The Eleventh Primarch (30K Quest)

Character Sheet

Drake Artorius

Governance (Level 4) = Legendary
Diplomacy (Level 5) = Peerless
Intrigue (Level 1) = Good
Personal Combat (Level 4) = Legendary
Ground Combat (Level 2) = Elite
Naval Combat (Level 5) = Peerless
Biomancy (Level 4) = Legendary
Telepathy (Level 2) = Elite
Divination (Level 2) = Elite
Pyromancy (Level 2) = Elite
Telekinesis (Level 2) = Elite
Anathematic (Level 4) = Legendary
Engineering (Level 4) = Legendary

Son of Excalibur = Drake Artorius is a true believer in the Federation of Bladus and the ideals that it stands for.
Superhuman Charisma = Drake Artorius has inherited great charisma and persuasive ability from his progenitor.
Little Anathema = Drake Artorius has an echo of his progenitor's antithetical nature to the Ruinous Powers. Immunity to Chaos, Minor Bonus to resisting Chaos for those around you.
-Hated By Khorne = The Lord of Blood holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and he and his servants will actively seek to claim his skull for the skull throne.
-Hated by Slaanesh = The Prince of Pleasure holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and they and their servants will actively seek to slay him wherever they can.
Necron Knowledge = Drake Artorius made extensive study of the Necrons, the modern day legacy of the ancient Necrontyr. Major Bonus to fighting Necron forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Necron factions.
Asuryani Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the Craftworld Aeldari, the Asuryani. Major Bonus to fighting Asuryani forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Asuryani factions.
Drukhari Knowledge = Drake Artorius made some study of the Drukhari, the vile pirates and raiders of Commorragh. Minor Bonus to fighting Drukhari forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Drukhari factions.
Aeldari Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the minor Aeldari groups such as the Exodites, the Corsairs and the Harlequins. Major Bonus to fighting Aeldari forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Aeldari factions
Mechanicus Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made extensive study of the Mechanicus and its successor factions. Major Bonus to fighting Mechanicus forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Mechanicus factions.


Personal Combat
Naval Combat


Not Interested

Ground Combat

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I'll change my vote too. If mom doesn't want Drake to do it than we shall obey,

Changed vote.
[X] He spends time with some of his family. (Family Social Time)

I just want to see some family time, especially how Conrad's doing and how everyone's going to deal with the new mutations.
For the record, you are absolutely voting to mess with her even if it is with the intention of helping her. There is a very real chance of that action backfiring and ending in tragedy.
And my vote has been changed. And allow my to rephrase that is the reason I think others are voting for it (as I am no longer voting for it).
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[X] He spends time with some of his family. (Family Social Time)

Lets not kill our mom because of a powerup, instead maybe spend time with her.
What is the vote I have to make that doesn't murder his mother, and starts upgrading his personal combat and psyker powers which have been ignored to a stupid degree considering how often he gets into melee fights?
At this point any of them considering our complete lack of training in them.
So as far as the tally that someone did says and a cursory glance of following posts your options for something that could get in are Biomancy followed by Divination assuming people haven't changed their skill choices since then.

As far as not killing mom goes spending time with family was the next runner up but unfortunately the option to mess with her mutations has snowballed pretty hard so unless enough people changed their votes theres not really much of a chance.
Rule 3 and 4: Be Civil and Don't Be Disruptive, or, "There is no reason to act so abrasive towards others in the thread. In addition, calling for a recount on the vote because the choice you wanted didn't win is inherently disruptive."
[X] He spends time with some of his family. (Family Social Time)

This is why I hate idiots that don't do the reading and just hop on a bandwagon before disappearing from the thread.
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Don't give a shit about the vote just the part where were betting his mother life, and basically all his relationships including his wives on a coin toss. Also in this death is the best she can hope for if he fails.
I don't care one way or another about your vote, that's a matter of personal opinion. I simply take offence to you making nasty comments about the people who did not vote the same way you did. You may have noticed that some of the options I just voted for are not winning, yet you don't see me being salty about it.
This tactic of calling voters stupid and bad people until the thread is too unpleasent for anyone to even want to engage with it then coming to the conclusion that most people cannot even read sure is interesting, wonder how this will play out.
This tactic of calling voters stupid and bad people until the thread is too unpleasent for anyone to even want to engage with it then coming to the conclusion that most people cannot even read sure is interesting, wonder how this will play out.
Now that I'm home for a moment...

Putting a lot of words in mouths there. I'm saying that people glance at the vote as it starts jumps on a bandwagon and then ignores the thread. This sort of thing is the reason why there should always be a certain level of discussion time before voting is allowed. That way when the question comes up 'What happens to the mother if the coin toss fails?' and the answer is if she is lucky she dies screaming, and his relationships with his other mother, brothers, and wife are completely fucked.

Well that might change a few minds, however those minds won't read about that part as they voted as quickly as possible and abandoned the thread right after. This leads of stupid destructive votes winning. Notice that isn't stupid people.

Frankly the knowledge of the fall out of this failed roll changes so much I think @Oshha should restart the vote with everyone knowing what they know now.
Frankly the knowledge of the fall out of this failed roll changes so much I think @Oshha should restart the vote with everyone knowing what they know now.
I won't be restarting the vote. If the majority of the thread wants to vote for the riskiest option, then that is on them. Besides, this isn't new information. It came up last time the thread voted to attempt fixing the mutations of Drake's mum.
I also see where a lot of the people that voted for that option were most likely coming from when they picked it.

1. Its coming off of a vote where our wives got mutated due to Slaanesh pushing back on us cleansing the ritual its followers did. Having higher anathematic for that would have most likely helped prevent that.

2. In the past Anathematic has been difficult for us to level due to some dookie rolls, making an option that gives us an extra roll for it very appealing from a meta perspective.

So I dont fault anyone that voted for it. Hell I almost did until I remembered that some options in this quest have risks that aren't immediately spelled out. Such as the most recent winning vote of the strike teams, there wasn't any mention (unless i just missed it in chat) of this also leading to our wives attempting to cleanse the planet. Really what this quest would probably benefit from is a vote moratorium. That way we have an opportunity to discuss what the risks of some options are before they get snowballed to being near impossible to backtrack on when someone brings up the risk of it. And it gives the QM the option to just say "well you had time to talk about it" if risky votes go through with no discussion and people start getting salty over it.
[X] Studying the Necrons. (DC20)
[X] Pyromancy. (DC30)
[X] Engineering. (DC35)
[X] He spends time with some of his family. (Family Social Time)
[X]Plan: The Fleet grows this day
Adhoc vote count started by nat_401 on Feb 23, 2023 at 5:45 AM, finished with 136 posts and 49 votes.

Looks like Biomancy has pulled into the hotly contested third training slot ahead of Engineering