Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

"Tomorrow, nine AM at Thomas salon, we can talk about this if you want to make deals that are rooted in the world and in the city we have to share somehow."

Half a mind to just laugh at her and say we are not going to share, she will be below us before long, and she will like it.

But she might be thinking of Nemesis or something like that, still, she really didn't choose the best timing, because all I want is for her to shut up and let us reach the actual important intrigue with Mab.
You know what? I have poor impulse control:

[X] Refuse the meeting, you do not need more complications tomorrow
-[x] Stunt: You cannot help it, you laugh, using the nearest table to prop yourself up, you talk, with a voice more ancient than the world: "Share? No, little one, I will not share my city with you. I will ascend beyond your realm, and you will work under me and like it one day."

Is it incredibly antagonistic? Yes. Is it probably stupid? Yes. But goddamn, am I tired of jumping at shadows all the time, let our inner queen take the reins for once.
Maybe she is scared of the naglooshi and is trying to make us kill it???? Using this calle as a medium to Contact us??

Ed Should we use the crown with her demon as a catalist???
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[X] Agree to meet with Lara before meeting with Mab
People were too afraid to fight an elder vampire and now they want to insult the white queen. I don't get this thread. There is no real downside to meeting her, people are too worried about the meeting with mab, it doesn't matter if we go there after directly fighting the skinwalker, dresden does it all the time and we would still have our skills.
[X] Agree to meet with Lara before meeting with Mab
-[X]"Make sure to bring me a coffee." (activating MIS)
[X] Refuse the meeting, you do not need more complications tomorrow

So, Lara calling us a day before the meeting with Mab and wiggling into the schedule? Yeah, sounds like an ambush to me.
We could make it a deal. Do things on her timing in exchange for something. I'm thinking her telling us how she got our number and who else she knows who has it. Or something else worth rearranging our schedule for. Thoughts?
DF and Mage are really not that different at times.
Here's a quote from Technocracy Reloaded:
Whoever thought it was a good idea to make cute plushies of Cthulhu and shit should fucking die. He probably did die, come to think of it, but the damage is already done.
I'm pretty sure the people in the know in DF, the Archive and such, share that opinion.

Edit: Also and unrelated, DP has really captured the tendency of Technos to give stupid abbreviations to literally everything with our Daedalus idiots.
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She very much wants to get some sort of relationship with Molly before the meeting with Mab.

What does Molly look like from the outside?

It looks like everyone in Chicago knows she's going to have a one on one meeting with Mab, I guess everyone knows that she just threw down with some serious Jade Court powers, she's got some sort of set up in Undertown and appears to be drawing Ghouls and lost Whampires to her cause with a promise of freedom from Hunger.

Molly is very clearly a close ally of Dresden and is obviously still on good terms with her knightly father despite obviously Infernal power.

What does Molly look like to Lara? Or perhaps more importantly, what does she look like to old vampires just beneath her?
"I realize that being ushered under the eye of the Queens of the Ferie can feel empowering Miss Carpenter, it is not. That is the lie the Fey tell the universe, living as they do in the palace of their own self-importance," Lara says. "Tomorrow, nine AM at Thomas salon, we can talk about this if you want to make deals that are rooted in the world and in the city we have to share somehow."
"She does not care if she is known to have the conversation and she is using it to test you. Perhaps also to be known to have tested you," Usum offers
I am curious to see what she has to say as she seems rather insistent. At the same time I'm actually rather peeved that she would ask last minute that we meet before seeing Mab. Something about the fey not being as important as they portray themselves sounds like bullshit to me. Maybe they aren't as important in her circles but we've got shit going on with them.

Clearly she has an agenda something time sensitive maybe with springing this on us now of all times. It's definitely related to Mab as she said she wanted to wait a few more weeks before making contact. If Usum is to be believed she might want to see where our temperament lies. I can't see what else she would be testing us for...
In any case I refuse to play her games. Not right now anyway.

[X] Refuse the meeting, you do not need more complications tomorrow
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[X] Agree to meet with Lara before meeting with Mab

If for no other reason that to not have Thomas have to deal with the consequences of our pushing this aside.
... Lara is going after someone on Halloween. Does she know how immortals are killed?

Or someone is going after her. Basically, she thinks she needs perfect Hunger control on Halloween.

Let's see how this shakes out.

[X] Agree to meet with Lara before meeting with Mab
It's also very curious her trying to play down how important dealing with the Winter Court is, does she think Molly is a neophyte or something?

The Winter Court are probably THE most important supernatural faction given both their duty and their constant need for more manpower and resources.

I feel like Molly is missing some very important information or perspective here.
I am tempted to turn her down just to see if she will sweeten the pot or commit to something in order to have the meeting.
I feel like Molly is missing some very important information or perspective here.
Like Yog said she probably wants the supposed Hunger feeding potion for something urgent. In the end her problems shouldn't be a priority of ours.
I am tempted to turn her down just to see if she will sweeten the pot or commit to something in order to have the meeting.
Now there's an idea. If someone makes a vote like that I'd go for it.