So is work on miniturizing kausen or super robot weapons going to be handled by DFRI or some other facility? Stuff like Arc Blade or Kausen blasters
So is work on miniturizing kausen or super robot weapons going to be handled by DFRI or some other facility? Stuff like Arc Blade or Kausen blasters

Think of it this way: you're all still responsible for researching, testing and refining the tech. You still build stuff in house for yourselves. But designs like the Jackals, Steeds, Centurions, Seekers etc will start to proliferate with the wider EUDF and show up on inventory. (Minus the kaiju tech)
Think of it this way: you're all still responsible for researching, testing and refining the tech. You still build stuff in house for yourselves. But designs like the Jackals, Steeds, Centurions, Seekers etc will start to proliferate with the wider EUDF and show up on inventory. (Minus the kaiju tech)
Does that include the Corvette dropship? Or is that still being kept in house with the DFRI?
Day of Destruction! - Escalation
1427, November A.D. 2072
Approach to the Yukimura Institute


The pilot exhaled, letting go of the control interface to wipe some sweat off of her brow. The controls - and she was still grumbling at how Sheol tried to make the whole control scheme some freaky interface directly into the brain or something, ew! - were fairly cheap bioplastics, but she could put up with that. They were about as sturdy as a high quality arcade machine - at least she thought so - but they held up for now. They were probably gonna break at the end of the engagement, but, eh, it only had to last that long.

Then the Titanosaur could be put back to cruise control. The old man had some weirdass grand word for it, but as far as she was concerned, it was cruise control - she let the kaiju cruise, and she held control!

Her hand brushed past once pale skin that was now decidedly scaly in texture, and her eyes went back to viewing what was left of the final checkpoint leading up to the Yukimura Institute.

Not that there was much of it left.

The urban center behind the Titanosaur looked as if a kid had stomped through their building block set, with squat, blocky buildings tilting to their side and with a few on fire (she didn't remember setting anything flammable - must've been that tank she kicked like a rock for…one of them, she just didn't remember). A trail of wrecked military vehicles dotted her path like breadcrumbs on a trail.

Guntrucks torn in half, their guts belching fire and smoke to the open air in addition to ammunition cooking off randomly. Helicopters with their rotary wings bent at pathetic angles, guaranteed to never fly again as their windshields were cracked and caked with the blood of the pilots unable to get out. The tanks whose turrets were ripped apart from the hull entirely before being thrown as impromptu weapons.

All sights that warmed her shriveled little heart. Friggin' Union.

But one sight that made her frown…"Since when do the normies get to have giant robots that ain't Mercury?" she wondered out loud. One of the tanks wasn't a tank at all - it had turned into a giant robot with a big ol' gun on its arm and tried to take her head on. Still stupid, but it lasted a few more seconds than the rest of them did. She was sure its head was somewhere over the horizon - it might get to the Institute before she did.

Still a nasty surprise though. And as she let her consciousness slip into the kaiju's awareness - the one part of the interface Sheol didn't bother pretending to listen about - she could sense the other kaiju she had sent ahead. Not well, mind - she could only 'see' in terms of emotions and vague shapes this far away from them, but what she saw told her enough.

The sight of a flying dagger spewing fire all around, dragonflies circling around and preventing the swarm from devouring its prey-

-the great prowling beasts were clawing past exploding icebergs, chasing after the great beached whale-

-a man of
metal, NOTMERCURY standing in their way as it reared its fist-

She winced as the connection severed, rubbing her forehead. "Ow," she complained. It always hurt when she did that - and she felt the impact of someone punching her in the face.

"Okay. That's it."

Both hands gripped the controls. The Titanosaur growled and huffed, as if trying to buck her control, but it yielded. As always. And its attention was turned forward.

Ozawa grit her teeth, multiple rows of fangs glinting in the natural biolight. "If you want anything done right…"

1436, November A.D. 2072
The Siege of the Yukimura Institute


The impact of a charging kaiju slamming into the Perseus's raised guard sent bone-jarring impacts up Xiu Ying's arms. "Tch!" She bided her time until she could feel the momentum bleed away from the charge – and that took a frightening five seconds and deep furrows plowed into the earth courtesy of their legs. Oscar was already bracing their legs as she leaned forward, and Perseus's crossed arms swung forward, forcing the kaiju back.

Battle is joined!

Oscar was already unveiling the gunports in both forearms as Xiu Ying guided Perseus's right fist, already reared back for a punch. The kaiju was in the midst of trying to recover from the broken momentum of its charge as a concentrated mass of steel and kaiju mesh slammed into the creature's nose. Another impact shuddered up their arms, joined by another as the roar of the fore-mounted cannon echoed, granting an even bigger impact to the punch and providing enough recoil to bring back its fist.

