The Eleventh Primarch (30K Quest)

Character Sheet

Drake Artorius

Governance (Level 4) = Legendary
Diplomacy (Level 5) = Peerless
Intrigue (Level 1) = Good
Personal Combat (Level 4) = Legendary
Ground Combat (Level 2) = Elite
Naval Combat (Level 5) = Peerless
Biomancy (Level 4) = Legendary
Telepathy (Level 2) = Elite
Divination (Level 2) = Elite
Pyromancy (Level 2) = Elite
Telekinesis (Level 2) = Elite
Anathematic (Level 4) = Legendary
Engineering (Level 4) = Legendary

Son of Excalibur = Drake Artorius is a true believer in the Federation of Bladus and the ideals that it stands for.
Superhuman Charisma = Drake Artorius has inherited great charisma and persuasive ability from his progenitor.
Little Anathema = Drake Artorius has an echo of his progenitor's antithetical nature to the Ruinous Powers. Immunity to Chaos, Minor Bonus to resisting Chaos for those around you.
-Hated By Khorne = The Lord of Blood holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and he and his servants will actively seek to claim his skull for the skull throne.
-Hated by Slaanesh = The Prince of Pleasure holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and they and their servants will actively seek to slay him wherever they can.
Necron Knowledge = Drake Artorius made extensive study of the Necrons, the modern day legacy of the ancient Necrontyr. Major Bonus to fighting Necron forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Necron factions.
Asuryani Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the Craftworld Aeldari, the Asuryani. Major Bonus to fighting Asuryani forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Asuryani factions.
Drukhari Knowledge = Drake Artorius made some study of the Drukhari, the vile pirates and raiders of Commorragh. Minor Bonus to fighting Drukhari forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Drukhari factions.
Aeldari Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the minor Aeldari groups such as the Exodites, the Corsairs and the Harlequins. Major Bonus to fighting Aeldari forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Aeldari factions
Mechanicus Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made extensive study of the Mechanicus and its successor factions. Major Bonus to fighting Mechanicus forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Mechanicus factions.


Personal Combat
Naval Combat


Not Interested

Ground Combat

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[X] Divination. (DC45)
[X] Studying the Necrons. (DC20)
[X] Anathematic. (DC40)
[X] He makes another go at dealing with his mum's mutations with his abilities. (Extra Anathematic Roll)
[X]Plan: The Fleet grows this day
You are ignoring content by this member.
[X] Divination. (DC45)
[X] Studying the Necrons. (DC20)
[X] Anathematic. (DC40)
[X] He makes another go at dealing with his mum's mutations with his abilities. (Extra Anathematic Roll)

[X] Plan: Breathing Room
[X] Anathematic. (DC40)
[X] He makes another go at dealing with his mum's mutations with his abilities. (Extra Anathematic Roll)
[X] Governance. (DC55)
[X] Engineering. (DC35)
[X] Studying the Necrons. (DC20)
[x] He spends time with some of his family. (Family Social Time)

[X] Plan: Breathing room
-[X] Gloriana-class Battleship (15 Points) x2
-[X] Promethean-class Cruiser (3 Points) x8
-[X] Tiamat-class Destroyer (1 Points) x21
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[X] Pyromancy. (DC30)
[X] Telekinesis. (DC30)
[X] Studying the Necrons. (DC20)

[X] He makes another go at dealing with his mum's mutations with his abilities. (Extra Anathematic Roll)
[X] Biomancy. (DC45)
[X] Divination. (DC45)
[X] Studying the Necrons. (DC20)

[X] He makes another go at dealing with his mum's mutations with his abilities. (Extra Anathematic Roll)

[X] Plan: Breathing room

Welp, our wives are fully mutants now, one more the other. Least she's the hot succubus kind of mutant, not the slimy slug navigator kind.
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240 points every ten years? wow is there a cap?
by my math calculations we will have around 2880 points by the time the Emperor arrives
It needs to be refitted before it can reach that level of output and it will be a few turns before you reach its full output. Furthermore, your commitments will grow, requiring your forces to be spread out so while your forces will increase so will your responsibilities.
[X] Studying the Necrons. (DC20)
[X] Anathematic. (DC40)
[X] Engineering. (DC35)

