Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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If that was trues, Arcueid would be human and not a vampire, the Type of a planet is not decided by what species is dominant, but which individual on it is the strongest, regardless of species.
Wasnt Tsukihime's whole thing with the Dead Apostle Ancestors that the order of the Crimson Moon/Gaia/Dead Apsotles (Honestly confused about which one is dominant here) is dominant over the Human Order and Alaya which is why Servants cant exist here?
*Looks at post*
Now, as someone familiar with Fate, I can already tell that Mysterious Heroine X in Chaldea would be both hilarious and ridiculously broken. Unfortunately, I dont play FGO, so could someone explain what this would look like with proper descriptions?
Gameplay wise, you would use her in like boss fight that you can't loop well. Maybe you could solo with her but her survivability skill on her 3rd skill might be a little long though.
If that was trues, Arcueid would be human and not a vampire, the Type of a planet is not decided by what species is dominant, but which individual on it is the strongest, regardless of species.
Oh yeah, that's correct. I got the information with True Ancestors mixed with what form an Ultimate One take somehow (well I know how, but I should probably NOT have in the first place since they're two different topic).
A singular existence amongst the bloodsuckers. Characteristically close to elementals.
They were created by nature, which had no tangible method of self-defense toward humans. Therefore, they are extensions of nature.
"If mankind is to be ruled, let man be the model." Under this premise, they were created with a mind and body structure similar to humans.
However, there was a birth defect. The True Ancestors bore a flaw, the vampiric impulse.

She's probably thinking about Nosferatu.
Vlad does not like that. He will remember this.

Wasnt Tsukihime's whole thing with the Dead Apostle Ancestors that the order of the Crimson Moon/Gaia/Dead Apsotles (Honestly confused about which one is dominant here) is dominant over the Human Order and Alaya which is why Servants cant exist here?
The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors can't exist in Fate timeline, and Heroic Spirit (Servants) can't be summoned in Tsukihime world. The different being the strength of human history, I don't think an event was stated to what lead to the split other than timeframe.

From Case File Volume 6:
Nasu: Actually, The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors aren't the The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors in the world of FATE.

Writers: .........!!!???(everyone is petrified and has no idea what he's saying)

Nasu: The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors are only the The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors in worlds that have Tsukihime as their core. On the other side of that coin, there's no familiars known as servants in Tsukihime worlds, right?

Sanda: But Fate complete materials!?

Nasu: That got burned by the incineration of human history. By the way, don't worry about Narita's strange/fake. It's a special case set inbetween both worlds after all.

Narita: Y-yes. T-thank you very much...?
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The child trait... yeah. Though going off of like an assumption, the child trait could be referring to Servant who Illya (summer) perceive as a child which would explain the inconsistency, traits going off of the character perspective isn't wholly unique (Brynhildr's Beloved). I.e, Nursery Rhyme having the traits only aplly to her when she's in her 2nd and 3rd ascension. Kiyohime, going off from the FGO manga is just 12, like actually 12.

Brynhildr's Beloved is actually the worse in term of inconsistency.
2.2.10 - Critical Perception Failure
Chapter 106 - Critical Perception Failure

The upcoming conversation is looking to be a long one, and you'd rather not have the kids linger awkwardly in front of their school the whole time. You end up settling on a small, long-abandoned park where you and the children can sit down. It's a nice place, though too out of the way for people to take time out of their days to visit. Especially with how many other parks are scattered across the city. Really, it's kind of wasteful.

You clear your throat as the kids settle in. They all display varying levels of confusion, save for Homura who remains completely stoic as usual. Hitomi is the most uncertain, which is understandable. She did call her parents to tell them she'd be delayed in returning home, as all the kids did, so she is interested in what you might have to say. You're not sure if you're thankful for the convenience or worried at the level of naivety, but that's not for you to deal with.

"Should Hitomi be here for this?" Sayaka chimes in. "She isn't…"

Hitomi crumples a bit, looking around at the other kids in a sort of daze. All of them display various stages of shame or embarrassment, with exception to Homura and Kyoko who seem to be paying attention on principle alone.

"That's exactly what I'm hoping to address." you declare authoritatively. "Just because Hitomi isn't a as involved as you are doesn't mean she's completely exempt from things. As we've already seen, innocent people can suffer from the supernatural just as easily as those with the power to defend themself." The kids wince at the reminder of Hitomi's poisoning. It must have been a deeply unpleasant occurrence, an intrusion into what they had thought was their private life.

"Excuse me, but what is all this? And what did you mean by 'supernatural'?'" Hitomi finally asks, overcome by her curiosity. It's all the invitation you've been waiting for.

