-Poor Michael. Watching your kid put herself at risk cant be easy for a parent.
-Murphy's comment about being informed that senior govt officials want to keep some things under wraps gives some insight about what the Library told her.
I think we can assume that everything we show publicly goes into the unofficial report that the Library gets a copy of.
-Loling at Lydia/Daniel.
Still surprised she has managed to avoid being invited for a family dinner with Charity and all the jawas for the last three months.
Cant dodge it much longer, I suspect.
Doomed, I say. Doomed

-It says interesting things IC that Odin already had 20x spare troops and an extra rune-caster in town.
Were they just passing through Chicago on their way elsewhere? Did Marcone/Gard pick up on the akuma when it showed up and preemptively beef up his defenses by hiring some more forces temporarily? Did Odin notice and conveniently move an action team into place on the premise that someone would be interested in paying for their services once the akuma were noticed?
Or was Odin planning on removing them on general principles? We'll never know.
-Minimum picks here are Lydia + Michael + Devsimar.
Lydia has Authority of the Psychopomp, which works against undead in social combat. Devsimar is a senior Shih hunter, which translates to knowledge about kuejin and a lot of shen. Michael bears a Sword, which is a promise of both forgiveness and obliteration in equal measure.
But I'm inclined to bring everyone.
Dresden and Murphy could use initial exposure to an akuma under controlled conditions before throwing them into combat, especially if more kuejin and akuma come sniffing around Chicago in the future. Gard has a type advantage against undead as a Valkyrie, and represents Mollys ability to acquire additional resources as necessary.
And as senior Monoc operative onsite, having Gard in the room saves time on briefing her about what happened.
Still gonna need a stunt.
It sure is reassuring that Murphy doesnt get the same bonuses against Molly's social that Charity does.