Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

people are forgetting that the sector used to have like 100 subsectors and we are down to 6? cause thats why the imperium threw in the towel and abandoned us and the quest started on easy mode thanks to good rolls for our two main enemys in the chaos and ork getting distracted with a mutual fight.

I think that makes it all the more important that we deal with the sector lord before the Orks and chaos stop infighting, so we can present a united front against any of them if they decide to invade us.
If the enemy fleet is so restricted to short term jumps then presumably we could lure them into an ambush or use our superior mobility in some other fashion. I shall leave it to the Master of the Fleet to think of something
The lack of navigators effects strategic speed not tactical speed.
The lack of navigators effects strategic speed not tactical speed.
Yes, and I assume the Master of the Fleet will be able to use that to set something up. For example, when things kick off, we can use our superior strategic mobility in various ways. One way might be to attack a location in force, somewhere relatively far away, make it look like we've overreached, but actually, it's a deception operation. The Lord Sector can bring his entire fleet to finish the Astartes off in a decisive battle, and instead, we go to warp and slip behind him to go tear up all his stuff, using the superior strategic mobility of our fleet to evade his fleet who lag behind. We could also draw him over somewhere, then just go for his capital and surround his garrison ships he's presumably left in defence, then just leave before the other ships get there.
We will probably be disadvantaged against the forces of chaos but this can be probably be compensated for by strengthening the worlds under our protection defences.
I think that makes it all the more important that we deal with the sector lord before the Orks and chaos stop infighting, so we can present a united front against any of them if they decide to invade us.
Indeed. If Galarborn wasn't such a clusterfuck I'd have done it this turn and have probably left the Ork Pirates and Sverd situations for next turn.
[X] Plan firefighter
-[X] Free Actions
--[X] Send master of Sanctity Jannis Hopeson and Master of the Apothecarion Bruce Boltson to Lorum to bring order to the planet and establish it as a recruiting word for the chapter
--[X] Have Chief Librarian Steffen Strangeson Look into Psyker Recruitment and Training solutions
--[X] Send master of the Forge Horwan Forgeson to Forge World Odin on a diplomatic mission to court the forge world to our side, he has permission to promise small favors and if needed use the small favor from forge world thor for diplomatic assistance.
-[X] Deployment
--[X] Civilised World Gunnerheim (Torvald and his Honour Guard using the strike cruiser of the 7th company)
--[X] Forge World Odin (9th company's strike cruiser for Forge Horwan Forgeson)
--[X] Mining World Galarborn (2nd Company, 9th company using Battle Barge Void Thunderer, Battle Barge Might of Storms)
--[X] Uninhabited World Kjede (1st Company, 37 scouts from the 10th company using the 10th second strike cruiser)
--[X] Agri World Huvatki (Remaining 10th company)
--[X] Mining World Malmur & Civilised World Sverd (4th company)
--[X] Agri World Akar (7th Company using Battle Barge Ardent Storm) they are to try to capture the looted cruiser if they can without overt risk to their own ships
--[X] Midgardia (8th Company)
--[X] Lorum (8th Company strike cruiser master of Sanctity Jannis Hopeson and Master of the Apothecarion Bruce Boltson)
-[X] Production
--[X] 6 Production for 30 Heavy Weapons
--[X] 6 Production for 3 rhino
--[X] 8 Production for 2 Dreadnoughts
--[X] 1 Honourbound Favour from thor for 2 strike cruisers
-[X] Chapter Organisation
--[X] Assign "Storm Stinger" and "Ice Warden" to the 2nd company Captain
--[X] Assign "Monsterslayer" to the 9th company Captain
--[X] Assign "Armor Mighty Goliath" to the 1st company Captain
--[X] Assign to the 1st company 10 Terminator Armors
--[X] Give the Company Champions of the 3rd and 9th Iron Haloes
--[X] have the reinforcements to the 3rd bring 1 power weapon, 1 specialist weapon and 3 jump packs and 1 rhino to replenish some of the 3rd material losses.
--[X] Distribute 7 Rhinos to the 9th before they leave.
--[X] Distribute 2 razorbacks to the 2nd, 2 to the 4th and 1 to the 9th company
--[X] Distribute unassigned bikes, evenly across the Companies
Turn 2 Results/005-009.M41 - Part I
[X] Plan: Problem Crushing
-[X] Free Actions
--[X] Expand the recruitment of Chapter serfs and establish a force of warrior serfs who can support the Chapter's companies in their operations.
--[X] Have Horwon Forgeson with some of his fellow Techmarines go to Forge World Odin, using the 8ths Strike Cruiser, to counter the Lord Sectors efforts. He has permission to spend our favour with Forge World Thor for diplomatic assistance if needed
--[X] Send Jannis Hopeson with a few of his fellow Chaplins to Sverd to do what he did on Jarn and in the process stop the invasion of Mulmur whilst keeping the Guard Regiments of Sverd intact
-[X] Assignments
--[X] Galarborn: Torvald, 4th, 9th, 10th, Battle Barges Might of Storms and Ardent Storm
--[X] Sverd: 1st, 2nd, Jannis Hopeson, the 1st is loaned one of the 10ths Strike Cruisers and 3 escorts
--[X] Midgardia: 5th, 7th
--[X] Akar: 8th, Battle Barge Void Thunderer, and they are to try to capture the looted cruiser if they can without overt risk to their own ships
-[X] Production
--[X] 30 Heavy Weapons (6 points)
--[X] Dreadnought (4 points)
--[X] 2 Iron Haloes (10 points)
-[X] Equipment Assignment
--[X] 1st: Captain gets the Relic Terminator Armor Mighty Goliath, 10 Terminator Armors, 4 Power Weapons and Jump Packs, 2 Rhinos, 1 Razorback
--[X] Give the Company Champions of the 3rd, 7th, 8th, 9th Iron Haloes
--[X] Give Heavy Weapons to those that still need them
--[X] 9th: 6 Rhinos, 2 Razorbacks
--[X] Distribute unassigned bikes evenly across the Companies

