when the naagloshii calls, just HMP the phone and have the cyberdevil report on the cellphone location.
Speaking of phones?
The fact that the naagloshii has a cellphone is bad. Because it means its spies can probably call in, and it lets him coordinate.
12 skinwalkers, plus Broken Seeker, for lucky number thirteen.
And that doesnt count the others out doing recon, which I would estimate potentially anywhere from half to two times that number, not counting our prisoner. 6-24 extra, with 12 as the median.
Pity we dont have All-Devouring Depths or World-Grinding Devastation. Then we'd be able to reduce things to a duel.
Even if we could hire Monoc as meatshields, I doubt we'd have either the time, or critically, be able to bring them in stealthily with skinwalker spies abroad in the city and along the Ways under veils.
And because Molly is a mobile darkhallow of magical intensity that can be sensed at a distance, we cant actually sneak up on the naagloshii or its minions.
Not without a charm we dont have.
So we kinda have to think in small numbers: people both survivable, with the nerve to be airlifted, and with the mental fortitude to face a naagloshii and survive. Lydia + wooden drones. Harry. Michael if he is in town. Thomas. Mouse.
Carry them with MHM. Locate the lair and just drop in by air at full speed.
Wish we had bought the Rage Recast Swift Stride now. That doubling of land velocity would have made a difference.
Guess speedboost items are a Crafting priority.
Harry being the target is an assassination attempt on a White Council Warden regional commander in the middle of a war
I guess we dont have much in the way of doubt about who would hire out such a thing in wartime.
Should remember to use the body of someone to confirm it, though.
I mean I'm not paying them to keep this guy if they want they can take him and get information from him. Information's worth a lot in this world.
Couple decades of life under a naagloshii is a shitton of occult knowledge.
Whether we are keeping the dude as a project(We'll have a Hell at the end of the month) or handing him off to the Library or to Odin, there are pragmatic reasons not to kill him. Not to mention that Curiosity is Molly's Urge.
And Molly being a high Empathy, high Morality Infernal is kinda her key concept.
Broken Seeker is unlikely to be the only naagloshii walking around.
And there's good odds we'll come to blows with more. Learning about them helps.
- It's about an hour and a half to get back, half an hour to the exist you ere heading towards
- Technically you can exit right here, you would end up some place in Bavaria near the alps
- To get to some place in North America that is not the Chicago exit you would have to take a hour long drive to a stable with (well behaved) man eating horses that opens into a bookie's office in New York
Is it 1.5 hours back even with Molly carrying the Carriage and going full speed with Windborn Stride at 10x base speed?