Here's the important part:
Opened Eye, or Fivefold Bulwark does explicitly work against all attacks, not just one per turn.
That's why it's 5 Dots, that's why it is so important.
Because you get an automatic defence that can't be overwhelmed by numbers or extra-actions.
You're missing my point. Open Eye/Fivefold Bulwark give an automatic defense, saving your dice and keeping DCs down.
Without them, under the rules quoted upthread, you cant act without stacking dice penalties up for yourself.
Just attacking and defending raises the DC for the second action from 6 to 8, an increase of 33%.
Bloodless Murk can be used to both dodge one attack and teleport to a nearby shadow to avoid more attacks.
Who Strikes the Wind can be used against Essence +1 attacks if you spend 2 Essence on the use.
None of that is absolute, but it can get you out of a bad situation.
And again, you only need one action to change the field back in your favor in many situations.
One Erupting Fury Rebuke to break all the mortals toys and render them harmless, one Sun-Denying Spite to cover the battlefield in darkness and make ranged attacks against you impossible, one Faster Than Sight to make mortals loose track of you.
You have a lot of option to avoid bad situations, or to improve the situation if you do get into one.
And with an Exalts inherent toughness and a bit of help from Ox-Body you are extremly likely to get the chance to improve the situation even if you are somehow caught in an ambush.
I can't overstate how much squishier vampires can be due to their lack of extra-health and limited soak.
Bloodless Murk doesnt work in direct sunlight, or against anti-Creatures of Darkness magic or anti-CoD magic-enhanced attacks.
Who Strikes The Wind doesnt work if you're still.
All the Infernal PDs are deliberately hobbled like that in ExWoD as a carryover from Ex2.
WoD Vampires have their Fortitude-equivalent, and can have combat regen by spending blood points.
Kueijin would have to spend Yang chi, but can similarly heal.
Kuejin using Demon Arts literally have an overdrive charm equivalent regenerating Demon Chi/turn, so they arent running short of combat juice midfight like Exalts might. Risk of Fire Soul, but thats it.
Rampires in the Dresdenverse are supernaturally tough enough that if you dont hit their blood reservoir, they can walk off headshots; Murphy had to shoot one half a dozen times in the head before it stopped moving in Love Hurts. And Dresden has cut them in half with fire and had them still alive and screaming in Changes.
Whites have literal Wolverine regen as long as they are wellfed; we see Madrigal Raith regrow his ankles after they got shotgunned by Thomas Raith in Proven Guilty.
And Blampires are just fucking bullshit against anything not a bane like garlic or sunlight or holy water or fire.
You underestimate just how tough a lot of supernaturals are to mortal attack in our place.
Its just that in canon most of them are seen in fights with ppl who know their strengths and weaknesses.
And Fire always deals Agg, especially when wielded by wizards.
Eiko is an Elder, or at least equal to one in some aspects (maybe thanks to investments).
She transformed into her Demon Shintai in 2 turns, that's a level 6 power.
Probably an Investment.
She doesnt appear to be Elder-equivalent to my eyes, which implies at least the potential for broader based competency outside her primary focus. If she was Dharma 6-equivalent, for example, you'd have been looking at 6 dot trait maximums, and 12-ish dice pools prior to any buffs.
I would be much less cavalier about a shikome assassin that potentially had Dex 6, Brawl 6 as base stats before activating Demon Shintai or Black Wind.
Or Appearance 6/Charisma 6/Manipulation 6.
A combat Attribute 6/Ability 6 shikome with Demon Shintai 5 and Black Wind 2 has effectively 18 dice by putting all their BW points into auto successes.
Shintai plus VLE. We had high soak and enough damage to kill it very quickly.
Also it wasted time by using that Breathweapon and rolling badly for it.
Okay, I'll stop arguing now because it's really too late for me.
But before getting further down in the details you have to keep in mind that we are already very capable for an Essence 2 Exalted.
Vampires need good weapons or Disciplines even beyond multi-action speed to have a realistic chance of injuring us.
Eiko could do it because Demon Shintai is a big boost, I think.
A Whampire would have much worse odds, unless they are fully combat-specced with both Celerity and high Potency to give their attacks the necessary impact.
Just calm down, keep in mind that it's not necessarily intended for young Exalts to solo Elder Vampires or groups of well-prepared mortals, unless the Exalt is pretty combat-focussed.