+Galarborn System+

Captain Rod Forgeson requested reinforcements from you and you more than granted that request as you came in person with three companies and two battle barges. Combined with Storm Avengers already in the system, the assembled task-force is easily overkill for even a fledgling Waaagh with over four hundred space marines, forty-five escorts, four strike cruisers and three battle barges.

Even the Orks drawn in from the Ymir Sub-Sector and beyond aren't enough to have a hope of changing the outcome in Krookchoppa's favour. And Warboos Krookchoppa had received reinforcements as word of his battles spread and greenskins flocked to his side.

Three new kill kroozers and over a score of escorts came to join the existing Ork fleet and they were crushed without mercy. The slight numerical advantage was nothing next to the skill and experience advantage of your chapter and you made sure no Orks escaped. The battle barge butchered the kill kroozers with nothing more than surface damage in exchange while the strike cruisers hunted down both terror ships and the Gladius-class Frigates preyed upon their Ork counterparts.

In the space of one battle, the Storm Avengers had won the void war, granting them a free hand to reinforce the beleaguered defenders and provide orbital fire support as needed.


"We are the Avenging Storm!" you cry as you slam Worthy Thunderer into the side of an Ork meganob.

It has been too long since you faced the Emperor's foes in battle even if it has been less than a decade.

"For the Emperor!" cries Sig Stormson, your Chapter Companion as he slams his own thunder hammer into a meganob trying to flank you.

His own weapon might not match the speed of the Worthy Thunderer, but it is no less deadly as it sends the greenskin flying alongside armour fragments and red blood so dark it is almost black.

The meganobz are the crux of the greenskin defence and when they break, the camp will be the Storm Avengers' for the taking. Numbering in the thirties, their numbers are low enough for you and your honour guard to wipe them out without difficulty.

