Not totally comfortable with the idea of giving that sort of marker to someone we don't really know, especially because you're also putting our other ally on the line with us. That's a form of debt on its own.
When he calls it in we won't really be able to refuse, and I doubt it will be as simple as beating up vampires for him.
I don't expect him to necessarily screw us on purpose, but that doesn't mean he won't maximize his profits or that something might change his mind.
Getting burned by supernatural debt in unexpected ways is something of a theme in the DF. It happens to Harry, it happens to various random creatures, and it happens on occasion to people like Mab. Cash and carry only is safer.
Money and crafting projects are more than enough to buy us help above and beyond what we thought was necessary earlier.
Edit: autocorrect
1) This is now a hostage rescue operation in addition to a punitive one, as opposed to the straight up fight it was before.
Our experience with Cindy and Lydia's rescue a couple arcs ago makes it clear there will probably be magic involved in the imprisonment of our minions, in addition to a jailer or jailers.
The 4 points from giving a single Molly + Lydia marker pays for a rune-caster + 2 squads to maximize their chance of survival.
I dont want to have to choose between the greater akuma getting away or saving our people or preserving the lives of our warparty.
The way we had to let Corpsetaker get away the first time, or the way EvilBob got away.
I want that akuma dead and Emma-O out one greater servitor for pulling this shit as a deterrent againsr further adventures.
If everyone thinks there's a risk of losing an arm for poking, there will be fewer pokes,
Thats the practical argument.
The thematic argument is straight forward:
Molly being willing to put herself on the line for people she takes responsibility for. Thats an argument that resonates strongly for the god who, according to Butcher, used to enforce guest-right in Norse society.
Itself a signal to Odin about how importantly Molly takes her responsibility for her people, and how she'll react to attacks on them. Thats in itself a message to the greater supernatural society via a connected man who talks to people as diverse as Mab, the Erl King and Uriel about how she'll react to people targetting her people.
2)I am banking on Odin's self interest here.
If he's willing to take products in kind from us, like weapons and vehicles that his people will use, he's not interested in fucking us in case we can fuck him back through those items. See how the Summer Court were able to track Dresden and Morgan via gifts given to them as honors.
He is not likely to burn a favor in a way that makes an enemy of the person.
Mab herself only arranged to screw Nicodemus on her debt when he went out of his way to screw her first with the Accords breach.
3)Then there's his, Odin's, reputation to consider.
Using magical mercenary work as a cover for foreign policy requires that people trust that their dealings with you are honest and in good faith, and that you wont find a loophole to fuck them. Thats how you see Gard being trusted with physical samples of major members of Marcone's organization.
Thats how the Einherjar and Valkyries have been trusted to do merc work by everyone from Marcone to the Lara Raith-run White Court after Cold Days.
The issue with offering to help in a fight is that it opens us to way too many complications. It's easy to game such a situation to leave Molly in debt to Odin coming out of it. Monoc securities does work with criminal elements. So, it would be easy to involve Molly in a crime, getting Odin and Marcone blackmail on her. Or they could give us "Enemy: Summer Court" background by involving us in an attack on a summer operation. Or other stuff. This is way too open ended.
See Odin's characterization by Butcher for fair dealing. I quote:
Word of Jim on Odin said:
Here's some we might get to in the future. There actually are gods and stuff around and functioning in our world but they're posing as mortals because they're getting way more play as professional wrestlers and rock stars than they ever did as deities. In our world there's a lot of like the old Greek and Roman deities that are still hanging around, they just look very very different and they're not really allowed to do anything except hang on and watch and observe, they're not allowed to get involved in mortal affairs. So they tend to be a lot of smoke and mirrors and thunder and not a lot of things happening, they're not like Odin who is actually involved in the world and there's something right there. That is sort of the limit that the deities have found themselves running into. Eventually at some point in the Dresden Files history there came a point where the Creator was like "okay guys, you were supposed to guide and protect humanity. You sort of did okay in some instances and some places but now it's time for the humans to be making their own way and everybody needs to step off and do it. And if you want to stay involved in the affairs of humanity you're going to have to play and be subject to death as a mortal just like everybody else." And can you really see Zeus going "oh I'm so enamored with the mortals I'm going to risk myself to help them"? You can't really see that but of all the deities in sort of the major western pantheons that I was looking at the one that I really thought would stay involved, it had to be Odin. It had to be the guy who would go to people's homes and visit them to check up that they were maintaining their host rights properly and stuff like that you know. He was genuinely involved with humanity. So I made him that character who said "alright I'll set aside my deific immortality and I'll throw into the game like anybody else will" and then immediately started building himself to become someone cool and taking all these other mantles to maintain his immortality so he could continue doing what Odin always did which was defend and teach humanity. I wanted to have that character in the world doing that that was so much fun to get to write I can't get enough of it I love it.
Thats how Butcher writes Odin. Keep that in mind.
-Mercenaries in particular need a reputation for fair dealing if they are to be trusted.
Dude did not spend several millenia fostering one for good-faith dealing in order order to burn it on making an enemy of an Infernal Exalt. Odin's not stupid.
And frankly, he's not likely to risk a favor on a fight that he isnt committing his own people to.
- Odin does not need an Infernal Exalt for mundane crime. And we literally can make evidence for criminal activity disappear if we so choose; Night Swallows Secrets is 2 dots/8xp. If he was inclined to attempt to fuck us with via the human legal system , he'd simply stage something and fake the evidence instead of trying to make us do it by burning a 4 point favor.
And it would be stupid. The All-Father doesnt do stupid.
-Odin calling us for backup means he has to trust we wont screw him.
See what happened in Cold Days when Nicodemus called Mab for a debt she owed him and Anduriel, and she arranged to fuck him with it. HARD.
This sort of trust goes both ways,