The kaiju had just finally broken through the next to last layers of the ad hoc defensive weaponry, and had finally met the angry road block known as Perseus. That had been about five minutes ago. It was just a little bit ago. It was forever ago. Time began and then began again just as it was ending as Oscar's perspective overlapped with Xiu Ying's, one action bleeding into another as both consciousnesses fed into a single entity, a pulsing, shifting mass of metal and repurposed flesh.

The second sent a mental command through the mother vessel. Perseus felt a slight nod from elder sister, and the earth heeded their commands.

The second kaiju was mid charge when the massive infrastructure panel they were fighting besides raised forty-five degrees in a jittering rush of metal and hydraulics, emerging in a cloud of uplifted roots and dirt. Unable to stop its momentum, the kaiju was already sailing through the air, yet it was already attempting to brace itself to land.

"Gotcha!"/"Gotcha!" Two voices raised in unison and tempo as both arms lifted to the sky, and cannon fire flashed brightly as high explosive rounds impacted the softer belly of the kaiju. A shriek of pain echoed wildly across the battleground as chunks of flesh and acidic blood fell to the earth.

It was Perseus. And its desire to fight had been fulfilled-!

Oscar hissed as the Theater's feedback fed him pain shooting up his left arm, as the first kaiju's teeth snapped onto the Perseus in a vicious chomp. A muffled roar was shaking up his limbs as the creature made its displeasure known, heightened only by the fresh burn marks pockmarking its face from the Perseus's weapons. "God, this thing's ugly!" This close to the Perseus's face, the maw of the burnt kaiju looked like an oversized crocodile sized up to what he imagined as T-Rex proportions-his eyes widened as he felt rapidly rising heat building up where their arm was serving as a chewtoy. "Zhang-!"

"-shield!"/"Up!" Perseus responded to its wills, and clenched its fist as its right foot braced against the impact. Before the great beast's maw could spew out its wicked flame, it abruptly found its jaw widen as its shield unfolded. Perseus felt a strange sensation as it heard the beast's jaw crack from the shield's expansion, and the stream of fire was blunted, the metal already beginning to char and crack from bearing the brunt of the heat.

Disconnect! It hoped its wills could comprehend, especially as the other kaiju was already scrambling to its feet, and charging at speed-

"Disconnect!"/"Right!" Small charges detonated along Perseus's left forearm as the shield began to disintegrate from the heat, and they yanked their arm back just before the creature's distended jaws slammed down, crunching through the shield like a stubborn jawbreaker. Even as they turned, however, they were too late to do anything about the second kaiju's charge.

Xiu Ying felt the wind knocked out of her gut as tons of like-sized angry lizard crashed into them, knocking them onto their backs and creating an impromptu irrigation ditch as the kaiju began to slam its claws into its chest. She forced their arms into a guard position – and she felt Oscar sluggishly catch up to him, just in time to catch the next blow with their forearms. Both of them winced as the kaiju's claws dug deep into the barrels of the left forearm cannons, leaving a jagged edge behind.

"Pegasus! I need a fire support mission!" Oscar yelled as both he and Xiu Ying forced the Perseus's knee upwards, jamming straight into the kaiju's gut. It didn't seem to faze it much, as despite the numbness creeping up their left knees, it only slowed the kaiju down a little. "Yes, damnit, on top of us-!"

A wash of energy screeched directly over them, slamming directly into the kaiju and forcing it off of the Perseus. Streams of the concentrated energy blast seemingly refracted against the protective scales, the kaiju practically rolling away almost like an armadillo to favor presenting its tougher hide, and tiny miniature beams curved all around it, digging small, sharp lines into the earth around them.

"I can't give you many more of those!" Diana's avatar momentarily appeared in the corner of their eyes, and a smaller display of the Pterawings – and a shrinking cordon of Seekers stubbornly holding the flying monstrosities at bay – forcing the Pegasus further and further back from their air space. The dropship itself was now sporting a hundred little gashes along its prow, and the bridge's reinforced viewport had jagged cracks running down the center. "They almost have Mercury online, but they need more time!"

"How almost is almost!?" Xiu Ying snarled. Another signal later, and the next charge by the kaiju was blunted by the timely raise of another infrastructure panel. Perseus was already backpedaling as fast as its bulk would allow, its remaining forearm cannons raised as claws violently scraped their way through the panel. Clearly the creatures could learn, which was unfortunate.