Timeless Liberty blocks bullets from the shootas of the charging greenskins as you steady yourself for another round of melee. The closest meganob raises his power klaw to crush you, but you move first. Worthy Thunderer strikes the Ork in the jaw, pulverising the head and you step past the tumbling corpse as you slam your relic weapon into a second meganob. That corpse goes flying and you move onto a third victim.

The latest meganob to face your fury manages to block your thunder hammer with his shoota, sacrificing the weapon in the process, but it only delays his fate as you swing Worthy Thunderer into his gut. Another meganob slashes at you with his power klaw, but you bat that aside and Sig knocks the greenskin off its feet with a firm swing of his own weapon.

"Slow down, Torvald," jokes Sig, "You are not leaving any for the rest of us."

"Do not worry, Sig, there will be no shortage of Orks to kill this date," you reply.

You are not wrong as even with a handful of meganobz still alive, regular greenskins are running out of the woodworks. Armed with choppas, sluggas and shootas, these Orks might be more numerous, but they present even less of a threat then the meganobz did.

"We are the Avenging Storm!" cry more of your battle-brothers as a frag missile slams into the gathering swarm, blowing several Orks away.

"Our backup has arrived," says one of your honour guard as your brother brings his thunder hammer down on the head of a meganob.

"Indeed," you agree as you raise your arm and add a burst from your volkite caliver to the storm of bolts, "Onwards, brothers! We are the Avenging Storm!"

A few Orks burst into flames, setting more of their comrades on fire as their bodies are incinerated while more die as bolts explode vital organs. With the last of the meganobs dying, you and your honour guard stand firm with your storm shields and thunder hammers, ready to face the incoming charge while tactical squads from the 2nd pick off the greenskins at range.


Captain Clin Boltson of the 10th decides that he likes the Galarborn campaign. Oh, he doesn't like heavy losses sustained by the 3rd or the local PDF nor does he like just how many loyal Imperial citizens have been butchered by the Orks. What he does like is how his scouts have a chance to prove their mettle whilst having many full battle-brothers for back up. Of course, it reduces the challenge and how many scouts do successfully prove themselves, but it also reduces the chance of how many scouts die from their mistakes.

He doesn't want his scouts to make mistakes, but it is better that they make their mistakes and live to learn from them then die in the process. As for the Captain of the Recruits and Reconnaissance, Clin has a mission of his own, one that is too dangerous and too important to trust to mere scouts.

Making his way up to the cliffside, Clin takes careful aim over the ruins of a once prosperous town, where the Orks have perverted into a den of xenos filth and mockery. It is here that holds the current presence of Warboss Krookchoppa, leader of the brewing Waaagh and Clin's target.

It doesn't take Clin long to find the Ork leader as Krookchoppa oversees the construction of several stompas, which is something that he knows that Torvald will want to know. He doubts that the Orks will last long enough to finish the giant machines of war, but the Captain of the 10th knows that his chapter master will love to destroy the stompas before they are finished. Torvald might even lead the strike himself.

But today, those stompas are not Clin's target, Krookchoppa is. He takes steady aim, lining up the shot with the Hawk's Faith and pulls the trigger. He misses as Krookchoppa turns at the last moment, instead sending a nob toppling backwards as his shot embeds itself in the greenskin's chest.

As the Orks begin to react below, Clin curses his luck and quickly loads a second shot. He thanks the God-Emperor that Krookchoppa doesn't flee as the warboss foolishly stands around, screaming something at his fellow xenos. The second shot does the trick, blowing out Krookchoppa's brains like the first should have done.

Clin begins his withdrawal and while he successfully accomplished his mission, Clin knows he has yet to reach the heights of Hawk Boltson despite yielding his weapon.

Gain 2 Veterans from 3rd Company
Gain 1 Veteran from 4th Company
29 Scouts ready to become full Battle-Brothers.
1 Scout starts Apothecary training. (Gain 1 Apothecary in 030.M41 )

Final Result:
Mining World Galarborn: World Secured
Space Marines Deaths: 0
Mining World Losses: 47% (High)
PDF Casualties: 75% (Massive)
Final Verdict: Mission Success


+Huvatki System+

With the bulk of the Orks on Galarborn dealt with, you decided to let the 4th and the 10th handle the surviving Greenskins. Meanwhile the 3rd went back to Midgardia to rearm and resupply while you took the 9th and the Ardent Storm to swing by the Agri World of Huvatki.

