I don't think that's how it works.
When you roll a knowledge-ability you roll for how much about that specific creature, spell or other thing you know.
Since Brother D rolled higher, I assume he knows more about that cat.Of course we still have more occult lore in general, and a higher chance to know more than him about any given subject, but in this case we don't.
Im not inclined to argue the matter here. So I'll concede
Or we've encountered a cat version of Isabella, and the Senri is banking on the idea that the novelty will protect them better than groveling.

Given SV's everything they might even be right. Sass can alarmingly high on the recruitment priority list around here.
For DF there were exactly five proper Dragons. I'm pretty sure that Ferrovax and Pyrovax are the only two that are still alive.
I remember a quote of six Dragons, but I cant find the cite.
The Word of Jim compilation has a quote circa 2011 that there were 3-4 Dragons alive at that time, of which only Ferrovax and Pyrovax have been named. This was post-Siriothrax and post-Tunguska.
Thats 5-6. We have no idea how many there originally in this setting.
Or what happened to the unnamed Great ones who arent confirmed kills.
Maybe they are just asleep. Or withdrawn from the world.
Barely younger than her. She is not an old monster yet, unlike most vampires of any color we have met so far.
She is a girl from a weird environment and with a strange education and she is not as innatly superior to these stupid kids as she thinks she is. And even if she were, she would still have to take her time and understand the people involved to avoid causing more harm than allowed.
This is an opportunity for her to learn something about her almost-peers, as much as hanging our with our friends is, maybe more so snce she has a task here and seems ambitious enough not to want to fuck it up on principle.
Thats precisely the problem.
Go back and read her Interlude. She's a girl who's been deliberately raised to consider humans as beneath her, as resources to be exploited and food to be eaten. It was Leinth her mentor who was trying to instill respect in her.
I'd honestly trust an old monster in that situation better, because most of those who live long enough and remain sane know better.
@BronzeTongue talked about my concerns pretty comprehensively.
I guess it might be realistic for Molly to make mistakes along the line, but that doesnt change that it was a bad set of decisions that reinforce exactly the attitudes we're trying to break her of.
And then there's the moral aspect: Siccing a vampire on a bunch of 14-15 year olds is Morally Wrong.
Especially since you're doing the collective punishment thing.
For an
Eh. A senior Shih helping an Exalted and a Knight is a danger.
A senior Shih being hunted alone by an Akuma and some Wan Kuei minions is dead meat.
This is not his homeground, he was not aware of the threat before we mentioned it and in a straight fight even a good Shih is no match for either an Elder or several decent trained fledgelings, nevermind both.
I dont agree.
This isnt vanilla WoD, this is the Dresdenverse. This threat IS what the Shih are minmaxed against; I expect they are particularly effective against it. Especially since Akuma and Wan Kuei share most of the same vulnerabilities that Blampires do.
A senior Shih is always going to be a present danger to a Wan Kuei posse, and even success in killing him does not preclude suffering crippling damage, in the middle of a city thats not their own.
Do remember that Brother Devshimar is only offering to teach us what he's comfortable with a 17 year old Infernal knowing.
Not everything he knows or can teach. And we dont know what his full repertoire is.
If he has access to Voice of the Yama Kings, say, shit can get real very quickly for a posse.
In this city, even if he doesnt have True Faith, he knows where to get holy water.
And I am reasonably certain that a senior monk who has dedicated decades of his life to this endeavor probably has at least as much True Faith as Dresden does. Possibly more.
Not to mention he lives with a member of the Venatori.
We dont actually know that he didnt know.
Dude could read the papers as well as we do, has a lot more experience with this sort of thing, and I suspect he has been cultivating the Asian American community since he got here. But being aware something is wrong isnt the same as pinpointing what is wrong.
ExWoD is silent on the question of how the curse on the Wan Xian manifested as far as I can tell. Blood and Silk is the Kindred of the East history book.
ExWoD derives from it, summarising and simplifying on the assumption that people will refer to those sources for the more complete details:
Finally, Tien Lu plucked the last blossom from the Tree of Immortality and three of the four remaining original Wan Xian, resigned tothe coming fire, strode into Heaven before the August Personage of Jade levied his curse upon the rest of the Ten Thousand Immortals. They became the Wan Kuei, the Ten Thousand Demons.
At first only a subtle change came: The August Personage of Jade's tests - which had previously bestowed immortality - twisted in on themselves and became part of Yomi Wan. Where once a mortal might have to travel to the land of the wisest forest spirits and gain their favor, now that mortal had to die with wickedness on his soul and escape the Hell of the Burning Forest with his sanity intact. The Ten Thousand Demons did not breathe, and they had to steal Chi or succumb to death.
I'll look up Blood and Silk later in the evening.
But that passage you just quoted? That describes a curse, my friend.
No machinery involved.