"Depends-" Diana's avatar flickered, and for a moment another silhouette seemed to merge with her. Then she resolidified, "-depends on if I can keep the infiltrators out of the hangar bay."

Oscar mentally nudged Xiu Ying, and with a nod, both of them willed Perseus to thrust its arm upwards, palm extended – just as an extended claw swiped forward, knocking the blow aside and forcing the kaiju to overextend. Perseus, almost ahead of their input, was already grabbing onto the creature's head in time to forcefully bring its snout directly against the knee with a bone-jarring crunch.

"Grab the pilots-!" With a lurch, Perseus leapt backwards, getting some distance between themselves and the somewhat battered kaiju, the hull momentarily glowing blue on their left side as one of the last remaining prototype cannons fired a dissipating stream of Aeon particles. Their left forearm was starting to spark and smoke, the gunbarrels all but useless, and the timer in the corner of their eyes helpfully reminding them that yet more was coming. "Get the pilots to lend a hand-!"

"-they already are-!"

"-with Mercury!" Xiu Ying finished. Both pilots glanced at each other, and nodded in mutual thought.

"They need time?"

"We'll get it to them."

They spoke as one. "ARC BLADE!"

The scabbard loosened from its back, and with a flourish Perseus brought its bright blade to bear. If one could have seen its face, its lips almost looked as if they were curled upwards. The sword forged of impossibilities would aid them through this.

"Let's cut them up, Perseus!"

With a sudden lurch, Perseus surged forward.

Perseus would not bow down so easily.

"Tritonium plates set!"

The corridor light up with rapid bursts of flame, the crew served weapons now healthily augmented by the additional dull roars of autocannons. One of the strange new machine armors the new additions had come in with all had some weapons on them. More had already run out - but they were clearly more than happy to lug around the big guns Keiko had managed to scrounge up.

Even as the infiltrators continued to press forward - and seriously, how many were there!? - they were now finding it incredibly difficult to make any ground. And that gave Sendo time to actually focus on finishing the repairs to Mercury. The familiar and comforting form of the black, white and blue giant was hunched over, but it already looked considerably healthier than the nasty surprise it had run into before.

"Capacitors One through Five, inserting now!"

Keiko grudgingly admitted that though they probably could have held, the Steeds the pilots had ejected with were making it more and more of a sure thing. Some of them were even managing to help install the parts into Mercury at Sendo's direction - she hadn't known he was a former maintenance chief in the MEF until mutually shared profanity between pilot and wrench guru asserted a rough rapport. The corridor couldn't also take everyone, so they were the ones hooked to elevation wires and inserting by hand the capacitors into Mercury where they would have been massively slowed down due to some of the maintenance machinery having been wrecked in the fighting.

So…they were very helpful.

Even if they were Marines.

"Doc!" Sendo yelled out. "Everything's set!"

"Understood, Daichi." Dr. Yukimura's voice came in quietly. "Begin Aeon Particle charge."

At once, the room's color seemed to bleach away, replaced with an overwhelming white and blue that bled into all corners of the hangar. The tall, hulking form of Mercury V seemed to slowly stand straighter, the dull blue plates beginning to glow brighter and brighter-

The lights began to spark, then explode one by one, arcs of electricity surging through the ceiling and raining shards of glass down onto the people below. "Abort, abort!" Dr. Yukimura ordered.

"We can't!" Sendo was already trying to rip out wires from the console, but was abruptly sent flying back as a nasty surge nearly cut up his chest. "Mercury's takin' everything we've got!"

"Ms. Diana-!"

"Roger! Engaging emergency power-!"

Red lights further down the corridor began to flicker to life, yet the hangar itself remained bathed in shadows. The Steeds were already switching on the high beams from their alternate mode, the hallway further illuminated by additional gunfire as they fought off another wave.

"Check right, check right!"

"Box them in! Don't let 'em among us!"

"I'm out! I'm out!"

"Changing!" Keiko was already slamming in a fresh box of munitions into the Steed's smoking chamber, stepping back as the mechanoid racked the charging handle and was already stepping forward to add its fire to the orchestra. I have to get me one of those. Discarding that thought, Keiko tapped her communicator. "Diana, Doctor, please give me some good news."

"...I have bad news, and worse news," Diana told her bluntly.

"Bad first."

"The Pegasus has been pushed back to just the airspace over you. We're fighting the Pterawings as much as we can, but-" Diana paused as she seemed to look over something. "-I'm down more of the Seekers and there's rooftop fighting at this point. I think there's less, but this is not sustainable and I'm having problems getting firing solutions against the ground kaiju." Diana's voice sounded a little tinny, as if she were speaking through two radios. "Until main power's restored, I also can't get you any tactical info."

