The Eleventh Primarch (30K Quest)

Character Sheet

Drake Artorius

Governance (Level 4) = Legendary
Diplomacy (Level 5) = Peerless
Intrigue (Level 1) = Good
Personal Combat (Level 4) = Legendary
Ground Combat (Level 2) = Elite
Naval Combat (Level 5) = Peerless
Biomancy (Level 4) = Legendary
Telepathy (Level 2) = Elite
Divination (Level 2) = Elite
Pyromancy (Level 2) = Elite
Telekinesis (Level 2) = Elite
Anathematic (Level 4) = Legendary
Engineering (Level 4) = Legendary

Son of Excalibur = Drake Artorius is a true believer in the Federation of Bladus and the ideals that it stands for.
Superhuman Charisma = Drake Artorius has inherited great charisma and persuasive ability from his progenitor.
Little Anathema = Drake Artorius has an echo of his progenitor's antithetical nature to the Ruinous Powers. Immunity to Chaos, Minor Bonus to resisting Chaos for those around you.
-Hated By Khorne = The Lord of Blood holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and he and his servants will actively seek to claim his skull for the skull throne.
-Hated by Slaanesh = The Prince of Pleasure holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and they and their servants will actively seek to slay him wherever they can.
Necron Knowledge = Drake Artorius made extensive study of the Necrons, the modern day legacy of the ancient Necrontyr. Major Bonus to fighting Necron forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Necron factions.
Asuryani Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the Craftworld Aeldari, the Asuryani. Major Bonus to fighting Asuryani forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Asuryani factions.
Drukhari Knowledge = Drake Artorius made some study of the Drukhari, the vile pirates and raiders of Commorragh. Minor Bonus to fighting Drukhari forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Drukhari factions.
Aeldari Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the minor Aeldari groups such as the Exodites, the Corsairs and the Harlequins. Major Bonus to fighting Aeldari forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Aeldari factions
Mechanicus Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made extensive study of the Mechanicus and its successor factions. Major Bonus to fighting Mechanicus forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Mechanicus factions.


Personal Combat
Naval Combat


Not Interested

Ground Combat

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Would the Phalanx really count as a battleship? Wouldn't it be closer to a fortress like the Ramilles?

Yes it's definitely not a ship of any kind. But the Phalanx and the Abyss are the only things in the void that the Imperium built that are bigger than the Glorianas. It's more a show of just how large the Glorianas are and my personal belief that we aren't going to be building a bigger class of ships for a very long time if ever.
Yes it's definitely not a ship of any kind. But the Phalanx and the Abyss are the only things in the void that the Imperium built that are bigger than the Glorianas. It's more a show of just how large the Glorianas are and my personal belief that we aren't going to be building a bigger class of ships for a very long time if ever.
Slight correction. Dorn found the Phalanx floating near his homeworld. The Imperium had nothing to do with building it and don't even really know how to fully maintain it.

Though various novels show that the Dark Age had a more standard sci fi aesthetic, like in the Spirit of Eternity, the Phalanx has a design that looks very fitting to Imperium aesthetics.

And you're likely right on that, the options we took at the start are the only techs we can research, (which hasn't come up in several turns) anything that wasn't picked is locked forever unless we find an STC
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And you're likely right on that, the options we took at the start are the only techs we can research, (which hasn't come up in several turns) anything that wasn't picked is locked forever unless we find an STC

Thanks for the correction. You learn something new everyday. As for tech being locked out it's a bit of a pity.

I would absolutely love to have a ship like the First Order's Supremacy. Not to engage in fighting, but because having a ship that is mobile and has foundries large enough to produce multiple cruisers and all other smaller equipment would be an absolute godsend for logistics.

The Supremacy was capable of harboring, building, and conducting ship repairs in its onboard hanger bays as well as having production lines, shipyards, army training grounds, R&D labs, and an asteroid mining complex.

