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[] Plan: Political Sausage Making
-[] North Korea - Counteroffer: Patience Is a Virtue
--[] NK can borrow time on Guang SupComs and send over people to be trained on their operation and maintenance in the short term, but building one of their own will have to wait until the next 5 Year Plan due to foreign and domestic economic commitments.
-[] Industrial Aid - Yes (Mongolia, Iraq, Tanzania)
-[] Iran - Diplomatic Solutions: Material Conditions
--[] In order to be a part of CyPac, Iran's more theocratic factions will have to compromise on their more conservative planks in order to remain in agreement with CyPac's social justice mandate. Making it clear to all the non-theologically based revolutionaries that the material gains of CyPac members are very much contingent on Iran not becoming a fundamentalist theocracy. [1]
-[] Syria - Military Aid - Yes
-[] SY - Military Aid - Yes
-[] Benin - Military Solutions: Strange Bedfellows
--[] See if the Communists and the Democratic Socialist Youth Liberation Associations can agree to a negotiated ceasefire that allows for some sort of political compromise, in exchange for being supported in the fight against everyone else. If not, support the DSYLAs.
-[] Mozambique - Other Solutions: Yes & Later
--[] Military aid now. Training people in computer engineering will take time (Native Mingxiang will be completed before the end of this 5YP).
-[] Somalia - Other Solutions: My Expectations Were Low, But I'm Still Disappointed
--[] Guangchou will take in any Somali LGBT+ refugees who wish to immigrate and coordinate with other member nations to set up sanctuary cities in the more socially progressive parts of African CyPac nations that could take in the ones who don't want to uproot their lives to such a degree. Somalia will be accepted as a non-voting observer.

[1] Subject to change depending on the advice I get from people who know more about the Iranian Revolution than I do.

We have three open slots for actions next turn, and one CyPac action. If needs must we can also delay one SupCom build to make more room.
-[] Somalia - Other Solutions: My Expectations Were Low, But I'm Still Disappointed
--[] Guangchou will take in any Somali LGBT+ refugees who wish to immigrate and coordinate with other member nations to set up sanctuary cities in the more socially progressive parts of African CyPac nations that could take in the ones who don't want to uproot their lives to such a degree. Somalia will be accepted as a non-voting observer.
I have my suspicions they will simply say no to this, although I would be happy to be proven wrong.
Somalia will be accepted as a non-voting observer
what is even the beneift of this for them? Like do they still get the industrial aid. Or Is It a 'you give us those you don't like, and you can watch us do stuff' kinda deal. (so there benieft is info and getting rid of those peps(which doesn't seem like a positive they perceive from their negotator but it could actually be))
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what is even the beneift of this for them? Like do they still get the industrial aid. Or Is It a 'you give us those you don't like, and you can watch us do stuff' kinda deal. (so there benieft is info and getting rid of those peps)