"And the worse news?"

Doctor Yukimura responded. "The third kaiju is on approach."

Keiko's blood ran cold, even as the light flowing into Mercury brightened. "Sendo! Hurry it up!"

"I'm tryin'! Just make sure the punk's ready to go!"

"I wil-" Keiko paused. "...Hiroki's still at the launch pad, right?"

The resulting silence was more deafening than the gunfire right next to her ears.

"Hoooo yeah!" The Falcon Mobile was already corkscrewing its way through the flying kaiju-lites, and Hiroki's hand on the stick was already twisting ahead to bank right before the next flying mob could get on him. The nimble fighter was mostly known as the cockpit for Mercury-

-but it was still a fighter jet!

The Falcon Mobile's nose brightened as a stream of Aeon particles speared its way through one of the flyers about to chomp down on one of the weird jets. Another simply disappeared as he slammed through it, his cupola momentarily darkened by the various guts he'd just smashed through. And-

"Hiroki." Diana's avatar appeared, her arms crossed and looking rather…cross. "Why are you out there?"

"Hangar went dark, doors went open, and I was a sitting duck," he replied glibly. Pushing the stick forward, he forced the Mobile into a dive - and blinked as he saw another giant robot ramming its sword straight through the arm of one of the kaiju. "You all have another one!?" he exclaimed, a gleeful grin crossing his face. "Awesome!"


"One sec!" Rockets let fly from the wingtips as they scattered around the second kaiju, explosive wisps of super-charged frozen air momentarily freezing the ground solid and slowing the kaiju's motions. Just enough time for the giant robot to yank its sword away and pull back from over extending. "What is that?"

"The Perseus. Now, can you please not get shot down while another kaiju is approaching!?"

"You sound like Keiko, you know."

"She's also mad, by the way."

His face fell. "Aw, crap."

The two kaiju - currently designated as Crocalisks by Diana - are fully engaged in combat with the Perseus. Oscar and Xiu Ying have been able to fend them off surprisingly well, and both sides have already landed wounds against the other relatively evenly despite the numerical advantage. Xiu Ying has been able to utilize the infrastructure hidden beneath the earth to their advantage, but the kaiju are rapidly learning.

The situation in the air has become more grave. Though the Pterawing swarm seems to have lessened, the 25th Marine Air Wing are down to half strength - twelve Seekers - and are only able to maintain the Pegasus's own air space. The Pegasus in turn is no longer in a position to engage in fire support missions against the ground targets without risking hitting the Perseus.

Additionally, the third kaiju is on approach - and it massively towers over the Perseus, and by extension the two kaiju sent forward. Reports of destroyed EUDF and JSDF elements along its avenue of approach confirm its lethality, and there can only be one target on its mind.

Mercury V is almost online, despite the difficulties being faced inside. The Steeds operated by the downed pilots have been put to good use, in a mixture of assisting with holding the gun line and being drafted into helping with finalizing repairs.

One complication: Hiroki has taken off in the Falcon Mobile, and has joined the fight.

The Psychic Theater is proving its worth beyond a shadow of a doubt, though certain idiosyncrasies are already being observed. Yet despite having taken damage to its weapons and its hull, the Perseus - piloted by Oscar and Xiu Ying - are more than holding their own against the two Crocalisks.

There is no telling how long that will last against the third incoming kaiju. But even if withdrawal was possible, it would only allow ground to be given to the kaiju.

The Pegasus is keeping the majority of the Pterawings out of the Institute, but only around its immediate airspace. The Perseus is also too heavily engaged in melee combat to allow safe fire missions on its behalf, even if it is likely that they will request it anyway. It has also suffered damage to the hull - the bridge is holding for now, and morale is holding steady among the human crew, but there is no telling how long this may last.

Fire missions against the third kaiju, however, are another matter even if it may draw attention.

The Seekers have been reduced to twelve from an original twenty-four. Morale remains inexplicably high among the remaining pilots, and all survivors are engaged in defending from the ground or inside the Institute.
  • [] Perseus
    • [] Focus on the two remaining kaiju. They have their number, though there's no telling what effect the third kaiju will have on them.
    • [] Break off, draw the third kaiju's attention. We need to slow it down as much as possible at this critical juncture.
    • [] Write-in
  • [] Pegasus
    • [] Focus exclusively on the Pterawing swarm. This close to Mercury's activation, we cannot allow any interference.
    • [] Focus on fire support for the Perseus, even if there are risks involved with friendly fire.
    • [] Focus fire on the incoming kaiju, even if that may draw attention to the Pegasus.
    • [] Write-in
  • [] 25th Air Wing
    • [] Focus exclusively on the Pterawing swarm. This close to Mercury's activation, we cannot allow any interference.
    • [] Form up around the Falcon Mobile and protect the Mercury's pilot. We do not need to stress how disastrous losing him would be despite his enthusiasm.
    • [] Write-in

Sorry for how late this is, but it's still Sunday in my neck of the woods so I'm counting as sorta on time!