Having a mobile HQ (essentially a pocket craftworld) that can build, feed, and house a fleet is perfect for the kind of expeditionary work the Emperor will send us to do.
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[X] Intrigue. (DC45)
[X] Studying the Necrons. (DC20)
[X] Anathematic. (DC40)
[X] He spends time with some of his family. (Family Social Time)
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And yes im going to keep a running list of Fleet sizes and classes. Only really have to keep updating it with the new updates construction. Provided its fine with Osha
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[X] Governance. (DC55)
[X] Engineering. (DC35)
[X] Studying the Necrons. (DC20)
[X] He makes another go at dealing with his mum's mutations with his abilities. (Extra Anathematic Roll)

[X]Plan: The Fleet grows this day
And yes im going to keep a running list of Fleet sizes and classes. Only really have to keep updating it with the new updates construction. Provided its fine with Osha

On the bright side, with the points system and only three sizes, this shouldn't be too hard as long as we keep on top of it. Imagine if you had to keep a list of the US navies different ship sizes and classes during WW2.
So Divination is leading by 1 vote ahead of Biomancy for the third slot. Also @Lord4StarCommand please correct your vote as it doesn't have the DC for Divination and so isn't counted with the rest of the votes for Divination:
Adhoc vote count started by Dmol8 on Feb 19, 2023 at 10:22 AM, finished with 96 posts and 43 votes.
On the bright side, with the points system and only three sizes, this shouldn't be too hard as long as we keep on top of it. Imagine if you had to keep a list of the US navies different ship sizes and classes.
Yeah thatd be pretty painful, did it for a ww2 navy commander quest and it got ridiculous pretty quick, but theres only a few classes to track and building and losses are easy to find in each update
I know you guys love the Gloriana class and I don't blame you. but next time can we please just concentrate on just building more Cruisers and destroyers for our fleet screens?
Is there any chance DC for diplomacy upgrade will come down? I'd want us to be specced to do gunboat diplomacy; that way we will fit into big E's plans nicely enough to tolerate our antics.

To do that, we'd want to pump naval combat (done), diplomacy (almost done), telepathy (started), intrigue (to do), species-specific traits (just starting).
[X] Intrigue. (DC45)
[X] Studying the Necrons. (DC20)
[x] Telepathy. (DC45)
[X] Plan: Breathing room
[X] Ground Combat. (DC50)
[X] Studying the Necrons. (DC20)
[X] Anathematic. (DC40)
[X] He engages in additional exploration. (Extra Exploration Roll)
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[X] Anathematic. (DC40)
[X] Biomancy. (DC45)
[X] Ground Combat. (DC50)
[X] He makes another go at dealing with his mum's mutations with his abilities. (Extra Anathematic Roll)
[X]Plan: The Fleet grows this day
not messing with her just to make her better, it is so we get an extra roll to improve our Anathematic powers.

How "selfless" of Drake, let's fuck around the warp Magnus style even though her mutation is not severe and last time we did Jen got spilted into two, TOTALLY no way it could get backfire😒

And FYI, Magnus done EVERYTHING wrong!
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We are (or at least I am) not messing with her just to make her better, it is so we get an extra roll to improve our Anathematic powers.
For the record, you are absolutely voting to mess with her even if it is with the intention of helping her. There is a very real chance of that action backfiring and ending in tragedy. On the flipside, things could work out well without any problems, but you don't know which outcome will happen. You are very much gambling on a literal dice roll. It isn't just an extra skill roll, it is an extra skill roll with very real consequences attached should things go poorly.
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For the record, you are absolutely voting to mess with her even if it is with the intention of helping her. There is a very real chance of that action backfiring and ending in tragedy. On the flipside, things could work out well without any problems, but you don't know which outcome will happen. You are very much gambling on a literal dice roll. It isn't just an extra skill roll, it is an extra skill roll with very real consequences attached should things go poorly.
Now I feel bad for the vote well let's pray for a good rool
For the record, you are absolutely voting to mess with her even if it is with the intention of helping her. There is a very real chance of that action backfiring and ending in tragedy. On the flipside, things could work out well without any problems, but you don't know which outcome will happen. You are very much gambling on a literal dice roll. It isn't just an extra skill roll, it is an extra skill roll with very real consequences attached should things go poorly.
I am doubting the player base actually cares about the consequences and wants the uber-powerful skill.