Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Besides queen of hatred there is a wonder lab abnormality
Red queen
Instadeath and fickle as hell, never know what she'll want
[X] The Monsters Of The Outskirts Discuss Their New Neighbors
Frankly, I hold little to no interest in the outskirt interlude, we do not live in the library, and Angela is perfectly able to defend herself, better to get information on something that actually is important to us, and the Bird is the best for that, since we are acting against the Adult and there are signs he is too, reminder that we met Argalia when searching for Long Bird, not Argalia himself.
[x] The Judge's Forest Gains Another Tree

I am currently doing my second (full) Playthrough of L Corp and am currently planning on fighting A Bird next time I play. So I have decided that I want MORE birds.
Frankly, I hold little to no interest in the outskirt interlude, we do not live in the library, and Angela is perfectly able to defend herself, better to get information on something that actually is important to us, and the Bird is the best for that, since we are acting against the Adult and there are signs he is too, reminder that we met Argalia when searching for Long Bird, not Argalia himself.
Eh, it's just an interlude, kinda like flavor text. I actually like the idea of seeing Long Bird's perspective, but Lepi's take on the Outskirts has to take precedence.

A more pragmatic argument is that the most significant piece of info is that Long Bird is in the vote at all (and, therefore, probably loose somewhere). The specifics don't matter as much.

Not to mention that it wouldn't even be information we're supposed to have IC, unless X is seeing all the sidestories in her subconscious mind because the world is a facility to her and she passively reads people's minds to use them as security cameras, or something ridiculous like that.
Well, since you intend to fight A bird, here's a motivational poster for you:

Oh, I agree. I'm currently trying to beat A Bird without deaths my next try will be my third and hopefully he won't prioritize QoH or Blue Star with his meltdowns (In this Facility I got QoH in Training, Along with a Big Bird in Training and an Army in Black in Safety, all without Exe bullets)

Current list of threats

Control: P-bird
Info: None
Training: QoH, Big Bird
Safety: AiB
Upper Control: KoG
Lower Control: MoSB, NT, Queen Bee
Discipline: Yin, Dreaming Current, Shelter
Welfare: Yang, Blue Star, Tall Bird
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[X] The Queen In A False Kingdom
So, isn't there a chance for earlier interludes to be revealed, I really wanted to read the perspective of a puppet, plus the perspective of someone in Kamihama would have been more useful than our conversation with Tiph, yes, it was very nice, but , Kamihama, Adult, our enemy.
reminder that we met Argalia when searching for Long Bird, not Argalia himself.
We were just searching for whatever. At the time, we were just scouting out the territory of the Adult and everyone agreed to keep on going on the off chance of running into Argalia or the Judge.

We didn't search specifically for either of them because we weren't sure of where to look specifically for either of them.

At the time, we just wanted to obtain more allies to get information on how to deal with the Adult herself.
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We were just searching for whatever. At the time, we were just scouting out the territory of the Adult and everyone agreed to keep on going on the off chance of running into Argalia or the Judge.

X was specifically searching for the Abnormality that Kyubey had told her was moving towards The Adult's territory, and most of us where more interested in meeting Long Bird.
most of us where more interested in meeting Long Bird.
Not really.

I went back to check personally myself and the discussions back then was more in line of worrying bout Kyoko's education first and the scouting second, thinking about how to deal with the Adult's sentries and whether or not to continue or call it off.

We didn't put much emphasis on finding specifically who.

Even you, yourself didn't talked much about who we were focusing on at the time of the vote.
But this is a prelude to a move significant play, and judging by what you've heard from Angela the Adult Who Tells Lies has a perverse interest in "Tests of Character".
This development makes me feel like we will want to accelerate telling our girls about witches as soon as it's appropriate. Maybe something like the day after next, framing it as preparation for the Adult's schemes.

Though if the news came through social media, I'm surprised that the girls attending school haven't already heard of it. Does the school have a functioning rumor mill, or does it loop back to the selective flow of information from the Adult? Any corroborating news articles? Have Madoka/Homura/Mami/Sayaka heard of it? Perhaps in-person investigation is prudent, to make sure we aren't repeating a lie.

[X] The Judge's Forest Gains Another Tree

I'd like to hear Long birb's thoughts.
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Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Jun 11, 2023 at 2:11 AM, finished with 33 posts and 19 votes.

Well, that sure is something.

On a mostly unrelated note, I was watching Demon Slayer to get some inspiration/reference for the aesthetics of Sayaka's magic. I only just finished the first movie (yes, I'm very behind, I know) and I've gotta say, why are there no Bloodborne crossovers? We have a blood-based disease that transforms people into monsters against their will in a horrifying and typically depressing manner, an organization to hunt said monsters with a really high mortality rate, and now all the dream shenanigans. It feels like an obvious combination, but I haven't seen anything.

Oh, and the next Chapter will be out in a day. Just wait until then.
On a mostly unrelated note, I was watching Demon Slayer to get some inspiration/reference for the aesthetics of Sayaka's magic. I only just finished the first movie (yes, I'm very behind, I know) and I've gotta say, why are there no Bloodborne crossovers? We have a blood-based disease that transforms people into monsters against their will in a horrifying and typically depressing manner, an organization to hunt said monsters with a really high mortality rate, and now all the dream shenanigans. It feels like an obvious combination, but I haven't seen anything.

Too similar, I think, and also probably because of the reason there aren't that many Bloodborne (or any Soulsborne, for that matter) fics, there isn't much to fix, so people don't want to write and fix things, and the story is too vague for what-ifs.

Not helped by a lot of Bloodborne fans apparently being afraid to write anything using the Childhood beginning ending, too many of their fics choosing the *ignorant coward* ending, named such because they justify the choice by making their MC an ignorant coward that don't want to learn about what's happening and happily chose the easy way out when Gherman asks them if they want to die like cowards. (Yes, I have a grudge about how the dawn ending is written in fanfics, how can you tell?)
Are there even any decently long Childhood's Beginning fics?
Depends on what you consider "decently long" but in my memories there weren't many of note on fanfiction net itself atleast.

They mostly just starts at the beginning part and fall face first immediately.

The most recent one (not that recent at all) that I can drag up some measly memories of, is around 20k words...I think... long.

Not sure about ao3 but I don't have much hope over there either.
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2.3.5 - Higher Learning
Chapter 116 - Higher Learning

The Floor of Language is not a quiet place. There are offices, and rather well-furnished ones at that, where one might find peace. The rest of the floor is not especially loud, not like the ever-grinding gears of the Floor of Technological Sciences or the overwhelming ticking of the Floor of Religion. But it isn't quiet. Molten steel bubbles and hisses as is flows through pipes and channels. Steam hisses from unseen places beneath the cobbled iron towers and bridges. And right now, the sound of blades clashing together echoes through the air.

"You're reacting too slow. Get up and try again."

Unsteadily, Sayaka pushes herself to her feet once more with her sword as a support. She's panting heavily, pausing to still the tremor in her grip before pulling back into her proper posture and facing Gebura again. She's barely finished nodding to confirm that she's ready by the time the veteran Fixer is on her again, Mimicry's blunt edge slamming into Sayaka's guard and sending her sliding back almost a meter. The momentary gap offers the young swordswoman no reprieve, and the moment her blade is up Mimicry is already grinding against it.

You sigh and shake your head. Even with Gebura holding back by a rather significant amount, it's still a poor match. Sayaka isn't a bad fighter, but her strategy mostly boils down to strengthening herself enough to overpower and outspeed her opponents. It works well enough on Familiars and weaker Witches, but against somebody who can match her, or even just somebody who can dodge and keep a distance, she falls short.

Case in point, this round. Sayaka tries to slide her sword down Mimicry's length and towards Gebura's body, taking advantage of her shorter size to slip in past the older woman's guard. Her costume has already lost most of its frills and decoration, melted away into a wreath of rippling water that swirls around her blade. The enhancement isn't enough to overcome the monstrous strength of her opponent, only let her actually compete. But it comes at the cost of everything else.

Gebura steps back and pushes Sayaka's sword aside, leaving the younger fighter in an awkward position. This blunder is immediately punished by a kick to the side that lifts her up off the ground and sends her flying towards the table where you and the others are watching. The barrier enclosing the combat zone flashes as Sayaka slams into it and you wince. Your warm-up match with the legendary Fixer had been significantly more brutal, but this still seems like a little much for a child.

"Worrying isn't necessary," Angela chimes in, having noticed your concern. "That kid is more durable than she looks. Gebura knows how to limit her strength in order to avoid causing any lasting harm. Besides, can't she just heal? I know that Magical Girls of her kind possess particularly powerful regenerative abilities."

"I think you're missing the point here." you say flatly as Sayaka is sent flying again, pausing to cleanse her Soul Gem before dusting herself off and rushing back in. It's not typically considered responsible to watch a child get beaten up in front of you, even if that child is very determined to continue.

When training had started, Sayaka was practically peppy. Sure, she tried to stay calm and dignified, but it was pretty obvious that the prospect of being trained personally by somebody who you had spoken so highly of was exciting for her. Part of that was your fault, hyping up your old Disciplinary Team Head on the way up the Library, but that served a different purpose altogether.

Sayaka was already prone to hero worship and idealization, and Gebura has issues with self-confidence. She's doing better than she was when you first met, certainly, but those sorts of doubts about yourself don't go away so easily. You know that much. A little more admiration never hurts, and if there's one person in the world who deserves to be called a true hero it's Gebura.

That excitement died out more and more the further the training got going. Gebura had started with simple exercises, measuring Sayaka's reflexes and knowledge of basic stances. At that point, Sayaka was still rather cheerful despite the simple and monotonous practice. Then, things got rougher. First it was simple back-and-forth parry-riposte practice, then trying to break Gebura's guard, then trying to defend against the old Fixer, and finally the actual sparring that's happening now. But by bit, Sayaka's enthusiasm was worn down into a weathered determination. Even if she clearly wasn't enjoying herself like she might've expected, you don't see a hint of desire to quit.

That stubbornness is usually more of an issue than anything else, but now you're thankful for it. Sayaka's been training for quite some time now with only a few short breaks, and you're already seeing some improvement. Not that Gebura's running out of mistakes to point out.

"Your profile is too wide. Keep your side towards me."

"Mind your spacing. You have to measure your advance and how it affects your positioning."

"Don't just react; predict. Watch how my posture leads into different angles of attack."

"Your guard was too obvious and too early. I can adjust my attacks easily when you give me so much time."

"Don't move so much when defending. Against a faster opponent, you have to make your motions more efficient to match them."

Sayaka nods, having long since learned that words are a waste of breath far better used for actions. Her hair is matted to her face with sweat and she's panting heavily, contrasting with Gebura's relaxed, measured demeanor. The older swordswoman stares piercingly at her student as they exchange blows, watching for yet another mistake to correct. One hand remains wrapped around Mimicry's handle, the other free to point and correct errors.

Sayaka's Magic rises around her in an azure veil that quickly coalesces around her body as she charges towards her opponent. For a moment she appears like a great wave, rushing towards Gebura as an immovable, untouchable shore. She begins a horizontal slash, then pulls back and transitions into a piercing thrust. Gebura sidesteps easily and raises her sword, its immense weight handled with merciless ease. Before the counter can come, however, Sayaka presses onwards. The surge of Magic hastening her steps continues, and she rams her shoulder into Gebura's chest. The tide crashes down in a cerulean wave, parted as it hammers the experienced Fixer head-on.

You wince. That maneuver was pretty good, but Sayaka charging Gebura probably hurt about as much as running full-speed into a steel wall. Though in all seriousness, Sayaka'd have better luck with the wall. Walls don't hit back.

Though this time, Gebura doesn't either. Sayaka bounces back from the impact, amassed power scattered around her like the last traces of a heavy rain. Above her, Gebura sighs and shakes her head.

"Good approach, but moves like that won't work unless you're fighting someone closer to your strength and size. Surprise can only do so much to even things out."

The older swordswoman offers a hand to the younger, pulling her up off the ground and allowing her a moment to reset her stance, catch her breath, and ensure her Soul Gem is completely clear before the two begin again.