In a burst of silvery starlight, your rapier appears in your outstretched hand. It's a beautiful weapon, dark azure steel dotted with starry marks forming a constellation pattern across the jagged hilt and all the way up to the tip of the blade. The sword seems to trail a stretch of the night sky behind it as you jab the tip into the ground, scattering shattered constellations through the air. Another though, and a cape of darkness filled with starlight whips out behind you. You don't actually need to manifest most of your EGO armor to receive its benefits most of the time, but now the theatrics help more than anything.

"Magic is real."


"This is… a lot to take in." Hitomi says with an exhausted laugh. It seems as though the sheer absurdity of everything is starting to get to her. "I was actually attacked by a monster from another world?"

"Indeed." You nod. "If possible, I would like to inform your parents as well. They deserve the peace of mind that would come from knowing the truth behind your sudden illness. I'm afraid there's little I can do about your classmates barring drastic actions, like wiping their memories of the whole incident. For what it's worth, I'm sorry you were caught up in this whole mess.

"No, I cannot accept such an apology." Hitomi says, shaking her head. "The fault is not yours. I was only poisoned because of my own inattentiveness, regardless of the source."

Well, you can see where this is going. For somebody so placid, Hitomi's got a proper spine. You can see why she gets along so well with Madoka and Sayaka.

As if sensing your thoughts, the aforementioned bluenette opens her mouth. "Man, you would've made a great Magical Girl. Shame about the Karmic Potential thing."

"Magical Girl?" Hitomi repeats.

Suddenly, five pairs of eyes lock onto Sayaka. Madoka seems embarrassed on her friend's behalf. Mami and Kyoko both stare in surprise at the young Magical Girl. Homura, oddly, has broken her normal passivity to reveal an expression of complete and utter exhaustion. Sayaka stares back at the crowd, confused.

You hadn't actually mentioned Magical Girls yet in that conversation. Sayaka, it seems, forgot that fact.

[] Explain things
[] Leave it at that


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED

Because it wouldn't be a PMMM story without Sayaka making a poor decision at some point. At least this is relatively harmless.

Exposition isn't fun to write, so this chapter is very short. It's probably not very interesting to read, either. Maybe next chapter will be better? Probably not. At least I have some more exciting stuff queued up for later.
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When I read the title for a sec I was like "Oh God, did we fuck up somewhere? But I thought the vote was well thought out?"

Then I read the update and was like "Oh, it's just Sayaka, that tracks"
Critical Perception Failure

Not reassuring at all.

You're not sure if you're thankful for the convenience or worried at the level of naivety, but that's not for you to deal with.

Bah, what's the worst that could happen? That she het too exposed to the light and become a distortion? :V

"Excuse me, but what is all this? And what did you mean by 'Magical Girl?'"

The paragraph before makes no mention of magical girls, only the supernatural, so she seems to have gotten her information from thin air there.

"Magical Girl?" Hitomi repeats.

And this part makes it quite clear the previous time was meant to say another thing than *magical girl*. (And the little paragraph after makes it completely unambiguous)

Seems like you were the one suffering a critical perception failure. :V

Homura, oddly, has broken her normal passivity to reveal an expression of complete and utter exhaustion.

*Oh boy, here we go again*

[x] Explain things

I mean, we intended to anyway.
[X] Explain things

also how is X an existence outside the domain as an abnormality she is human, made of and is the product of humanity as well, just in a more literal sense since Abnos come from the Well and Humanity seems to be defined(at least legally by the head) by their connection to the Well. That's like saying the platonic ideal of a chair made manifest via magic isn't a chair because it's magic.
Because it wouldn't be a PMMM story without Sayaka making a poor decision at some point. At least this is relatively harmless.
I notice this has some metagaming potential. I propose a policy of asking the blue litmus paper for advice before every vote, and making sure not to pick whatever she recommends.

(By the way, I looked at the vote tally you did and it seems to have misread the plan, which did include telling Hitomi about magical girls.)

[X] Explain things
I just realized we also need to inform the kid about our new alliance with Argalia and Leonie after we finish our talks with their parents.

But then again that's probably not gonna be a thing for a few day.
I notice this has some metagaming potential. I propose a policy of asking the blue litmus paper for advice before every vote, and making sure not to pick whatever she recommends.

Not those blue hairs. Unlike Shinji Wakame, you can trust Sayaka to do what is right, even if not necessarily what is reasonable.

[X] Explain things
Different humanity, and if we follow the fate setting, she is most likely from a lost belt.
Going by that logic the Lost Belt Servants would also be Foreigner and have Existence Outside the Domain. Hell, even Kukulkan, an actual alien, who have her Existence Outside of the Domain rankless due to earth being her home.

Kinda agree on Child, but I haven't wanted to punch person in the face for being idiot when he was discussing saberfaces for... a little bit of time?

It be much easier to just see traits that only work with a sole Servant, i.e the Child trait only matter with Summer Illya, to see it going off of their perspective rather and logic
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