Also, if anyone has any feedback for this format is going so far, I'd welcome it!

Also, this is what the Falcon Mobile looks like:

I was able to commission another art piece. It will be unveiled next update. Stay tuned!
Well, Gentlemen. Holy shit is this a fucking brawl. Two on one, the airspace battle is raging, and we still have one to go. Frankly, i don't have alot to say other than get the damn pilot in hos super robot so the percy can have some back up
Guessing the other art piece you commissioned is Mercury? Anyway...

[X] Kill Adds First
-[X] Perseus
--[X] Focus on the two remaining kaiju. They have their number, though there's no telling what effect the third kaiju will have on them.
-[X] Pegasus
--[X] Focus exclusively on the Pterawing swarm. This close to Mercury's activation, we cannot allow any interference.
-[X] 25th Air Wing
--[X] Form up around the Falcon Mobile and protect the Mercury's pilot. We do not need to stress how disastrous losing him would be despite his enthusiasm.

We need to deal with the other kaiju before we start on the big boss; odds are, that one is currently focused on the Perseus as the big threat to her attempt to destroy the Institute before Mercury can launch. She may or may not realize it's almost too late for her plan.

The Pegasus I'm a bit more flexible, but I feel it's best to focus on thinning the crowd so the workers can work for now.

And as we all know, a super robot's not much good without a pilot, so have our flyboys act as Hiroki's wingmen so he lives long enough to activate Mercury when it's ready.
Well brave of Hiroki to go out and fight but he needs to get back now he's more useful in the robot then the fighter jet.

Besides that I think we'll need to have the 25th air wing and Pegasus focus on the enemy airborn as long as there in play they won't be able to provide support to everyone else.
I don't know why, but I inexplicably feel the need to play one of these two themes for the Perseus:



[X] Operation Split Push
-[X] Perseus
--[X] Focus on the two remaining kaiju. They have their number, though there's no telling what effect the third kaiju will have on them.
-[X] Pegasus
--[X] Focus fire on the incoming kaiju, even if that may draw attention to the Pegasus.
[X] 25th Air Wing
--[X] Form up around the Falcon Mobile and protect the Mercury's pilot. We do not need to stress how disastrous losing him would be despite his enthusiasm.

I realize this plan doesn't directly deal with the Pterawing swarm, but once they realize the Falcon Mobile is out, they'll probably focus all their attention on that to go for the throat, metaphorically speaking.
Further thought on reviewing the Assets spoiler: I don't think the Air Wing's high morale is very hard to understand. They're doing drastically better against the kaiju than all their predecessors due to actually having the required tech to make a dent, and there's a chance that they may actually survive- hell, even win- this battle. How could that not lead to high morale?

Besides that I think we'll need to have the 25th air wing and Pegasus focus on the enemy airborn as long as there in play they won't be able to provide support to everyone else.
That's basically my plan- have the Air Wing protect Hiroki until he goes back, then (I assume) they'll go back to dogfighting the enemy fliers.

I don't know why, but I inexplicably feel the need to play one of these two themes for the Perseus:
I feel this might be more appropriate:

That's basically my plan- have the Air Wing protect Hiroki until he goes back, then (I assume) they'll go back to dogfighting the enemy fliers.
Yeah in general agreement with you plan, though IC I kind of want to stress to Hiroki how stupid of a decisions it was for him to go out in a far more vulnerable Jet of all things.

[X] Kill Adds First
Gamer Kaiju pilots!?

The humanity, I know!

I don't know why, but I inexplicably feel the need to play one of these two themes for the Perseus:



I always get a little picky when it comes to picking soundtracks. Now, the next scene I have a very firm idea of what I have in mind for it, but it's not always easy picking one.

Further thought on reviewing the Assets spoiler: I don't think the Air Wing's high morale is very hard to understand. They're doing drastically better against the kaiju than all their predecessors due to actually having the required tech to make a dent, and there's a chance that they may actually survive- hell, even win- this battle. How could that not lead to high morale?

Potential expression from the pilots.