Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

As a side note, this was described as a Tyrant in the previous update fyi
Fixed. Thanks for catching that.
...Do rapid strike vessels count as rules lawyering? They're both Imperial Navy and Space Marine ships
No, they are used by both the Imperial Navy and Space Marine Chapters. If it is a warship in the Battlefleet Gothic Space Marine Fleet List, you can have it apart from Fortress-Monasteries and Venerable Battle Barges because they aren't something you have and they are beyond your ability to build.
If we had a Forge World make us a new Space Marine ship could we have it set up so the Huskarls could use it?
Not for transportation. Your warships already have huskarls aboard as they make up your boarding parties and anti-boarding parties for when there are no companies currently aboard and that is about as you are going to get. The issue is that Space Marine warships are designed to support a ground army of a few hundred when your huskarls need transports for a ground army of several thousands.

Furthermore, you won't be directly controlling huskarl regiments as the players. Their deployment will be handled as background detail because I don't feel like making up mechanics for the thread controlling pseudo-Imperial Guard regiments.
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[X] Gift it to Battlefleet Asgardia. Battlefleet Asgardia will owe you a Major Favour.
We already have a favor from the battlefleet, and we're always going to want favors from forge-worlds, to either repair or acquire new ships, getting new gear, etc. That's how I see it anyways. the best thing we can do for the battle fleet is getting the splinter Odin fleet to rejoin them, as someone else pointed out.
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We already have a favor from the battlefleet, and we're always going to want favors from forge-worlds, to either repair or acquire new ships, getting new gear, etc. That's how I see it anyways. the best thing we can do for the battle fleet is getting the splinter Odin fleet to rejoin them, as someone else pointed out.

Not worried about getting Favors from the Mechanicus.

We are going to have tons of opportunities to do so over the quest.

The Battlefleet however, needs as many ships now as they can get. This is our free decade before both major enemy factions stop being distracted and come after us.

The Forge worlds don't have time to make enough ships to rebuild the Sector fleet, so every outside injection we can give to it matters.
Next turn we can burn the Major Favor to FW Thor to get the BFA out of their obligations to them for a turn so that the BFA can join us in full for some gunboat diplomacy over Vanaheim.
Or we could wait until they're all ready and then use our Major Favor with the Forge World to send back up from their own fleet. Just a massive show of force from all fleets so BF Odin has to deal with overwhelming numbers against the beloved protectors of their sector. Speaking of which, still a little sad that we didn't send anyone to talk to the Order of the Sacred Storm. If we confront the Sector Lord next turn it's gonna be pretty awkward talking to them since if we don't have them on our side there's the chance they'll be an enemy, and you don't want to leave things up to chance with some of the biggest fanatics in the Imperium.

Also @Oshha is it possible for us to fuck around with the Titan War in some way to keep it going longer by kicking down whatever side seems like they're winning?
Or we could wait until they're all ready and then use our Major Favor with the Forge World to send back up from their own fleet. Just a massive show of force from all fleets so BF Odin has to deal with overwhelming numbers against the beloved protectors of their sector. Speaking of which, still a little sad that we didn't send anyone to talk to the Order of the Sacred Storm. If we confront the Sector Lord next turn it's gonna be pretty awkward talking to them since if we don't have them on our side there's the chance they'll be an enemy, and you don't want to leave things up to chance with some of the biggest fanatics in the Imperium.

Also @Oshha is it possible for us to fuck around with the Titan War in some way to keep it going longer by kicking down whatever side seems like they're winning?
Nah, the BFA is indebted to FW Thor for another two turns. The Lord Sector could get up to a lot of bullshit in two turns and that's yet another 10 years for him to solidify his hold on both BF Odin and the Vanaheim Valkyries yet further.

Plus the Titan War will probably be over by then and we'll have to deal with whatever they send our way.

No, unless the Sector explodes on us next turn it will be the perfect time to strike at the Lord Sector. This turn we've taken care of all of the outstanding and active issues in the Sector.

Moreover, the whole of our Fleet plus BFA is plenty. We'll out number his fleet by over three times and have 4 Battlebarges present when his Flagship is just an Overlord Class. An impressive ship but no match for even a single Battlebarge. A battle would be hilariously one-sided and anymore is well and truly just overkill.

Edit: Fleet Compositions;
-Storm Avengers
5 Battlebarges
8 Strike Cruisers
78 Escorts

-Battlefleet Asgardia
4 Cruisers
8 Escorts
-What they're gaining from Forge World Thor by the end of Turn 4, so some will be available next Turn but not all
3 Lunar Class Cruisers
2 Dauntless Class Light Cruisers
16 Sword Class Frigates

-Battlefleet Odin
1 Overlord-class Battlecruiser
4 Cruisers
2 Dauntless Class Light Cruisers
21 Escorts max

-Combined Storm Avenger and Asgardia fleets
5 Battlebarges
12+ Cruisers
86+ Escorts

5 Times Odins heavy hitters, at least double his Cruisers, and over 4 times his Escorts.
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Nah, the BFA is indebted to FW Thor for another two turns. The Lord Sector could get up to a lot of bullshit in two turns and that's yet another 10 years for him to solidify his hold on both BF Odin and the Vanaheim Valkyries yet further.

Plus the Titan War will probably be over by then and we'll have to deal with whatever they send our way.

No, unless the Sector explodes on us next turn it will be the perfect time to strike at the Lord Sector. This turn we've taken care of all of the outstanding and active issues in the Sector.

Moreover, the whole of our Fleet plus BFA is plenty. We'll out number his fleet by over three times and have 4 Battlebarges present when his Flagship is just an Overlord Class. An impressive ship but no match for even a single Battlebarge. A battle would be hilariously one-sided and anymore is well and truly just overkill.

I'll be honest, it'll be very funny seeing his bafflement when we pop over to his system with our combined chapter and the Admiral's fleet. You don't normally expect a whole ass space marine chapter to come over for a 'chat'. :lol: