Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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So I have some thoughts on the different priorities. Not sure if they're accurate but again, thoughts.

X's options... Combat I think is undervalued. X's primary weapon is Abno EGO, and while they do tell you how to use them in a fight... I don't think Gebura is just letting her EGO Gear tell her how to fight. If it were that simple everyone could and would be as unbelievably powerful as she is. But they're not. Only Gebura is as strong as Gebura with using EGO Gear. She's found some kind of trick to make the weapons hers in a way no other really has yet short of maybe corrosion fuckery, and given how X's greatest strength is being able to rapidly swap between EGO as needed? Even getting only a day or two to learn how she did it is sure to refine X's style to some degree.

I might be wrong as to what combat training implies. Looking back this sorta seems to be stepping on the toes of Foreign EGO, but idk Combat Training might on some level mean applying what Foreign EGO & One's Own EGO teach. And even if it doesn't, getting a handle on things like faster swapping and just how strong and dangerous Eternal Meal Mimicry and God Delusion SSWT are in a safe environment can only be a good thing.

That's not to say I think we should prioritize it ATM. Facing The Adult in a direct confrontation is not, in fact, what we'd call a Pro Gamer Move, after all. But once Adult's down and we can dedicate our attention to prepping for The World's Worst Holiday? Yes Please, gimme gimme gimme.

Foreign EGO and One's Own EGO... Gebura's probably forgotten more about the fine points of just about any EGO weapon than X could ever hope to learn in a decade. I want those insights. That, and I agree with Nyarky. Lobotomy is not X's EGO. It's an Abnormal extension of what The Facility is, and the power wielded by The Manager. It says very little about who The Manager is. On top of that... IIRC WoG has stated that X's EGO is called Alkahest. And we have not once pulled or wielded an Alkahest, now have we?

Sayaka's options... I agree that Sayaka probably isn't ready for Manifesting EGO yet. Wrong state of mind. I also think that Life Lessons are very much needed, but pushing those first go is probably gonna upset her and put her in a bad state of mind to learn. Combat training... Sure, yeah, it's only a day, but to be fair, it's also Gebura. She's kind of one of the best fighters The City has ever seen outside the Arbiters. Even just a day should be enough to make Sayaka a better fighter.

Personally I do hope we can divide our attention between 2 different bits, if only because we're on a timer and I hope it'd be like a "100 points in A or B vs 60 points each in A and B. 60*2 is 120, so overall more points & greater efficiency". IDK if it'd work, but if we can split priorities some...

[X] (You) Foreign EGO and One's Own EGO
[X] (Sayaka) Combat Prowess and Life Lessons

And if not,

[X] (You) One's Own EGO
[X] (Sayaka) Combat Prowess

We do have to keep in mind that even if we're on a timer, we should have more than two or three days to work with Gebura on things. There is time to build up to things in hopes of Sayaka being more receptive to the things she needs to hear once she has some level of understanding with her teacher.

Also I want Alkahest. Just to see what it's like. Mystery Box EGO make my brain go BRR. just not sure splitting priorities is alloweds. Will be sure to change it if QM says Bad.
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Combat I think is undervalued. X's primary weapon is Abno EGO, and while they do tell you how to use them in a fight... I don't think Gebura is just letting her EGO Gear tell her how to fight. If it were that simple everyone could and would be as unbelievably powerful as she is. But they're not. Only Gebura is as strong as Gebura with using EGO Gear. She's found some kind of trick to make the weapons hers in a way no other really has yet short of maybe corrosion fuckery, and given how X's greatest strength is being able to rapidly swap between EGO as needed? Even getting only a day or two to learn how she did it is sure to refine X's style to some degree.

Except that's not under combat prowess, but Foreign EGO.

Combat training is probably fighting without EGO, not trying to use EGO better, there wouldn't be an option about using EGO better right next to it otherwise.

That's why I say we really have no need for Fighting Prowess, everything about us is EGO, ours or others, so all lessons about it are better than all those for other things.

Personally I do hope we can divide our attention between 2 different bits, if only because we're on a timer and I hope it'd be like a "100 points in A or B vs 60 points each in A and B. 60*2 is 120, so overall more points & greater efficiency". IDK if it'd work, but if we can split priorities some...

I would be incredibly wary of this kind of reasoning, at best, it would gives us 50 in each, or any combinations for a total of 100n otherwise there is absolutely no reason to ever train one particular thing and that doesn't makes sense.

But also, *I fear not the one that practiced 1000 kick once, but I fear the one that practiced 1 kick 1000 times*, training to fight is really not a thing where we should divide our attention, one thing will almost certainly gives better returns than trying to do two things at the same time, you anticipate it giving 60 to each, I anticipate it giving 40 to each, at best, it's ok for Sayaka because she really needs the life lessons, but we shouldn't let our attention wander.


In short, when it comes to training, I want to be this guy:

Not this guy:

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I view getting X to do Combat Prowess as less about her learning something, though she most certainly will, as what it means for Sayaka. X doing the same thing as Sayaka is a powerful psychological booster, and that's what Sayaka really needs. Fighting wise she's not going to make a lot of progress, her powers just don't lend themselves to direct confrontation, but it'll help build a foundation where she can gain confidence, and that'll be progress towards unlocking her EGO.
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Jun 8, 2023 at 2:27 AM, finished with 16 posts and 9 votes.

And that's close!
*See that One's own EGO won by literally one vote*

Phew, that was close, I really feared we would spend out training in something we really do not need.
2.3.4 - Goal Of Education
Chapter 115 - Goal Of Education

You have enough information for now. It's a little early to return home, though, so you decide to get some other little tasks done while you're giving Kyoko more time to work.

First is some basic information gathering. You and the kids have been doing patrols and Mami has very efficient paths across the city mapped out, but it's inevitable that you'll miss things with so few people. Having more data is always helpful, so you spend some time combing through local news as well as any social media from people in the area. In the front page, there's an article analyzing the recent drop in disappearances and missing persons cases. Mitakihara had a recent surge in unsolved disappearances just a few weeks ago, followed by a sharp, sudden drop. It's too early for the writer to make any conclusions, they claim, but they're hopeful. A few related articles cite conspiracies such as government agents silencing people or alien abductions, but obviously nobody guessed the actual reason. More active patrols with more people have cut the Witch population in Mitakihara down to practically nothing, with the new arrivals from the migration being cut down before they can settle and begin to hunt. The headline brings a smile to your face. You'll have to show the kids when you get back. It'll be nice for them to know that their work has paid off. You think Mami especially will be proud to see her teammates making a real impact. They all deserve more affirmation for all that they've done.

Also prominent but significantly more disconcerting is another headline, claiming several graveyards have been raided and most of the interred bodies were missing. Argalia had confirmed the deaths of the Eight O'Clock Circus's Ringmaster, the Blood-Red Night, and Yesterday's Promise, but the copy of the Puppeteer is still in the Adult's possession. Maybe worse is the possibility that she's taken the bodies herself to raise as either slaves, living shields, or materials. Nobody but the Abnormality in question knows how her so-called "Magic" actually works. Checking the list of those whose remains were stolen, you initially breathe a sigh of relief to see Mami's parents absent, but that breath hitches upon reading the names of Kyoko's mother, father, and sister.

You set your phone down and glare out across the cityscape from your chosen perch atop a radio tower. That's definitely not an accident. You can think of a few plans the Adult might have in mind, and none of them are good. It'll absolutely have an effect on Kyoko, and considering her current mental state you may not be able to afford such a disruption. Yes, she is in a better place right now and gradually recovering from the self-destructive loathing that had fueled her in the moment of her Distortion, but that's no insurance here. Just the reminder on its own would be distressing, but you, Mami, and Yuma would most likely be able to reassure Kyoko. But this is a prelude to a more significant play, and judging by what you've heard from Angela the Adult Who Tells Lies has a perverse interest in "Tests of Character".

More vexing is the fact that you heard about this through social media. The total loss of contact with Kamihara and the mass exodus from the nearby area demonstrates that the Adult has access to some form of information-restricting spell or ability. This on its own isn't unheard of, considering things like Concept Incineration or even just the Perception Filter from back home. The point of interest is that it wasn't used here. It could be that the effect is localized to an area, and the Adult couldn't use it to conceal their movements outside of their home base. If that's true, than this is just another piece of information to be thankful for. You can act off of it as you would any normal discovery. If it's not, though, then things get tricky. It could be faked, but that's easy enough to disprove by simply visiting the locations yourself. Potential traps can be tripped in advance by using Pinks' soldiers as proxies while watching from a distance with Lamp. If it's fake and just a trap, that's that. If it's just a lie meant to unsettle you, you ignore it. If it's all accurate, though, that's when things get tricky.

If the Adult wants you to know what she's done, then there are two possible scenarios that end poorly for you. You hide it, and the Adult either uses that fact as a wedge between you and your kids or uses the element of surprise to intensify whatever they have planned. The first is unlikely to work, but the second would be rather problematic. If you do tell the kids, they're likely to worry about it until you actually take action against the Adult. That'll get worse and worse the longer you take to actually make a move, but it's manageable. Assuming, that is, that Kyoko doesn't react especially badly. For all her progress, she is still a Distortion.

It would seem you have a rather difficult choice to make.

"But the answer's completely obvious." you mumble to yourself as you sit up and begin your teleportation spell. You've already resolved to be honest with your kids. They're more mature than they should be for their age, they'll be able to handle this much. You believe in Kyoko, too. That she's doing better, that she isn't a danger to everyone around her. That you don't get anywhere by keeping the truth from people you're trying to help.

You'll tell them around dinner. Or maybe tomorrow morning. Spacing these things out to give them time to settle is still a good idea, after all.


After returning home, you spend some time helping Kyoko with the problems from the packet that she couldn't finish on her own. Teaching this way isn't nearly as difficult, you just have to make small connections or suggest certain ideas and Kyoko's able to do most of the legwork herself. Teaching is actually fairly enjoyable for you, even if you can see Kyoko getting frustrated whenever you point out something she thinks should've been obvious. You're quick to shut down whatever tirade she starts when that happens, assuring her that missing these things is expected for somebody who hasn't gone to school in years. All things considered, Kyoko's progress is very impressive.

Eventually, you finish up, and the time comes for you to pick up your other kids.

"Well, I'm gonna go get Mami and Yuma." you announce, sitting up from your seat across from Kyoko. "You coming?"

Kyoko nods without hesitation, and you start the teleportation spell once again. Kyoko sits up and shuffled over to stand next to you a few seconds before the spell activates, sending the both of you across the city in an instant.

After stopping at the preschool to pick up Yuma, you arrive outside of Mitakihara Middle School where the girls have already begun congregating. Homura is the first to notice you, her gaze passing visible from you to Kyoko to Yuma and then back to Madoka, which is apparently her default position. Not a moment later, Mami spots you.

"X! Kyoko! Yuma! It's nice to see you all." she announces, prompting a chorus of greetings from the other kids. You restrain a small giggle at the scene, instead settling for a polite smile.

"Afternoon, kids. Good to see all of you as well, of course." you return, walking over to the group with your children trailing behind you. Mami seems more at ease than she was this morning, and she's standing ever so slightly closer to Madoka than she usually does. It seems you have the only non-combatant of the group to thank for your eldest's swift recovery from the morning's news.

Or former only non-combatant, it appears, as Hitomi Shizuki has joined the group. You step back a bit and allow Kyoko and Yuma to integrate themselves, waiting patiently behind as the kids chat about regular things while they match towards the school's outer gates. It's nice that they can still be kids, even if these times are brief. Homura, of course, remains silent and continues just staring at Madoka while occasionally scanning the area. That can be worked on, but not at the moment.

No, you have a different task to complete today.

You follow the group in relative silence for some time as they walk home, only breaking your quiet to make some small comments on the idle conversation or to agree with something somebody says. This is their moment of peace, and you don't have a place in that. You don't need peace between your work, anyways.

Right before the group splits up, you cut in. "Actually, Sayaka and I have somewhere to go, so we'll have to part from you all right here."

Madoka looks confused. "Sayaka, what's X talking about? Did you make some special plans?" To this, Sayaka scratches the back of her head and tries for a confident smile, which does not succeed.

"Ah, I guess I forgot to say anything? But yeah, I asked X for ways to get stronger, and she offered to let me join her in training!"

"I also said you should ask Mami for lessons in Magic, since she and Homura are the most experienced here as Magical Girls." you add in. At that, Sayaka smiles brightly and nods.

"Yep! Did that, Mami said she'd be happy to train me."

"Indeed. I have always enjoyed teaching fellow Magical Girls. I already started with some basic spellwork during lunch, and Sayaka has been doing very well." your eldest confirms proudly. It warms you heart to see her so happy, though that might just be Kyoko standing to her left that you're feeling.

"Why is only Sayaka training?" Hitomi asks. "Wouldn't everyone want to be doing so?"

Homura answers before you can, causing Hitomi and Sayaka both to jump about half a foot into the air. The time traveler had apparently been quiet enough that they'd forgotten she was there.

"Training and learned skills can only carry a person so far before they begin to plateau in effectiveness. For those who are already experienced, a day's training will not make as much of a different as it would for one who has less knowledge." The clockwork girl's head tilts slightly to the left in a smooth, mechanical motion before snapping back upright. "Tomoe Mami, Sakura Kyoko, and myself are all already highly experienced. It makes the most sense for Miki Sayaka, who is the least skilled combatant, to receive additional training."

Hitomi nods in acceptance while Sayaka yells in what is mostly-faked indignation. "Hey! I mean, that's not wrong, but you could be nicer about it!"

Mami stifles a small chuckle to agree. "Yes, Miss Akemi. That assessment could've been a bit softer."

Homura turns to her, expressionless as always, and says "The observation is accurate. Nothing else is required but that." For some reason that the girl herself fails to grasp, the other kids seem to find this answer amusing.

As the laughter fades, you cut in once again. "As much as I hate to interrupt this, we are on a schedule. Sayaka?"

The bluenette scrambles for a second to regain her composure before nodding eagerly. "Right! I'll see you all later! Have a good day!"

The children say their goodbyes, and you hand Sayaka the Invitation. It's time to go.


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED

This vote's chapter was running rather long, so I decided to split it in two. We'll get Gebura next chapter, I promise.

In the meantime, I've heard it's better when there's something to vote on, so go on and pick an Apocrypha/Sidestory for me to write since I'm feeling inspired by Canto IV.

[] The Judge's Forest Gains Another Tree
[] The Queen In A False Kingdom
[] The Monsters Of The Outskirts Discuss Their New Neighbors
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[X] The Judge's Forest Gains Another Tree
A hint on Long Bird would be neat, we may end up needing Twilight soon.
but that breath hitches upon reading the names of Kyoko's mother, father, and sister.

Kyouko will be able to reunite with her family! 🥳🥳🥳

What do you mean, not something I should be cheerful about?

Assuming, that is, that Kyoko doesn't react especially badly. For all her progress, she is still a Distortion.

If it was just her mother and sister? Depends on if we think we can allow them to be free, but could be manageable.

If it was just her father? The direction of where the hit would come from is easier to see, remind Kyouko of his reaction to her and amplify it via her distorted state.

With all taken? She can remake the murder suicide scene, can promise a happy family, can have all of them blame Kyouko for their deaths….

Yeah, the Adult is plotting something and it's not going to be pretty no matter what, she doesn't do pretty.

That you don't get anywhere by keeping the truth from people you're trying to help.

And also, the Adult is most likely unable to understand the sentiment of wanting to be honest, so it's a wrench in her plan, even if a small one.