[X] He makes another go at dealing with his mum's mutations with his abilities. (Extra Anathematic Roll)

[X] Plan: Breathing room
[X] Anathematic. (DC40)
I really think we should get at least one level in this
[X] Pyromancy. (DC30)
So since personal combats a bit too high of a DC I think it's about time for us to become a spell sword my friends (reasons? Rule of cool + personal combat bonus + WE BECOME THE HEAVY FLAMER)
[X] Studying the Necrons. (DC20)

an acolyte of light a student of flame and a scholar / friend of the undying

[X] He spends time with some of his family. (Family Social Time)

when we join up with the imperium we likely won't have anytime to bond with our family so we should make sure the bonds are strong now
well we can because once we join up with the imperium whether it be the emperor or chaos both would have reasons to drive a wedge or two between us and the rest of our family (especially Connor) so we should make sure the bonds of family are healthy and strong

That said I'm quite tempted by the Eldrad mystery box one time with it we gained a pair of protectorates
Another time we got ourselves a smelly honey badge-I mean baby brother
and after that we got the help of literally the most and diplomatic and chill out of all the major craft worlds the mystery box hasn't led us wrong once

but this time just this once I think we should let Drake have his small window of peace with his family because we all know he will not get another for in the Galaxy that is soon to be there will only be war so cherish peace will you still have it young anathema

You find yourself facing off against experienced foes who are power armour and wielding plasma guns
Slight typo here my friend

You are, but a man against a god, but you have two things in your favour as your golden light is an unbowed beacon in the darkness of the warp. The first is that you are no ordinary man and while you have yet to get your origins out of Eldrad, you are such that even one of the Four cannot just make you bend or break. The second is that you are in the Materium while the Excessive is still trapped in the Immaterium and so even with the raw power disparity between the two of you, you have something of an advantage despite everything.
This might be one of the few things we've ever have or could have done that would make big e proud and who knows it might even make him smile if he finds out we actually stood up to a CHAOS GOD AND WON

big e : I'm . . . proud . . . of you . . . My son

the next the Excessive themselves is bearing down
I wonder if the eldar sensed this and the psychic battle that followed if so 1 I wonder how Eldrad will spin and make use of this event
and 2 this I bet the eldar PlanetSide are wondering what we did to piss off a chaos God so much
Yasmin, on the other hand, looks like daemon prince
Another slight typo my friend
Two feathery wings are sticking out of her back
Wait a second feathery? My God . . . She's doesn't just look like a succubus SHE ALSO LOOKS LIKE A FALLEN ANGEL . . . GOD DANG IT . . . I hate to admit it but God dang it bot you did good as much as it pains me to admit . . . Is this how the farseer council feels with eldred?
all of her abilities have improved quite drastically. From physical strength and toughness to mental quickness and willpower, Yasmin has firmly gone into the realm of superhuman. She isn't quite on your level yet, but she is closer to it than to how she was before. Not to mention that whatever the Tempter seems to have remove most of Yas' few pysker limitations, firmly pushing her from being a Level 11 psyker into the realm of Level 12, where her power is simply too much for the Federation to track anymore.
. . . . So she now has physical capabilities to match a demon Prince Right? And is now an alpha plus level psyker . . . You know with enough training . . .
she might be one of the only non Primarch characters who might be able to kill a Primarch at least the less-combat-oriented ones like the choir boy

. . . sighe if only she wasn't jumping forward in time. . . Actually it would be badass if she could somehow study her new mutation and gained some form of Chronokinesis
In the end, it relents and you are forced
Tzeentch : (scribbles something on a giant chalkboard)