More limited aid at lower priority is what I'd expect. It doesn't really cost us anything to offer, so I figured 'why not?' 🤷‍♀️
[X] Plan: Political Sausage Making
-[X] North Korea - Counteroffer: Patience Is a Virtue
--[X] NK can borrow time on Guang SupComs and send over people to be trained on their operation and maintenance in the short term, but building one of their own will have to wait until the next 5 Year Plan due to foreign and domestic economic commitments.
-[X] Industrial Aid - Yes (Mongolia, Iraq, Tanzania)
-[X] Iran - Diplomatic Solutions: Sideline the Fundamentalists
--[X] Unite the leftists, Islamo-liberals, and nationalists (the OIPFG and tudeh) behind CyPac's platform of non-USA and non-USSR anti-imperialism and Islamic socialism and send representatives to inject some intersectionality theory directly into their organizational veins to get them to support the women's protests. The resulting coalition will force the fundamentalists to either grumble and fall in line, or explicitly lay out their desire for a autocratic theocracy that has so far been hidden behind vague appeals to anti-imperialism and revolutionary fervour. If the Khomeinists don't play ball, the next arms shipment isn't going to the Kurds, it's going to the militant women in Tehran. [1]
-[X] Syria - Military Aid - Yes
-[X] SY - Military Aid - Yes
-[X] Benin - Military Solutions: Strange Bedfellows
--[X] See if the Communists and the Democratic Socialist Youth Liberation Associations can agree to a negotiated ceasefire that allows for some sort of political compromise, in exchange for being supported in the fight against everyone else. If not, support the DSYLAs.
-[X] Mozambique - Other Solutions: Yes & Later
--[X] Military aid now. Training people in computer engineering will take time (Native Mingxiang will be completed before the end of this 5YP).
-[X] Somalia - Other Solutions: My Expectations Were Low, But I'm Still Disappointed
--[X] Guangchou will take in any Somali LGBT+ refugees who wish to immigrate and coordinate with other member nations to set up sanctuary cities in the more socially progressive parts of African CyPac nations that could take in the ones who don't want to uproot their lives to such a degree. Somalia will be accepted as a non-voting observer.

After consulting with someone more knowledgeable than me, it seems that Khomeini hid his intentions behind generalities, and picked off opposition groups one by one until his faction was unopposed. We've already severely diluted his power base by making an Islamic (socialist) platform a general feature of the leftist factions involved, and now we've proposed a developmental agenda that bypasses both the USA and USSR. Both of which were key elements of his popularity OTL.
With us squatting in his religious appeal, and sending delegates to explain in small words to the leftists that OTL ignored the women's struggle why they need to get behind it, there's a very real possibility of sidelining the fundamentalists entirely.
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[X] Plan: Political Sausage Making

I'm all in on trying to get the best of both worlds with Somalia. Queer sanctuary now, and pressure them into eventually capitulating.

Any ideas on what to do if NK backs out? Do we have time to push a harder deal? Are they going to be a problem when China explodes? Actually, yeah, @CyberEnby do you think we could do a more backroom deal, accept supercomputer demands but in exchange they will provide military aid to the civil war?
[X] Plan: Political Sausage Making

I'm all in on trying to get the best of both worlds with Somalia. Queer sanctuary now, and pressure them into eventually capitulating.

Any ideas on what to do if NK backs out? Do we have time to push a harder deal? Are they going to be a problem when China explodes? Actually, yeah, @CyberEnby do you think we could do a more backroom deal, accept supercomputer demands but in exchange they will provide military aid to the civil war?

It just doesn't make sense to do. 6 actions within the next two turns prevents us from handling all the other pressing issues, and NK is just not that valuable by comparison. Either they accept getting SupComs later, or they go back to being a basically irrelevant isolationist country. The Chinese civil war is unlikely to spill over into their territory - they have the military power to secure their borders, and it's not like Kim will jump ship and buddy up with the USA.
Despite their... thought-share in US politics, DPRK in OTL is essentially a 3rd world country, honestly.

One that is fairly successful despite its sanctions and the constant threat against it due to having a planned economy, and perhaps with the struggles of the US in this timeline they will grow more powerful here than in OTL, but for the time being we (and CyberSyn, specifically) are far more valuable to them than they are to us.

They're posturing in the negotiations, but if they choose not to play ball it truthfully isn't a major loss to us unless I'm missing something and even then the hopeful growth of CyPac member nations down the line (our CyberSyn and computing/manufacturing resources are genuinely a massive equalizer for these smaller countries in the imperial periphery) may have them crawling back eventually if they don't take our deal.

It's not the way I like to treat another communist nation, but we simply can't afford what they're asking and it puts CyPac in an uncomfortable position in the first place to concede to them so much just to get them to take a seat at the table when the CyPac itself is realistically more a benefit to them then they are to it.
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A touch of realpolitik, a touch of idealism. I certainly don't have a better plan.
[X] Plan: Political Sausage Making
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