The Eleventh Primarch (30K Quest)

Character Sheet

Drake Artorius

Governance (Level 4) = Legendary
Diplomacy (Level 5) = Peerless
Intrigue (Level 1) = Good
Personal Combat (Level 4) = Legendary
Ground Combat (Level 2) = Elite
Naval Combat (Level 5) = Peerless
Biomancy (Level 4) = Legendary
Telepathy (Level 2) = Elite
Divination (Level 2) = Elite
Pyromancy (Level 2) = Elite
Telekinesis (Level 2) = Elite
Anathematic (Level 4) = Legendary
Engineering (Level 4) = Legendary

Son of Excalibur = Drake Artorius is a true believer in the Federation of Bladus and the ideals that it stands for.
Superhuman Charisma = Drake Artorius has inherited great charisma and persuasive ability from his progenitor.
Little Anathema = Drake Artorius has an echo of his progenitor's antithetical nature to the Ruinous Powers. Immunity to Chaos, Minor Bonus to resisting Chaos for those around you.
-Hated By Khorne = The Lord of Blood holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and he and his servants will actively seek to claim his skull for the skull throne.
-Hated by Slaanesh = The Prince of Pleasure holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and they and their servants will actively seek to slay him wherever they can.
Necron Knowledge = Drake Artorius made extensive study of the Necrons, the modern day legacy of the ancient Necrontyr. Major Bonus to fighting Necron forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Necron factions.
Asuryani Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the Craftworld Aeldari, the Asuryani. Major Bonus to fighting Asuryani forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Asuryani factions.
Drukhari Knowledge = Drake Artorius made some study of the Drukhari, the vile pirates and raiders of Commorragh. Minor Bonus to fighting Drukhari forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Drukhari factions.
Aeldari Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the minor Aeldari groups such as the Exodites, the Corsairs and the Harlequins. Major Bonus to fighting Aeldari forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Aeldari factions
Mechanicus Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made extensive study of the Mechanicus and its successor factions. Major Bonus to fighting Mechanicus forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Mechanicus factions.


Personal Combat
Naval Combat


Not Interested

Ground Combat

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[X] He prioritises securing the shipyards before moving on the planet.

Less for building ships so much as repairing them, and having something of a coherent "beachhead" for our work.
[X] He prioritises securing the shipyards before moving on the planet.

You don't have to, but if you want to poke the Necrons, it is a good idea.
Just making sure, as long as we dont poke them ourselves, Our diplomates will do so by themselves. Or at the very least If we do poke them it wont be another write in. (honestly If the first Is true, I'm happy to just leave it to them)
The Council is already planning on another shipyard once this battle is done at some point. The shipyards would be nice to have but are irrelevant otherwise. Time for

Quite the opposite, the Federation decided to terraform and colonize the rest of the system under the impression that either we take the yards from the assholes, or we blow them up and thus don't need them as much anymore.

Will curze's focus on healing impact his speciality? Will we get genesmith Primarch rather than grimdark punisher?

Does mental stability of Curze impacted his geneseed someway?

Well generally speaking yes, the overall nature of a primarch tends to influence the legion. So in this case his legion might start producing a higher proportion of apothecaries, and they will likely be a bit better at apothecarying, especially if he does well in his studies.
[X] The shock and awe approach.

dont get me wrong the shipyards are nice but i dont want to give them the opportunity to start sacrificing substantial fractions of the planetary population to ritual us to death, a planet is more valuable that the shipyards.
Maybe, however one could also argue that securing the yards means we can blow them up if things get dicey and prevent the chronies from retaliating should they have enough surprises to fend us off.
[X] He prioritises securing the shipyards before moving on the planet.

Try and get the yards first, if it is not possible, shock and awe.
[X] He prioritises securing the shipyards before moving on the planet.

Wow...the invasion actually went well. And Eldrad wasn't fully cryptic. This was a relief.

Well, hopefully that thing about the necrons wasn't some cryptic hint that foreshadows the eldar deliberately stirring shit so Bladus has to fight the necrons they found.
[X] He prioritises securing the shipyards before moving on the planet.
I'd really like to take another course on diplomacy as well as necron studies before we take up any official diplomatic duties with the 'crons.
[X] He prioritises securing the shipyards before moving on the planet.

I'm going to be honest I know there's almost no way that all of these shipyards are not in some way tainted or trapped and that we'll be Giveing the Dominion invaluable time to organize itself as well as possibly perform some kind of ritual

but boring some truly horrifying rolls
I genuinely think Drake would be able to win and even if we suffer heavy casualties and even if we only got half the shipyards I still think it would be worth it overall as we would be able to replenish our losses and grow our forces very quickly from then on

as for any possible chaos ritual we have the eldar and Eldrad on our side who could probably notice any ongoing ritual and help us minimalize or stop it

P S I don't know why but I can't shake the feeling that Eldrad wants us to choose this option

"What is in for you?"

My friend I think you forgot to add the (IT) in
( what is IT it for you? )

I'd really like to take another course on diplomacy as well as necron studies before we take up any official diplomatic duties with the 'crons.

Isn't our diplomacy our second highest stat at rank 3 heroic level we're almost certainly a better diplomat than the overlord and if we can get that trait
unless boring a particularly bad roll on our part and good on his we'll probably be all right
Besides I don't think it would be wise to keep him waiting any more than necessary
Less for building ships so much as repairing them, and having something of a coherent "beachhead" for our work.
Plus space yards are notoriously hard (I.E. impossible, but hay that is par for 40k) to capture in an operational state. But if anyone can it would probably be Drake... with Eldar support.
Meeting emperor with more glorianas than he has would be hilarious.
Yes yes it would... We need to expand our fleet, I want this would be to be a will be. :grin:
[X] He prioritises securing the shipyards before moving on the planet

Even if it ends up having daemon engines we would be able to using psykers and eldar to banish the daemons back to the warp
Isn't our diplomacy our second highest stat at rank 3 heroic level we're almost certainly a better diplomat than the overlord and if we can get that trait
unless boring a particularly bad roll on our part and good on his we'll probably be all right
Besides I don't think it would be wise to keep him waiting any more than necessary
It's not about beating the overlord at diplomacy, its about putting on the best impression for an important foreign head of state. A head of state we personally pissed off. Also he's not waiting on us, Bladus has diplomats aside from us. Unlike the necron studies I wouldn't say we need level 4 diplo I just really want to put our best foot forward when we meet the overlord again and he realises that it's that guy again.