We are pretty combat-focussed, though not as much as an all-in Dawn or an Infernal with Lanka/Skinned Alive as favored could be.
Good night.
With shintai up and an Excellency, we're rolling 26 dice(28 with a stunt) on Dex + Melee and had a HP pool of 23 HLs.
Like I said, we'd have gotten mauled attempting to 1v1 the godmonster Iku Turso if we had to worry about getting hammered by multiple actions and had to suffer penalties for each parry.
Also its suggesting that we were at mortal risk with Don Juan's rampire covert action teams when we approached them alone.
And against the Fomor servitors accompanying Rhys the Ragged.
And against the malks in Undertown.
Essentially, a single Rampire hit team is now a mortal threat, which is not what I was led to believe by the ExWoD mission statement.
Do recall this was the vision of ExWoD:
Picture this, if you will:
Elysium. All the best-dressed monsters in the city have gathered to see and be seen. There's
a commotion outside the doors, and conversations stall as immortals tilt their heads and
listen. The door opens and an unconscious ghoul falls through it. A wave of alarm ripples
through the room, followed by anger and hunger.
The figure in the doorway is human, you see. Mortal. Some of them can smell the sweat on
his skin, hear his heart pounding in his chest. It's just a kid, 18, 20 tops, skinny, with a wild
mop of carroty hair, standing there backlit by a street light. He's got a gym bag. The room's
silent enough to hear a pin drop, certainly quiet enough that everyone hears him swallow
and unzip the bag. Half of them could be across the room in a heartbeat to end this, but
eternity's a long time and there are, eventually, so few surprises.
He pulls off his shirt, revealing nothing very impressive, and then brings two objects out of
the gym bag. The first is the saddest, shittiest mall katana you could ever imagine. The
second is a rubber horse-head mask, which he pulls on before stepping out into the gallery
The first vampire is just starting to laugh when the icon of a blazing sun erupts, shining
gold through the rubber mask, and then the killing starts.
A single Solar walking into a nightclub full of vampires, and killing everything that even looked at him funny.
This has nothing to do with soak though, how multiple actions work relative to parry and dodge is independent of what you are, if it worked like that it would have to work like that for everyone. Murphy fighting the Red King could parry/dodge every single one of his super speed attacks as easily as the last no matter how many he throws up. This is not a rule for Exalted, if you want Exalted exceptions to the rule on multiple actions then you guys should get a charm or other form of magic that does that
The point I was making is that rules for Exalts =/= rules for mortals.
This holds true for soak, healing times, countermagic defenses et cetera. It isnt really fair to use mortals as a relevant comparison.
Someone wielding a Sword designed to level the battlefield of fights against everything from hobs to Blampires to Fallen Angels, Dragons and Titans doesnt really operate by mundane mortal rules in combat either.
At least as long as they wield the Sword.
And sometimes when they dont; we do see Micnael deal with multiple Red Court attackers in Grave Peril without Amoracchius, and he ignored multiple attacker and multiple attack prmalties
Exalted canonically had reflexive flurrybreakers for dealing with multiple attacks, to avoid the embarassment of getting killed by mortals with sledgehammers. Or in this case, handguns.
Their general absence here in the charmset implies they arent necessary,
What Im trying to convey is that under these rules? Base InfernalMolly is already carrying penalties to her actions.
Just deciding to attack and defend represents a process of stacking a 33% difficulty increase on her chosen second action, as it goes from what would normally be DC6 to DC8.
Scenario 1: One Action In A Turn(Excellency, no buffs)
Full Attack/Full Defense: 20 dice at DC6
Scenario 2: Two Actions In A Turn(Excellency, no buffs)
Attack: -1 dice, +1 DC = 19 dice at DC7
Defend: -2 dice, +2 DC = 18 dice at DC8
Scenario 3: One Action In A Turn(No Excellency, no buffs)
Full Attack or Full Defense: 9 dice at DC6
Scenario 4: Two Actions In A Turn(No Excellency, no buffs)
Attack: -1 dice, +1DC = 8 dice at DC7
Defend: -2 dice, +2DC = 7 dice at DC8
Forgive me if it seems a little pedantic.
But mechanically, this appears to be a rather significant nerf to Molly's capabilities and survivability.
In my opinion.