You're quick to shut down whatever tirade she starts when that happens, assuring her that missing these things is expected for somebody who hasn't gone to school in years.

And *Hindsight is 20/20* is not a saying for nothing.

then back to Madoka, which is apparently her default position

You don't need peace between your work, anyways.

*Roll up a newspaper*

No, bad X, go relax right now!

It warms you heart to see her so happy, though that might just be Kyoko standing to her left that you're feeling.


We'll get Gebura next chapter, I promise.

Next chapter:

*Man, I can't believe how much of a slave driver Gebura is*

*She did train you hard, but she is right to say that you needed to test your limits*


[x] The Judge's Forest Gains Another Tree

We need to give him his scale back, X's using it way too much to see if she's guilty. :V
Ahhhhh so many good options!

But can I just say that I quite appreciate the chapter? Its always nice to just sit and see how X progresses information.

Now as for the three votes...

The Judge
Judgment bird has been one of the many many abnormalities we've been looking for.

First, because its scale would be exceptionally effective against basically everything short of itself.

Second, Apocalypse Bird.

So any information on its location would be nice.

The Queen
On this one, I'm a bit lost. It makes me think of the Adult, but the color doesn't match.

Maybe it's that Queenie votes a while back?

In any case more information too.

The Monsters of the Outskirt
Probably the most interesting one, even though it's likely to be not that useful.

Is this foreshadowing of an attack on Angela's Library? It's only natural is it not, that the Library would eventually meet the inhabitants of that damned land?

Should we choose this though, when our sister's Library was the pinnacle of power (aside from the Head) back in the City?

There are plenty of things to gain from all 3 options, so I'm not too split up on whichever win. They all sound interesting anyhow. (Plus, this accursed fever isn't helping my brain maggot)

I'll vote for the Judge. It'll be interesting to have the old Apocalypse Bird discussion pop up once again. And plus, we might get some info on Birb's side about the Adult.

[X] The Judge's Forest Gains Another Tree
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And plus, we might get some info on Birb's side about the Adult.

Observation diary, day 7:

The locals still haven't realized I am not a magical girl, looks like taking inspiration from the queen of hatred and disguising myself as a giant serpent worked.

Observation diary, day 10:

The one who stole my scale got close to the target's territory today, seems like she's still using it to judge herself, I'll have to reclaim it at some point.

Observation diary, day 11:

I had a false alert about someone seeing through my disguise, the new puppet made by one of the false Carmen fanboys looked at me and called me a monster, I was prepared to retaliate, but he did it to every single magical girl, my secret is safe.
Observation diary, day 7:

The locals still haven't realized I am not a magical girl, looks like taking inspiration from the queen of hatred and disguising myself as a giant serpent worked.

Observation diary, day 10:

The one who stole my scale got close to the target's territory today, seems
Like she's still using it to judge herself, I'll have to reclaim it at some point.

Observation diary, day 11:

I had a false alert about someone seeing through my disguise, the new puppet made by one of the false Carmen fanboys looked at me and called me a monster, I was prepared to retaliate, but he did it to every single magical girl, my secret is safe.
Ugh, you just reminded me of how many things I'm late behind deadlines I set for myself.

Being sick sucks! I still have to finish a couple of omakes I need to finish, a whole ass fanfic chapter, and I haven't even got the time to read Rat's Guide recently!
[X] The Monsters Of The Outskirts Discuss Their New Neighbors

Knowing that Long Bird is around just from seeing his option is enough information, honestly. Imma just vote for the worldbuilding.

"The Queen in a False Kingdom" sounds like Queen of Hatred in Kamihama. Probably a good environment for her, since the Adult is an ever-present evil. Maybe she already heard, and internalized, the Adult's Yorokobe Shoujo speech, in which case she might fight us even in her human form, because we're threatening her one stable source of Evil.
The king of hell needs to be decisive. Either on themself or on the nature of other things.
Thats being judgmental and pushy when it comes to certain things.
Also being uncomfortably hard on yourself. It's another part of it.