The local government needed to be taken in hand and the might of Peder and his 9th combined with the power of the Ardent Storm should be sufficient to discourage any foolishness on the locals' part. Emperor willing, you can get those misguided souls back on the right path without shedding the blood of His citizenry.

Fortunately for you and the people of Huvatki, the Emperor is smiling upon you all. The arrival of Storm Avengers is enough to cow the locals into submission as they weren't expecting you to actually show up. After that, you reach out to the local government to clarify the current situation of the Asgardia Sector and what role you and your brothers had towards its people.

The locals listen to what you say and in their grace, they take it to heart. By the time that you and your brothers are ready to leave, you have reassured Huvatki of your status as the protectors of the Asgardia Sector and they are throwing parades and celebrations in your honour.

Final Result:
Agri World Huvatki: World Secured
Space Marines Deaths: 0
Agri World Losses: 0% (None)
PDF Casualties: 0% (None)
Final Verdict: Mission Success


+Date: 009.M41+
+Midgardia System+

Affairs in Midgardia go well. The homeworld of the Storm Avengers turns up forty two aspirants for the chapter's ranks while of those already found, twenty of them take to the procedure to become neophytes. The unfortunate four must content themselves with instead becoming karls of the Storm Avengers. Of the successful neophytes, one of them is whisked away by Steffen Strangeson so that the Librarium can make use of his pysker talents.

As for the battle-brothers of the 5th and 7th, they may have been left behind to safeguard Midgardia, but that doesn't mean they haven't been kept busy. Like all Adeptus Astarte Chapters, the Storm Avengers have mortal servants to fulfil the many duties that are necessary, but beneath an Angel of Death.

For some of these karls, it means being the huskarls, the mortal warriors who help their transhuman masters guard their fortress-monastery Aula Fortis and fighting in boarding actions as part of the Chapter Fleet. Highly trained and well-equipped, these soldiers are peers to the best of the Imperial Guard.

Now Chapter Master Torvald Thunderson wishes to expand their numbers akin to the Ultramar Auxilia of the Storm Avengers' progenitors, the Ultramarines. An action that is easy to see, but much harder to actually do.

Part of it is equipment used by the huskarls. While not as well-equipped as their Astarte masters, the huskarls are extremely well off by the standards of the Imperial Guard. Universal equipment includes the standard lasguns, shotguns and grenades, but huskarls are also equipped with protective carapace armour and a breacher shield that has fallen out of favour with the Angels of Death, but still used by the Imperial Navy.

Officers within the huskarls will be equipped with a power axe as a sign of their authority while specialist and heavy weapons are common within the squads of the huskarls. A small armoury of chimeras and valkyries are maintained to fully mechanise the huskarls, giving them rapid transportation both by ground and by air.

While producing this equipment is doable by Midgardia's native industry, rapidly ramping up is more of an impossibility. Expansion of the huskarls must be done at a rate where the materials needs can be kept up with unless the quality of the formation is to be degraded.

A similar issue is the case when it comes to the personnel of the huskarls. While there are no shortages of capable volunteers to fill the ranks, the number of trainers is more limited. If the new huskarls are to be trained to the same standard as the existing ones, expansion must be slowed down to keep up with this demand. The alternative is to accept lesser quality and compromise the defences of Aula Fortis and the boarding capability of the Chapter Fleet, both of which are unacceptable.

Between those two issues, it means that expansion is possible, but only at a certain rate. Due to the directive of the Chapter Master, the expansion of the huskarls will happen and the ranks of the huskarls will be expanded by a thousand new members each year.