And that makes one successful engagement and successful ritual by me (scribbles two checks on the chalkboard)
One failed combined arms demonic invasion three of the four ruinous powers by Nurgle
(makes a notch on the chalkboard)
One failed solo demonic invasion as well as one failed combined arms demonic invasion from Khorne
(Makes two notches on the chalkboard)
One failed solo demonic invasion form Slaanesh
as well as multiple failed fleet engagements by mortal contingents with demonic support

as well as a failed combined arms demonic invasion by three out of the four ruinous powers

one successful military defense two failed as well as a destroyed empire an interrupted ritual

and lastly one failed attempt to corrupt the little anathemas wives which was interrupted by said anathema which resulted in a PSYCHIC BATTLE OF WILLS BETWEEN A GOD AND A DEMIGOD WHICH YOU LOST IN THE END ONLY MAKING THE WIVES STRONGER BY THE WELL SLAANESH YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS!!!
(Grabs the chalkboard off of the cozy bars wall and slams it onto the head of Slaanesh)
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[X] Studying the Necrons. (DC20)
[X] Divination. (DC45)
[X] Anathematic. (DC40)
[X] He makes another go at dealing with his mum's mutations with his abilities. (Extra Anathematic Roll)
[X]Plan: The Fleet grows this day
@Oshha can you start putting the fleet totals on the Character sheet so that we can keep track of our current fleet numbers?

@Thors_Alumni @Lord Necromancer

Behold! \o/ I tallied up ship losses and creation from the start of the quest till now.

Battleship: 1+1+1+1 - 3 Dragged Into Warp = 1 +1 -1 = 1 +1 = 2 -1 = 1 +1 +3 = 5 BB (before invasion of Dominion)

Cruiser: 3-1+3 (few ) +1 - All Dragged Into Warp = 0 +3 -1 +3 (few) +1 -1 -1 -2 = 2 +3 +5 = 10 - 8 (Only two intact) = 2 +2 = 4 CC (before invasion of Dominion) +1 (reclaim Galahad) -1 = 4 CC

Destroyer: 4 (several) -2 - All Dragged Into Warp = 0 +4 -1 -1 -2 +2 (couple) +4 (several) +5 -3 -5 -2 (last two?) = 0/1 +11 +10 = 21 - 11 (half the destroyers) = 10 + 9 = 19 DD (before invasion of Dominion) -9 (half destroyed) = 10 DD

Frigate: 40 (4 Squadrons) - 20 (1/2) -1 - 4 (twice a couple) +7 -2 - All Dragged Into Warp = 0

System Monitor: 7 -3 -4 = 0

Final Tally of the Federation Navy post Federation-Dominion War

5 BB (2 Gloriana)
4 CC
10 DD
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[X] Anathematic. (DC40)
[X] Anathematic. (DC40)
[X] Anathematic. (DC40)
[X] He makes another go at dealing with his mum's mutations with his abilities. (Extra Anathematic Roll)
someone remind me. How big are Gloriana Battleship again cause it's gonna be funny when the Emperor find out how many of those we have by then lol

Warhammer 40K: Gloriana Battleships - Chariots of the Primarchs

Today Admirals, we delve into the Imperium's world shattering terrors of deep space: Gloriana-class Battlebarges, flagships of the Primarchs.

The Gloriana Class Battleship was an ancient and powerful Battleship design used by the Legiones Astartes during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. Officially classified as a type of command Battle Barge, the vessels were around 20 kilometers in length, though their size and appearance varied greatly.

tldr: They're really big. Bigger than the super star destroyer executor class which was 16 km long. Lion El'Jonson's Invincible Reason was 28km long. Like only craftworlds, attack moons, hive ships, and world engines are larger.
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Warhammer 40K: Gloriana Battleships - Chariots of the Primarchs

Today Admirals, we delve into the Imperium's world shattering terrors of deep space: Gloriana-class Battlebarges, flagships of the Primarchs.

The Gloriana Class Battleship was an ancient and powerful Battleship design used by the Legiones Astartes during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. Officially classified as a type of command Battle Barge, the vessels were around 20 kilometers in length, though their size and appearance varied greatly.

tldr: They're really big. Like only craftworlds, attack moons, and world engines are larger.
Oh that just make it WAAY more hilarious when the Emperor and the other Primarch know how many we will have