"Y'know, Gebura's actually a pretty good teacher." you say to Angela. "Not that I expected her to do poorly, but it looks to me like she's done this before."

"That's an astute assessment. Since we had time to prepare training, Gebura procured the book of her mentor from the Library's collection." Angela answers with just a hint of smugness. Sayaka's body strikes the barrier between your table and the fight once against as Gebura throws her bodily after a second, less successful tackle. "She's using the same techniques that her teacher used to train her."

"Gebura's teacher, huh?" you say idly. "And you think I get up to some wild shit. Anyways, we should probably switch off sometime soon. Sayaka's been at this for a couple hours now. How about it?"

"Just one more round!" Sayaka shouts back to you before focusing once again on the fight. You silently nod, even if the young girl can't see it.

The two swordfighters charge one another, and once again Sayaka's Magic rises up around her as a shimmering cerulean aura. She draws the rippling waves into her blade as the approach reaches its end. Her strike is a beautiful thing, a whirling monsoon of strength and determination that is cast aside by the calm strength of years worth of experience. Sayaka's power pulls back as she retreats from Gebura's counter, raising her blade to push aside a clean slash that opens a small cut across her shoulder regardless. As the tide recedes and surges, sword meets sword and the two combatants are locked once again. Sayaka quickly begins to buckle even as her Magic gathers around her. So much of her power has been converted that her costume seems almost made of water, leaving only the plain blue shirt and dress beneath. Then, without warning, Sayaka's sword vanishes. Gebura adjusts quickly, pulling away her sword and backing off instead of pressing the attack. Sayaka capitalizes as best she can, resummoning her sword and pursuing her foe. Gebura raises Mimicry to once again block the Magical Girl's assault, pushing her sword to the side and leaving her wide open as she runs forward. For a moment it appears as though this match will end the same as all the others. But before the conclusion can arrive, you see the fire in Sayaka's eyes. As Mimicry traces its path through the air, Sayaka pools as much of her Magic as she can her free hand. A second sword, gleaming with bright sapphire energy, forms in her grasp and cuts through the air with all the strength and certainty the girl can bring to bear.

It is common knowledge that more experienced, powerful combatants have faster reaction speeds. But it is often understated just how much faster a person can react. Time seems to stop as you observe Gebura's thought process watching the newly formed sword carve its path towards her. The legendary mercenary's first instinct is to respond. Push the sword aside with her free hand, advance into Sayaka's open guard, and punish. Pull Mimicry back and block, then retreat and start the engagement again. Just hit Sayaka first. Options upon options whirl in her mind, and yet none of them are chosen.

None of them teach anything.

Because this is already what Sayaka needs to be learning.

So Gebura sighs internally and, without a hint of fanfare, allows Sayaka's sword to reach its destination in her side.

The blade barely sinks through Gebura's clothes and then stops when it touches her skin.

You can see Sayaka wince from the reactive force of the impact. She sacrificed pretty much all of her basic enhancements for that attack, all to make it faster than Gebura's. If it had failed, she'd have been screwed. But it didn't. She made it.

"Pretty cheap trick, kid." Gebura says gruffly, dropping her comparative posture and pulling out a cigarette. Before her, Sayaka stammers.

"I- I couldn't beat you, not like I was- so I just-" Gebura raises a hand, cutting the girl off.

"That wasn't an insult. You did good. When it comes down to it, thinking outside the box like that is what's gonna keep you alive more than anything else." The respect in Gebura's gaze isn't an obvious thing, not for a woman so good at concealing her emotions, but it's there. Sayaka must notice it too, because she positively beams at the compliment. "Now go get some rest. I've gotta help my old boss out with some things."

Sayaka smiles and nods, too out of breath to verbally answer. But her smile hasn't diminished in the slightest.

Neither has yours. You're proud of the kid.


Learn about…
[] The Feeling of one's EGO
[] The Creation of one's EGO
[] The Wielding of one's EGO


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED

I'm not good at writing sword fighting scenes, so I apologize in advance to anyone who knows anything about the subject.

Ooh, Naron and I uploaded around the same time! It's been a while since that happened.