Finally, there is a third issue in regards to the huskarls, which is the transportation of the huskarls if they are to operate off-world. Using the Chapter Fleet isn't a feasible solution as battle barges and strike cruisers are designed for companies of space marines, not regiments of regular humans. Imperial Guard transports can be used, but they are slow, vulnerable and not at all suited for keeping up with the Chapter Fleet. They would be acceptable for a prolonged campaign or relocating to another friendly world, but if the huskarls used them, they couldn't join their Storm Avenger masters as part of the tip of the spear.

Gain 42 Aspirants from Midgardia.
Gain 19 Neophytes.
Gain 1 Psyker Neophyte.

Final Result:
Civilised World Midgardia: Secured
Space Marines Deaths: 0
Civilised World Losses: 0% (None)
PDF Casualties: 0% (None)
Final Verdict: Mission Success


+Date: 007.M41+
+Akar System+

Baiting out the Ork Freebootaz had been easy enough. The Storm Avengers had hidden the Void Thunderer in a gas cloud before sending out her escorts to draw in the greenskins for the trap. When the Orks began their next raid, the Gladius-class Frigates had eliminated two of the eight Ork escorts and then the captured Tyrant-class Cruiser and the remaining six escorts had gone chasing them.

And like the fools that they are, the Orks had fallen for the trap hook, line and sinker. Once the Orks were too close to disengage, the Void Thunderer revealed her presence with a torpedo volley at the enemy capital ship. As the Gladius frigates stopped fleeing and turned to engage their Ork counterparts, Captain Halla and his company had launched from the battle barge in their thunderhawk gunships.

The boarding plan was simple as the main trap. The Ork turrets would be too focused on shooting down the torpedoes to engage the thunderhawks in time. And it worked as the Ork escorts were dying to Storm Avengers escorts and the thunderhawks reached the enemy cruisers without issue.

"We are the Avenging Storm!" cries Halla as he raises his thunder hammer, running down the landing ramp as it opens.

"We are the Avenging Storm!" echos his battle-brothers as Halla swings his hammer into the crowd of greenskin.

Several of the xenos are sent flying from the concussive shockwave. A choppa scratches his armour, another glances off of his storm shield while bolts begin to tear into the Orks. Halla just smashes a greenskin aside before pounding another into the wall.

"We make for the Engineerium, brothers," orders Halla as the last of the Orks in the immediate area die, "We cannot allow the xenos to escape to the warp, especially not with us still aboard."

Warships are simply too vast for a mere hundred marines to seize one on their own in any timely manner. The answer to being able to effectively deal with them is to strike at vital points such as the weapon batteries, the engines, the void shields and the command deck. In this case, Halla is personally leading one of the strikes against the engines as the Captain of the 8th wants to ensure that their prize is unable to escape. Once they disable the Engineerium, the Orks will be at their mercy and it will just be a matter of time when it comes to clearing them out.


Five Storm Avengers lie at the feet of Kaptin Morkzod and the only saving grace is that they aren't dead, merely in the embrace of their Sus-an Membrane. That and the fact that dozens of Ork corpses surround the fallen fireteam. Standing tall and armed with an oversized four-barreled shoota, Morkzod has a bionic right eye alongside heavier armour than the norm.

"So ya are 'da 'umie 'dat 'as been raid'n ma ship," says Kaptin Morkzod as he glares at Halla and his command squad, "Iz gunna teach yer a lesson. I'z da wun 'oo steals ships ere not yer. Ya hear me 'umie."

"I hear you, Ork," retorts Halla as his champion Sigbrand takes up a position on his left while the others take him with their bolters, "Now I will show you the fury of the Storm Avengers."

"Showz me a gud time 'umie," replies the Freeboota before screaming, "Waaagh!"

"For the Emperor!" cries the Captain of the 8th backs as Kaptin Morkzod opens fire, spraying the room with bullets.

Halla raises his storm shield on instinct as he charges forward with Sigbrand at his side. The Ork just laughs as several more jump out of hiding, firing their shootas at Halla's command squad. Halla grunts as he feels one of the bullets pierce his power armour.

Trusting in his brothers, Halla engages the Freeboota warboss alongside Sigbrand. His champion tries first, hacking open the flesh of the Ork's leg, causing Kaptin Morkzod to drop to one knee.

"Dat hurt 'umie," are the last words of Kaptin Morkzod before Halla slams the head of his thunder hammer into the Freeboota's face.


While it took weeks of work, 8th Company eventually cleared the Orkified Tyrant-class Cruiser of greenskins. The hull would need both repairs and a deep cleansing before it could be used, but the warship was once again an Imperial vessel. The people of Akar could know peace again as the Freebootaz would no longer prey upon their world.

The only question was what to do with the reclaimed cruiser. The Storm Avengers had no need for it in their Chapter Fleet, but two of their allies would have use of it. Admiral Mordanne would certainly welcome another Tyrant-class Cruiser for Battlefleet Asgardia, but tech-priests of Forge World Thor would also welcome another capital ship for their own fleet.

What is to be done with the captured Tyrant-class Cruiser?
[ ] Gift it to Battlefleet Asgardia. Battlefleet Asgardia will owe you a Major Favour.
[ ] Gift it to Forge World Thor. Forge World Thor will owe you a Major Favour.

Final Result:
Civilised World Akar: Secured
Space Marines Deaths: 0
Civilised World Losses: 2% (Minimal)
PDF Casualties: 1% (Minimal)
Final Verdict: Mission Success


Once again, I am splitting up the update into two parts and I suspect this will become a commonplace occurrence. Anyway, you have had a good turn so far. Galarborn was dealt with quickly enough that you were able to swing by Huvatki on the way back. Meanwhile the cruiser was successfully captured intact.

With the huskarl situation, you are expanding your warrior serfs so they are going to be a high quality, but low number force so don't expect masses of them. They will be available for planned or prolonged campaigns, but they won't be tagging along quick response missions. And don't expect to directly control them either since their involvement will be a background element as I am not inventing more mechanics for them.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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[X] Gift it to Battlefleet Asgardia. Battlefleet Asgardia will owe you a Major Favour.

I'd say they need it more.
[x] Gift it to Forge World Thor. Forge World Thor will owe you a Major Favour.

Thats a obivous choice and the turn sofar has gone very well to be honest. They might sell it to the battlefleet since they contracted to build several lunars already to them btw but the thor favor is worth alot more than the battlefleet favor .
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[X] Gift it to Battlefleet Asgardia. Battlefleet Asgardia will owe you a Major Favour.
[X] Gift it to Forge World Thor. Forge World Thor will owe you a Major Favour.

Pretty easy choice I think. We've already got a major favor with BFA and we can do plenty of stuff with a Mechanicus favor.

Now, while I understand doing what we can to buff up the BFA, I think a much better way to do that is to reintegrate "Battlefleet Odin" back into the BFA asap.

Next turn we can burn the Major Favor to FW Thor to get the BFA out of their obligations to them for a turn so that the BFA can join us in full for some gunboat diplomacy over Vanaheim.

The sooner the Lord Sector is dealt with the sooner BFA get most of their fleet back.
Finally, there is a third issue in regards to the huskarls, which is the transportation of the huskarls if they are to operate off-world. Using the Chapter Fleet isn't a feasible solution as battle barges and strike cruisers are designed for companies of space marines, not regiments of regular humans. Imperial Guard transports can be used, but they are slow, vulnerable and not at all suited for keeping up with the Chapter Fleet. They would be acceptable for a prolonged campaign or relocating to another friendly world, but if the huskarls used them, they couldn't join their Storm Avenger masters as part of the tip of the spear.
I guess this will be something to ask the forge worlds about, of our tech marines since I imagine trying to procure something like this would be a bit diecy.

Maybe a modified Carrack-Class transport? They are a vessel that rogue traders tend to favor and can be used for cargo or troop transport though not sure if this crosses the no Imperial Navy ships line.